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Salmonellosis: Reptile Owners at Risk from Turtles, Lizards and Snakes. Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff
1 If you ask the average laid person if there are any risks in owning a pet turtle or
other reptile, the one that is most commonly mentioned is Salmonella bacteria.
Most, if not all, reptiles carry Salmonella in their intestinal tract and intermittently
or continuously shed these bacteria in their feces. Studies have shown that 85%
5 of all turtles, 77% of lizards, and 92% of snakes carry one of the 500 serotypes of
Salmonella. Salmonella usually do not cause any illness in reptiles, but can cause
serious illness in people.
Salmonella bacteria are easily spread from reptiles to humans. For such action, the bacteria must be
ingested. This most often occurs when humans place their hands on the reptile or objects that have been
10 in contact with the stool of reptiles; then they place their hands in their mouths, or on objects or food
they put in their mouths, and can become infected. For example, infants have become infected after
drinking from bottles of infant formula that became contaminated during preparation. Simply touching
or holding a reptile will not result in spread of bacteria unless something contaminated with reptile feces
is placed in the mouth.

15 Most healthy humans who come in contact with Salmonella do not contract the disease because they
have a healthy immune system. Those who become infected with Salmonella usually have a mild, self-
limiting illness characterized by diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. However, the infection can
spread to the bloodstream, bone marrow or nervous system, leading to severe and sometimes fatal,
illness. Such severe infections are more likely to occur in infants and in individuals whose immune
20 systems are compromised.
Unfortunately, Salmonella bacteria cannot be eliminated from the intestinal tract of reptiles.
Administration of antibiotic to eliminate these bacteria has been unsuccessful and may result in
emergence of Salmonella bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Attempt to raise or identify reptiles
that do not carry Salmonella bacteria have also been unsuccessful.
25 Fortunately, by following some good common hygiene practices and avoiding contact with the feces of
these animals as much as possible, we can easily prevent the spread of Salmonella. These basic
preventive recommendations include:
- Wearing disposable gloves for handling reptiles, reptile cages and equipment, and the stool of reptiles.
 - Do not allow reptiles to have access to the kitchen, or any other area in which food is prepared.
 - Purchase a plastic basin or tub in which to bathe or swim their reptiles.
 - Waste water and fecal material should be disposed of in the toilet, not in the bathtub or household sink.
 - Wash all food and water bowls and equipment with hot soapy water and disinfect with a chlorhexidine.
 - Always wash your hands after coming into contact with any area where reptiles have roamed free.
 - Launder any clothing that may have come in contact with reptiles.
35 These recommendations are not meant to discourage reptile ownership. If these basic precautions and
good common sense are observed, the risk of contracting Salmonella from a reptile is very low. Enjoy
the reptile and remember that good hygienic practices are one of the best things you can do to protect
yourself and your reptile from a whole host of infectious diseases.
I. Circle the correct letter to qualify the following information as true (T), false (F)
or not able to be determined (ND). 0.25 pts each / 1.5 pts

1. It is easier to find Salmonella in lizards than in turtles or snakes. T F ND

2. Salmonella can get people and other various animals seriously ill. T F ND
3. Salmonella must be ingested to get people infected. T F ND
4. Children have become infected for using bottles touched by reptiles. T F ND
5. All those Salmonella strains can infect people and other pets. T F ND

III. Write the letter on the line to give the correct reference to each phrase. 0.25 pts each / 1.0 pts

1. On line 2, “the one” refers to:_______ 3. On line 10, “they” refers to:_______
a) One of the most commented bacteria. a) Reptiles’ feces.
b) One of the risks about owning a pet reptile. b) Reptiles’ hands and mouth.
c) Turtles kept as pet reptiles. c) People.
d) One of the most commented reptiles. d) Reptiles.
2. On line 3, “their” refers to:__________ 4. On line 16, “Those” refers to:_______
a) People´s intestinal tract. a) Humans.
b) The studies about it. b) Reptiles.
c) Bacteria feces. c) People’s immune system.
d) Reptiles. d) Reptiles’ immune system.

IV. Circle the letter which answers correctly the following questions. 2.0 pts each / 10 pts

1. How can someone ingest Salmonella bacteria?

a) By touching the skin of a snake, a turtle or a lizard, or something which they were in touch with.
b) By touching something in contact with the reptile’s feces and then taking the hand to his/her mouth.
c) By drinking an infant formula prepared in a bottle which had been contaminated.
d) By allowing reptiles to roam any areas in which food is prepared.
2. How can Salmonella become lethal?
a) When the infections occur in individuals or children whose immune systems are compromised.
b) When the infections causes abdominal cramps, fever and diarrhea.
c) When the bacteria gets to the bone marrow or nervous system through the bloodstream.
d) When the administration of antibiotics has been unsuccessful .
3. What may happen if someone insists on eliminating Salmonella by administering antibiotics?
a) To raise of to identify reptiles that do not carry Salmonella bacteria may result unsuccessful.
b) Salmonella my not be eliminated from the reptiles’ intestinal tract.
c) There will be reptiles that may be resistant to Salmonella infections.
d) Antibiotics resistant Salmonella bacteria may emerge.
4. Which is the main goal of all these recommendations?
a) To reduce the infection risk in children and people whose immune systems are compromised.
b) To discourage people to get and have a reptile as a pet.
c) To enjoy your pet as you protect yourself and your pet from any infectious diseases.
d) To reduce the risk of getting infected by Salmonella from your pet reptiles.
5. What kind of public is this article aimed to?
a) To Vets who are interested in reptiles.
b) To people who owns reptiles as pets.
c) To people who owns or runs pet shops where pet reptiles are offered.
d) To people in charge of taking care of pet reptiles.

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