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International Olympiad Foundation

Steps to Appear for Online Olympiad 2020

1. Go to Candidate Login page

2. Enter Username and Password received in email.

3. Click on Login

4. After login, there will be a display of examination detail

5. Click on Start Test link to appear for examination

6. Please read all the instructions before starting.

7. Now click on Start Test

8. On the right-hand top corner, you can see examination timer. It would show you
the current time remaining for the examination. You would need to keep an eye
on it as the examination would get finished automatically if your time is elapsed.

9. On the top of your screen, you can see a summary of examination.

On the right-hand corner, you can see Question Pad with individual question
buttons. Each button is color-coded as per the status of the question.

Total Number of Attempted

Shown in Green Colour

Total Not Attempted Questions

Shown in Orange Colour

Total Attempted and Marked for

Review Shown in Grey Colour

Current Question
Shown in Blue Colour
As you can see question text and image would be visible on the screen along
with suitable multiple-choice answers.

You need to select one of the correct answers out of available choices. You can
also change the answer option at any time if needed.

There are 2 buttons below answer options

Mark For Review: you can click it if you wish to mark your question for review

Next Question: You can click on it if you wish to move to the next question. Your
current question selection would be saved when you click on Next Question

10. You can navigate to any question and attempt it. When you reach last
question there is button Submit Test. If you click on Submit Test then warning
message would be shown related to exam completion.

Only after completing your examination, click on the Submit Test button.

If you have not attempted all questions then it is advisable not to click on Submit
Test button.

If you click on the Submit Test button then there would be no permission to
attempt any questions. Your exam would be considered as finished.

If you click No then you are allowed to recheck the exam. You can review and
ensure than you have attempted all the questions.

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