Step by Step Hydraulic Calculation

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A SUPPLEMENT 2 Step-by-Step Hydraulic Calculations for a Fire Sprinkler System Editor's Note: This supplement is intended to assist anyone who designs or reviews {fire sprinkler systems as they apply the rules from NEPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systemes, in manuaily performing the hydraulic calculations of {fire sprinkler systems. The text is extracted fiom “Basic Hydraulic Calculations for the Fire Sprinkler Industry,” which is an unpublished manuscript by Cecil Bilbo. For many usets of NFPA 13, it will be yout responsibility to ensure that the system being installed is capable of delivering a certain amount of water during a fire event. When you have gathered all of the information about a project, your can proceed with the eight steps requted to assess the system's ability to deliver the appropriate amount of water. While that sounds simple, itis not easy! Let's learn, together, how to make sure we “put the wet stuffon the red stuf.” OVERVIEW First, we will determine how much water and energy it wil take to contol fire. Then, we will make suse that the systems we are designing or reviewing will deliver when they are called on. An outline of the ight steps for hydraulically calculating a fixe sprinkler system is as follows: 1, Select an appropriate “density/area” or “flow/pressue” strategy for the system to be analyzed. 2. Determine the coverage area for each sprinkler (calculation spacing versus sprinkler spacing). 3. Determine the arrangement of the system piping, valves, and fittings, including changes in elevation. 4, Determine the minimum amount of water needed from each individual sprinkler. 5, Determine which sprinklers will open in a fire (remote area) and which ones will be the most demanding of the water supply. 6. Determine which single sprinkler will be the most demanding, and then determine the primary water path and any “attachment” paths. 7. Calculate how much energy and flow will be needed for the entire remote area because of that first sprinkler. 8, Compare the waterflow and pressure you think is needed to the waterflow and pressure that is available at the water supply. Ifthe demand is less than that what is available, the calculation can be considered successful. The truth is, we do not do many manual calculations anymore. Current technology makes it practical for nearly 100 percent of all hydraultc calculations to be performed with a computer program. However, a true understanding of how to perform these calculations manually opens up a world of efficiency, accuracy, and compliance for the user of NFPA 13 that takes years to accomplish by simply reacling hydraulic software reports. This supplement uses the sample project described below to demonstrate how to manually perform hydraulic calculations in accordance with NFPA 13. SAMPLE PROJECT A small building owned by a company that processes and distributes fruit juice beverages will be protected with a wet pipe sprinkler system. The 3,792 ft? building will be used to fill small cans of fruit, jutices, The system will be designed to protect an ordinary hazard (Group 1) occupancy in accordance ‘with the 2013 edition of NFPA 13, The sprinkler system will use quick response sprinklers having ain. NPT connection and a 5.6 K-factox. The piping will be black-steel, Schedule 40. The branch lines will use castiron, threaded fitings, and the cross main will use castiron, grooved fitings. The riser will use castiron flanged fittings except atthe top of the riser where it meets the cross main, The system riser will have a flanged OS&Y gate valve as its control valve. The system riser will also have a flanged swing check valve with gauges and a main drain. ‘The insurance company has determined that the available water supply for this building will have a static pressure of 72 psi, and a residual pressure of $8 psi with 1200 gpm flowing. This supply has been adjusted to represent the water available at the base of the system riser. The insurance company has indicated that any required allowance for fire department hoses should be added at the base of the riser. Exhibit $2.1 (@ illustrates most of the information needed for the project sprinkler system. Notice that in order to save space within this text, only the fist three branch lines and the riser location within the building are included for this project. A graph of the water supply information provided by the ‘insurance company is shown in Fxhibit $2.2 (@. ah 7a rt ¥ 14-0" 14-0" 5-0" Ordinary hazard Group | QR sprinklers: K = 5.6 1" 1" 14-0" 14-0" 1 ” 0" 14-0" = 2 $ & Steel frame building with a flat rs roof without ceiling pockets | at 20’ above finished floor. oto 52'-0" wall to wall EXHIBIT $2.3 2 System Information and Layout exti617 $2.1 2 System Information and Layout. 80 Staiic: 72 psi0 apm: 7 Residual: 58 psi 1200 gpm: 50 ‘Water supply available: at the base of the «0. system riser 10 A 0°80 75 100° 425° 150175 200 a5 50a 300 5 B 0100 150 200 250 300 350 400 «450-500 550 600 650 (© 012001300" 400° 500" 800/700" B00" 600" 10001100" (1200) +1300) 0 309.450 600 750 900 1050 1200 «1350100 «1850 1800 1950 STEP ONE: Select the appropriate “density/area” or “flow/pressure” strategy for our system. While most discussions about hydraulic calculations focus on the occupancy hazard approach, there are several different approaches found in Chapter 11, “Design Approaches,” of NFPA 13. These do not include storage applications and other more intense defensive strategies. Chapter 11 covers common design approaches for our sample project. The various strategies listed in Chapter 114 include the following sections: 11.2(@ Occupancy Hazatd Fite Control Approach 11.2.2(@ Pipe Schedule Method 11.2.3@ Hydraulic Calculation Methods 11.9.1 @ _ Residential Sprinklers 11.3.2 Exposure Protection 11.33@ Water Curtains 12.3.4@ Sprinklers in “Attics” For our projact, we have bean told to protect this building using an ordinary hazard (Group 1) ‘occupancy: This would normally lead us to the density/area curves found in (@) of NFPA 13. ‘We would usually choose 2 “density” of 0.15 gpm/Et” to be delivered over 2 1,500 ft’ area of sprinkler operation. The density is how many gallons will need to be delivered in each square foot in every mimute ofthe expected fire event. See Step Four for more about using the density correctly. The “area of sprinkler operation” is also referred to as the “remote area.” See Step Five for more about determining the remote ‘We have determined that the appropriate density/area strategy for Step One is from the Ordinary 1 line in Figure (@). From this point on, we will refer lo the atea/density in its abbreviated form: 0.15/1500. STEP TWO: Determine the coverage area of each sprinkler. ur strategies for calculating a system require us to know something about the area that each spuinkleris ‘expected to protect. This called the individual eprincr's “aroa of protection.” A sprinklers area of ‘protection is often referred to as the coverage area ofthe sprinkler (A). Chaptor 8 of NFPA 13 tells us how large the coverage atea can be for any sprinkle. The chapter is broken into sections that deal vith each type of sprinkler that is commonly available on the market. The best place to start when trying to _nderstand the coverage areas is often the firs set of rales for an individual typeof sprinkler. Section 8.6 (@ defines the rules for standard spray uptight and pendent sprinklers we lookat 2) it ‘provides tables to tell us the maxiinum square feet tha a sprinkler i allowed to cover. ‘When trying to determine how much area a sprinkler covers, we usually start with 8.5.2 (2 of NFPA 13. This section {s titled, “Protection Areas per Sprinkler,” and among other things, it explains something callad the “SZ Rule." This rule states that the d,s aqual to the space between sprinklers along the branch line (5) multiplied by the space between the branch lines (L). ‘No matter which direction we are discussing, the distance for S and for [ are determined the same ‘way. We choose the spacing from one ofthe fllowing: 1, Distance between sprinklers, or 2, Distance to the wall times two. ‘Always choose the numbar from these options that results in the largest distance. Ifwe tried to determine the spacing for the sprinkler in the upper-right comer of our project (soo Exhibit $2.3 (2), we woul take the following steps: 1, Determine the S dimension (spacing elong the branch line) 2. Determine the I dimension (spacing between the branch lines) 3. Determine the area of coverage (4) by using Sx. Nest, determine the A, for this eprinkler using the stops we discussod: 1, Determine the S dimension (spacing along the branch line). ‘a, Twice the distance to the wall fs 25 ft 10 ft 1b. The distance to the nast sprinkler is 14 ft. . Choose the larger numbor of 14 ft for the S dimension. 2. Determine the £ dimension (spacing between the branch lines). aa, Twice the distance to the wallis 24 ft=8 ft. 1b, Asshown at the 3 in. cross main, the distance to the next branch line (or the next sprinkler) is 9 ft . Chooce the larger numbor of 9 ffor the J dimension. 3. Determine the A. by calculating $=: |= SXL A= 14 x9 A,= 126 ‘The sprinklor we chose in Exhibit S2.3 (@ has an area of coverage that is 126 f. Ifyou appliod the S xT miles to each sprinkler shown on the first three branch Hines oF ou project, each one vill have an A_ that is also 126 ft” (This assumes that itis 9 ft between the third and fourth branch lines.) Determine Ay for this sprinkler v eo 52’-0" wall to wall 49-0" 47-0” 3-0" | x STEP THREE: Determine the arrangement of the system piping, valves, and fittings, including changes in elevation. As stated previously, the piping connecting the sprinklers will be blacksteel, Schedule 40. The branch, lines will use castiton, threaded fitings, and the cross main will use cast-iron, grooved fittings. The riser will use castiron flanged fittings except at the top ofthe riser where it meets the cross main, The system tiser will have a flanged OS&Y gate valve as its control valve. The system riser will also have a flanged swing check valve with gauges and a main drain. We will also need to know thatthe branch Hines are installed 1 ft belove the roof dec. Exhibit, 52.1 @ indicates that the roof decks 20 ft above the finished floor (or 20 ft aff). Therefore, the branch lines will be installed at 19 ft above the floor (or 19 # aff). Exhibit S2.1 (@ also indicates that the cross rain is located 3 ft below the branch lines (as indicated by the length ofthe iser nipples). Therefore, the cross main will be installed at 16 ftabove the floor (or 16 ft aff). Fittings such as tees and elbows will need to be accounted for in our calculations. Any valves that ‘occur in the path of waterflow will also need to be included. Therefore, we must identify where there are changes in the direction of waterfiow (sually throug fitings) and where the water wil travel through valves and other special devices. ‘We have all of the information we will need regarding the arrangement of system piping, valves and fittings, and elevation changes as shown in Exhibit $2.4 @). anor vO w @ »~ @ V9 14-0" 14-0" 520% up 1%” -o” 3-0" WD ® ~ © =O" 14-0" 14-0" 3 g up 114” 9 2 loo” 3-0" ® 3 wo awe Bo» AT =O" 14-0" 14-0" ee up 172" 47-0” 3-0" 52-0" wall to wall ‘STEP FOUR: Determine the minimum amount of water needed from each individual sprinkler. We determined that the sprinlder we chose fn Exhibit $2.3 (2) hhas an area of coverage that is 126 ft (A, = 126 ft), Weuse this area to determine how much water must come fom the sprinkler during a fre event. Some readers might not understand thatthe area of coverage (for determining waterflow) is different than the actual area that might be on the floor under the sprinkler. For our project (see Exhibit $2.5 (@), the sprinkler only has 102 ft’ of floor space beneath. it(@ ft, 6 in. 3 12, Oin, = 102 fe), Butwe must use the SL Rule to determine how much water Is requlzed froma sprinkler. For our project, that means we must use 126 ft” as the area of coverage for the calculations. Now that we have determined the sprinkler’s A, imagine that in each square foot we place a pan to catch the water ‘coming from the sprinkler. While itis not accurate, the iagram shown in Exhibit $2.6 gives you an idea of what ‘we are describing. When we caleulate the water om a sprinkler, we must ensure that an appropriate amount of water fallsin each square fot (or pan). ‘The amount of water that falls into each square foot in one ‘minute is called the density. Therefore, we could say that density is gallons per minute per square foot (gpm/f’). Ifwe know the coverage area of a sprinkler and the density that is required, we can determine the total amount of water that ‘must come froma sprinkler In other words, the total amount ‘of water that must flow from a sprinkler (Q), is determined by multiplying the A, by the density (D). This could be expressed as: Q=A xD In Step One, we determined that this project would have a required density of 0.15 gallons per_ minute per square foot (0.15 gpm"), Using the sprinkler from our projec (see Exhibit $2.6 @), we could say that the flow from the sprinkler (Q.) is the area of coverage (4, = 126 ft) times the density (D = 0.15 gpm/ft}) or 0,=A.xD ,= 1267 «0.15 gpm/f? Q.=18.9.apm, ‘The flow from any sprinkler on our project will need to be at least 18.9 gpm to meet the minimum requirements of NEPA 13. STEP FIVE: Determine which sprinklers will open in a fire (remote area) and which will be the most demanding of the water supply. In Step One, we selected an “area of sprinkler operation” of 1,500 ft”, We chose a value from the density/area curves found in Figure (@ of NFPA 13. We chose the ordinary hazard (Group 1) ccutve and selected the smallest area of sprinkler operation availabe for that curve. The “area of sprinkler operation” is also referred to as the “remote area.” The remote area could be considered to indicate the area ofa fire we would be expected to control using the occupancy hazard method. When using the density/atea method from 11.2.3 @) of NFPA 13, we ate told to adfust the sizeof the vemote area (without changing the density) for different situations that might exist in the building we are protecting. Sometimes we ate xequired to increase the size of the remote area, and other times we might be permitted toreduce the size of remote ares. In NFPA 13, (@ requires us to increase the size ofthe remote area by 30 percent to accommodate the delay in water delivery from a dry pipe or a double interlock preaction system. The delay in water delivery will allow the fire to grow and will result in more sprinklers opening. If the system. you are calculating is of the dry or double interlock type, you would be required to increase a 1,500 ft remote atea by 30 percent. This would mean that you would have an area of sprinkler operation that is 1,950 ft (1,500 ft «1.3 = 1,950). In NFPA 13, 11, (@ permits you to reduce the size of the remote area if you use quick response sprinklers, provided that your project meets other certain conditions. This would be allowed ‘when the sprinklers are close enough to the fire scenario to activate faster than standard-response sprinklers and gain control of the fire when it is smaller in size. And among other conditions, the fire ‘would need to be ina less challenging occupancy. Using this allowance, we might actually consider a fire that is up to 40 percent smaller than the size of the remote area. Once we have finally applied all of the increases and reductions, (@) of NFPA 13 would require us to ensure that the remote area is at least 3,000 ft" in size. This would be needed when certain combustible concealed spaces are left unprotected in accordance with other rules in NFPA 13. In these certain situations, the standard requires that we double the usual 1500 ft” remote area to at least 3000 #¢° in size. Again, this is required after all other reductions and increases have been applied. For our project, the only atea reduction or increase in the standard that would apply is the reduction allowed for using quick-response sprinklers. According to (@), the four criteria that must be ‘met in order to reduce the size of the remote area are as follows: 1. Itmust be a wet pipe system. 2. The occupancy must be light or ordinary hazard, 3. The highest point of the ceiling can be no more than 20 ft from the floor. 4, There must be no unprotected ceiling pockets larger than 32 ft’ as allowed in 8.6.7 (@) and 8.8.7 @ In looking back at Exhibit $2.4 @),weareabletoconfirm axis that we moet ll ofthese ertera, Therefore, we can apply igure @ of NFPA 13 in determining the reduction allowed for our remote area. This figure indicates that the higher the ceiling, the lower the permissible reduction. Orin other words, the close he quiciresponse sprinklers ate tothe ie, the more we can reduce the emote area because of how quickly the sprinklers will activate. The higher the ceiling gets, and the farther from the fire the spsinklers are, the longer it wil take the spines to activate. The higher the ceiling, the larger the remote area will be tnque tobe, Wecansne om E522 Bac og aan rediuce the remote area on our project by 25 percent because —_Fareeiing height < 10 f= 40 ° vnehavea 20 high cling Forcing hag 201 40] 30 20] 10 Percent eduction to design area Ccaing hoght tt) Note y=28+ 55 Areduction of 25 percent means we need to multiply the For Stunts. 18= 081 m original remote area size we chose from the density/area curves by 75 percent. A 1,500 remote area multiplied by 75 percent equals 1,125 ft2, Therefore, the remote area for our project will need to be at least 1,125 f°. ‘The final density/area we will use for calculating our project is 0.15 gpm/1125 Now that we have determined the size of the remote area, we must next determine the shape of the remote area. This shape of the remote area determines which sprinklers will be calculated to flow water in the event of a fire. Since our remote area ts 1,125 ft, it would be very easy to create a square remote If we determined the square root of the remote area, this would give us the length of one side of a square (L) that would be large enough to meet the requirement for our remote area, See Exhibit $2.8 (2).) Length of remote area = 1.2 VA L=1.0xVA L=1.2x VA ‘This calculation would be fine if every fire were to grow symmetsically and stay within the square. But as we do with everything in calculating fire spriniler systems, we should account for a fire that grows ina way that is challenging to the sprinkler system. So, rather than having the length of the remote area ([) equal the square root of the remote area, we could make the remote area longer. In fact, the instruction for calculating sprinkler systems in Chapter 23 of NEPA 13 requires us to increase the square root of the remote area by 20 percent to determine the length of the remote area (L). (See (@) of NEPA 13.) Ifwe looked at the relative shapes for remote areas using these two methods of determining shapes, they would appear similar to Exhibit 9288 If we wanted to see how using a longer rectangular remote gh tre e120 area might be more challenging when calculating the sprinkler system, we should think about how many sprinklers would ‘open ona single branch line if these shapes were our chotces. Exhibit $2.9 @ shows us how the rectangular shape would require mote sprinklers on a single branch line to be considered open during a fire event. 10 (@) of NEPA 13, it states, in part: “..the design area shall be a rectangular area having a dimenston parallel to the branch lines at least 1.2 times {he square root of the area of sprinkler operation (A) used...” Our next step is to determine how long the remote area for our project needs to be. We need to determine L by multiplying the square root of 1,125 ft” by 1.2. 2x VETS 1-40.25 ‘The shape of our remote area for our project needs to be atleast 40 ft, 3 in. long. And then we need to add enough sprinklers so that the remote area will be at least 1,125 ft” in size. How many sprinklers ‘will we need if we know from Step Two that each sprinkler on our project will be considered to have a coverage area of 126 ft? (A, = 126 ft?)? ‘The remote area divided by the area of sprinkler coverage equals the number of sprinklers you will, need. Remote Area = A, = Min Number of Flowing Sprinklers 1,125 f+ 126 ft? = 8.9 sprinklers Since we will never open part of a sprinkler, any time we pass a whole number of sprinklers, we ‘must round to the next whole number. For example, 7-1 sprinklers means that we would open 8 sprinklers. For our project, we will need to open at least 9 sprinklers. ‘This works perfectly when the area of coverages the same as the aciual footprint of each individual sprinkler and when all the sprinklers have the same area of coverage. Our next step fs to determine where the shape of our remote area will be placed on our system. We should place it away from the water supply and in a place that will be the most challenging to get water to the sprinklers that will open within our remote area shape. In fact, try to determine which sprinkler ‘will be the most challenging to get water to. ‘Wo will begin by looking at the system and determining where the most challenging place to deliver, ‘water to sprinklers will be. For our project, this is a simple exercise, and it begins by evaluating the sprinkler at the upper-right comer. This is the one we used in Step Two to determine the area of coverage {for an individual sprinkler. (See Exhibit $2.10 (@.) demanding sprinkler ” 71-0" wall to wall oto" Use the far point of this sprinkler's area of coverage to lay mate een 2 srg vepanc.ns out the shape of our 1,125 ft? remote area. We said that the = ‘ength of the remote area (L) needed to be at least 40 ft, 3 in nF ‘That would mean we should draw a line from the farcomerof [ "| the building as shown in Exhibit $2.11 (@) to represent L. If this dimension goes beyond the midway point between two sprinklers, then we must add an additional sprinkler to ensure that we meet the minimum L dimension we determined ones most 405° carer In this case, Exhibit $2.12 @) shows that the midway fence eeme nea point between the third and fourth sprinkler on this line is : ee hy shorter than the minitmam ZL dimension. ‘Therefore, we ate golng to need to include the fourth sprinkler in order to have opened enough sprinklers to meet ExHIBIT'$2.12(@ Midwoy Between the the minimum lenath of our remote area shape (L) that is, required by NFPA 13, Exhibit $2.13 (@) shows the actual L dimension that must be used. Cemeononyse-e _tmmipenmnieny dimension that must be used. ‘Once we have determined how many sprinklers will open, ‘on one branch line, we must add additional sprinklers until we reach the correct size for our remote area (1,125 ft? for our project). We determined eatlier that we are goingtonesdat| © least 9 sprinklers to open if we are to cover enough areato EXHIBIT $2.13 (2 Actual “L” Dimension ‘meet the minimum size for our remote area. We will need four sprinklers on the fist branch line (all of ‘them on the first branch line) and then another four sprinklers on the second branch line. The question ‘becomes, which sprinkler on the third branch line should we use as the ninth sprinkler? (See Exhibit $2148.) We will need four sprinklers on the first branch line (all of them on the first branch line) and then another four sprinklers on the second branch line. The question ‘becomes, which sprinkler on the third branch line should we nse as the ninth sprinkler? (See Exhibit 82.14) Ao Qn w @ » OF § 2 = & g z ‘The answer to our question can be deceiving. Itis instinctive to say that it would be more challenging to make water flow from the sprinkler labeled “A” in Exhibit $2.14 (@ . But we must remember that we will pushing on the water hard enough to deliver water to sprinkler number one. As ‘we get closer to the water supply, the pressure we have available at each sprinkler will be higher. For this reason, Figure A.23.4.4 @ in NFPA 13 indicates that the sprinkler closest to the main should be chosen for tree systems. (See Note 2 in Fxhibit $2.15 (2) It a a a ta lon I between lines Notes: 1. For gridded systems, the extra sprinkler (or sprinklers) on branch line 4 can be placed in any adjacent location from Bto E at the designer's option. 2. For tree and looped systems, the extra sprinkler on line 4 should be placed closest to the cross main. ‘Therefore, we should choose sprinkler C from Exhibit $2.14 @ above as the ninth sprinkler for our remote area, Exhibit $2.16 @ shows all nine spriniders chosen for our original attempt at selecting the ‘correct size and shape of our remote area. a0" w @ » @ 14-0" 14-0" 50% w O » 14-0" 14-0" z g up 114" 2 2 & ye ¢ 2 Te" 7 z up 1%" avg a 0" | ety 52’-0" wall to wall (ur nest step is to determine ifthe sprinklers we selected actually do cover enough floor space to sect the minimum size for a 1,125 f€ remote area. The frst thing we will do now is to determine the area of coverage for sprinklers 1~4, as shown in Exhibit $2.17 @. 71-0” wall to wall up 11%" o — | zie" 52’-0" wall to wall The area that s actually coverad by these four sprinklers can be determined by multiplying the ‘width of the remote area by the dimension of coverage of this branch line perpendicular to the branch Yine. The first branch line covers a length of 52 ft wide by 8 ft, 6 in. perpondicular to the branch line. 52 ftx 8 ft, 6 in. = 442 fF The next step is to determine the area of coverage for sprinklers 5-8, as shown in Exhibit $2.18, ® why 47-0" 3-0" 52-0" wall to wall The area that is actually covered by these four sprinklers can be determined by multiplying the ‘width of the remote area by the dimension of coverage of this branch line perpendicular to the branch line. The first branch line covers a length of 52 ft wide by 9 ft, 0 in. perpendicular to the branch line. 52 ftx9 ft, Oi. =468 ft, ‘The next step is to determine the area of coverage for sprinkler 9, as shown in Fxhibit S?.19()- ator ee 5-0" @ 71-0" wall to wall 14-0" 14-0" up 1%" | a har-o oho 52-0" wall to wall ‘The area that is actually covered by this sprinkler is the same as the “area of coverage” for each tndvidal sprinter (14 f¢ «9 ft 126). Ifwe add all threo of there areas together we can determine the actual area being covered by these spinklers. Many designers refer to this as the “footprint” ofthe remote area. Sprinklers 1-4 waar Sprinklers 5-8 468 0 Sprinkler 9 126 nt Toral RemoweArea 1,036 This is not enough area to meet the minimum ‘requirements of NFPA 13 for our remote area of 1,125 ft”, so ‘we must add sprinklers until we cover enough actual area in. our “footprint” to meet the minimum of 1,125 ft” So, the next stop is to add a 10th sprinklor to our romote area, as shown in Exhibit s2.20@. Sprinkler 10 has an actual footprint of 12 x9 ft, or 108 2, When we add sprinkler 10 to the 1,036 ft covered that are actually covered by sprinklers 1-9, we end up with a remote area of 1,144 ft”. This will be the size and shape of the remote area for our project. STEP SIX: Determine which single sprinkler will be the most demanding, and then determine the primary water path and any “attachment” paths. ‘As we stated at the beginning of Step Five, we have good reason to believe that sprinkler 1 will be the most challenging sprinkler in terms of delivering water. We say this for two reasons. Fitst, the sprinKler is the farthest from the water supply. And second, no other sprinkler has a larger “area of coverage” (A) that would indicate a need to deliver more water. Step Six asks us to determine the “primary path” that water would take from the water supply to the single most demanding sprinkler. We will call that sprinkler the most remote sprinkler, even though it ‘might not be the sprinkler that fs farthest from the water supply. This can happen when there are different spacings for individual sprinklers on a project. For our project, the path that the water takes from the water supply to sprinkler 1 (the “primary path") is very easy to determine. We need to describe {this path, and to do that we will need to place reference points on ou drawing to help us label the path. Arreference point is often called a “node” when performing hydraulic calculations. A node is any point on the system to which we assign a label. Usually, nodes are the endpoints of a piece of pipe. Nodes can also be placed at the connection points to valves, any flowing sprinklers, and other system devices. By using nodes to describe the path that water flows, we can break the system into manageable parts so we ‘can determine how much energy we need for pushing water through a system, Nodes come in handy for ‘many other reasons, and we will try to show some of those later. So, where do we need to place the nodes on this system? There are four criteria that will detenmine the location where nodes will be required. We will need to place nodes at the following locations: 1. Open sprinklers 2. Any point where water flows away from the primary path 3. Any change in pipe diameter (usually a change in pipe size or pipe type) 4, Any change in internal roughness (usually a change in C-factor due to pipe or system type) ‘We have already placed nodes at open sprinklers when we labeled the sprinKlers in our most remote atea, We previously identified sprinklers by placing nodes 1 through 10 on our system drawing in. Exhibit $2.20 (@. Now, we must identify all of the nodes needed to describe this entire system. We will place nodes as determined by the four criteria listed above. The placement of nodes on this project ‘becomes rather simple, as we only need to place nodes where the pipe sizes change. Later, you will see that this also includes locations where waterflow changes. Because the intemal roughness does not change on the system piping that we will be considering, no additional nodes are needed for this factor. ‘We have placed nodes at the top of the branch line riser nipples (RN1, RN2, and RN3) and where the riser nipples meet the cross mains (CM1, CM2, and CM3). And finally, we have placed a node at the base of the riser (BOR) where our analysis ofthis system will end. Examine Exhibit $2.21 @ and uy to listall of the nodes that will identify the primary path. That is to say, if you were the water and you had to travel from node BOR alll the way to node 1, which nodes ‘would you have to pass along the way? ic" v 147-0" 14-0v = 2 2 5S We" 1 A 14-0" 14-0" ® 52’-0" walll to wall often ask my students to “be the water” as they try to determine paths and node placements. If you imagine yourself traveling through the system piping toward node 1, you will casily understand which node points make up the primary path, In Exhibit $2.22 (@), we show only the piping and the nodes that make up the primary path. Notice that while we are “being the water,” we show the nodes where water flows away from the primary path. This, would be at the nodes representing sprinklers (1, 2, and 3), at the node where water will go out to sprinkler 4 (RN1), and at the second and third branch lines (CM2 and CM3). We have colored these nodes green in out list of nodes in Exhibit 92.228. "Next, we will need to describe any other path wheve water flows. Besides flowing directly from sprinklers, we know that ‘water leaves the primary path at nodes CM3, CM2, and RN1. ‘We will need to describe the piping of each of those paths by listing the nodes in each of these attachment paths. Exhibit $2.23 (@) shows an isometric version of our project for us to use as we try to describe the attachment paths. ‘The first attachment path we will describe is where water leaves the primary path at node RN1 and flows to sprinkler 4. If we were to list the nodes in that path, we would simply write 4 BNL, (Gee Exhibit $2.24.) ‘We need to describe each attachment path so we ean see the minimum amount of energy and water that wil be needed to flow water in that path. We will account for that path by describing it as an outlet in the primary path, Remember that ‘we identified the nodes where water flows away from the primary path. Where this occurs, we will create an outlet or an ‘equivalent K-factor to describe all ofthe pipe and fitings in that attachment path. We will rst calculate the minimum flow ( and pressure (P) that would be required in that attachment path, Then we will use that information to determine an equivalent Kfactor (K,). (K,, = Q* VP) We will use that equivalent K factor to xepresent the outlet in our primary path, and this will be how we ultimately determine how much water ‘would flow from the sprinklers in the attachment path. (See Exhibit $2.25 @.) ‘The second attachment path is where water leaves the primary path at node CM2 and flows to sprinklexs 5, 6, 7, and 8. (ee Exhibit $2.26.) As we did previously, we will account for this path by describing it as an outlet in the primary path. We will again create an outlet or an equivalent K-factor to describe all of the pipe and fittings in the second attachment path. As we did previously, we'll first calculate the attachment path and then use the minimum flow (Q) and pressure (P) to determine an equivalent Kfactor(K,). Ifyou examine the pipe and fitting arrangement ofthe entire second branch line, you will see that the second branch line is identical tothe fst branch line. So, sather than perform ‘wo calculations for identical branch lines, we will use the ‘minimum flow (Q) and pressure (P) that would be required from the first branch line (CM1) to determine an equivalent Kfactor (K.). (K,= Q + VP) ‘We will use that equivalent K to xepresent the outlet in ow primary path and this will be how we ultimately determine how much water would flow fiom the sprinklers on the second branch line, (See Exhibit $2.27 @.) Next, we will need to identify the third attachment path. ‘This path is where water leaves the primary path at node CM3, and flows to sprinklers 9 and 10. (See Exhibit $2.28 (@).) We ‘would choose to list the nodes for this path as 10-RN3-CM3. OF the two sprinklers on this path, we would choose to start with, sprinkler 10 as it will be the more challenging sprinkler to which we must deliver water. ‘Water flows away from this attachment at node RN3 and goes out fo sprinkler 9, We will need to describe the piping that goes from 9-RN3 as an outlet in the third attachment path. We will fst calculate the minimum flow (Q) and pressive (P) that ‘would be sequited at sprinkler 9 and thiough the pipe feeding it. Then, we will use that information to determine an equivalent Kactor (K,). (K, = Q-* VP) We will use that equivalent K-factor to represent the outlet at RN3 and use this outlet in calculating the third attachment path. (See Exhibit $2.29 @).) With a sprinkler at node 10 and an equivalent K-factor at node RN3, we are all set to describe our third attachment path ‘as 10-RN3-CM3, Now we will be prepared to calculate the ‘minimum flow (Q) and pressure (P) that would be required in the third attachment path. We will use that information to determine an equivalent K factor (K.). (K,, = Q > VP) We wil, use that equivalent K factor to represent the outlet (CM3) in ‘our primary path. (See Exhibit $2.30.) Now with all three attachment paths defined, we can visualize only the primary path and the points where we will account for ourattachment paths. And with Exhibit $2.31 @), ‘we can see the primary path that is used to perform the final calculations, We are finally ready to walk through the actual calculation procedures for the system on our project! STEP SEVEN: Calculate how much energy and flow will be needed for the entire remote area because of that first sprinkler. ‘We have discussed how much water must flow from individual sprinklers and fiom created virtual paths for waterflow in our project system. Itis now time to consider what amount of energy it will take to do the work of flowing water to the sprinklers. We will also consider the turbulence and resulting friction losses created by fittings, valves, and other devices. We are ready to walk through the calculation procedures tocomplete the calculation for this project. We will start with, the attachment paths and finish with the primary path, The following steps are generally used to calculate the piping ina path: 1, Complete a hydraulic analysis form using the data known for your path. 2. Determine the minimum requited starting pressure for your end outlet. 43. Determine the flow fiom the outlet (g) (if the pipe segment has a K factor shown). ‘4, Verify that Q, K, and P are valid each time a new pipe segment is started. 5. Determine the total flow (Q) in the pipe segment. 6, Determine if any fitting modifiers would apply to the pipe segment. 7. Determine the friction loss per foot. 8, Determine the friction loss for the entize pipe segment. 9, Determine any elevation loss or gain. 10. Total the required pressures to create a new total pressure (P) for the next pipe segment. 11. Use the total pressure to begin again at Step 3 of this list on the next pipe segment. 12, When you reach the end of an attachment path, create an equivalent Kfactor to place in the primary path. 13. When you reach the end of the primary path, compate the needed flow and pressure to that available from the water supply. 14, Be sure to consider any requirement for hose allowance. Let’s walk through this process, one item at atime, Step 7.1: Complete the hydraulic analysis form using the data known for your path. ‘The first thing we will dos start entering data onto the NFPA hydraulic calculation forms. We will use the pipe analysis form for performing calculations manually. This detailed worksheet is Figure @) in NFPA 13. Exhibit S2.32 @ shows the standards we will use for sounding the numbers in our calculation, Be ste to use these standauds if you would like to get the same results that ate shown in this supplement. Node] K | flow added. © [Fi] tral 1 | Ble" ractor this step cq] Nominal 1D Te Prper [Pe] elev notes Node ey ‘otal low | ote Brew alton | acoat ID SS Nom] 174 or v Pi on 01 |oro}q) 01 z ‘| | 12 Fees tel os pf on [Eauhalont Kactors 022 notes) | 9 letting Modtiers 0.933 o1 [lal or | At] oso t oss |} ra otes) 0 Tor Pil on mon ‘We wall calculate the waterflow through the attachment paths to determine their equivalent factors. Then we will calculate the primary path. Enter the data we know for the first attachment path, ‘We described this in Step Six as 4-RN1, We have entered the known data for this path in Exhibit 52.33 Ne ew tf) Rey site] Nominal > fois E] ® Te [Ps] tua + via frends a [arse om ue Rodel ies) ttnttow | aca | ce a AL @ tal ID enetn fr] in | fet [fect +] 10 ]seo]a] veo [fel Ura]e= 9] m, 2) lires|r[so] (ri rus] 90] Jo set] so49 =| fe ‘We know the following data about this path and should enter it in the appropriate place on the form: 1, Node tags (4 and RN1) 2. Elevation of each node (19 ft and 16 ft) 3. K-factor forthe sprinkler (5.6) 4, Minimum required flow (0, | «density (D)= 126 «0.15 = 18.9 gpm] 5. Pipe size and actual intemal diameter (1 in, and 1.049) 6. Length of pipe (L) 8 7 ft 7. Tee fitting. There is a tee attached to this pipe, and the energy we would lose to friction by going through that fitting is the same as if we went through 5 ft of pipe. (See Table, Tee or Cross.) 8. Total equivalent length of pipe (12 ft). 9. C-factor (120) Item 7 in the list above has us adding a certain amount of feet of pipe to represent the energy lost when we turn a comer or go through a piece of equipment that creates moderate turbulence. We tum the comer through tees and elbows. Welded outlets are considered tees in NFPA 13 calculations. Equipment, like gate valves and check valves, also causes ‘enough turbulence for us to consider in our calculations. When you place the nodes on the form, place the one closest to the water supply on the second line, We should determine what valves and devices are between the two nodes and if there is a fitting at the node closest to the water supply. When determining which fitting should be at the “upstream” node, you should again “be the water.” Ifyou were flowing through the pipe described by these end nodes, tum around to see what fittings you came through to get into this pipe. Exhibit $2.34 (@) shows the concept of how to choose fittings for the pipe. ‘When adding fittings to the hydhaulic calculations, you should be aware that certain fittings do not add enough, turbulence to be included in the process. In @ of NFPA 13, there are 10 items that include direction on which fittings to include. It also gives guidance on which fittings do not need to be inchided. Fxhibit $2.35 @ shows two of the situations where fittings are not included, For the branch line shown, we do need to include the tees at the top ofthe siser nipple and at the bottom. The tee at the top of the iser will be accounted for twice. The water will turn + / Soe going into the 1 in. outrigger. The water will also tum into the Ain. pipe. We will account for a tee in each of those pipe segments in our path. We will also include a tee in the pipe Teaser segment that describes the riser nipple. Exhibit $2.36 (2) hare shows where the fittings should be included. ‘Step 7.2: Determine the minimum required starting pressure for your end outlet. The formula for determining the requited starting pressure is P = (Q + KJ’. As we discussed in Step Fou, the minimum flow (Q) we need fiom the sprinkler is 18.9 gpm. Using the K-factor from line 1 of the Hydraulic Analysis Form, we can now determine the minimum requized pressure for this outlet. Using, the formula P = (Q = K)?, we can see that the minimum required pressure will be 11.4 psi as shown below. We should enter this pressure total on the Hydraulic Analysis Form in the feld labeled P.. We should also make notes that include how we determined the minimum required flow and pressure at this point. (Gee Exhibit $2.37 8.) Node) pov 1) ,K | How added-| Nominal 1D }fittings-|L| & | C |i] total 1 actor this step) ting | | Bev 2] : Prper |Pe| elev ne 8 lev 2 ‘total flow >| on or | 2" @ | tenath [Pa] |p) face «| 190 |seo]a] 199 [Nor] Te] 7 ]e= 0], Tae | iT=5|F| 50 |p. fat ant | 190 ° te a9 Se] fs ‘When you start with the first outlet, you may skip the next item in the list (Step 7.3) and move on to Step 7.4. Step 7.3: If the pipe segment has a k-factor shown, determine the flow from the outlet (q). Anytime that you are calculating a pipe segment that is not the first pipe segment in your path, you will add the data in the pressure column together, and enter that total into the P, field on the next pipe ‘segment. Once you enter that data, you should look to the left side of the form for this pipe segment and see if there is a Kfactor that applies. Ifo, you will need to determine what the flow will be. Every time ‘we have a K-factor and a pressure in the data for the pipe segment, you will need to determine the flow from that outlet. (See the step-by-step calculation for the third attachment path in Step 7.14.) The formula to determine the flow from an outlet is = KX VP. You will enter this data into the field labeled “flow added this step (q).” Step 7.4: Verify that Q, K, and P are valid each time a new pipe segment is started. ‘The vatiables of , K, and P should always be verified by the formula Q = K x P. Verifying these ‘numbers will ensure accuracy in the calculation procedute. This is often a step in verifying reports that ‘were printed from calculation software. Exhibit $2.38 (@ shows the fields we are discussing, Node] sey 1], K | ow added] seominat ro fittings] E © (P| total 1 | Fle leactor this step (q)| NOMA Tos tea | Nee a wy anal | a | prper [Pel elev notes Nodel poy total ow | Actua a ode Bley wy | Actual | rengtn fr] aq | ft [p,| aice +] 190 Jeo] apreel|’or) [70 [e= 120] [RRA aA xo = iT=5//F| 50 Pe Pern AN! | 190 ° Aa (a+ vo | 1% T]i20] (18.94 567° = 11.4 p64 Step 7.5: Determine the total flow (Q) in the pipe segment. ‘The “total flow (0)” field should now be determined, Add the ‘Q’ (total flow) from the previous step tothe ‘q’ (flow added in this step). In the first pipe segment of a path, ‘Q’ is always the same as the ‘g’ because there is no previous flow to add. We will see this step requized when we calculate the third attachment path, (See Exhibit $2.39 @.) Node] eiev 1], K | low added. eting[L] ®] C [Pi] total lv fominal 1D | tings ‘ 1 | BY acon this step a) Nominal P [ya | Pa ek Prper [Pel elev notes Node] total flow ieaath ote elev 2 tg” | Actual | ienath [fq | [eel ice 7 Nom U]70]e= 120] P| 11.4 [a= Ax density = 4 | 190 |se0/q] 199 |NoY 4 126.18 = 18.9 gpm +h T| 120 P, (19.9+ 5.07 = 11.4 p51 Nt] 190 | 189 ‘Step 7.6: Determine if any fitting modifiers would apply to the pipe segment. Table @) of NFPA 13 is what we use to determine the equivalent length of pipe and fittings for the purposes of hydraulic calculations. You can instead choose to use the values for equivalent lengths siven by the manufacturer ofa project. However, when we use NFPA 13 equivalent lengths, there are two questions we must ask ourselves: 1, Are we using Schedule 40 steel pipe? 2. Does the pipe segment have a C-factor of 1207 Ifyou answer “yes” to both of these questions, then you can use the equivalent lengths shown in the table, However, if you answered “no” to either of these questions, then you must adjust these lengths to ensure that we are using the correct amount of energy loss in the fitting, Ifyou are not using Schedule 40 steel pipe, then you must modify the equivalent lengths using a formula based on a comparison of the actual internal diameter of the pipe and the internal diameter of Schedule 40 pipe. The following formula is found in ‘(Actual inside diameter Schedule 40 inside diameter)” ~ *°" the pipe segment does not have a C-factor of 120, then you must modify the equivalent lengths using the factors given in Table (@) of NFPA 13 (and shown below as Table $2.1) ima slightly different format), by multiplying the value of the fitting lengths by the following values, based on. the C-factor of the pipe segment. Ifthe pipe segment is neithet Schedule 40, not C-factor = 120, then you ‘must apply both fitting length modifiers as follows: Total Fitting Equivalent New Adjusted Lengths (F) x Non-S40 Modifier = V°% % C-factor Modifier Length (Fa) value ‘Muttiplier 100 713 130 116 140 133, 150 151 Step 7.7: Determine the friction loss per foot. ‘Once we know how much water will be flowing (Q), the pipe size through which it will flow (D), and the factor for the pipe segment, we can calculate the amount of friction loss that will occur in each foot (and equivalent foot) of pipe. Generally, when performing hydraulic calculations for water based fire protection systems, we use the Hazen-Williams formula to determine this most important piece of information, The Hazen-Williams Formula as it appears in NFPA 13 is as follows: 4520" PCE Where: p= frictional resistance (psi per ft of pipe) Q= flow (gpm) C= friction loss coefficient d= actual intemal diameter of pipe (inches) We have revaitten the formula so that you nay more easily enter it into your calculator as: p=452x0' = CM = ge Generally, when performing hydraulic calculations for water-based fie protection systems, we use the Hazen-Williams formula to determine this most important piece of information. Using a of 18.9 gpm, C of 120, and d of 1.049, would result in a p of 0.117 psifft. You should enter this result in the “Pf per foot” field on the hydraulic calculation form as shown in Exhibit $2.40 (@) Nail ea] Ehret Nomina Jains E] ® TC IR] aa incor thi step) aty and} wvand elm | prpor [Pel eter notes Node total ow vw | ce (EL | or ot! tee 2 alfiow | actualD | tenath [x] | [pel ict Non] U] 70 [On20] | 184 [a=A,xconsty = 4 | 190 |s60/q| 19 |Nom 4 | 12015 = 18.8 9pm i=5|F)| 50 Pe ata et on AN: | 190 | 189 | | 1060 Th i20] Pi ‘Step 7.8: Determine the friction loss for the entire pipe segment. ‘Once you have determined the friction loss per foot (Pf per foot), you multiply that value by the total length of pipe and fittings (7). This will determine the total friction loss forthe pipe segment (P). In our pipe segment this would be expressed as follows: 123 0.117/ft = 1.4 pst Enter this into the P, (fvct) field in the hydraulic calculation form as shown in Exhibit $2.41 (@). Node] rey 1] ,K, | tow added] ominal 10 fattings-|L] @ | © [Ps] tota 1 factor thi step (a) eee Noa fetal ow revaiv || ® | prpor [Pel elev notes 23) meee agen | Actual 1D | iength fr] @ | ft [pe] ice Non U] 70 ]e= 120] P| 114 | 9= Asx density = 4 | 190 |seo]q| ro [Nom ag ae ea PaQsk?= het pnt] 190 0} 189 | At) 1040 ee Step 7.9: Determine any elevation loss or gain. ‘We must take any elevation change into account that occurs in our pipe segment. When the water flows uphill, there will be more energy needed. This is represented by entering a positive value in the P, (elev) field, When the water flows downhill, there will be energy gained. This is represented by entering a negative value in the P, (elev) field (because this is energy we are getting back). ‘The pipe segment we are calculating has no elevation change. Both nodes are at an elevation of 19 ft,as shown in the Elev 1 and Elev ? fields. Therefore, we should enter 0.0 psi for the P, (elev) field in the hydraulic calculation form as shown in Exhibit $2.42 @. Node] K | flow added-| xominat 1D [fttings-|L| tm | C | P,| total | Ble 1 ator thi tepg)| Nominal 1D | iting | Lt x sy nd! ew | prper [Pal lee tes | ew total ow | actual hes 2 | Bev?) tq” | Ate | reneth [rf we | |r| tie Non U] 706-120] 134 [a= Ax consi = 4 | 190 |560/q| 189 |B" 4 + 126.15 = 18.9 gpm = 1=5/F| 50 Diccperaen 7 on? =(0+W8= Fut] 190 2) 188 [io | 198 ] 120} P| 14 | (189+ 5.6)? = 11.4 psi ‘Step 7.10: Total the required pressures to create a new Total Pressure (P,) for the next pipe segment. The only thing left in calculating this path is to add the needed pressures together and determine the total pressure (P) we will need. When there are more pipe segments in the path, this total will be the beginning pressure for the next pipe segment. Add the pressure column and enter the result in the P, (total) field on the next line of the hydraulic calculation form. See Exhibit $2.43 Node K ]fow 80] sominan ap Jattingn [E] ® ] © [Pi] sta | tet tor hs step | Semin 1 [tne F| ® | prpor [Po] alow notes Node! ey 2| | totaltow | Actual iD | iength ‘ect 28 @ denath rl Py] free v0 Non U] 70 ]e= reo] pi] a1 | = Asx density = « | 190 [sco]a] see [S| tae td eom = i=5| F| 50 Pl 00 |pecasné on7 (0+ ron] rao | Ja] we [45 som | Trfizal 9” fe 14 [omar sare ttaps P28 Step 7.11: Use the total pressure to begin again at Step 3 on the next pipe segment. As stated earlier, this total will be the beginning pressure for the next pipe segment. When there are additional pipe segments in the path, this becomes the beginning pressure and should be used to determine the amount of flow (q) from any outlet shown in the K-factor field for that segment. See the step-by-step calculation for the third attachment path in Step 7.14. ‘Step 7.12: When you reach the end of an attachment path, create an equivalent k-factor to place in the primary path. ‘We have completed the calculation of the minimum requited pressure (P)) and flow (Q) for the first attachment path. This is the information we need in order to create the equivalent K-factor that describes all of the calculations we have just performed. When we know the P and the Q, we can determine an ‘equivalent K-factor in the following manne. K=Q=\P K.,= 189 gpm + 128 psi K.=5.28 ‘This should be shown in the notes section of the hydraulic calculation form as shown in Exhibit $92.46 @. Node K | fowadded| x, mame|tl a} © JR] man Blew 1 Nomina 1D fAtings- , 1 fuctor this step) cng LF] ® | Peper [Pe| ely nates Node] grey a) tata tow | acwanap | gay t= | Pre 2| @ itd | icneth [pe] |p| ie Nox U] 70 ]e= 120] Py] 134 | 9= A x densi = | as Pol 00 | pacaeny? | a. thal 2117 =Q+kP= my ee ye] 8 Jo | 10 T]20) Pi 14 | 89+ 567 = 11400) P, 128 Kg@ANI=Qs Step 7.13: When you reach the end of the primary path, compare the needed flow and pressure to that available from the water supply. ‘See the caleulation of the primary path that follows for the final pressure and flow that will be required for our system. Step 7.14: Be sure to consider any requirement for hose allowance. ‘The insurance company for our sample project has told us to add any needed hose allowance at the base of the riser. We will use the hose allowance required by NFPA 13 in Table @). Foran ordinary ‘hazard occupancy, we will be required to include an additional flow of 250 gpm for the fie department to use for hoses during operations when they amtive atthe fie scene. When we complete the calculations for the system, we will add 250 gpm to the demand before comparing the needed flow to that flow available from the water supply. Calculating the Third Attachment Path ‘The third attachment path requites us to create an equivalent K factor forthe pipe that feeds sprinklers 9 and 10 (10-RN3-CM3). Water flows away from this attachment at node RN3 and goes out to sprinkler 9. We will need to describe the piping that goes from 9-RN3 as an outlet in the third attachment path, See Exhibit $2.45 @). We will fst calculate the minimum flow (Q) and pressure (P) that would be required at sprinkler 9 and through the pipe feeding it. Then, we will use that information to determine an equivalent Kfactor (X,) (Ky = @ * VP. We will use that outlet in calculating the third attachment path. We chose sprinkler 10 as the endl sprinkler on the third attachment path. Itwill be more demanding to make water flow out of sprinkler 10 because itis on smaller pipe and will need more energy to flow enough water than will sprinkler 9. See Exhibit $2.46 @. ‘When we walk thtough the same process we used for the fust attachment path, the results for the 9-RN3 pipe segment should be as shown in Exhibit $2.47 (2). We establish an equivalent K-factor for this pipe segment, and we will insert it {nto our third attachment path. [Node] rice a], K | ow added-] aominat mp fittings |] [© [Pi] total 1 factor thin step (a) ty and Node total ed ms cel tow elfow | Actual ID | ength [x] a | [py] tee 5 te [Non] U] 70 ]e= 120] %] 114 [a= Ax densi = 9 | 190 |seo}q| 109 NO" 114 126.15 = 18.9 9pm = rao] F] 60] |, [Pol 0° |pecaun= 1 Ana} 190 0} 129 | ip] 1380 T/ 189] Pi] 04 | (139% 56)%= 11.4 ps1 P, 118 Kg@ANS =O \P,=550 With the remaining sprinkler at node 10 and an equivalent K at node RN3, we are all set to descibe ‘our third attachment path as 10-RN3-CM3. Now we are prepared to calculate the minimum flow (Q) and pressure (P) that would be required in the third attachment path. We will use that information to determine an equivalent Kactor(K,) (K.,= Q- VP), We will use that equivalent K-factor to represent the outlet for this attachment path at CM3 in our primary path, See Exhibit $2.30 @).As always, we enter the known information about our attachment path. See Exhibit $2.48 @). Non Up 7o]e=s2o]P] 114] a= A xd 10 | 190 |s00/q| reo |Ner) 1 | 128.15 = 189 9pm i=5'|F| 50 Pe oan ns| 190 2) 19 | A3') 1.040 So C3 T [120 Pi (189 +56 114 psi ne] 190 [50/4 eel ve [so i=8'|F| 80 P| 13 A39%3'= 1.8 si Act cms| 100 | a et) 610 710 - We can complete the calculation for friction loss per foot and for the total equivalent pipe length for this segment. Enter the data as shown in Exhibit $2.49 @. 10 | 190 ]500] a] vee [ME] fe} 20} = 120} | Sooo ioe 18 gm a =s[r[6o/ PFs] 00 | rors ANS} 190 o} 189 || 18 7/199 Pla] 189+507= 1148 Nom] Uso |e= 120] p, RNs) 190 | 550|q iD 12 Q=kx WPa55x 128 = { | =e |F| 60 P| 13 | Ou M3 | 160 e me | “ ‘2 Tit) Pi After we have entered the friction losses for the fist pipe, we can (otal the pressure column and center the total pressure (P) for the next pipe segment (RN3-CM3). However, this is the first time we have encountered a second pipe segment in a path. And as we said previously, when we enter the P, data on a new pipe segment, we must lock to the left side of the hydraulic analysis form to see if this segment has a K factor. We can see that this second pipe segment (RN3-CM3) has the equivalent K factor we created for the pipe segment labeled 9-RN3. Therefore, we must use it to determine how much water would actually flow out to sprinkler 9 when we flow the minimum required flow fiom sprinkler 10. So we will use Q= Kx VP to determine that this outlet will flow 19.7 gpm as shown in Exhibit $2.50. Nom] U 14 ‘A, x density 10 | 90 se }a| we fo] te o0 | 128% :18=1899Hm iT=5|F 2 at P2Qsk?= ANS] 10.0 9} 189 | ip | 1089 T (18.9+ 567 = 11.48) Nom] t RNS) 19.0 197 oa” wo 12 Oak x WPa55x V8 = iT=8 | F het 197 9pm cms} 160 Q a Thal - ‘Now we can combine the “flow added this step (q)” from the outlet with the “total flow (Q).” This ‘would be 19.7 + 18.9 = 38.6 gpm, and we enter the data into the “total flow (Q)" field for this pipe segment as shown in Exhibit $2.51 @. Nom] 10 | 190 |500|q| re9 |NpY 4 7.0][¢=120]Pi] 114] a= A, xdensity= 126 «15 = 189 opm 50 00 esr ; Act O17 PeQekin= fas} 100 Q} 1a | jp | 1048 T} 12.0] 14 (18.9 + 5.6)? = 11.4 psi rns) 190 | 550] a] 107 |"or) +12 BE 2 irae [F[ eo] [ryl 1a | QykawPessx2a cus] 60] [ol see | A shia} ter With this Now determined, we can now calculate the friction losses (P, per foot, Pfor total length) for this pipe segment. We enter this data as shown in Exhibit $2.52 @. v0 | 190 [500] ] wo Sy wa) eee fal cow Peele [9° | poe Ree 188 O} 189 | ip | 1008 T 14 (18.9 + 5.6)? = 11.4 psi rn] 190/550] 4] 107 [Nol se C ne nie OL firee'|r| ool mmmles| v3 | S55 i jews] 160 9} 8 | 7/19] P| 06 Once we have completed the fields that apply to this pipe segment, total the pressure column and. place the result in the Pt field on the next ine, So we add P, + P, + P, fr this pipe segment to determine the P for the next line: 12.8 + 1.3 +04 147 pst Enter this data and determine the result as shown in Exhibit $2.53 @. Nom t] 70 114 | a= A;xdensity = 10 | 190 | se0|q| se [No fe maT tarsttehen =5'|F : et P=(0 +k) fna] 190 9] 189 | io | 108° 1/120 14 | (189456 = 11.4 p51 na] 190 | 550/q| 19.7 |NO™! 4 12 t[s0 28 ‘ » 7 O=KxWP=55 1128. he tre |F| 60 13 | ren Joms | 16.0 a} ses | Ac +h oe P, a ‘We have completed the calculation of the minimum required pressure (P) and flow (Q) for the third attachment path. This is the information we need in order to create the equivalent K factor that describes the piping arrangement we just calculated as an outlet in our primary path. When we know the Pand the Q, we can determine an equivalent K-factor in the following manner. K=Q+\P K,,= 386 gpm + VTET pst = 10.07 This should be shown in the notes section of the hydiauilic calculation form as shown in Exhibit 52.548. | v0 [5e]a] we [ory U]ro]e= reo] 14 sr] 50 Pel 00 fet 12°) osnr | P=+K Fas] 190 2} 189 | | 120] Pil 14 | (189+56)7=114 psi rns] 190 |sso/a) 197 [NO 42 | 9.0 |¢= 120/71] 128 ; 0 - Ok x \Pe55xVi28= F[ eo al 13 | Sar'gom ct oss |"*t cus} 160 a} ose | Ae +h nl os >, 147 Rg@OMS=O sR 1007 Now that we have calculated the fist and third attachment paths, we can calculate the remaining primary path, You might be wondering why we did not perform the calculations for branch line 2. If you ‘ill remember, we said that since branch line 2 is the exact same piping arrangement as branch line 1, ‘we will determine an equivalent K-factor at CM for use at CM2 as we calculate the primary path. This ‘means that itis time for us to finish this calculation by performing the calculations for the primary path. Primary Path Calculations ‘We will continue following the process described earlier by first entering all of the data we know for the primary path onto the hydraulic analysis form, This includes the equivalent K factors for the first and. third attachment paths. See Exhibit $2.55). + | 190 fisofo=veo] A] na | a A

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