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Isn’t the cycle of life wonderful?

Every 52 days starting with a person’s birthday, an individual

begins a cycle of chances, choices, changes and challenges. This is true for all of us. Cycles are
important because they help us to understand why certain times of the year are better than others.

To calculate a specific yearly cycle, follow this easy pattern – Start with the day after your
birthday, and count 52 days. This is your first cycle. Continue counting every 52 days and you
will obtain the dates for the second cycle, the third cycle and so forth. Once you complete a full
year and are approaching your next birthday, you will probably wind up with a few extra days
right before your next birth date, depending on whether the year is a leap year or not. Now that
your calculations are complete, look in this booklet for each cycle’s message to ascertain the
information that you should be aware of. It is just that easy!


This is a great period of opportunity. It is a great time to take strides forward with confidence
and determination concerning your name, your integrity and your honor. It is a great time to ask
for favors, loans, business concessions, to make investments, to form partnerships and to look for
employment. It is a great time to seek the company of those who have the power and influence to
help you. This is the time to advance your reputation and your credit standing.


Now your health and vitality will be at their best. If your energy was below normal before this
time cycle started, then you will now see marked improvement. Be good to yourself now with
plenty of fresh air and pure water. Please avoid very starchy foods. Guard your eyes and avoid
bright electric light and direct sunlight. Be good to your eyes and do not overuse them during this
cycle. If you have need of an operation or wish to start a health generating routine, now is the
time to do it.


This is the time when the name, reputation and prestige of the business will shine forth. This is
an excellent time of goodwill and bringing in sales. There is great success in the field of
advertising and promotion of your business. Now is the time to seek endorsement from
authorities and people who will help your business through public recognition. Matters will go
smoothly with government officials concerning contracts, legislation and protective bills. This is
the time to build the name and honor of your business for future days and future sales.


This period is very different from the first. This is great for moving about and taking short trips.
These trips and changes should all be started and finished in this 52 day period. This is not a
period to plan any permanent changes, such as planning a new career, starting a new business, or
forming any long term contract plans. THIS IS DEFINITELY A SHORT TERM PERIOD
ENCASED WITHIN A 52 DAY CYCLE. It is a great time for business which deal with
transients, such as hotels, car rentals, restaurants and all short term type businesses. This is also a
great time for movable things in the business sense, such as automobiles, trains, freight cargoes
and also public lectures and performances that move from place to place. This period is great for
people who deal with liquids, milk, water, gasoline, oil, chemicals and related products. It is also
THE BEST TIME to deal with businesses and people relating to the products above. This is
definitely not the time to borrow or lend money or begin the construction of any buildings or to
start any projects that will require large sums of money. This is also not the time to speculate in
the stock market or gamble in any form.


During the next 52 day cycle you may experience many passing physical conditions that affect
your body and many passing emotional conditions that affect your mind. These conditions may
affect the stomach, bowels, bloodstream and nervous system. These conditions are only
temporary. Do not add to it with anxiety buy simply see the appropriate treatment right away.
You may experience different aches and pains for several days but know this is short lived.
Women may feel pains in the breasts and abdomen. Please remember to steady your mind and
emotions and all should respond quickly to treatment.


Now is the time to build upon your business friendships and seek out new cycles of prospective
clients. This is a great time to make employee changes, reassign duties, modify business
practices, change locations temporarily and to tentatively try out new ideas. This is not the time
to make any long term plans or to make any contracts unless they are put into writing. Verbal
contracts are very susceptible to changes later.


The key words for this 52 day period are DISCERNMENT and GOOD JUDGEMENT. This
period will bring a great inflow of energy into your life. You may feel like you can accomplish
some great things at this time. The key word is to discern. This does not seem to be a time to
initiate projects. The projects that come your way may have either no possibility of success or
less success is so far in the future that you will abandon it before fulfillment. The key word is
good judgment. The surge of energy in this period, when properly channeled will greatly
improve your health and your present business. It is a great time to overcome blocks in you life
and solve many problems. The energy is there, so use it. Use your wisdom and listen from within
your own being. The energy coming in at this time is aggressive and could be used to deal with
competitors in business and with foes who have appeared to be in your way before. This is not
the time for either men or women to try to deal with women in any way. It is the best time for
women to seek favors and aid from men in both business and social circles. Please avoid all
arguments at all costs for the outcome will not be favorable. Remembering the energy is
aggressive, this is the best time to use one meeting time to your product with forceful air. It is
also a great time to deal with product that requires a lot of energy such as sharp tools, fire, iron
and steel, cutlery and electric machinery.

This period may prove to be an accident prone time so be alert, aware and cautious. Be careful of
burns and falls. Watch your health at this time. Do not overindulge in food, and keep yourself
warm to help prevent colds, etc… Keep your digestive system cleansed so the body may
eliminate poisons directly, instead of through the skin. Watch your blood pressure now and don’t
overlook yourself or become anxiety prone. Now is the time to pamper your body with good
healthy foods and perhaps go on a cleansing diet. Strengthen your mind with peaceful thoughts.


This is a great time to collect money and to get money. Avoid the legal courts when dealing with
business foes but, go ahead in the legal courts with matters dealing with business expansion. This
is the best time for business growth and expansion so go with it now. Any type of manufacturing
plants should be watchful of potential fires and explosions. All businesses should protect
themselves from foes who may strike at their lives and their reputations. Be watchful of
accidents, trouble from competitors, quick outbursts of hatred coming from either inside or
outside the business but still affecting it. Businesses dealing with the military department (Army,
Navy, Airforce and Marines) will find smooth negotiations during this cycle.


This period finds you mentally and spiritually aware. During this period you will find a rapid
stream of ideas crossing your mind. Be careful to energize them quickly and write down these
ideas or put them into practice now for the flow of thoughts is steady and new ideas will continue
to flow. Be aware of your thoughts and don’t miss this opportunity. This is a great time for
writing books, plays and all things that require quick thinking. This is the time to act on
IMPULSE. Your imagination is in full bloom now so you will perhaps feel a bit restless and
nervous. At the same time you hold an optimistic attitude so go with it. The time is great to deal
with all types of literary people but be sure to read well all legal documents. This is a time of
deception also and many great issues through robbery, deception and legal misunderstandings
occur at this time. Be aware and take precautions to protect yourself. This is not a good time to
enter into marriage, buy a home or business or land, or to hire any help.


This 52 day cycle can be very trying on your nervous system. You man find yourself restless and
uneasy so please avoid too much study and planning which could make your more tense. Take
the time to relax your mind and enjoy the lighter side of life. Break up concentrated moments
and relax your mind every few hours. Watch you health and listen to the signs of certain organs
malfunctioning if they present themselves. Give your body sleep and rest it needs now. Your
body may manifest signs of nervousness now so relax and take your mind off tense matters and
enjoy as much as possible. If you are under a lot of mental strain when this 52 day cycle comes
around please take some time off from the monotony and have a change of scene. This cycle can
tend to enhance your mental strain and tax your nervous system more so read the signs and
change the scenery for a few days. You’ll feel better and get more accomplished when your

Now is the time to put your energy into advertising. This is the BEST time to promote your
business to the public. This is the cycle for dealing with the newspapers, with negotiators and
with diplomats. This is a great time for drawing up new contracts and agreements. Be aware and
watchful in all negotiations and contracts for any deception for these could cause problems in the


This is your period of greatest personal success. Achieve it. Now is when your interests expand
and you prosper. Now your mind becomes clearer, your heart opens more to other and you share
yourself more with a gentle, compassionate, confidence. This is a great time to begin new long
term projects, to plan substantial business negotiations and to travel on long journeys. This is the
best time for dealing with all aspects of the law (courts,lawyers), government officials and
people of wealth and prestige. This is a good time for collecting money and speculating in stocks
and bonds and real estates. Becareful all negotiations are legitimate. Avoid all dealings with
cattle or any meat products and with all marine affairs.


Now is a time of excellent health. If you have been under a strain you will now improve quickly.
Get outdoors a lot of commune with nature and receive her gifts of healing. Remember your
physical body comes from the Mother Earth. Avoid overindulging in appetites of the flesh for
there is strong tendency to do so during this 52 day cycle. Remember moderation in all things
and let your body recuperate and adjust itself back from the previous cycle. This time of the year
is excellent for mental suggestions so you may want to use this cycle to align your physical,
emotional and mental bodies.


This is the BEST cycle for selling goods and for delivering goods. Good profits will be obtained
now. This is also a good time to collect money and overdue accounts and for legal actions in the
courts if your business is in the right in these matters. Now your business could expand
internationally. Now is a great time to promote your business affairs with electronic and railway
companies and all types of companies that deal with the pleasure of the public. This cycle is the
best time for growth, ecpansion and financial success. Now is the time to make investments and
seek credit standings and to extend payment credit.


Now is the time for rest and relaxation. Enjoy. All businesses will continue to prosper as in the
period before. Long and short term trips to renew old friendships and to start new friendships is
greatly favored at this time. This holds true women and men. This is a great time for businesses
that deal in any way with the arts, sculpture, music, literature, perfume, flowers and all personal
adornments. Now is the time for men to seek favors from women, just as the third period was
favorable for women. This is the best period to buy any stocks or bonds or to employ others.


Now is really the time to remember moderation in all things-work and play. Your tendency to
overindulge is strong and your physical body will pay the price. Spend time outside in the fresh
air and allow yourself plenty of rest and relaxation.


Now you can take a VACATION if you are one of the chiefs in your business. This is the cycle
where the activity of the business can rest for awhile if need be. Things will continue to prosper.
Now as your business encompasses any of the following –stay working for this is your PRIME
TIME of the year (poetry, music, women’s high fashion clothes, art objects and materials,
adornments, beauty preparations, antique furniture, oriental rugs, expensive automobiles and all
luxury items). This is also the best time for the year for the chiefs of the businesses to make
personal friendships with clients for future business arrangements. This is a good time to form
partnerships, subsidiary corporations and any grouping aimed at future expansion. This is a great
time to collect money; to buy stock and bonds and make all sound investments.

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