Cable Driving Robot

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Cable Driven Robots

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Cable driven mode has the advantage of low inactivity, low commotion, high precision and
some other extraordinary points of interest in certain events. Thusly, the use of cable
driving innovation in robots is increasingly broad. Numerous specialists have additionally
done inside and out explores and conversations on the cable driven robots, and
accomplished productive outcomes. This paper initially sums up the qualities of the cable
driving innovation. At that point, portrays the sorts of cable driven mode. The utilization of
cable driven mode in camera robots, recovery robots and transportation robots are
presented, and the procedure of cable pressure, movement demonstrating and control
innovation in the cable driven robots are broke down and summed up.

Table of content
1. Introduction

1.1 Problem statement

1.2 Objective

2. Methodology and Procedure

2.1 Project component

2.2 Dynamic analysis

2.3 Solidworks and Simulation

2.4 Flow chart

2.5 Block diagram

3. Mechanical design

3.1 Choice of actuator and cables

4. Advantages and Application

4.1 Advantages

4.2 Application

5. Discussion and Conclusion

5.1 Discussion

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Improvement

5.4 References

Chapter: 1 Introduction

Robotic technology is a multidisciplinary discipline which created in ongoing many years. Its
rise has gotten an enormous change the customary modern creation. The strategy for human
creation has come into another period of data and knowledge innovation. Robot as a profoundly
coordinated result of mechanical and electronic, its examination mirrors the most significant
level of mechanical assembling, control innovation, recreation investigation, new materials,
picture procurement, and so on. At present, robots have been broadly utilized in military,
mechanical, aviation, logical investigation and numerous different fields. As one of the key
driving strategies in robot driving innovation, cable driving has become a hotly debated issue
since the improvement of 1940s and 1950s.

1.1 Problem statement

• The most significant impediment of cable driven robots is that, the cables experience the
ill effects of unidirectional requirements that can just force and not push, while general equal
robots have actuators that can give bidirectional strain. In this class of robots, the cables must be
in pressure in the entire workspace.

• A significant test in mechanical and control plan of this class of robots, is the nonlinear
conduct of the cables. Cables are normally adaptable and need to experience some unavoidable
circumstances, for example, lengthening in light of the cable driven characters.

• This adaptability may prompt position and direction blunders. Additionally, the
framework may prompt vibration, and cause the entire framework to be wild. Vibration of a
cable driven robot might be a worry for certain applications which require high data transmission
or high firmness of the framework.

• Though, the cable qualities have been concentrated from quite a while past, particularly
in structural designing, utilizing cables in equal robots exhibits a very new application. By and

large, in structural designing cables are substantial and massive materials, whose static
examination is concentrated so as to balance out the scaffold type structures.

• However, in cable driven robots the cables are extremely light, and the movement of the
end-effector is created by change of length of the cables. Due to this new application and
exploration pattern, detailed investigations on the impact of cable adaptability on demonstrating,
ideal plan and control of such controllers are restricted and normally ignored.

1.2 Objective:

 The main objective of this study is to apply the first rule of mechanical engineering
which is the designing and assembly, the idea is about designing a cable driven robot by
choosing the best materials for the body after doing research then choose the best way for
manufacturing the metal such as using the cutting machine and welding machine.

 The second objective is to regular driving modes incorporate mechanical driving, water
driven driving, pneumatic driving, and so forth. Water powered chamber and interfacing
bar have restricted the movement scope of the finish of the body somewhat, which is the
regular deformity in customary driving mode.

 The third objective is to defeat the deficiencies of customary system control techniques,
specialists have built up another kind of cable foothold control instrument subsequent to
dissecting many drive modes' highlights and traits. The physical properties of the cable
cause it conceivable that one finish of cable to can be openly fixed or delivered, while the
opposite end can make the end-effectors moving in an enormous space

Chapter 2 Methodology and procedures

2.1 Project component:

S.No Component name Quantity

1 Cabilock stainless steel wire 50m
2 Arduino starter kit 1
3 Stepper motor (5V ) 1

Fig1. Cabilock wire

Fig. 2 Stepper motor(5 V)

Fig.3 Arduino starter kit

2.2 Dynamic analysis:

In this segment let us initially accept that the mass and the adaptability of the cables can be
disregarded, since they are a lot littler and lighter than other mechanical parts. With this
presumption the elements of cable driven robot diminishes to that of the end-effector. In this
manner, the elements of framework can be communicated by the accompanying vector equation:

M(x) x¨ + N(x, x˙) = JT τ (1)

In which,

N(x, x˙) = C(x, x˙) x˙ + G(x) (2)

And, M(x): Mass matrix of the system, C(x, x˙) x˙: Coriolis and centrifugal terms, G(x): Vector
of gravity terms, J: Jacobian matrix of system and x: Vector of generalized coordinates.
On the other hand, the actuators dynamics is represented by

Iq¨+ Dq˙ + rτ = u (3)

Where, q: Angles vector of motors shaft, I: Actuator moments of inertia matrix, D: Actuator
viscous friction matrix, r: The radius of drums, τ: Cable tension vector and u: Motor torque
vector. As for the position reference, define all q to be zero when the end-effector centroid is
located at the center of the frame; from this configuration positive angle q will cause a change
ΔL in cable lengths, therefore, we have:

rq = ΔL = L − L0 =⇒ q = r-1(L − L0) (4)

By differentiating and using manipulator Jacobian definition L = Jx˙:

q˙ = r􀀀1 ˙L = r􀀀1Jx˙ , q¨= r􀀀1J ¨x + r􀀀1J˙x˙ (5)

Using equations (5), (3) and (1) and some manipulations we can show that:

Meq(x)x¨ + Neq(x, x˙ ) = JT u (6)

In which,
Meq = rM(x) + r-1JT IJ

Neq = rN(x, x˙) + r-1JT IJ˙x˙ + r-1JTDJx˙ (7)

It can be seen that actuator dynamics is transferred to Cartesian space by Jacobian matrix, which
is a projection from length space to Cartesian space.

2.3 Solidworks and Simulation
Once the dynamic analysis has been performed, the proposed cable-driven parallel manipulator
can be operated without any requirement of great expertise on parallel manipulators and
control/programming equipment.

Fig.4 Solidworks design simulation

All features have in common that after manipulating a path, all relevant path verifications are
executed automatically. The test results, described in detail in Section, are visualized by coloring
the respective parts of the path, which gives direct feedback on the technical feasibility to the
user. Figure 4 displays a trajectory of a cable robot, including the path verification results.

Fig. 5 Workspace of the four-cable driven parallel manipulator for a planar operation: (a)
with θ > 0 and (b) for all values of θ (lengths are expressed in cm)

Fig. 6 Numerical simulation for the IKP of the four-cable driven parallel manipulator for
the planar operation: (a) initial configuration and (b) final configuration (lengths are
expressed in cm)

Fig. 7 A numerical simulations for the IKP of the four-cable driven parallel manipulator
for the planar operation of Fig. 11 (cables’ lengths in cm with respect to time in s)

The system is controlled with a commercial low-cost controller. Indeed, the operation for the
four-cable driven parallel manipulator is obtained by considering an interpolated motion, as
shown in Fig. 6. In particular, Fig. 6(a) shows the angular position expressed in n, number of
encoder pulses, with respect to time. Figure 6(b) shows a zoomed view of Fig. 6(a) with the
interpolating trajectory. It is worthy to note that for a trajectory of 1m in Cartesian space, which
is the maximum motion range for each cable of the built prototype, 16 interpolating points can
give a good approximation of the motor’s law.

Fig.8 A numerical simulation for the FKP of the four-cable driven parallel manipulator for
the spatial operation (end-effector pose in cm and (◦) with respect to time in s)

2.4 Flow chart:

Flowchart visually represents the steps and decisions that are made to complete a process. The
flowchart is a powerful engineering tool. With proper design and construction, it communicates
the steps in a process very effectively and efficiently.

2.5 Block diagram:

The block diagram is a method focused on the input and output of a system. This principle is
referred to the engineering and it includes key process participants and important working
relationships also, it is used to design new systems or to describe and improve existing ones.

Fig. 9 Simple block diagram of cable driven robots

Chapter 3 Mechanical designs

In this paper, we clarify a four-cable driven planar equal robot, whose determinations are given
as in Table 1. The model introduced in this work is utilized to confirm the calculations, for
example, backwards/forward kinematics, workspace investigation, pressure control, etc.

The activation arrangement of the proposed controller is made by four DC engines, which can
expand or withdraw cables, as appeared in Fig. 5. For the controller's structure, it has been
thought advantageous to think about a cubic structure as appeared in Fig. 6 to offer adaptability
to the controller, which can work for either planar or spatial undertakings. Specifically, for
planar undertakings, a squared fixed base has been picked, as appeared in Fig. 6(b), so as to
acquire an even engineering. Moreover, two connection focuses have been considered toward the
end-effector. To be sure, the four cables are associated in pairs to the endeffector through two
connection focuses, as appeared in Fig. 5. The previously mentioned decision has been made so
as to get the biggest direction capacities for planar activity.

3.1 Choice of actuators and cables

A starter static examination has been completed so as to appropriately estimate actuators and
cables of the proposed controller. Specifically, two cables are associated with one point toward
the end-effector, as appeared in Fig. 5, which alludes to a rearranged conspire in two-
measurements, and m is half of the mass of the endeffector in addition to the payload. As per the
plan, each cable is stacked by a strain T whose bearing is slanted by an edge α, concerning a flat
plane. Consequently, one can compose

Notwithstanding, the course of strain T is additionally disposed regarding the vertical plane. This
tendency can go from at least 0◦ to a limit of 45◦ as a result of the state of the structure outline. In
the event that one thinks about the most basic arrangement (that is 45◦), one can figure the
normal power F that ought to be applied on a cable as

2 √ 2∗sinα

If one neglects all the dissipative effects due to friction, the maximum actuation torque can be
computed as

τ max=r
2 √2∗sinα

Where r is the radius of the pulley that is located on the motor shaft and α min is the minimum of
angle α that can be achieved. It should be noted that if α becomes 0, the actuation torque
becomes infinite. In fact, the configuration with all cables in the same plane is singular, in which
all the tensions of the cables are orthogonal with respect to the force given by mg. If one assumes
α min = 3◦, r = 0.015 m, and the mass m equal to 1 kg, equations (2) and (3) yield a maximum
force of 66.3N and maximum torque of 0.0994 Nm.

Fig. 10 Suitable choice and location of the cables and motors:

Actuators have been installed on the bottom face of the cubic structure, as shown in Fig. 10(c)
and (d). Cables are connected to the end-effector by using a suitable system of two pulleys, one
installed on the motor shaft, Figs 10(c) and (d), and one installed on the top face of the cubic
architecture, as shown in Figs 10(a) and (b).

A static investigation has been completed so as to choose appropriately the size of actuators and
cables of the proposed controller. Specifically, two cables are associated with one point toward
the end-effector, as appeared in the rearranged plan of Fig. 11, where m is the mass of the end-
effector in addition to the payload. The improvement is done since the upper cables uphold the
greater part of burden in the static circumstance.

Chapter 4 Advantages and application

4.1 Advantages:
In addition, the cable-driving has several vital advantages:

• The end of the actuator has fast and quickening, particularly appropriate for rapid events.
• Cable has the qualities of adaptability, high affectability, great security, is truly
appropriate for restoration preparing gear;
• Having high body quality-load rate, particularly reasonable for lifting tasks;
• Possessing enormous workspace, particularly appropriate for huge scope activity events;
• Cable can dismantle effectively, it's truly appropriate for fast get together event.

4.2 Application

In present day military surveillance, clinical instrument, aviation, mechanical arm and numerous
different zones require refined transmission. Accuracy cable transmission dependent on the rule
of adaptable transmission, which views cable as transmission medium, through the static
grinding between the ace and slave wheel to communicate force, and can dodge holes, contact
and other non-direct factors. Exactness pointing association has a decent application prospect.
Contrasted and customary apparatus drive, chain drive, belt drive and other transmission
techniques, exact cable driving has high inflexibility, no erosion, low return stroke, no oil,
ecological versatility, high transmission proportion, transmission easily, high proficiency, low
assembling get together necessities, light weight and simple to keep up. High accuracy driving
will likewise be a hot region in the investigation of cable driving innovation.

Chapter5. Discussion and Conclusion

5.1 Discussion
The application of cable driving is most mature in cable traction camera system. The cable-
driven camera system can be divided into planar motion cable-driven camera system and all-
round movement cable-driven camera system. The former is the cable camera carrying system,
which can not only effectively keep balance and compensate the shooting angle and the lack of
regional, but also expand the shooting field of vision. The latter can expand the scope of the
camera system from the field of view and improve shooting flexibility, with a smart, unlimited
rotate lens.

5.2 Conclusion
Cable driven robots have numerous preferences, and it’s inside and out examination has widened
market and application esteem. At present, explores on the cable driven machine incorporate
work space, situating precision, basic plan, firmness investigation and control framework, and so
on. With the advancement of new and high-total materials, learn about material, shape, and
sturdiness and elasticity of cable ought to be considered in future. Cable driving innovation
utilized in accuracy transmission is likewise another exploration field. In the interim, joining
cable driving with unbending transmission coordinately, and building up a mixture control robot
with differing capacity, solid flexibility, enormous bearing limit and great toughness is

5.3 Improvement
 The contrast between a cable driven robot and a customary one is that it utilizes a cable
as opposed to an inflexible connect to drive its own weight and burden. It created in the
fifties of the only remaining century and was right off the bat applied to the atomic

 The engine and deceleration gadgets are totally introduced on the base of cable driven
robots, through the engine turn to accomplish fixing and delivering the cable, and through
cables to pull the following joint to accomplish long-go power transmission.
 Contrasted and water driven, pneumatic, mechanical and engine driving mode, cable
driving has the characteristics of low clamor, clean, no grease, stun ingestion, simple
establishment and low upkeep costs.

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