NMIMS PGDBM Assignment HRM Sem2 June 2019

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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Essentials of HRM

Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2019 Examination (Sem 2)
1. Mazbooti Pvt Ltd is a civil engineering firm doing projects in buildings, roads, bridges, Flyovers etc.
Recently they have bagged a lot of projects for which they require Graduate Trainee Engineers as
well as Diploma Trainee Engineers in huge numbers. What could be the method of recruitment in
such scenario? Discuss any two methods of recruitment for such high numbers also conclude by
choosing the best method.


High-volume hiring can be a time consuming and costly activity with the potential to do damage to
Mazbooti’s brand if it all goes wrong. However, as the pressure for large hiring volumes increase
along with a need for speed, recruiting high-quality talent must remain a priority ss the saying goes,
“No hire is better than bad hires”. Firm’s HRM team need to strike the perfect balance between
volume, speed-of-hire and candidate excellence, that keeps managers, employees and customers

Developing a formal recruitment strategy will help HR team to make a positive outcome of the
whole recruitment process. A preliminary well-structured action elaborating how to establish
Employer value proposition, attract new recruits, evaluation process, interviews, selection and at the
end onboarding process, need to be developed before stepping out to commence recruitment
process. As part of the recruitment action plan, Company need to select best methods of bulk
recruitments out of all the given options. Campus recruitment and Special event recruitment can
prove to be effective in Company’s plan of bulk hiring.


When attempting to hire candidates in bulk in a given time, several candidate pools should be
generated to meet the quantity requirement. Mazbooti’s hiring team can reap the benefits of these
following sources for a successful volume recruitment campaign:

Campus Recruitment: Since majority of talent requirement of Mazbooti Pvt ltd. is of trainee
engineers, Campus recruitment would be a preferred recruitment method. One valuable exercise
is reaching out to career center staff at the colleges or universities you want to target for campus
recruitment. They can help connect the recruiting team with faculty, administrators and other
vital contacts on campus. These individuals offer insight into the skills and attributes of their
student body and can introduce recruiting team to career-minded students. Firm may have long-
term cooperation with any such institutions, especially when the field of study such as
engineering and technical trades which would be beneficial for company to make use of now.

Campus recruitment will allow company to conduct interviews of all the students at one place
which will save time and efforts. Institutes to maintain their reputation of campus placement
numbers, can support organization in process of recruitment and selection, therefore saving costs
for the organization. It's a win-win collaboration between education institutes and the company.

Although, Candidates from that source are usually available only once in a year and lots of them
have similar backgrounds and knowledge, but there is an important advantage of these recruited
candidates, most of the time they do not have any working experience; therefore, they can be
trained to suit the organizational needs and culture.

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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2019 Examination (Sem 2)
Special events: Firm can organize special events such as Job fairs or can collaborate into any
ongoing conference / trade fair to attract talent. These events provide recruitment services to
potential candidates and give a glimpse of what organization have to offer.

This is a source of recruitment which allows recruiters to interview quite a few candidates over a
short period of time. Such fairs or exhibitions are often focused on a specialized field or a certain
group of people (e.g. students, minorities, resent graduates, women). Job fairs can be effective
not only for a mass recruitment, but also for establishing new contacts with other organizations,
as usually such events take place in big halls, which contributes to cooperation and exchange of

Recruiting events are valuable because they provide a type of face-to-face interaction that can
foster new relationships in ways that just can’t be achieved online. Company can be creative with
its event like hosting a competition which can directly test the skills of the candidate as well as
boost the brand awareness in an eye-catching way. Company can be a sponsor to an event rather
than hosting its own event.

Job fairs can also enable recruiting team to quickly promote job openings while weeding out
unqualified applicants. When finding a suitable applicant, they can invite the candidate to the
walk-in interview day. Mazbooti should supplement the fairs with social networking sites for
added awareness.

These were just two of the many options available to Mazbooti recruitment team to conduct bulk
hiring, while working on these methods, they can opt for other selection methods such as Online
recruitment drives using social media, employee referrals, advertisements, etc. Having an efficient
high-tech recruitment process in place, will lay the foundations for effective volume recruitment.
However, to fruitfully acquire quality talent in large numbers at a time, firm need to find the right
balance between channeling technology and people analytics to optimize its recruitment processes.


Although mass hiring can be a different type of recruiting process, recruiter should be confident in
this area due to their experience of work and the systems they already have in place. Campus
recruitment is not doubt a successful mass recruitment method when comes to recruiting fresh
graduates and diploma holders, but recruiters need to make sure what time of the year company
need to conduct recruitments as candidates will not be available to join the company before
completion of their academic year. So, if new joiners are required to work from January onwards,
Company may not be benefited as much from campus recruitment. On the other hand, special
events may not be able to attract as many fresh candidates if not planned and executed properly.

To conclude it’s crucial that the recruitment method is selected vigilantly so to ensure a high rate of
positive outcome as intended for, and the quality of the recruitment should never be compromised
for the number of targeted nominees.

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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2019 Examination (Sem 2)
2. As per various researches it is reported that simulations are one of the most effective way of
training. Discuss this statement with the help of strong supporting justifications and examples.
Also conclude by suggesting any other form of training which can be considered to be as strong as


The word simulation implies an imitation of a real-life process, usually using a computer program or
other technological device, to provide a lifelike experience. Training simulations have proven to be
reliable and successful methods of training in various industries worldwide and are commonly used
in corporate training and development programs to improve business awareness and management
skills. They are also common in academic environments as an integrated part of a business or
management course.

Apart from training, Simulations have been widely used for testing of not even employees but
prototypes and future strategy. Training simulations are not just games, their aim is to educate and
inform in an exciting and memorable way, rather than purely to entertain. With advancement of
technology such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, augmented reality, high computing
power, etc, simulations can be as complex as real like scenario.


Simulation can be used to teach individual skills (such as technical skills or cognitive skills in specific
clinical scenarios like resuscitation) or may be used as part of teamwork training programs.
Simulation training as proved itself effective in following ways.

1. Real Testing Medium: In Simulation testing, simulations are used to test competency and skills
of an employee match with a specific role. Once skills or shortcomings are identified, an
effective development plan can be prepared for the employee. No other test can put an
individual into a near true situation. By analyzing the response of candidate in different scenario,
followed by a de-briefing session, an organization can investigate each competency and
behaviors of the candidate in multiple situations. For example, any candidate can fake the
answer related to client handling during a paper-based test or interview, but in simulation
testing, how the candidate handles a sudden aggression from Client, is sufficient to showcase
real skill/competency level of the candidate.

2. More consistent Training: Simulation-based training can also make training and assessment
more consistent and skill-oriented as compared to traditional training sessions. This is because
simulation-based exercises often allow learners to explore several outcomes and thus get a
better understanding of the scenario and available solutions more immediately. A well-
developed simulation enables trainees to answer the question, “If I do this, what happens?" This
provides learners with an opportunity to test out various scenarios to see what works, what not
and to understand how they arrived at the right or wrong answers. This trial-and-error approach
gives trainees the knowledge and confidence they need to apply their new skills in the real

3. Organization wide Training: One of the best part of simulated training is that, at the same time
it can train multiple level employees. Simulation can be developed for executives as well as for a
shop floor worker. For Instance, during simulation testing / training HR staff can practice
activities such as interviewing candidates, running interdepartmental meetings and completing
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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2019 Examination (Sem 2)
transactional employee processes, some of these may be part of simulations. They even can
practice handling specific employee grievances. Apart from training newcomers, simulated
learning can be beneficial for retraining existing employees who are unable to grasp certain
issues of their jobs, and companies can use it to introduce new practices within the company.
After employees have mastered the given skill, they can apply it in their jobs. Simulated training
allows learners to address common mistakes without having to face negative consequences of
these mistakes.

4. Complex Human Behavior: Simulating events show how humans react in real life situations, and
in some sense, show how human unconscious processes work. Since it is not occurring in real
life, it enables team to learn from their mistakes. As such, it can help prevent errors and
optimize responses in critical situations. For example, noise or other disturbances can be
simulated, and can give a good feel for how distraction works. The value of simulation training is
further enhanced by following up with a debriefing and coaching session. With the help of video
recordings, the training sessions can be analyzed, errors identified, successes marked, and
emotions or feelings that influenced the trainees can be discussed. This is when the real learning
takes place.

5. Improving Teamwork: An effective teamwork includes behaviors such as effective

communication, collaboration, team leading, team building, crisis and resource management.
Teamwork is not an automatic consequence of placing people together in the same group, it
depends on a willingness to cooperate and presence of force compelling toward shared goals. In
a simulated environment, teamwork can be studied and significantly improved by training
specific teamwork skills.

6. Providing Confidence: Simulation training provides an opportunity to apply theory to gain

experience over a virtual scenario, which provides trainees the confidence to manage similar
real-life scenarios effectively. For example, the robust communication skills needed when
interacting with clients requires being able to handle the negotiations with confidence. As
trainees gain confidence, they are more comfortable in making their own decisions and exerting
their autonomy.


Though studies have shown that multidisciplinary simulation-based training is an effective tool for
training complex skills but, considering an on the job training specially coaching and mentoring can
be as effective as Simulation based training. Firstly, Coaching and Mentoring is a long term real life
training rather than a short term off the job virtual training. Secondly, coaching and Mentoring help
employee to learn quickly through one-to-one training where employee receive real time feedback.
Also, it enables organization to keep track of the performance and optimal utilization of skills by
employee. Finally, on-the-job Coaching and Mentoring is cost effective as employee actually works
while being trained.

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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2019 Examination (Sem 2)
3. Kaira is working as an Assistant Manager –Marketing from past five years in an FMCG company.
She is a very hard working and dedicated employee. Her performance has also been good
consistently. She is one of the deserving employee who never got her fair share of success. From
past five years she has not got a single promotion because of which she is contemplating to resign.
She communicated the same to Mohit who is her reporting authority. Mohit apprises this to the
top management and even gives cues that because of lack of career planning their organisation is
in a verge of losing an important talent. Sanjay, the Operations Head on the other hand is totally
against the idea of Career planning.

A) Mohit is asked to prepare a list of merits of Career planning. Help him prepare the same.


Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals. Career
development is those personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a personal career plan.
Career management is the process of designing and implementing goals, plans and strategies to
enable the organization to satisfy employee needs while allowing individuals to achieve their career
goals. So, due to this career planning and development is necessary to each employee in an
organization. The need of career planning and development is felt in each organization of today’s
global world.


Career planning has its merits for both employee and Employer. Career planning helps in shaping an
Employees careers, the advantages of career planning and development for an Employee include:

• The process of career planning helps the individual to have the knowledge of various career
opportunities and their priorities.
• It helps an employee in selection of career that is suitable to their interests, life styles,
preferences, family environment, scope for self-development etc.
• It helps an individual to understand the required skill sets to achieve their aspirations and
establish a gap between current and aspired skill set. Once the gap has been analyzed, action
plans to fill this gap can be prepared and implemented.
• Internal promotions, upgradation and transfers motivate the employees, boost up their morale
and result in increased job satisfaction.
• Increased job satisfaction enhances employee commitment and creates a sense of belongingness
and loyalty to the organization.
• It improves employee’s performance on the job by taping their potential abilities and further
employee turnover.
• It satisfies employee esteem needs.

A long-term focus of career planning and development will increase the effectiveness of human
resource management. More specifically, the advantages of career planning and development for an
organization include:

• An organization with well-designed career plans can have a better image in the employment
market, and it will attract and retain competent people.
• Employees with clear career plan will prefer to await their turn of promotion rather than
changing to another organization. This will lower employee turnover.

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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2019 Examination (Sem 2)
• It improves employee's performance on the job by tapping their potential abilities and
stimulating their personal growth.
• Effective career planning and development prospects ensures the availability of human resources
with required skill, knowledge and talent.
• The efficient policies and practices improve the organization’s ability to attract and retain highly
skilled and talent employees.
• The career plan continuously tries to satisfy the employee expectations and as such minimizes
employee frustration.
• By attracting and retaining the people from different cultures, enhances cultural diversity.
• Promoting employees’ growth prospects results in promoting organizational goodwill.


Both Individual and organization should think of career planning as a process that allows them to
visualize their future careers and then provides them a roadmap to follow in realizing their dreams.
Career planning is not something that happens once or twice in the career or an annual event,
rather, it is a continual process of assessing one’s career identity, setting new learning goals, creating
new career visions, and celebrating accomplishments as one develops and becomes more skilled.
For Employees it is an opportunity to grow, meet their goals. On the other hand, for organizations, it
is an opportunity to show interests in employee’s growth and development in order to retain
efficient and loyal employees.

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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2019 Examination (Sem 2)
B) Sanjay opposes Mohit with his list of demerits on the career planning. Mention all the pros and
cons of career planning and highlight who is right, Mohit or Sanjay?


Though career planning helps an organization as well as an individual in various ways, it has a few
limitations that undermine the importance and relevance of career planning. Though there are
multiple methods of career planning by an organization but if the plan is not developed well, career
planning program can be a catastrophic for both employee and organization. Career planning has
few disadvantages that determine the relevance towards a career.


Some of the limitations of career planning are as follows:

Long term plan: Career planning is a long-term and time-consuming process. However, some
organizations may not be ready to spend a lot of time and resources on a process that would prove
beneficial only in the long term.

Low ceiling careers: Some careers do not have scope for much advancement. Employees cannot get
promotions despite their career plans and development in such jobs. This can create resentment and
demotivation in employees

Declining Career Opportunities: Career opportunities for certain categories reach the declining
stage due to the influence of the technological or economic factors also effect career planning.

Difficulties in measuring success: Due to prejudice and interventions, systematic career planning can
be a difficult process. For example, sometime promotions and deputations can be based on

Downsizing/Delayering and careers: Business process reengineering, technological changes and

business environmental factors instigate a business firm to restructure the organizations by
delayering and downsizing which can impact career planning.

External intercession: Government rules and regulations, such as local content requirements,
certain reservations, etc can affect career planning.

Lack of Knowledge and Awareness: Career planning by an employee is essentially a self-

management process. It requires the employees to be aware of the basics of career planning and
management activities. However, the employees at the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy
may not be familiar with the career planning process.

Lifecycle priorities: Changing needs of individual’s career stage and life state also impact career
planning. With the increase in career orientation among women, and increase in dual career
families, sometime restrict one family member to accept certain career opportunities.

Productivity Impact: Employer's overall performance can suffer if the career planning program is
poor or insufficient, which can create widespread dissatisfaction among employees.

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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2019 Examination (Sem 2)

As per the study it is evident that Career planning is an important step to success in the
workplace. Through career planning one selects career goals and the path to these goals
which incorporates short-term and long-term career goals, personal goals and constraints.
Organization and Employee can work together in identifying the needs of each other and
work towards fulfilling of those needs by implementing well designed career planning
programs. Although Career planning have some limitations, but these should not stop an
employer and employee to do career planning. Clearly advantages of career planning out
way the disadvantages for both employee and employer.

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