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Article nutrition

Vitamin D Needs of Preterm Infants

Sarah N. Taylor, MD,*
Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:
Bruce W. Hollis, PhD,*
Carol L. Wagner, MD* 1. Describe which form of vitamin D is the best indicator of nutritional vitamin D status.
2. List the current recommendation for minimum vitamin D supplementation in children.
3. Explain why evaluation of vitamin D status and functional biomarkers is needed for
Author Disclosure pediatric populations.
Drs Taylor, Hollis, and 4. Delineate the roles of vitamin D in health and disease among preterm infants.
Wagner have 5. Explain why preterm infants require supplemental vitamin D support.
disclosed that they
are supported by
grants from NIH
The 2008 revised American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendation for
400 IU/day vitamin D intake makes progress toward achieving infant vitamin D
R01HD043921, sufficiency in the United States. Further study, however, is needed both to define
1K23RR021891, vitamin D sufficiency for preterm infants based on markers of vitamin D biologic
Thrasher Foundation, function and to develop supplementation strategies to ensure adequate vitamin D
and the MUSC intake and, thus, vitamin D sufficiency in this at-risk population. In this review, we
highlight some of the issues surrounding vitamin D status of the neonate and the
Clinical and
particular risks for the preterm infant. We review the evidence regarding the impact of
Translational Research
vitamin D deficiency in this population and the safety and efficacy of vitamin D
Center NIH M01RR0- supplementation. Based on previous study in preterm infants, the current AAP
1070. This guidelines to achieve serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] status of at least
commentary does not 50 nmol/L and to receive at least 400 IU/day are safe and possibly adequate. Because
contain a discussion of the nutritional difficulties in achieving consistent delivery of 400 IU/day of vitamin
D in the preterm infant, it is imperative to devise strategies for close monitoring of
of an unapproved/
each preterm infant’s vitamin D status and consider oral vitamin D supplementation as
investigative use of a
an important adjunct to dietary sources and multivitamin preparations.
The 2008 revised AAP recommendations for vitamin D supplementation for infants,
children, and adolescents respond to both the evolving identification of numerous roles for
vitamin D in health maintenance and the recent recognition
of pervasive vitamin D deficiency in populations throughout
the United States. The new AAP report recommends
Abbreviations 400 IU/day for all infants, children, and adolescents, with
AAP: American Academy of Pediatrics initiation of the supplementation in the “first few days” after
CI: confidence interval birth. (1)
DBP: vitamin D-binding protein The AAP statement includes preterm infants in this
DEXA: dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry global recommendation but does not mention the specific
ESPGAN: European Society for Pediatric Gastro- vitamin D needs of this population. The unique situation of
enterology and Nutrition preterm delivery requires blending of fetal and newborn
1,25(OH)2D: 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D health needs, including those for vitamin D. In addition,
OR: odds ratio some study of vitamin D requirements points to a weight-
PTH: parathyroid hormone based requirement for supplementation. In this circum-
25(OH)D: 25-hydroxyvitamin D stance, preterm infants again represent a unique population.
VLBW: very low birthweight Awareness of the evidence examining vitamin D needs,
demonstrating vitamin D status, and evaluating the dosing

*Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.

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nutrition vitamin D

prevalence of vitamin D deficiency

and insufficiency worldwide. Per-
sons most at risk are those who
have dark pigmentation, those who
cover themselves outdoors for reli-
gious or cultural reasons, or those
at higher latitudes, especially dur-
ing winter months. In addition, in-
creased urbanization and indoor
activities as well as the use of sun-
screen limit cutaneous vitamin D
production, even for light-skinned
persons in the tropics in the sum-
mer. With the potential association
of ultraviolet light and skin cancer,
the ability to rely on sunlight expo-
sure to achieve sufficient vitamin D
status is inadequate. For a hospital-
ized preterm infant, vitamin D pro-
duction from sun exposure is not
even an option. Phototherapy does
Figure. Primary sources and configurations of vitamin D. Adapted from Lucas et al. (2) not provide light in the ultraviolet
B range and, consequently, does
not stimulate cutaneous vitamin D
effect of supplementation for preterm infants is critical to production. Therefore, enteral supplementation must be
guarantee healthy supplementation. Further, the vitamin optimized.
D requirements of the preterm infant are understood Vitamin D3, along with vitamin D2, can be obtained
best in the context of the rapidly expanding knowledge from the diet, although vitamin D is distributed very
of vitamin D metabolism and physiology. poorly in natural foodstuffs. It is found primarily in fish
oils, egg yolk, butter, and liver. Because of its extremely
Vitamin D Metabolism low abundance in foods, vitamin D commonly is fortified
Vitamin D occurs as vitamin D3, a 27-carbon derivative in food products, the most common of which is milk at
of cholesterol, and vitamin D2, a 28-carbon molecule low concentrations. All United States infant formulas
derived from the plant sterol ergosterol (Figure). Vita- and human milk fortifiers are fortified with vitamin D
min D2 has an additional methyl group and a double (⬃400 IU/L).
bond between carbons 22 and 23. Vitamin D has a Once vitamin D enters the circulation, either through
unique structure that makes the vitamin and its related epidermal transfer or intestinal absorption, it associates
metabolites susceptible to oxidation, ultraviolet light- with vitamin D-binding protein (DBP), a protein that
induced conformational changes, and attack by free rad- binds vitamin D and its metabolites. The initial step in
icals. Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin from provitamin the metabolic activation of vitamin D is enzyme-
D3, 7-dehydrocholesterol. The exposure of skin to sun- catalyzed insertion of a hydroxyl group at carbon 25.
light in the ultraviolet B range of the spectrum (290 to Such oxidation is primarily a hepatic function and pro-
315 nm) results in the chemical reaction and conversion duces 25(OH)D, the most abundant circulating form of
of 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3, which is vitamin D. Following formation in the liver, 25(OH)D
transformed to vitamin D3 by heat-induced isomeriza- appears in the circulation bound primarily to DBP. DBP
tion in the epidermis. preferentially binds 25(OH)D with higher affinity than
The rate of sunlight catalysis of vitamin D production 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] or vitamin D.
is extremely dependent on latitude, season, skin pigmen- The high affinity of DBP for vitamin D and its metabo-
tation, and skin exposure. With modern lifestyles, limita- lites, coupled with the excessive binding capacity, keeps
tions in both the duration of time and the amount of skin “free” or unbound vitamin D and its metabolites at very
exposed to ultraviolet B light has led to the current high low concentrations. This is important because only the

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nutrition vitamin D

“free” form of the vitamin has transmembrane diffusion Vitamin D Physiology

capabilities, thus exerting its biologic function. The half- Concurrent with the discovery of serum 25(OH)D status
life of 25(OH)D in the circulation is about 2 to 3 weeks as the best marker of vitamin D health and its important
in healthy individuals. Because of its relatively long half- roles in many serious disease processes has been the
life compared with vitamin D (1 to 2 days) and evolution of the definition of sufficient vitamin D status.
1,25(OH)2D (12 to 24 hours), circulating 25(OH)D is Recent studies in children, adolescents, and adults have
the best indicator of nutritional vitamin D status. shown ill effects at 25(OH)D concentrations previously
In the kidney, circulating 25(OH)D is transformed considered within the normal range. (5)(6)(11) These
to 1,25(OH)2D and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. studies have led to new definitions of vitamin D suffi-
1,25(OH)2D is the most active and, thus, the hormonal ciency for both adults and children. Studies in adults
evaluating intestinal calcium absorption, PTH concen-
form of vitamin D. Measuring 1,25(OH)2D, however, to
trations, bone density, and glucose tolerance point to
identify vitamin D deficiency is problematic. In the pres-
serum 25(OH)D values less than 50 nmol/L as defi-
ence of vitamin D deficiency, decreased serum calcium
ciency and serum 25(OH)D values of 50 to 80 nmol/L
concentrations stimulate the production of parathyroid
as insufficiency for adults. (5)(6)(7)(12)
hormone (PTH). PTH promotes the conversion of
A consistent definition of the serum 25(OH)D con-
25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D. Therefore, in the presence centration in children that denotes vitamin D sufficiency
of vitamin D deficiency, 1,25(OH)2D concentrations has not been created. The 2003 AAP vitamin D guide-
can be normal or elevated; they are rarely low. lines recommended a minimal vitamin D dose of
The kidney is the primary site for production of 200 IU/day due to evidence demonstrating that this
1,25(OH)2D to exert an endocrine effect on the kidney, dose would maintain serum 25(OH)D concentrations
intestinal calcium absorption, and bone metabolism. De- greater than 27.5 nmol/L. (13) The 2008 AAP guide-
cades ago, numerous other cells in the body, including lines recommend an increased minimum supplementa-
immune cells, were recognized as having 25(OH)D re- tion of 400 IU/day to ensure serum 25(OH)D values
ceptors, but until recently, identification of the function greater than 50 nmol/L to avoid vitamin D-deficient
of these receptors eluded investigators. Recent evidence rickets. (1)
demonstrates that vitamin D affects numerous organ
systems through locally derived 1,25(OH)2D formed Vitamin D Physiology for Preterm Infants
from 25(OH)D in the serum. The brain, heart, lungs, The classic rickets appreciated in term infants resulting
immune cells, skin, pancreas, and many other organ from vitamin D deficiency is marked by bony abnormal-
systems are capable of producing 1,25(OH)2D that tar- ities on physical examination, hypocalcemic seizures,
gets cells in close proximity in a paracrine function. other neurologic abnormalities, growth failure, and in-
Uncovering this local activity of 1,25(OH)2D and its creased risk for respiratory infections. This type of rickets
roles in organ physiology, especially immune function, is often is found in breastfeeding infants who have high
a recent advancement that has led to greatly expanded maternal risk for vitamin D deficiency, such as dark
pigmentation, high latitudes, and minimal exposure to
knowledge of the importance of vitamin D in disease
sunlight. (1) As mentioned previously, infant formula in
prevention. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Low serum 25(OH)D
the United States is fortified with vitamin D and, there-
concentrations are associated with the development of var-
fore, formula-fed infants avoid this clinical manifestation
ious types of cancers (including breast, prostate, and colon),
of severe vitamin D deficiency. However, the question
(8) autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis,
remains whether more infants, including formula-fed
systemic lupus erythematosus, and multiple sclerosis), mus- infants, have “insufficient” vitamin D status, with detri-
culoskeletal and neurologic dysfunction, and diabetes. mental effects on bone or immune health without clini-
(3)(7) Other processes that have been related to poor cally evident signs of disease. (1) Therefore, studies to
vitamin D status are preeclampsia, (9) osteoporosis, dental define the vitamin D status and supplementation require-
decay, polycystic ovarian disease with menstrual problems ments to optimize infant health are ongoing.
and infertility, psoriasis, cardiovascular disease (including The role of vitamin D in preterm infant health also
hypertension and heart failure), and schizophrenia. continues to be investigated. Preterm infants are at risk
(3)(7)(10) Recent in vitro experiments demonstrate that for bone disease of prematurity that is described by many
low 25(OH)D status may explain the racial disparities in names: rickets of prematurity, osteopenia of prematurity,
susceptibility to bacterial infections. (4) or metabolic bone disease of prematurity. The disease is

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nutrition vitamin D

multifactorial, with inadequate calcium and phosphorus of 400 mother/infant dyads in Pittsburgh, Bodnar and
intake, vitamin D status, and mobility of extremities all associates (22) found 45.6% of African American infants
playing roles in its pathogenesis. Eighty percent of the and 9.7% of white infants were born with serum
calcium and phosphorus retained during gestation is 25(OH)D values less than 37.5 nmol/L. Ninety percent
acquired in the third trimester. With limitations in pro- of the mothers in the study took daily prenatal vitamins
viding preterm infant nutrition, parenteral nutrition and that contained 400 IU/day vitamin D. In a study of 694
unfortified feedings add to the preterm infant’s nutri- pregnant women in South Carolina, Wagner and col-
tional deficit in calcium and phosphorus. The exact inci- leagues (23) noted vitamin D deficiency at epidemic
dence of this disease is not known, but likely 55% of proportions, with 51% of the group deficient in vitamin
infants born weighing less than 1,000 g and 23% of very D and 86% exhibiting vitamin D insufficiency. For Afri-
low-birthweight (VLBW) (⬍1,500 g) infants have low can American women, 73% and 97% were vitamin
bone mineralization due to preterm birth. In the past, up D-insufficient and -deficient, respectively.
to 25% of VLBW infants had overt fractures. Infants who Such a high degree of inadequate vitamin D status
have metabolic bone disease also demonstrate increased during pregnancy leads to vitamin D deficiency at birth.
respiratory distress due to softening of the ribs, which In fact, Basile and colleagues (24) documented 100
affects chest wall compliance, and decreased longitudinal infant samples in Charleston, North Carolina, at birth
growth. (14)(15)(16)(17) demonstrating a mean serum 25(OH)D of
As is the case for many preterm infant diseases, this 33.8 nmol/L, with African American infants exhibiting a
severe complication of preterm birth has many causative mean of 26 nmol/L and white infants a mean of
factors. However, the limitations in postnatal phospho- 49 nmol/L. In both the Pittsburgh and Charleston
rus delivery, with dose restriction in parenteral nutrition studies, the white mother/infant dyads demonstrated
and delay in fortification of phosphorus-depleted human significant seasonal variation, with lower vitamin D status
milk feedings, appear to be the primary factor in disease exhibited in the winter and early spring, but the African
progression. (15)(16)(17) Delineating the role of vita- American mother/infant dyads had similar vitamin D
min D in preterm infant bone health has proven difficult. status throughout the year. (22)(24) This difference is
Part of this difficulty is due to incomplete understanding due to the effects of pigmentation, season, and latitude
of vitamin D physiology leading to flawed study design. on cutaneous vitamin D production. These studies raise
The primary problem plaguing early vitamin D studies concern that many infants, including preterm infants, are
in preterm infants was a focus on dose of vitamin D born with vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, it is essential
supplementation instead of on infant vitamin D status. that studies of vitamin D supplementation measure initial
Maternal vitamin D status is responsible for fetal and vitamin D status to examine the effect of supplementa-
newborn vitamin D status because a fetus receives all tion.
vitamin D support from the mother. (18) Maternal
25(OH)D readily crosses the placenta and as early as Vitamin D Function for Preterm Infants
24 weeks’ gestation is metabolized to 1,25(OH)2D by Studies evaluating the effect of vitamin D supplementa-
the fetal kidneys for endocrine action and by other tissues tion on preterm infant calcium absorption have demon-
for paracrine action. At birth, the neonate’s serum strated inconsistent results by comparing calcium ab-
25(OH)D status is 50% to 70% of maternal serum sorption by vitamin D supplementation instead of by
25(OH)D concentrations, a relationship that is true for serum 25(OH)D status. In 1982, Senterre and Salle (25)
term and preterm infants. (3)(18)(19)(20) The impor- published results of 3-day metabolic studies in preterm
tance of vitamin D in fetal bone development is evi- infants (n⫽117), in which they found improved intesti-
denced by reported cases of congenital rickets due to nal calcium absorption with vitamin D supplementation
severe maternal vitamin D deficiency and a longitudinal of 1,200 to 2,000 IU/day. Eleven years later, the same
study by Javaid and associates (21) that demonstrated a group of investigators found that vitamin D supplemen-
relationship between maternal vitamin D status and child tation did not significantly increase net intestinal calcium
bone mineralization at 9 years of age. absorption in 103 preterm infants. (26) The discrepancy
Investigation is ongoing to identify the maternal vita- between these results is most likely due to a comparison
min D status required to ensure fetal vitamin D health, of vitamin D intake without a comparison of vitamin D
but epidemiologic studies demonstrate a high prevalence sufficiency status. The 1993 study did not even measure
of maternal vitamin D deficiency and, therefore, a high the serum 25(OH)D status of the infants, yet this study is
prevalence of vitamin D deficiency at birth. In their study quoted as demonstrating that intestinal calcium absorp-

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nutrition vitamin D

tion in preterm infants is completely independent of study, none of the evaluations of vitamin D health in
vitamin D. preterm infants was designed to define vitamin D suffi-
Another problem that has plagued evaluations of the ciency in this population.
vitamin D needs of preterm infants is performance of Identifying the role of vitamin D in maternal, fetal,
studies that have the definition of “normal” vitamin D and neonatal immune function is extremely important to
status as serum 25(OH)D status greater than 12.5 to optimize preterm infant health. Epidemiologic studies
27.5 nmol/L. (13)(27)(28)(29) As mentioned previ- raise the possibility for a positive association between
ously, evaluation of vitamin D status with functional maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy and diseases such
biomarkers in adults has permitted a revised definition of as osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and schizophrenia.
vitamin D sufficiency as serum 25(OH)D status greater (2)(3) With long-term programming in fetal develop-
than 80 nmol/L. (5)(6)(7) Unfortunately, study of the ment, identifying the effect of vitamin D during devel-
relationship of vitamin D status and functional biomark- opment and early life is critical. In evaluating the short-
ers for children is lacking. Evaluation of vitamin D status term role of vitamin D in immune health, preliminary
and functional biomarkers such as intestinal calcium ab- results from two large randomized, controlled trials of
sorption, bone mineralization, and PTH concentrations vitamin D in pregnancy demonstrated a significant asso-
is needed for pediatric populations, including preterm ciation between vitamin D deficiency and an increased
infants. risk for preterm birth before 32 weeks’ gestation (odds
The studies that have been performed to evaluate the ratio (OR) 0.558, confidence interval (CI) 0.347 to
role of vitamin D in preterm infant bone mineralization 0.898), preterm birth before 37 weeks’ gestation (OR
have used a definition of “normal” as a serum 25(OH)D 0.528, CI 0.345 to 0.809), and maternal infection (OR
concentration not associated with rickets. In addition, 0.739, CI 0.558 to 0.978), even after controlling for
studies evaluating the effect of vitamin D status on bone race. (31)
mineralization are limited by technological inadequacies, In an investigation of the role of vitamin D health in
with bone health assessed by radiography and single- postnatal immune function, Karatekin and associates
photon absorptiometry instead of dual-energy x-ray ab- (32) performed a case-control study of newborns who
sorptiometry (DEXA) or quantitative computed tomog- had acute lower respiratory tract infection. The cases and
raphy scan, which are better modalities for measuring their mothers demonstrated significantly lower serum
bone mineralization. (26) Among the studies that have 25(OH)D concentrations than the healthy controls. The
evaluated preterm infant bone mineralization with newborns who had infection exhibited a mean serum
DEXA, one group of investigators (29) compared two 25(OH)D concentration of 22.8 nmol/L; controls dem-
doses of vitamin D (200 IU/kg of body weight per day onstrated a mean of 40.8 nmol/L.
up to 400 IU/day versus 960 IU/day) and found that Definitive risk factors for necrotizing enterocolitis in
the group of infants receiving up to 400 IU/day preterm infants continue to elude investigators. Imma-
achieved serum 25(OH)D concentrations of at least turity in production of an anti-inflammatory cytokine,
86.4⫾23.9 nmol/L at the time of measurement. This interleukin-10, however, has been associated with devel-
serum 25(OH)D status is most likely demonstrative of opment of this condition. (33) In 2004, Zitterman and
vitamin D sufficiency, and, therefore, the finding of no associates (34) reported a significant association of low
difference in bone mineralization between the two com- vitamin D status with low interleukin-10 concentrations
parison groups is not surprising. in umbilical cord blood. Studies evaluating the relation-
Kurl and colleagues (30) attempted to evaluate the ship between preterm infant vitamin D status and im-
relationship between serum 25(OH)D status and bone mune function are ongoing.
mineralization. They did not examine a direct correla-
tion; rather, when the preterm infants reached weights of Preterm Infant Vitamin D Status With
5 to 7 kg, their bone mineral content measurement was Supplementation
used to calculate a “percentage of predicted bone mineral With no definition of vitamin D sufficiency based on
content” based on the comparison with term infant biologic function available for preterm infants, examina-
DEXA measurements. The serum 25(OH)D status of tion of the vitamin D status achieved with supplementa-
the preterm infants, who received 400 IU/day vitamin D tion is the best available evidence. Four trials have com-
once full enteral feedings were achieved, demonstrated pared the vitamin D status achieved following random
no linear correlation with the percentage of bone mineral assignment to vitamin D supplementation (Table 1). The
content calculation. Except for partial evaluation in this wide range of vitamin D doses studied highlights the lack

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nutrition vitamin D

Table 1. Preterm Infant Vitamin D Supplementation Studies

Vitamin D Status at Vitamin D Status
Vitamin D doses Initiation (nmol/L) Achieved (nmol/L)
Study Population Dosing Duration (IU/day) (SD)* (SD)
Delvin et al Exclusively formula 3 months 1,000 above the Formula-fed: Formula-fed:
2005 (28) (80 IU/dL vitamin vitamin D in the 47.5 (25.6) 142.6 (90)
(nⴝ66) D)-fed or formula or Mother’s milk-fed: Mother’s milk-fed:
exclusively mother’s mother’s milk 34.4 (26.7) 181.9 (97.5)
milk-fed preterm
Backstrom et al At birth, <33 weeks’ From full enteral Low-dose: Low-dose: Low-dose:
1999 (29) gestation and feedings until 200 IU/kg, up to 29.8 (10) 79.1 (30)
(nⴝ16) appropriate for 3 months of maximum of 400 High-dose: High-dose:
gestational age age High-dose: 960 29.2 (11.8) 113.5 (37.7)
Koo et al At birth, <1,500 g From full enteral Low-dose: Low-dose: Low-dose:
1995 (27) and appropriate for nutrition until mean, 161 70 (6.8) 65 (5.8)
(nⴝ62) gestational age and discharge or Middle-dose: Middle-dose: Middle-dose:
growing on full 2-kg weight mean, 361 63 (9.5) 80 (8)
enteral nutrition High-dose: High-dose: High-dose:
mean, 766 63 (9.5) 78 (7.8)
Pittard et al Preterm infants From birth until Low-dose: 400 Low-dose: Low-dose:
1991 (35) <2,500 g at birth 16 weeks of High-dose: 800 27.5 (12.5) 127.5 (47.5)
(nⴝ27) (mean gestational age High-dose: High-dose:
age, 30.9 weeks) 42.5 (20) 122.5 (62.5)
*SD⫽standard deviation

of understanding of vitamin D needs for the preterm term formula or human milk, a mean 25(OH)D of
infant population. The revised AAP guidelines recom- 115 nmol/L. All serum and urine calcium and phospho-
mend 400 IU/day. The European Society for Pediatric rus values, measures of early hypervitaminosis D, were
Gastroenterology and Nutrition (ESPGAN) in 1987 rec- normal, disputing the theory that the preterm formula
ommended 800 to 1600 IU/day for preterm infants, with 2,700 IU/L was the cause of hypercalcemia in the
(36) but following the studies from Koo, (27) Back- earlier case report.
strom, (29) and Delvin, (28) European experts recom-
mended 800 to 1,000 IU/day to achieve vitamin D Preterm Infant Vitamin D Supplementation
sufficiency without toxicity. (17) Of note, the trial con- The difference in vitamin D supplementation between
ducted by Delvin (28) provided 1,000 IU/day vitamin the standard Japanese preterm infant formula and term
D supplementation and 80 IU/100 mL formula, so infant formula highlights the next difficulty in vitamin D
some formula-fed infants received upwards of 1,500 IU/ supplementation of preterm infants, which is inconsis-
day vitamin D without complications. tent fortification of various preterm infant nutrition sup-
One case report in 1993 represents the only published port systems. The goal of supplementation is to deliver
report of hypercalcemia possibly due to high vitamin D an adequate but nontoxic amount of vitamin D. With the
intake. (37) The infant’s vitamin D status was not quan- revised AAP recommendation that 400 IU/day meets
tified adequately because the vitamin D assay did not this goal, (1) careful attention is required to guarantee
measure 25(OH)D above 125 nmol/L. With concern that preterm infants receive the recommended intake. In
that Japanese preterm formula containing 2,700 IU/L the United States, standard infant liquid vitamin supple-
vitamin D causes hypervitaminosis D, the same authors mentation contains 400 IU per dose and standard term
published in 2004 a comparison of vitamin D status in formulas are supplemented with 400 IU/L. These doses
preterm infants receiving preterm formula versus the guarantee that a term breastfeeding infant receiving daily
same preterm infants receiving term formula with standard vitamin supplementation and a term formula-
460 IU/L vitamin D after hospital discharge. (38) When fed infant taking 1 L of formula receive at least 400 IU/
receiving the preterm formula, the infants demonstrated day. (1) For preterm infants, however, limitations in
a mean 25(OH)D of 175 nmol/L and when receiving nutritional intake, due to both intestinal immaturity and

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Daily Vitamin D Supplementation (IU) Provided by Standard

Table 2.

Preterm Infant Nutrition Regimens

Hypothetical patients by weight 500 g 1,000 g 1,250 g 1,500 g 2,000 g
Parenteral nutrition only 80 160 200 240 320
Parenteral nutrition and 100 mL/kg per day 83 165 206 248 330
unfortified mother’s milk
Parenteral nutrition and 100 mL/kg per day 131 to 190 261 to 380 326 to 475 392 to 570 523 to 760
preterm formula (20 to 24 kcal/oz)
160 mL/kg per day fortified human milk 100 to 124 200 to 248 250 to 310 300 to 372 400 to 496
(24 kcal/oz)
160 mL/kg per day preterm formula 97 to 176 195 to 352 244 to 440 292 to 528 390 to 704
(24 kcal/oz)
160 mL/kg per day fortified human milk 300 to 324 400 to 448 650 to 710 700 to 772 800 to 896
(24 kcal/oz) plus multivitamin preparation*
160 mL/kg per day preterm infant formula 297 to 376 395 to 552 644 to 840 692 to 928 790 to 1,104
(24 kcal/oz) plus multivitamin preparation*
*Standard multivitamin preparations recommend 0.5 mL (200 IU vitamin D) per day when weight ⬍1,250 g and 1 mL (400 IU vitamin D) per day when
weight ⱖ1,250 g.
Vitamin D concentrations for formula and human milk fortification based on data from Abbott Nutrition (Abbott Park, Ill.) and Mead Johnson Nutritionals
(Evansville, Ind).

volume restriction, elevate the risk for inadequate vita- amount of supplementation for preterm infants. In fact,
min D supplementation. the current evidence indicates that further investigation
For example, in the United States, parenteral nutri- is needed to confirm 400 IU/day as sufficient supple-
tion vitamin D supplementation is weight-based at mentation for all preterm infants. The ESPGAN recom-
160 IU/kg. Therefore, infants receiving parenteral nu- mendation of 800 to 1,600 IU/day vitamin D for pre-
trition alone do not receive 400 IU/day vitamin D term infants, with validation of the safety of 800 to
supplementation until reaching a weight of 2.5 kg. In- 1,000 IU/day doses by at least three randomized, con-
fants taking preterm infant formula also may receive trolled trials, promotes guidelines to achieve at least
inadequate vitamin D supplementation, depending on 400 IU/day and up to 1,000 to 1,600 IU/day.
weight and enteral intake. With ingestion of one major (1)(27)(29)(29)(35)
United States preterm formula containing 1,220 IU/L With the goal of 400 to 1,000 IU/day established,
vitamin D, a baby must weigh at least 2.1 kg and be providing such vitamin D intake for preterm infants who
taking 160 mL/kg per day of 24-kcal/oz formula to are receiving supplementation from various nutrition
receive the recommended 400 IU/day. Therefore, to support systems can be complicated. Table 2 presents the
achieve intake of 400 IU/day, formula-fed preterm in- varying vitamin D intakes provided by common preterm
fants may need supplemental daily vitamin D doses. In infant nutrition practices and outlines the differences
addition, preterm infants receiving fortified mother’s based on body weight. Preterm infants who weigh
milk need supplemental vitamin D support because the 1,000 g or less do not receive 400 IU/day vitamin D
standard United States human milk fortifiers are formu- unless additional vitamin D supplementation is provided.
lated to provide similar vitamin D support as the preterm In Table 2, the additional vitamin D supplementation is
formulas. presented as a multivitamin preparation, with 0.5 mL/
To demonstrate the vitamin D supplementation re- day given to infants who weigh less than 1,250 g and
ceived by preterm infants in the first postnatal month, 1 mL/day to those who weight 1,250 g or more. A mul-
Taylor and associates (39) calculated a mean vitamin D tivitamin preparation has been the mainstay of supple-
intake of 507⫾223 IU/day for the 36 preterm infants mentation for years, but other preparations that contain-
studied. With this amount of average vitamin D supple- ing only vitamin D now are available in the United States.
mentation, the infants achieved a mean serum 25(OH)D Another compound that historically has been admin-
of 59⫾26 nmol/L by the end of the month. These istered for preterm infant bone health is the active me-
findings and the four randomized trials mentioned pre- tabolite, 1,25(OH)2D (calcitriol). Calcitriol is not phys-
viously negate concern that 400 IU/day is a toxic iologic vitamin D supplementation, but rather a

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Table 3. Vitamin D Preparations Currently Available in the United States

Preparation Dosage
Baby Ddrops™ (The Ddrops Company, Toronto, Ontario, ● 1 drop provides 400 IU
Canada, www.ddrops.ca) (Distributed in United States ● Coconut and palm oil preparation
through Carlson Laboratories) ● Also available in 2,000 IU/drop preparation
● Five-year shelf life
Bio-D-Mulsion™ (Biotics Research Laboratory, Rosenberg, ● 1 drop provides 400 IU
Texas, www.bioticsresearch.com) ● Corn oil preparation
● Also available in 2,000 IU/drop preparation*
● One-year shelf life
Just D™ (Sunlight Vitamins, Inc., Carlson Laboratories, ● 1 mL provides 400 IU
www.carlsonlabs.com) ● Corn oil preparation
● 1 gel cap provides 400 IU
● Also available in 2,000 IU gel caps*
Multivitamin preparations; polyvitamins; A, D, and K ● 1 mL provides 400 IU
vitamin preparations
*Caregiver must be instructed to ensure proper dosing of the single drop per day regimen.
Adapted from the American Academy of Pediatrics Statement on Vitamin D Table 2 (1).

medicine with safety concerns. As early as 24 weeks’ of supplementation and establishing sufficient vitamin D
gestation (likely earlier), fetal liver and kidney hydroxy- intake as soon as possible is the first step in supporting
lation produce 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D, respec- preterm infant vitamin D health.
tively. With the ability to form these products from the A further step is to monitor vitamin D status with
parent compound vitamin D, vitamin D supplementa- analysis of serum 25(OH)D. One new option for serum
tion offers the safest alternative for preterm infants. Also, 25(OH)D monitoring that is especially applicable for
providing 1,25(OH)2D instead of vitamin D ignores the preterm infants is a blood spot test similar to state new-
extrarenal paracrine vitamin D health that is sustained by born metabolic screening blood collection. In this test,
vitamin D, with hydroxylation in the liver maintaining available through ZRT Labs (Beaverton, Ore.), only
available circulating 25(OH)D. In fact, patients who three drops of blood are required for serum 25(OH)D
have chronic renal failure and require 1,25(OH)2D sup-
measurement. The goal for preterm infant serum
plementation also require vitamin D supplementation to
25(OH)D is greater than 50 nmol/L. (1)
support these extrarenal processes.
Table 3 provides the characteristics of oral vitamin D
preparations currently available in the United States. An
oil emulsion/1 drop daily regimen containing 400 IU
The 2008 revised AAP recommendation for 400 IU/day
has been studied by Wagner and associates (40) in term
vitamin D intake makes substantial progress toward
breastfeeding infants and found to be effective in achiev-
ing healthy vitamin D status. In addition, we have ad- achieving infant vitamin D sufficiency in the United
ministered the 1-drop preparation orally in our neonatal States. Crucial further study, however, is needed both to
intensive care unit for the past 4 years to otherwise define vitamin D sufficiency for preterm infants based on
nonfeeding preterm and term infants with no gastric or markers of vitamin D biologic function and to develop
intestinal complications. Further evaluation is needed to supplementation to ensure adequate vitamin D intake
describe the safety and efficacy of all vitamin D supple- and, thus, vitamin D sufficiency. Based on previous study
mentation preparations for preterm infants, but for now, in preterm infants, the current AAP guidelines to achieve
the clinician must assess a preterm infant’s vitamin D serum 25(OH)D status of at least 50 nmol/L and to
intake and the options for additional vitamin D supple- provide at least 400 IU/day are safe and possibly ade-
mentation to establish adequate intake. For low- quate. Given the difficulties in achieving consistent de-
birthweight infants who are likely born with some degree livery of 400 IU/day of vitamin D in the preterm infant,
of vitamin D deficiency and who receive inadequate close monitoring of vitamin D status through each
vitamin D intake during the first postnatal days when change in parenteral and enteral feedings must occur to
enteral nutrition is limited, recognizing this inadequacy assure adequate vitamin D status of these infants.

NeoReviews Vol.10 No.12 December 2009 e597

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nutrition vitamin D

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NeoReviews Quiz
1. Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent worldwide, especially among persons who have dark pigmentation,
those who cover themselves for religious or cultural reasons, and those who live at high latitudes with
prolonged winters. Measurements of serum concentrations of vitamin D metabolites are helpful in
determining the vitamin D status of an individual. Of the following, the best indicator of nutritional
vitamin D status is the measurement of circulating:
A. Cholecalciferol.
B. 7-dehydrocholesterol.
C. 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.
D. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol.
E. Vitamin D-binding protein.

2. Preterm infants are at high risk for bone disease of prematurity, which has many putative causes. Of the
following, the primary factor in the development of bone disease of prematurity is the deficiency of:
A. Calcium.
B. Mobility of extremities.
C. Parathyroid hormone.
D. Phosphorus.
E. Vitamin D.

3. Although the kidney is the primary site for production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D to exert its endocrine
effects on the bone, kidney, and intestine, other cells in the body are also capable of producing 1,25-
dihydroxyvitamin D to exert its diverse paracrine effects. Vitamin D deficiency, therefore, is implicated in
the pathogenesis of several diseases in addition to disease involving defective bone mineralization. Of the
following, the most recent advancement in our understanding of the disease related to vitamin D deficiency
A. Autoimmune disease.
B. Dental decay.
C. Preeclampsia of pregnancy.
D. Psychiatric disorder of schizophrenia.
E. Skin disease of psoriasis.

NeoReviews Vol.10 No.12 December 2009 e599

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Vitamin D Needs of Preterm Infants
Sarah N. Taylor, Bruce W. Hollis and Carol L. Wagner
NeoReviews 2009;10;e590
DOI: 10.1542/neo.10-12-e590

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Vitamin D Needs of Preterm Infants
Sarah N. Taylor, Bruce W. Hollis and Carol L. Wagner
NeoReviews 2009;10;e590
DOI: 10.1542/neo.10-12-e590

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