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Strategic Management Journal, Vol.

9, 319-332 (1988)

c T---
T h e W h a r t o n School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

This paper compares the perspectives of transaction costs and strategic behavior in explaining
the motivation to joint venture. In addition, a theory of joini ventures us an instrument of
organizational learning is proposed and developed. Existing studies of joint ventures are
examined in light of these theories. Data on the sectoral distribution and stability of joint
ventures are presented.

The study of joint ventures has attracted increas- stability. The final section suggests some avenues
ing interest in the popular press and academic for future research.
literature. Though joint ventures are an important The theses of this article are essentially two.
alternative to acquisitions, contracting, and inter- First, it will be argued that most statements on
nal development, the literature has not been the motivations for joint ventures are reducible to
consolidated and analyzed. This article provides three factors: evasion of small number bargaining,
a critical review of existing studies and new data enhancement of competitive positioning (or mar-
in order to establish current theoretical and ket power), and mechanisms to transfer organi-
empirical directions. In particular, a theory of zational knowledge. Second, it will be proposed
joint ventures as an instrument of organizational that the cooperative aspects of joint ventures must
learning is proposed. In this view a joint venture be evaluated in the context of the competitive
is used for the transfer of organizationally incentives among the partners and the competitive
embedded knowledge which cannot be easily rivalry within the industry.
blueprinted or packaged through licensing or
market transactions.
The paper is divided into four sections. The THEORETICAL EXPLANATIONS
first section develops three theories on joint
ventures from the perspectives of transaction Narrowly defined, a joint venture occurs when
costs, strategic behavior, and organizational two or more firms pool a portion of their
theory. The subsequent section reviews the resources within a common legal organization.
literature on the motivations for joint ventures Conceptually, a joint venture is a selection among
and empirical trends in their occurrence. Where alternative modes by which two or more firms
possible, the findings are related to the three can transact. Thus, a theory of joint ventures must
theoretical perspectives. Because there has been explain why this particular mode of transacting is
such considerable work in the area of international chosen over such alternatives as acquisition,
joint ventures, the third section summarizes some supply contract, licensing, or spot market pur-
of the major findings regarding foreign entry and chases.

0143-2095/88/0403 19-1 4$07.00 Received I5 September 1986

01988 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 23 July 1987
320 Bruce Kogut

Three theoretical approaches are especially may, however, be optimal if the expected
relevant in explaining the motivations and choice transaction costs of relying on an outside supplier
of joint ventures. One approach is derived from outweigh the production saving.'
the theory of transaction costs as developed by Because a joint venture straddles the border
Williamson (1975, 1985). The second approach of two firms, it differs from a contract insofar
focuses on strategic motivations and consists of as cooperation is administered within an organi-
a catalogue of formal and qualitative models zational h i e r a r ~ h y .It~ differs from a vertically
describing competitive behavior. Though fre- integrated activity in so far as two firms claim
quently these approaches are not carefully dis- ownership to the residual value and control rights
tinguished from one another, they differ over the use of the assets. An obvious question
principally, as discussed later, insofar as trans- is why should either firm choose to share
action cost arguments are driven by cost-minimiz- ownership? Clearly, the answer lies in the
ation considerations, whereas strategic motiv- diseconomies of acquisition due to the costs of
ations are driven by competitive positioning and divesting or managing unrelated activities or the
the impact of such positioning on profitability. higher costs of internal development. Thus, a
A third approach is derived from organizational necessary condition is that the production cost
theories, which have not been fully developed in achieved through internal development or acqui-
terms of explaining the choice to joint venture sition is significantly higher than external sourcing
relative to other modes of cooperation. for at least one of the partners.
If vertical (or horizontal) integration is not
efficient, then an alternative is the market or
TRANSACTION COSTS contract. As described earlier, a transaction cost
A transaction cost explanation for joint ventures explanation for why market transactions are not
involves the question of how a firm should chosen rests on potential exploitation of one
organize its boundary activities with other firms. party when assets are dedicated to the relationship
Simply stated, Williamson proposes that firms and there is uncertainty over redress. Leaving
choose how to transact according to the criterion aside integration as economically infeasible and
of minimizing the sum of production and trans- market transactions as too fraught with opportun-
action costs. Production costs may differ between istic risk, the final comparison is between a joint
firms due to the scale of operations, to learning, venture and a long-term contract.
or to proprietary knowledge. Transaction costs A transaction cost theory must explain what
refer to the expenses incurred for writing and discriminates a joint venture from a contract,
enforcing contracts, for haggling over terms and and in what transactional situations a joint
contingent claims, for deviating from optimal venture is best suited. Two properties are
kinds of investments in order to increase depend- particularly distinctive: joint ownership (and
ence on a party or to stabilize a relationship, control) rights and the mutual commitment of
and for administering a transaction. resources. The situational characteristics best
Williamson posits that the principal feature of suited for a joint venture are high uncertainty
high transaction costs between arms-length parties over specifying and monitoring performance, in
is small numbers bargaining in a situation of addition to a high degree of asset ~pecificity.~ It
bilateral governance. Small number bargaining
results when switching costs are high due to asset For a careful analysis of this problem, see Walker and
specificity; namely, the degree to which assets Weber, 1984; for an analysis of the downstream choice of
using a direct sales agent (employee) or representative, see
are specialized to support trade between only a Anderson and Schmittlein, 1984.
few parties.' The upshot of this analysis is that Subsequent to writing the earlier drafts of this paper,
a firm may choose, say, to produce a component working papers by Hennart, and by Buckley and Casson
(both forthcoming) came to my attention. The subsequent
even though its production costs are higher than revisions have benefited from their work, though the
what outside suppliers incur. Such a decision substance of the argument has not changed.
It is frequently suggested that institutional choices can be
linearly ordered from market to firm. Not only is this
conceptually unfounded, but the interaction of asset speci-
I Asset specificity is not a sufficient condition; uncertainty ficity, uncertainty, and frequency is unlikely, to say the least,
and frequency of the transactions are also necessary. to result in a linear effect.
Motivation to Joint Venture 321

is uncertainty over performance which plays a ante the performance requirements or behavior
fundamental role in encouraging a joint venture of each party. Instead, the initial commitments
over a contract. and rules of profit-sharing are specified, along
To clarify why uncertainty over peformance with administration procedures for control and
makes the properties of joint ownership and evaluation.
mutual contribution particularly valuable, con- A more complex case is whether the joint
sider first a joint venture designed to supply one venture represents a horizontal investment in
of the parties, and second a joint venture serving order to supply both parties or sell in an outside
as a horizontal extension of one or more links market. The discriminating quality of a mutually
of each parent’s value-added chain. In the case horizontal joint venture is that the venture
where the joint venture represents a vertical employs assets, such as one party’s brand label
investment for one party and a horizontal for the reputation, which are vulnerable to erosion in
other, the venture replaces a supply agreement. their values. This latter aspect is particularly
In this case the venture is the outcome of the important if the joint venture has potential
production advantage of the supplier coupled externalities which influence the value of the
with the transaction cost hazards facing one or strategic assets of the parties, such as through a
both of the parties. diffusion of technology, the erosion of reputation
These hazards pose the problem of how an and brand labels, or the competitive effects on
agreement to divide excess profits (sometimes other common lines of business. It is, ironically,
called the problem of ‘appropriability’) can be the initial complementarity between the parents’
stabilized over time. Transaction cost hazards assets which both motivates joint cooperation
can face either the supplier or the buyer. Such and poses the transactional hazard of negative
hazards are likely to stem from the uncertainty externalities, either through erosion or imitation
in a supply contract over whether the downstream of such assets as technology or reputation.
party is providing information on market con- If two parties seek to resolve this dilemma by
ditions, over whether both parties are sharing contracting to a third party, or to each other,
new technologies, or over whether the supplier the danger is that the agent will underinvest in
is performing efficiently or with the requisite complementary assets and free-ride the brand
quality production. Each of these cases poses the label or technological advantage. As a result the
issue of whether, in the absence of the capability contracting party will undersupply, or mark up
to specify and monitor performance, a governance its price of, the inputs it contributes. A joint
mechanism can be designed to provide the venture addresses these issues again by providing
incentives to perform. a superior alignment of incentives through a
A joint venture addresses this issue by creating mutual dedication of resources along with better
a superior monitoring mechanism and alignment monitoring capabilities through ownership control
of incentives to reveal information, share techno- rights. In summary, the critical dimension of a
logies, and guarantee peformance. Instrumental joint venture is its resolution of high levels of
in achieving this alignment are the rules of uncertainty over the behavior of the contracting
sharing costs and/or profits and the mutual parties when the assets of one or both parties
investment in dedicated assets, i.e. assets which are specialized to the transaction and the hazards
are specialized to purchases or sales from a of joint cooperation are outweighed by the higher
specific firm. Thus, both parties gain or lose by production or acquisition costs of 100 percent
the performance of the venture. ownership.
It is by mutual hostage positions through joint
commitment of financial or real assets that
superior alignment of incentives is achieved, and STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR
the agreement on the division of profits or costs
is stabilized. Non-equity contracts can also be An alternative explanation for the use of joint
written to provide similar incentives by stipulating ventures stems from theories on how strategic
complex contingencies and bonding. A joint behavior influences the competitive positioning
venture differs by having both parties share in the of the firm. The motivations to joint venture
residual value of the venture without specifying ex for strategic reasons are numerous. Though
322 Bruce Kogut

transaction cost and strategic behavior theories patentable research in order to forestall entry.
share several commonalities, they differ funda- But given free-rider problems, encumbents would
mentally in the objectives attributed to firms. tend to underinvest collectively in the absence
Transaction cost theory posits that firms transact of collusion. Vickers shows that, for small
by the mode which minimizes the sum of innovations, a joint venture is an effective
production and transaction costs. Strategic mechanism to guarantee the entry-deterring
behavior posits that firms transact by the mode investment. For large innovations it is in the
which maximizes profits through improving a interest of each firm to pursue its own research,
firm’s competitive position vis-b-vis rivals. A for the expected payoff justifies the costs. More
common confusion is treating the two theories generally, Vernon (1983) sees joint ventures as
as substitutes rather than as complementary. a form of defensive investment by which firms
Indeed, given a strategy to joint venture, for hedge against strategic uncertainty, especially
example, transaction cost theory is useful in in industries of moderate concentration where
analyzing problems in bilateral bargaining. But collusion is difficult to achieve despite the benefits
the decision itself to joint venture may stem from of coordinating the interdependence among firms.
profit motivations and, in fact, may represent a A strategic behavior perspective of joint
more costly, though more profitable, alternative venture choice implies that the selection of
to other choices. The primary difference is that partners is made in the context of competitive
transaction costs address the costs specific to a positioning vis-u-vis other rivals or consumers.
particular economic exchange, independent of Though this area has not been investigated, the
the product market strategy. Strategic behavior prediction of which firms will joint venture is
addresses how competitive positioning influences unlikely to be the same for both transaction cost
the asset value of the firm. and strategic behavior perspectives. Whereas the
Potentially, every model of imperfect compe- former predicts that the matching should reflect
tition which explains vertical integration is appli- minimizing costs, the latter predicts that joint
cable to joint ventures, from tying downstream venture partners will be chosen to improve the
distributors to depriving competitors of raw competitive positioning of the parties, whether
materials and to stabilizing oligopolistic compe- through collusion or through depriving competi-
tition. Of course, not every motive for collusive tors of potentially valuable allies. Thus, two
behavior is contrary to public welfare. Where important differences in the implications of a
there are strong network externalities, such as in transaction cost and strategic behavior analysis
technological compatibility of communication are the identification of the motives to cooperate
services, joint research and development of and the selection of partners.
standards can result in lower prices and improved
quality in the final market.5 Research joint
ventures which avoid costly duplication among ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND
firms but still preserve downstream competition LEARNING
can similarly be shown to be welfare-improving.6
Many joint ventures are, on the other hand, Transaction cost and strategic motivation expla-
motivated by strategic behavior to deter entry or nations provide compelling economic reasons for
erode competitors’ positions. Vickers (1985) joint ventures. There are, of course, other
analyzes joint ventures in research as a way to explanations outside of economic rationality.
deter entry through pre-emptive patenting. In Dimaggio and Powell’s depicture of mimetic
oligopolistic industries it might be optimal for processes of firms offers an interesting alternative
the industry if one of the firms invested in point of view, for it is premature to rule out
joint venture activity as a form of band-wagon
behavior (Dirnaggio-and Powell, 1983). In ocher
’For an analysis of network externality, see Katz and
ShaDiro. 1985. words, joint venture activity can be analogous to
Se‘e Ordover and Willig, 1985. Friedman, Berg, and Duncan fashion trend-setting.’
(1979) found, in fact, that firms which joint venture tend to
lower R&D expenditures. Their findings, therefore, support ’ Indeed, Comes Casseres (1987) has found that joint venture
the argument that research ventures substitute for internal waves exist and are difficult to predict by reasonahle economic
development and are motivated by efficiency considerations. causes.
Motivation to Joint Venture 323

There is, however, a third rational explanation not well understood. More generally, tacitness is
for joint ventures which does not rest on either an aspect of the capital stock of knowledge within
transaction cost or strategic behavior motivations. a firm. In this regard there is an important
This explanation views joint ventures as a means distinction between capital specific to individuals,
by which firms learn or seek to retain their and for which there may be an external labor
capabilities. In this view, firms consist of a market, and capital specific to organizations, or
knowledge base, or what McKelvey (1983) calls what Nelson and Winter (1982) call skills and
‘comps’, which are not easily diffused across the routines, respectively. For transactions which are
boundaries of the firm.XJoint ventures are, then, the product of complex organizational routines,
a vehicle by which, to use the often-quoted the transfer of know-how can be severely impaired
expression of Polanyi (1967), ‘tacit knowledge’ unless the organization is itself replicated.y
is transferred. Other forms of transfer, such as In this perspective a joint venture is encouraged
through licensing, are ruled out-not because of if neither party owns each other’s technology or
market failure o r high transaction costs as defined underlying ‘comps’, nor understands each other’s
by Williamson and others, but rather because the routines. Or conversely, following Nelson and
very knowledge being transferred is organization- Winter (1982), a firm may decide to joint venture
ally embedded. in order to retain the capability (or what
This perspective is frequently identified with a they call ‘remember-by-doing’) of organizing a
transaction cost argument, even though the particular activity while benefitting from the
explanatory factors are organizational and cogni- superior production techniques of a partner.
tive rather than derivatives of opportunism under Even if a supply agreement were to operate at
uncertainty and asset specificity. An example of lower production and transaction costs a firm
this confusion is the explanation for joint ven- may choose a more costly joint venture in order
tures, commonly embraced as a form of trans- to maintain the option, albeit at a cost, to exploit
action cost theory, that the transfer of know-how the capability in the future. What drives the
in the market place is severely encumbered by the choice of joint ventures in this situation is the
hazards which attend the pricing of information difference in the value of options to exploit future
without revealing its contents. Because knowledge opportunities across market, contractual, and
can be transferred at-so it is claimed-zero organizational modes of transacting. Thus, a joint
marginal cost, the market fails, as sellers are venture is encouraged under two conditions: one
unwilling to reveal their technology and buyers or both firms desire to acquire the other’s
are unwilling to purchase in the absence of organizational knowhow; or one firm wishes
inspection. to maintain an organizational capability while
Yet, as Teece (1977) demonstrated, the transfer benefitting from another firm’s current knowledge
of technology entails non-trivial costs, partly or cost advantage.
because of the difficulty of communicating tacit The three perspectives of transaction cost,
knowledge. If knowledge is tacit, then it is not strategic behavior, and organizational learning
clear why markets should fail due to opportunistic provide distinct, though at times, overlapping,
behavior. It would seem, in fact, that knowledge explanations for joint venture behavior. Trans-
could be described to a purchaser without action cost analyzes joint ventures as an efficient
effecting a transfer, specified in a contract, and solution to the hazards of economic transactions.
sold with the possibility of legal redress. In this Strategic behavior places joint ventures in the
sense tacitness tends to preserve the market. context of competitive rivalry and collusive
Rather, the market is replaced by a joint agreements to enhance market power. Finally,
venture not because tacitness is a cost stemming transfer or organizational skills views joint ven-
from opportunism, but rather from the necessity
of replicating experiential knowledge which is t] Teece (1982) makes a similar point in explaining the multi-
product firm.
l o Harrigan (1985) provides an excellent description by which
It could be argued that there is no more sustainable asset firms seek to benefit from technological ‘bleedthrough’. For.
over which there is, to paraphrase Rumelt (1984), an example, internal R&D facilities arc sometimes created which
uncertainty of imitation, than an organizationally embedded parallel the joint venture and staff is then rotated back and
source of competitive advantage. forth from the parent and joint venture organizations.
324 Bruce Kogut

tures as a vehicle by which organizational similar concentration of joint ventures in the

knowledge is exchanged and imitated-though manufacturing sector. Kogut finds, however, a
controlling and delimiting the process can be higher percentage in manufacturing than the rest.
itself a cause of instability. Because joint venture activity appears to be
cyclical, it is unclear whether his estimates are
the result of the chosen period, the smaller
EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON JOINT sample, o r the correction for announced ventures
VENTURE MOTIVATIONS which were never realized. (The other estimates
are based on announcements.)
Despite a relatively long history of research on A problem with the above data is that it is
joint ventures there have been only a few difficult to infer trends regarding the propensity
empirical studies of their frequency and moti- t o venture without normalizing for the size of
vations. In part the paucity of cross-sectional the industry and of firms. Boyle (1968) discovered
studies on joint ventures has been due t o the persuasive evidence that larger firms engage more
difficulty of acquiring information. There have frequently in joint ventures than d o smaller firms.
been, however, sufficient studies to date t o draw Ideally, therefore, the ratio of joint venture sales
a picture of joint venture activity in the United o r assets t o industry sales or assets would serve
States and, to a lesser extent, overseas for the as a measure of intensity which would correct
case of American multinational corporations. for size effects. Unfortunately, the data required
A summary of the broad sectoral findings of for the calculations of this ratio are not available.
a number of studies is given in Table 1. All of Berg and Friedman (1978a) attempt to normal-
the studies rely on the publication Mergers and ize their sample by taking a ratio between the
Acquisitions, though a few of the studies had number of joint ventures in an industry and the
access t o the data used for the journal directly total number of companies. The measure is
from the Bureau of Economics of the Federal conceptually faulty, as there is no reason to
Trade Commission.'' All the studies show a exclude parents outside of the industry. More-
over, as most publicly available data underreport
I ' The Pate data are for joint ventures only between American
joint ventures among small firms, the ratio
firms; the Kogut data are for joint ventures located only in tends to overstate Joint venture participation of
the United States. industries with large firms. On the other hand,

Table 1. Summary of results on the sectoral distribution of joint ventures

~ ~~ ~ ~~

Manufacturing resource
industries development Services Other Source

Pate (196Cb68) Federal Reserve Bank of

( n = 520) 53.5 7.9 16.9 21.7 Cleveland, FTC, Mergers
and Acquisitions
Boyle (1965-66) FTC, Mergers and
( n = 275) 66.1 15.3 5.8 12.7 Acquisitions
Duncan (1964-75) Bureau of Economics. FTC.
( n = 541) 59.1 12.8 20.7 8.1 Mergers and Acquisitions
Harrigan (pre-1969-84) Mergers and Acquisitions,
( n = 880) 54.8 11.7 15.1 18.4 Funk & Scott
Berg and Friedman Bureau of Economics, FTC,
(196G70) Mergers and Acquisitions
( n = 1762) 60.4 9.5 N.A. 30.1'
Kogut (1971-85) Questionnaire based on
( n = 148) 67.1 12.8 11.3 8.7 Mergers and Acquisitions
(U.S.-based only)

* Includes services
Sources: Pate (1969), Boyle (1968), Duncan and Harrigan, reported in Harrigan (1985). Berg and Fricdman (197Xa). and
author's estimate.
Motivation to Joint Venture 325

they find that the ratio is correlated at 0.95 with engage in joint ventures in order to stabilize
the absolute number of joint ventures in an competition.
industry; moreover, their sample is dominated Stuckey’s (1983) investigation of the aluminum
by ventures between two firms from the same and bauxite industry is a particularly valuable
industry as the joint venture. Joint venture contribution because it specifically analyzed
incidence was especially predominant in mining, whether joint ventures were motivated by trans-
petroleum refining and basic chemicals, and low action cost or strategic motivations. Having
in textiles, paint and agricultural chemicals, examined 64 joint ventures among the six major
specialty non-electric machinery. Electronics and firms, he found that of 15 possible linkages, eight
computers were found to have a low ratio of occurred, that each major had at least one joint
joint ventures to the number of firms but a high venture with another and five had at least two.
absolute number. In general, then, their measure H e also found a high number of joint ventures
appears to provide a reasonable gauge of joint with new entrants and other industry members.
venture incidence except for a few industries. It Moreover, while Stuckey noted that many of the
is important, therefore, to check results using joint ventures resulted in more efficiency through
their measure against other ways of estimating achieving optimal scale economies, the ventures
joint venture incidence. between the majors occurred ‘in bauxite and
Another strategy to analyze joint ventures is alumina production, the stages where coordi-
to study one or a few selected industries in depth. nation on expansion is most vital’ (Stuckey, 1983:
Studies of this type have been specifically 201). Hence he concluded that transaction cost
oriented to testing whether joint ventures increase explanations appear more relevant to aluminum
efficiency or enhance market power. Whereas a production, whereas strategic behavior was more
finding which shows enhanced market power prevalent in the upstream stages.
for all firms in the industry suggests strategic A third strategy is to analyze the within-sample
motivations for joint ventures, findings of variation across industries among variables to
efficiency are consistent with, but not confirma- test for the efficiency and market power character-
tory of, a transaction cost hypothesis, since istics of joint ventures by relating their incidence
strategic rivalry may reduce costs within any firm to structural characteristics of the industry or to
attaining a long-run competitive advantage. For the characteristics of the parents. Pate (1969: 18)
this reason it has been easier to test strategic looked at 520 domestic joint ventures during
motivation explanations for joint ventures than 1960-1968 and found that over 50 percent of the
transaction cost hypotheses. parents belonged t o the same two-digit SIC level
Previous industry studies have found some and 80 percent were either horizontally or
support that joint ventures are a form of strategic vertically related. Similar results were found by
behavior to increase market power. Fusfeld Boyle (1968) for 276 domestic ventures, and by
(1958) found 70 joint ventures in the iron and Mead (1967) who, after examining 885 bids for
steel industry, 53 of which were supply agreements oil and gas leases, found only 16 instances where
among firms within the industry. More strikingly, the joint venture partners competed on another
he found that the joint ventures created two tract in the same sale. Thus, the Pate, Boyle, and
industrial groups, in addition to U.S. Steel. Using Mead studies all conclude that joint ventures are
a rich data set, Berg and Friedman (1977) tested motivated by market power objectives.
for the impact of joint ventures on firm rates of Pfeffer and Nowak (1976a) investigated more
return in the chemical industry. Controlling for directly the motivation of market power by
other variables they found that firms which had analyzing transaction patterns across industries
engaged in one or more joint ventures earned and the degree of industry concentration. Out of
lower rates of return. Based on this finding they 166 joint ventures, 5.5.5 percent were between
argued that, since most joint ventures in this parents from the same industry. They found that
industry involved some form of technological parents from industries which have a high
exchange, upstream ventures did not increase the exchange of sales and purchase transactions, and
market power of the participants. On the other which are technology-intensive, tend to have
hand, as they admit elsewhere (1978a), they more joint ventures. Interestingly, they found
cannot reject the hypothesis that failing firms that joint ventures occur more frequently when
326 Bruce Kogut

the two parents are from the same industry of Berg and Friedman (1981) tested more
intermediate concentration. Since it is beneficial, explicitly the relationship between industry rates
though difficult, to collude in industries of of industry returns, joint venture incidence, and
intermediate concentration, they conclude that potential market power. Their sample consisted
joint ventures are used to reduce uncertainty of over 300 ventures (mostly at the three-digit
when oligopolistic rivalry is difficult to stabilize. level) and was divided into joint ventures which
In investigating the relationship between parents are and are not formed for knowledge-acquisition.
and progeny they found that again transaction Controlling for other variables, and correcting
frequency and technology of the venture industry for autocorrelation in the data, they found that
were significantly related to joint venture inci- industry rates of return were negatively related
dence at the industry level, though no significant to knowledge-acquisition joint ventures and posi-
relationship was found for industry concen- tively related to non-knowledge-acquisition ven-
tration.12 tures. They conclude on this basis that knowledge-
A second study by Pfeffer and Nowak (1976b) acquisition ventures do not enhance the market
found further that horizontal parent pairings were power of the firm, for the benefits of market
correlated with concentration of the venture’s coordination would be immediate whereas the
industry. Both studies are, however, open to the payoff to R&D is long-term. No control was made
problem that concentration and firm size are for structural variables, such as concentration, to
likely to be correlated; thus the result may be test for other market power effects. Their results
the outcome of the sampling bias discussed are also consistent with the view that joint
earlier. In fact, Berg and Friedman (1980) show ventures are likely to be chosen to transfer
that the correlation between concentration and organizational knowledge, as opposed to achiev-
joint venture incidence disappears when control- ing market power.
ling for the size of the parent firms. In an important study, Duncan (1982) par-
A number of studies have tried to analyze titioned his sample as to whether the parents are
motivations by looking at the effect of joint from the same three-digit SIC industry and to
ventures upon the profitability of the parents. whether the joint venture and the parents are
McConnell and Nantell (1985) analyzed stock from the same industry. H e finds that, at the
returns by an event study of 210 firms listed on three-digit level, ventures with parents from
the American and New York Stock Exchanges different industries are more prevalent (73 percent
which entered into 136 joint ventures between of the sample). Thus, Duncan concludes that
1972 and 1979. They found a significant and Pfeffer and Nowak’s inference of market power
positive impact on the stock values of the parent for parent pairings at the two-digit level is not
firms, with an average increase of just less than robust at a lower level of industry aggregation.
5 million dollars in equity value. Arguing that Since two-digit SIC classifications are too broad
joint ventures were motivated by synergies, they to infer collusive motivations when parent firms
concluded that the similarities in their findings are related at this level of aggregation, Duncan’s
to those for merger activity imply that both are findings are to be preferred over those of Pfeffer
carried out largely for efficiency reasons. Given, and Nowak. In addition, he found that non-
however, that they did not attempt to test further horizontal pairings between parents or between
if the positive gains are related to measures of parents and the venture are negatively related to
market power, their conclusion is unwarranted, industry rates of returns. However, Duncan did
especially given the evidence, as discussed earlier, find support for higher industry rates of return
that joint ventures are frequently used between when there is a horizontal relationship between
parent firms in interdependent industries. the parents, suggesting that market power
objectives may be the objective for these cases.
In summary, studies to date show that there
I * It is hard to evaluate the results of this paper because the
is evidence both for a market power and efficiency
authors move back and forth from multiple regression to argument for joint venture motivations. The Berg
bivariate and partial correlations without stating why one and Friedman (1981) study also provides support
test is preferred, and report in one place concentration as
significant even though it only tested at 0.15 (Pfeffer and for the use of joint ventures as instruments for
Nowak, 1976: 415). the transfer of organizational knowledge as
Motivation to Joint Venture 327

opposed to means by which to enhance market tures were particularly prevalent in extractive
power. However, these results must be taken as industries. Of particular interest is their finding
preliminary. None of the studies explicitly tested that if the entry entailed a product diversification,
the effect of horizontal joint ventures between joint ventures were more likely, ostensibly for
two firms from the same industry on firm rates the reasons of acquiring local expertise in new
of return.I3 Finally, whereas evidence of market areas.
power supports the strategic behavior perspective, Fagre and Wells (1982) tested to see if the
the evidence of efficiency is consistent with, but value of a firm’s intangible assets influenced its
not confirmatory of a transaction cost explanation. ability to bargain with governments to acquire
Future work should analyze directly the joint control, and found that the greater the technologi-
effect of joint ventures and industry structural cal, marketing expense, need for intra-firm
characteristics on the valuation of the firm and coordination, and product diversity, the greater
specify more rigorous tests of transaction cost the control (i.e. equity share) of the multinational
theories. corporation. The authors explained the positive
relationship of product diversity to the preference
for wholly owned subsidiaries-among other
INTERNATIONAL JOINT VENTURES factors, the superior capability of the multi-
national corporation to manage multi-product
Because the subject of how a foreign firm enters subsidiaries, an argument which suggests a
a country has been central in the literature on possible contradiction of the earlier Stopford and
the international activities of the multinational Wells finding on the need for local cooperation
enterprise, there is a longer history of studies on in new product entry. Another interpretation of
joint ventures in the field of international their results is that multinational corporations
business. These studies are especially important will only transfer important resources if they
because, unlike the domestic studies, a few have attain control. That indeed the equity percentage
investigated the choice of joint ventures among reflects an outcome of a negotiation is supported
other alternatives for entry. Many of these studies by Gomes-Casseres (1985), who estimated that
have examined the use of joint ventures as a if constraints were to be removed, equity percent-
response to governmental regulations, especially age of joint ventures would stabilize at wholly
in developing countries, through an analysis of owned.
a few cases (Tomlinson, 1970; Friedman and Despite a few studies on the choice of
Kalmanoff, 1961). Though the case studies are acquisition or wholly owned subsidiaries, only
of unquestionable interest, we focus primarily two studies to date have analyzed statistically
upon studies statistically analyzing entry the selection of joint ventures against other
decisions. alternative entry modes. Caves and Mehra (1986)
Though, theoretically, there has been signifi- analyzed the acquisition and greenfield (i.e. start-
cant work in understanding entry decisions as a up investments) entry decisions of 138 foreign
question of minimizing transaction costs, most firms into the United States. Using joint ventures
studies have empirically investigated the strategic as a control they found that joint ventures and
motivation hypothesis. Stopford and Wells (1972) acquisitions served as subsitute, rather than as
conducted the earliest statistical analysis of complementary, modes of entry, when controlling
the foreign entry decision for 155 American for other variables.14
multinational corporations. They found that the Kogut and Singh (1986) analyzed explicitly the
use of joint ventures relative to wholly owned choice of acquisitions and joint ventures, focusing
subsidiaries declined as the importance of tech- on country patterns. They hypothesized that
nology and, especially, marketing and product
standardization increased. Moreover, joint ven-
l 4 It is unclear from the data whether this is the result of
treating only greenfield as wholly-owned or jointly controlled.
I’ Berg and Friedman (1981) and Duncan (1982) employed I s Franko (1976) had shown that Europeans have a higher

industry rates of return, which can be argued to be a good frequency for the use of joint ventures than American firms,
measure of the public good characteristic of collusion but is and Wilson (1980) had found strong country patterns in his
a poor measure of the efficiency implications of joint ventures greenfield and acquisition study. Edstrom (1976) analyzed
and for competitive rivalry within industry. only Swedish joint ventures and acquisition.
328 Bruce Kogut

entry could be influenced by the cultural charac- The studies on international joint ventures
teristics of a firm’s country or origin in relation have, in summary, found:
to the United States because of the difficulty of
managing the post-acquisition process. In part, 1. Equity share is influenced by the strategic
if cultural distance effects were to be found, it importance of the R&D or marketing expendi-
could be concluded that foreign firms respond to tures and product diversity (Stopford and
the perceived transactional costs of entry. They Wells, 1972; Fagre and Wells, 1982).
found that acquisitions were positively related to 2. The choice to enter by a joint venture is
the size of the foreign firm and negatively related considered against other alternatives, and is
to the size of the American firm and cultural influenced by the size of the targeted firm
distance between the United States and the relative to that of the foreign firm, by the
country of origin. characteristics of the industry, and by the
Another line of research has been to investigate cultural characteristics of the foreign and home
the use of joint ventures when there is high need countries (Caves and Mehra, 1986; Kogut and
for intra-firm coordination across borders. If Singh, 1986).
there are frequent intra-firm transfers of resources 3 . The responsibilities assigned to the joint
and potential export conflict, Franko (1971) venture are influenced by the capabilities of
found that joint ventures are more unstable, and the foreign country and of both partners, in
Stopford and Wells (1972) found they are used addition to possible conflict between the
less often. Hladik (1985) analyzed this indirectly subsidiary and the foreign partner (Stopford
by testing the determinants of whether an and Wells, 1972; Hladik, 1985).
overseas venture would entail either R&D or
export responsibilities. She found that a number
of environmental variables (size of the market, A DIGRESSION ON JOINT VENTURE
technical competence of the partner, technologi- INSTABILITY
cal resources of the host country) were positively
related to R&D ventures, whereas scale econo- The international business literature has also
mies in R&D and the American firm’s technologi- addressed the issue of instability. Beamish (1985)
cal intensity were negatively related. In the case has recently summarized the findings of several
of exports she found that a joint venture was studies regarding instability. My own findings
more likely to be allowed to export if the product have been added, and are given along with his
was outside of, or peripheral to, the parent’s summary in Table 2. Some care must be given
product line. in comparing the studies. Several authors have

Table 2 . Summary of. results on instability of joint ventures

Sample Unstable*
size Development level of country (Yo) Unsatisfactory

1100 Primarily developed (DC)-Franko (1971) NA

36 Developed (DC)-Killing (1982, 1983) 30$ 36
168 Mixed (DC and LDC)-Janger (1980) NA 37
60 Mixed (DC and LDC)-Stuckey (1983) 42+ NA
66 Developing-Beamish (1985) 45t 61
52 Developing-Reynolds (1984) 50 NA
149 United States-Kogut 46.31- NA

* Franko defined a joint venture as unstable where the holdings of the MNE crossed the 50 percent or
95 percent ownership lines, the interests of the MNE were sold, or the venture was liquidated.
t Includes dissolutions and acquisitions. If major reorganizations added. instability is 28.3 percent and
51.7 percent for the Franko and Kogut samples, respectively.
$ Includes major reorganizations
Source: Table is adapted (with alterations) from Beamish (1985). Calculations of Kogut are from
unpublished data.
Motivation to Joint Venture 329

defined instability in terms of attitudinal data; dominant control and satisfactory performance.
others have looked at the dissolution of the Beamish (1984, 1985) qualifies Killing’s con-
venture; and still others have looked at disso- clusion by finding that foreign majority ownership
lution, acquisition, or any change in ownership. is not common in LDCs, and that shared control
A more complex obstacle to making a comparison reveals better performance.”
is that one of the most potent causes of instability One problem with the above studies is the
is the age of the venture; there is no correction failure to correct for the age distribution of the
for age differences of the ventures in the table. ventures. Using a hazard rate methodology,
Nevertheless, the table is of interest in provid- Kogut (1987) looked at the influence of coopera-
ing some idea of the significance of instability. tive and competitive incentives on instability while
Based on this table, Beamish concluded that incorporating the age distribution directly into
instability rates of joint ventures in less developed the estimation. The results showed that the health
countries are significantly higher, even after of the industry, the cooperative incentives among
correcting for the higher incidence of joint the partners, and the degree of competitive
ventures with governments in LDCs which show rivalry influenced stability.
the greatest rates of instability. The data from A final way to examine instability among joint
the study by Kogut (1987) show instability rates ventures is to analyze changes in the environment
for domestic and international joint ventures in of strategy. It stands to reason that if the
the United States to be roughly equivalent to incidence of joint venture is related to industry
those for LDCs in Beamish’s study. At this time, characteristics or strategies, then changes in the
therefore, it is premature to conclude whether values of these parameters should affect survival
joint venture instability varies across regions, rates. Franko (1971) examined instability of
especially in the absence of correcting for age. foreign ventures of American firms in terms of
Several explanations for joint venture termi- changes in strategy, as proxied by changes in the
nation have been offered. One destabilizing source organizational structure of the firm. He found
is conflict between the parents and the joint higher instability for organizations which had
venture. Stopford and Wells (1972), Franko divided divisions into world regional areas. Since
(1971), and Holton (1981) discuss the trade-off firms organized along areas tend towards product
between autonomy and parental control, and standardization and high marketing expenses,
conclude that the conflict increases with the joint ventures would obstruct. Franko concludes,
degree of coordination desired by the parents the coordination of international trans-shipments
with their other operations. In summarizing his of standardized goods and the control over brand
interesting work on control in joint ventures, labels and advertising.
Schaan (1985) concludes that satisfactory per-
formance is more likely to the degree to which
parents fit control mechanisms to their criteria CONCLUSIONS
for success, presumably because otherwise there
is likely to be confusion over how each parent In comparing the theoretical and empirical results
can exercise power to achieve its objectives it is clear that studies have advanced further in
without infringing upon its partner’s authority. testing strategic behavior explanations. Trans-
There have been a few studies which have action cost and organizational knowledge expla-
methodically examined stability rates in terms of nations involve microanalytic detail which is
the relationship of the parents.I6 Killing (1982, difficult to acquire for one firm, not to mention
1983) found that satisfactory performance was for a cross-section of joint ventures. For this
more prevalent in ventures with a dominant reason it is likely that case studies of industries
parent compared to those where control was or a few ventures will be the most appealing
shared. However, neither Janger (1980) nor methodology to provide initial insight into trans-
Beamish (1984) found any relationship between action cost and transfer of organizational

I h This conflict is likely to be of a cultural nature as well, if Both Killing’s and Beamish’s results await confirmatory
the venture or subsidiary is overseas. See, for example, statistical tests. Beamish has provided some tests in his thesis.
Peterson and Shimada (1978) and Wright (1979). See Beamish, 1984: 51-52 for the main results.
330 Bruce Kogut

knowhow motivations. Less difficult, but still this sense, joint ventures are a means by which
formidable, will be the analysis of joint venture large corporations increase their organizational
formation and stability in terms of the strategies control through ties to smaller firms and to
of the parents. It is not surprising, therefore, each other. In the need to develop a better
that more headway has been made into the understanding of the choice of joint ventures
relationship of joint ventures to industry charac- against other alternatives of transacting or effect-
teristics. ing strategies, it would be a mistake to ignore
It should be expected that the theories and the larger question of the role of joint ventures
their derived hypotheses will fare differently in the evolution of national institutional structures
depending on contextual factors and the type of and international oligopolies.
research questions being pursued. A transaction
cost explanation should fit reasonably well the
choice of how to cooperate when the transaction ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
has little effect on downstream competition.
Strategic behavior explanations certainly provide I would like to acknowledge the helpful criticism
a more informative framework for the investi- of Erin Anderson, Dan Schendel, and the
gation of how joint ventures affect the competitive anonymous referees, as well as the research
position of the firm. Organizational learning assistance of Bernadette Fox. The research for
should apply reasonably well to explain ventures this paper has been funded under the auspices
in industries undergoing rapid structural change, of the Reginald H. Jones Center of the Wharton
whether due to emergent technologies which School through a grant from AT&T.
affect industry boundaries or the entry of new
(and perhaps foreign) firms.I8
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