The Influence of Orthodontic Movement On Periodontal Tissues Level

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The Influence of Orthodontic Movement on

Periodontal Tissues Level

Daniele Cardaropoli and Lorena Gaveglio

Orthodontic forces are capable of reorganizing and remodeling the peri-

odontal ligament, to facilitate tooth movement. Optimal forces will pro-
duce favorable tissue responses, but whenever this balance is lost (as in
the case of high force magnitudes, or in the presence of reduced peri-
odontal support), the periodontal ligament may respond differently. This
review highlights the responses of the periodontal ligament reactions
when orthodontic forces— both normal and extreme—are applied. We
also attempt to discuss how orthodontic movement differs in patients
with good periodontal health and in those with periodontal disease.
(Semin Orthod 2007;13:234-245.) © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

he question of whether orthodontic forces no or only clinically insignificant lesions in the

T may have negative effects on the periodon-
tal tissues has been evaluated through a number
supporting tissues will occur.5-9 However, if the
oral hygiene maintenance is less effective with
of clinical and experimental studies.1 This issue poor patient compliance and the presence of
is of clinical relevance, since epidemiologic stud- established periodontal inflammation during
ies have shown that the worldwide prevalence of orthodontic treatment, the risk of a periodontal
gingival inflammation is high, and that 30% of breakdown is markedly increased.10-13 It should
the population has advanced periodontal dis- be noted, however, that the majority of the clin-
ease.2,3 It is also known that the prevalence of ical studies evaluating the effect of orthodontic
periodontal disease in patients with a history of movement on the periodontal tissues have been
gingivitis is high, as is susceptibility of certain performed in children or adolescents, who
teeth.4 Thus, it is important to identify patients rarely are affected by destructive periodontal
who are susceptible to periodontal disease, and disease.14
to control their periodontal health before start- The development of destructive periodontal
ing orthodontic treatment. disease may result in the formation of suprabony
The adult patient with periodontitis usually pockets, with inflamed connective tissue and the
presents with flaring of the anterior teeth, dentogingival epithelium located coronal to the
spaces, rotations, and overeruption of the den- alveolar bone crest, or in the formation of in-
tition. These changes in tooth position might frabony pockets, with the inflamed connective
compromise the esthetics and function of the tissue and the dentogingival epithelium located
dentition. In these situations orthodontic treat- apical to the alveolar bone crest.15 Experimental
ment may be useful in bringing back better func- studies involving histological analysis have re-
tion and esthetics (Fig 1). When proper peri- vealed that orthodontic forces per se are un-
odontal health and oral hygiene are maintained likely to convert gingivitis into a destructive pe-
during the active phase of orthodontic therapy,
riodontitis.1,16 This finding may be related to
the fact that, in the case of gingivitis, the plaque-
Private Practice, Torino, Italy. induced inflammatory lesion is confined to the
Address correspondence to Dr. Daniele Cardaropoli, Via Balti- supra-alveolar connective tissue, while the tissue
mora 122, 10137 Torino, Italy. Phone: ⫹39.011.323683; E-mail: reactions occurring as a result of orthodontic
© 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
tooth movement are confined to the connective
1073-8746/07/1304-0$30.00/0 tissue located between the root and the sur-
doi:10.1053/j.sodo.2007.08.005 rounding alveolar bone.

234 Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 13, No 4 (December), 2007: pp 234-245

Orthodontic Forces and Periodontal Ligament 235

Figure 1. (A-D) Adult patient affected by a chronic periodontitis showing flaring of the anterior teeth due to loss
of bone support. After surgical periodontal treatment, orthodontic therapy was started to realign migrated teeth.
Note the esthetic improvement obtained at the end of treatment together with a healthy periodontal support.
(Color version of figure is available online.)

Orthodontic movement creates clinical, cel- tion of the force, by narrowing the periodontal
lular, and molecular level changes in the alve- ligament (PDL) at the site of compression, with
olar bone. In periodontal pressure sites, bone subsequent bending and resorption of the alve-
resorption occurs by osteoclasts, while in the olar bone. In this way teeth can be moved a small
periodontal tension sites, bone apposition oc- distance, until the resisting bone stops the move-
curs by osteoblasts. Orthodontically generated ment. This resistance is eventually overcome by
dental movement thus is strictly related to phys- the ensuing resorption of the bone opposite the
iological processes of cellular activity, both in compressed PDL. At sites of force-induced ten-
the soft connective tissue and in the alveolar sion in the PDL, a concomitant apposition of
bone compartments.17 bone will occur, until the PDL has regained its
This article will review experimental and clin- normal width. Thus, tooth movement occurs as a
ical reports that may be helpful in trying to
direct outcome of force-induced tissue remodel-
understand the effect of orthodontic movement
ing around the dental root. Such a remodeling
on periodontal tissue levels, and to determine
requires the presence of cells capable of resorb-
when abnormal force application can create a
ing and forming the extracellular matrix (ECM)
risk for further periodontal breakdown.
of the PDL and alveolar bone. When this mech-
anism is kept under control, initial anatomic
Periodontal Responses to Orthodontic limitations such as sinuses, sutures, or cortical
Force Application barriers can be exceeded, and tooth movement
Classically, when an orthodontic force is ap- can be performed even through the maxillary
plied, tooth movement will occur in the direc- sinus.18
236 Cardaropoli and Gaveglio

When orthodontic treatment is commenced, the teeth are deflected in the PDL space. After
a force system should be planned to reach the an additional 3 to 5 seconds, this fluid leaks out
proposed objectives. Increasing or decreasing of the ligament, which generates compression
force levels, are always associated with a tissue and pain, leading to a cessation of any damaging
reaction. Under normal conditions, chewing force. However, the pattern of the tissue re-
and phonetic forces act on teeth surfaces, but no sponse to orthodontic forces differs and can be
dental movement results, since teeth are placed related to the intensity of the applied force. It
in a so-called neutral zone. Moreover, this equi- differs in accordance with the magnitude of the
librium is also maintained by means of an active applied orthodontic force, whether light or
stabilization, mediated by the metabolic activity heavy. When light forces are used, a deforma-
of the PDL. To overcome this equilibrium and tion of the alveolar bone develops within 1 sec-
move a tooth, a minimal force of 5 to 10 g/cm2 ond, since the PDL fluids cannot be com-
is required.19 Dental movements can be classi- pressed. After 1 to 2 seconds, the fluids leak out
fied as movement “with the bone” or “through of the ligament, allowing the tooth to move in
the bone.” To achieve “with the bone” move- the ligament space. After 3 to 5 seconds the PDL
ment, frontal (direct) resorption of the bone in blood vessels will be compressed in pressure sites
the direction of the movement should occur, and stretched in tension sites. Within a few min-
with a balance between resorption and apposi- utes, a decrease of the Po2 (partial pressure of
tion. With excessive force application, indirect oxygen) will develop, along with an increase in
resorption occurs in areas surrounding the com- the concentrations of prostaglandins and cyto-
pressed, necrotic (hyalinized) PDL, and tooth
movement will be of “through the bone” type,
with only small amounts of bone apposition.20,21
However, once the bony barrier is dissolved, the
tooth moves rapidly in the direction of the force,
while the PDL in the tension sites is stretched,
and bone apposition proceeds vigorously.
When an orthodontic force is applied, a cas-
cade of events initiated by mechanical deforma-
tion of cells and ECM takes place. The mechan-
ical deformation of cells, their change in shape
(ovoid or round), and the release of arachidonic
acid from the cell surface and its metabolism
through either the lipooxygenase or cyclooxy-
genase pathway leads to release of first messen-
gers (prostaglandins and leukotrienes), which in
turn activate or stimulate the release of second
messengers (cyclic AMP, inositol phosphate, dia-
cyl glycerol, and mitogen-activated tyrosine ki-
nases). These second messengers evoke cellular
reactions, such as bone and PDL remodeling. In
addition, pressure generated in the PDL alters
the vascular support, contributing to the cellular
reactions and remodeling changes.
In the presence of heavy and intermittent
forces, as are produced during mastication, a
dental response is completed within a few sec-
onds. These heavy intermittent forces cause an
instantaneous microdeformation of the alveolar
Figure 2. Cat maxillary canine after 7 days of orthodon-
bone since the fluid component of the PDL tic treatment showing compressed PDL and undermin-
cannot be compressed. After 1 to 2 seconds, ing resorption. Tissue section stained with hematoxylin
fluid leaks out of the periodontal ligament and and eosin. (Color version of figure is available online.)
Orthodontic Forces and Periodontal Ligament 237

Figure 3. Cat maxillary canine after 7 days of orthodontic treatment showing PDL tension site and beginning
of new alveolar bone formation. Tissue section stained with hematoxylin and eosin. (Color version of figure is
available online.)

kines. After a few hours, metabolic alterations called hyalinized zone). After 3 to 5 days, new
will increase the incidence and rate of cellular cellular differentiation starts, along with the be-
differentiation, and after 2 days, noticeable ini- ginning of indirect bone resorption in all areas
tiation of tooth movement can be found. This surrounding the hyalinized zone (Fig 4). One to
process occurs predominantly due to the load- 2 weeks later, the lamina dura will be removed,
induced bone remodeling performed by a com- facilitating tooth movement.
bined activity of both osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Based on these findings, it can be concluded
This kind of tissue reaction will generate a direct that light forces are more efficient in developing
bone resorption (Fig 2), with a synchronization continuous tooth movement, preserving both
of tissue resorption and apposition in PDL pres- bone and PDL from necrosis. With light forces,
sure and tension sites (Fig 3), respectively. tooth movement begins after about 2 days of
In contrast, when heavy forces are applied to treatment, and this early movement can some-
teeth, alveolar bone deformation will develop times exceed 0.5 mm. The movement then con-
within 1 second, since the PDL fluids cannot be tinues, and if an appropriate system of force
compressed. After 2 seconds, the fluids leak out application is continued, a 2-mm space change
of the ligament, allowing the teeth to move in may be detected after about 3 weeks. In contrast,
the ligament space. After 3 to 5 seconds, the tooth movement with heavy forces will not be
PDL blood vessels will be occluded, and within continuous, but will occur with alternating peri-
few minutes, the blood supply to compressed ods of movement and a break, because of the
areas of the ligament will stop altogether. Within need for resorption of the necrotic areas. How-
a few hours, signs of cellular death will appear in ever, it is difficult to quantify the amount of
these zones, with the development of necrosis, force delivered to each tooth, and to determine
which resembles the appearance of hyaline car- whether it should be categorized as “light,” since
tilage when viewed with a microscope (the so- such quantification may depend on various pa-
238 Cardaropoli and Gaveglio

sistance of the root. The force magnitude, espe-

cially at the onset of treatment and in adult
patients, should be very low, to avoid areas of
hyalinization and to promote proliferation of
periodontal cells,22 while the moment/force ra-
tio should be high,23 to achieve a good distribu-
tion of the forces along the PDL. Adult age per
se is not a contraindication for therapy, even
though tissue response to orthodontic forces,
including cell mobilization, activation, and re-
sponses, is slow when compared with those of
children. This difference can be attributed to
reduced cellular activity with tissues rich in col-
lagen in adult subjects. In adults, hyalinized
zones can form readily in pressure sites, tempo-
rarily preventing the tooth from moving in the
intended direction.23 Eventually, these necrotic
zones are eliminated through resorption by os-
teoclasts and macrophages derived from the ad-
jacent marrow spaces, followed by regeneration
of the PDL.24
In summary, when strong/heavy forces are
applied, the compressed PDL is crushed, result-
ing in local ischemia and hyalinization, which
delay tooth movement. When even moderate
forces are applied, the PDL may become stran-
gulated, resulting in a delay in bone resorption.
Figure 4. Cat maxillary canine after 7 days of orth-
odontic treatment showing compressed PDL and di-
However, light forces will produce only a partial
rect alveolar bone resorption. Tissue section stained PDL ischemia, along with direct bone resorp-
with hematoxylin and eosin. (Color version of figure tion, resulting in a continuous tooth movement.
is available online.)

Orthodontic Movement of Teeth with

rameters, such as root surface area, tooth anat-
Loss of Periodontal Support
omy, and the extent of periodontal support
height. In the case of periodontal disease with loss Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease, which
of attachment, a “normal” force may be “excessive” develops as a result of bacterial infection, super-
in relation to the existing support of the teeth, imposed on a genetic predisposition. Orthodon-
which often leads to tissue hyalinization, excessive tic forces per se are unlikely to convert gingivitis
bone resorption, and further periodontal break- into a destructive periodontitis, but poorly exe-
down. It is obvious that in the case of severe peri- cuted orthodontic therapy in patients with peri-
odontal disease, this scenario could even lead to odontitis can easily lead to further periodontal
tooth loss. To provide a numeric quantification breakdown (Fig 5). The combination of inflam-
useful for the clinician, it is suggested that a force mation with occlusal trauma or dental move-
not greater than 10 to 15 g should be applied to a ment will produce a rapid destruction of the
maxillary incisor with loss of periodontal support, support apparatus. The loss of alveolar bone in
to minimize further tissue breakdown.19 periodontitis patients results in an apical dis-
Tooth movement in regions outside the alve- placement of the center of resistance of the
olar process is undesirable and may occur due to involved teeth, making bodily movement (trans-
an altered and poorly designed force system. lation) very difficult. The subsequent effect is
Force distribution in tissues surrounding dental that the teeth become prone to tipping. In ad-
roots is controlled by the force magnitude, and dition to these mechanical difficulties, the for-
by the moment/force ratio at the center of re- mation of a hyalinized zone adjacent to a peri-
Orthodontic Forces and Periodontal Ligament 239

Figure 5. (A-D) Detrimental effects of a poorly executed treatment. Patient presented with tooth migration and
space opening due to periodontal disease. Orthodontic treatment has been performed without proper elimi-
nation of the periodontal infection and adequate plaque control. Note the deepened periodontal pocket after
tooth alignment. Surgical opening of the site showed severe bone loss resulting in further periodontal break-
down and esthetic complications. (Color version of figure is available online.)

odontally compromised tooth can be deleterious, orthodontic movements are performed with
since regeneration of the PDL does not occur light forces, and the line of action of the force
in the presence of a bacterial infection, resulting in passing close to the center of resistance.26 The
extensive loss of alveolar bone (Fig 6). Thus, in central point for the effectiveness of such treat-
case of a deep periodontal infection, teeth ments is in the ability of the procedure used to
should be moved only after proper periodontal remove subgingival plaque and calculus from
therapy has been performed, and deep infection the root surface. Following these guidelines
has been eliminated.25,26 orthodontic treatment is no longer contraindi-
From a clinical point of view, in many patients cated when major marginal bone loss has oc-
with a periodontally involved dentition the mi- curred due to periodontal disease. The treat-
gration of the anterior teeth leads to spacing ment of patients with severe periodontal disease
and eruption, resulting in serious functional and is now being performed with interdisciplinary
esthetic problems. In these cases, orthodontics teamwork between the orthodontist and the pe-
can be a reliable therapeutic treatment, because riodontist, to improve the possibilities of saving
it does not result in a decrease of the marginal and restoring a deteriorated dentition.
bone level, provided gingival inflammation is
controlled (Fig 7). Proper and timely combina-
The Influence of Orthodontic Forces on
tion of orthodontic and periodontal treatment
the Inflamed Periodontal Ligament
has been shown to improve reduced periodontal
conditions, suggesting the possibility for a long- The development of destructive periodontal dis-
term success.25 Best results are obtained when ease may result in the formation of infrabony
240 Cardaropoli and Gaveglio

Figure 6. (A-D) Adult patient with malocclusion who underwent orthodontic therapy without a proper peri-
odontal and mucogingival evaluation. After the alignment of the two lower central incisors, a deep recession
developed, which can be attributed to uncontrolled labial movement. The intrasurgical view show the hard tissue
level, with the bone dehiscence. The situation was partly improved by the combination of guided tissue
regeneration and connective tissue graft. (Color version of figure is available online.)

pockets, that is, angular bony defects with the plaque, or both.27 Experimental studies have
inflamed connective tissue and the dentogingi- demonstrated an aggravating effect on the pro-
val epithelium located apical to the crest of the gression of periodontal disease when trauma,
alveolar bone. Furthermore, infrabony pockets caused by “jiggling” forces, was superimposed on
may be created by orthodontic tipping or intrud- periodontal lesions associated with angular bony
ing movements of teeth harboring bacterial defects. This effect may indicate an increased

Figure 7. (A-C) Interdisciplinary treatment of an adult patient with chronic periodontitis. After proper non-
surgical periodontal treatment, osseointegrated implants were inserted in the posterior areas to replace the
missing teeth and orthodontic treatment was performed to align the migrated dentition. At the end of therapy,
anterior teeth were splinted by means of resin-bonded Maryland-type bridges. (Color version of figure is available
Orthodontic Forces and Periodontal Ligament 241

risk for progression of plaque-associated peri- in the realignment of the treated teeth with
odontal disease, when orthodontic mechanics is radiological bone fill, gain in clinical attach-
applied to a tooth, which already has angular ment level and probing pocket depth reduc-
defects.28,29 However, a similar study performed tion, confirming the possibility of achieving a
in monkeys failed to demonstrate additional loss final healthy periodontium. These clinical stud-
of connective tissue attachment when jiggling ies demonstrated that it is possible to perform
trauma was superimposed on periodontally dis- tooth movement into infrabony defects in pa-
eased sites.30 tients with advanced periodontal disease, but
The effect of bodily movement of teeth into emphasizing the importance of preorthodontic
infrabony periodontal defects has been evalu- periodontal therapy.34,35
ated in an experimental study in monkeys.31 The A common problem in adult patients who
study reported that no deleterious effect was have periodontal disease is the migration, overe-
observed on the level of the connective tissue ruption, and spacing of incisors. These posi-
attachment. The angular defect was eliminated tional changes can be the result of the lack of
by the orthodontic treatment but no gain in equilibrium between the periodontal support
attachment level was obtained. There remained and the forces acting on the teeth. Anterior
only a thin epithelial lining covering the root teeth are specifically prone to overeruption,
surface. However, in this study periodontal treat- since they are not protected by occlusal forces
ment was performed before the orthodontic and have no anteroposterior contacts inhibiting
tooth movement was instituted, and the animals migration. Moreover, masticatory forces are pre-
were subjected to plaque control measures dur- dominantly directed anterolaterally and there
ing the entire course of the experiment.31 In exists little resistance, particularly in cases of
another study performed in 4 beagle dogs, an- increased overjet. With progressive bone loss,
gular bony defects were prepared at the mesial the center of resistance moves more apically,
aspect of the third premolars and an experimen- and the forces acting on the crowns generate a
tal periodontitis was induced. Orthodontic tooth progressive displacement. From a functional
movement was performed, to move one premo- and esthetic point of view, the intrusion of these
lar into and through the angular bony defect. teeth seems to be the logical solution34 even if
Clinical, radiographic, and histological evalua- orthodontic treatment, involving intrusive move-
tions revealed that it was possible to establish ments, does include a risk for an aggravation
and maintain an infrabony pocket with a subcr- of the periodontal condition.36 These types of
estal, plaque-induced inflammatory lesion dur- movements might have some beneficial effect on
ing the entire course of the study. While the clinical crown lengths and marginal bone levels
control teeth had maintained their attachment (Fig 8).34 Furthermore, histological investiga-
levels, the orthodontically moved teeth did show tions suggest that orthodontic intrusion may
additional loss of attachment. It was concluded lead to new attachment formation: an experi-
that orthodontic therapy involving bodily tooth mental study on monkeys demonstrated new
movement may enhance the rate of destruction connective tissue attachment formed during the
of the connective tissue attachment in teeth with intrusion of periodontally involved teeth. It is
inflamed, infrabony pockets. The risk for addi- possible that once the gingival infection is elim-
tional attachment loss is particularly evident inated and the root surfaces are thoroughly
when the tooth is moved into the infrabony scaled, it is possible for a new cementum layer to
pocket.32 In another experimental study on form on the former infected root surface.37 In
monkeys, in which bodily movement of teeth another study, performed with the help of met-
into infrabony lesions was performed, results in- ric and histological analyses in monkeys, it was
dicated the possibility to obtain reattachment of found that only about 60% of the distance
the periodontium after tooth movement.33 moved is covered by the gingiva when the teeth
Clinical studies that have examined the effect are intruded with a continuous force of 80 to
of orthodontic movement in periodontal pa- 100 g.38
tients with infrabony defects also abound in the In contrast to the latter, an experiment per-
literature. A combined therapy, made of open formed on dogs demonstrated that intrusive
flap surgery and orthodontic intrusion, resulted orthodontic forces are prone to shift supragin-
242 Cardaropoli and Gaveglio

Figure 8. (A and B) Adult patient with pathologic tooth extrusion of a maxillary central incisor. After a
nonsurgical periodontal therapy, orthodontic treatment was initiated using light and continuous forces, which
helped in reintrusion of the tooth, with a perfect realignment, esthetic harmony, and clinical crown length
reduction with a physiologic sulcus. (Color version of figure is available online.)

gival plaque into a subgingival position, and clinical crown length increased significantly,
thereby result in formation of an infrabony while the position of the mucogingival junction
pocket.27 However, contraindication of intrusive was unchanged.40 Therefore, the extrusion of a
movement should not be a major concern if a single tooth that would be extracted at a later
meticulous oral hygiene and a healthy gingival time can be a reliable method to improve the
status are maintained. Once the periodontal marginal bone levels, when implant placement is
treatment leads to a healthy gingival condition a treatment option. The supporting soft tissues
and susceptibility is controlled, and if the ap- will move vertically with the corresponding tooth
plied orthodontic forces are well calibrated, it is during the forced eruption, so as to create the
possible to intrude teeth with periodontal bone ideal conditions for implant placement.41 On
loss. This intrusion may lead to a certain gain in the other hand, in teeth with crown-root frac-
connective tissue attachment.34,36,37 ture at a subgingival level, the target of the treat-
The orthodontically induced extrusion of ment may be to force the tooth to erupt out of
teeth can be indicated to increase the clinical the periodontium to perform a prosthetic reha-
crown length of teeth, or to reduce differences bilitation. In the latter situation, the extrusive
in alveolar bone levels. The so called forced movement should be combined with gingival
eruption has been described for the treatment fiberotomy. This excision of the coronal portion
of infrabony pockets, in which the extrusive of the fiber attachment around the tooth should
movement leads to a coronal positioning of be performed once every 14 days, so that the
intact connective tissue attachment, to shallow tooth can be moved out of the bone without
out the bony defect.39 One contraindication to affecting the bony and gingival levels of the
this technique is that, following the extrusion, neighboring teeth.42,43
the teeth will be in supraocclusion and the
crown will need to be shortened, often requiring
Orthodontic Movement and Anatomic
endodontic therapy and prosthetic restoration
(Fig 9 A-F).
Depending on the different clinical situa- Orthodontic treatment may on occasion be per-
tions, on occasion it may be desirable to have the formed in adult patients who have partially
periodontium follow the tooth in the extrusive edentulous dentitions (as the result of agenesis
movement, while in other situations it may be or previous extractions), and in these circum-
desirable to move a tooth out of the periodontal stances there may be anatomic limitations that
support. An experimental study on monkeys re- can complicate tooth movement. Atrophic bone
vealed that free gingiva moved about 90% and ridges, with a reduction of the horizontal volume,
attached gingiva about 80% of the extruded dis- are not a limit to orthodontic tooth movement if
tance. The width of the attached gingiva and the direct bone resorption is obtained. Clinical and
Orthodontic Forces and Periodontal Ligament 243

histological observations have confirmed that if vealed that bodily movement was achieved, with
light forces are applied and teeth are moved the translation of the root in the distal direction,
more bodily into an area of reduced bone without any vertical displacement. Direct resorp-
height, a thin bone plate is recreated ahead of tion allowed the movement even if the sinus
the moving teeth.44 The same conclusions can floor seemed to set a limit to it. After the distal
be reached regarding the possibility of moving a movement, the direct remodeling caused a dis-
tooth through anatomic limitations such as si- placement of the lamina dura, leading to a com-
nus, suture, or cortical barriers. Limitation of plete remodeling of the sinus contours. The
tooth movement in regions outside the alveolar tooth maintained normal vital response to pulp
process, as the maxillary sinus, is the result of an testing during this period. It seems that the
“abnormal force system,” but if a proper distri- tooth did not fall into the sinus but moved with
bution of the forces along the periodontal liga- its supporting bone, without experiencing loss
ment can be obtained, the limitations of the of connective tissue attachment. Moreover, this
cortical bone of the alveolar process or the max- controlled movement left the bone necessary for
illary sinus can be overcome. implant insertion into the alveolus of the dis-
A clinical study in humans has demonstrated placed tooth.45 Hence, based on the findings in
the movement of a premolar into the maxillary the studies referred to, it seems reasonable to
sinus. After 6 months of active orthodontics, the assume that a tooth moved through the maxil-
radiographic evaluation of the displacement re- lary sinus will maintain the original height of the

Figure 9. (A-F) Patient presenting crown-root fracture at a subgingival level. A gold-alloy post was cemented into
the root canal and orthodontic extrusion initiated performing circumferential fiberotomy every 2 weeks. At the
end of treatment a permanent ceramic crown was inserted. (Color version of figure is available online.)
244 Cardaropoli and Gaveglio

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