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Science and Technology: Human Flourishing


LESSON 1: Human Flourishing
The general objective of this lesson is to be able students to identify different concepts
about human flourishing. This lesson will also seek to attain the following specific
1. To determine the development of the scientific method and validity of science;
2. Critic human flourishing vis-à-vis progress of science and technology to be able to
define for themselves the meaning of a good life.

There is an end of all of the actions that we perform which

we desire for itself.
~ Aristotle~

Eudaimonia, is a term coined by Greek philosopher Aristotle (385-323 BC) means good
spirited. Flourishing is defined as good human endeavor which success is being attain
(Article, 2019). Every individual aims to flourish for their own happiness, goals and other
things that they wanted and it is the fulfillment as a human being (Aristotle, 2019).

Human Flourishing
Aristotle’s human flourishing arises as a result of different components such as
power, phronesis, wealth and friendship. The Greek society believed that acquiring these
qualities will bring the happiness of the seekers as well as what we call Good.
What is human flourishing?
As times change concepts on human flourishing changed, people found means to
live comfortably, making more money, develop more products and explore more places.
Ancient times relied on simple machines to make their lives easier. Developments allowed
to make grander and more sophisticated machines that led to more innovations and
explorations. Aristotle’s concepts of human flourishing are now different from today’s
concept of human flourishing. Humans of today are expected to become a “man of the
world”, working side by side among government and institutions to reach common goal.
The eastern and western concepts of human flourishing and society is different from
each other. The eastern’s concept of human flourishing is more community-centric, while
the western’s concept o that the individual it is more focused on individual, not to discredit
the eastern’s concepts in their view, community takes the highest regard should sacrifice
himself for the sake of the society. In Chinese Confucian system or Japanese Bushido view

STS: GEC 107 1

Science and Technology: Human Flourishing

the whole as greater than their components. They encourage to studies of literature art and
sciences not for oneself but for the greater cause. The Greek Artotelian aims for
eudaimonia as the ultimate good.
Flourishing borders allowed people full access to cultures as a result, very few able
to maintain their original philosophies. It is in this regard we would tackle human flourishing
in a global perspective and as a man in the world.
Science, Technology and Human Flourishing
Contributions of science and technology have been laid down on the previous topic
every discovery, innovation and success. It contributes to our knowledge. Human
flourishing intertwined with goal setting
relevant to science and technology.
Technology is a human
Technology is a human activity that activity that we excel in
we excel in as a result of achieving as a result of achieving
science, Heidegger’s statement. it science
says that science, technology and
human flourishing are related that the
good is inherently related to the truth.
There are two concepts which ventures
its claim on truth.

Verification Theory
The idea proposes a criterion which distinguished philosophy and science if it can be
confirmed or verified. This theory also fails to explains bogus argument that explain things
coincidentally. Thomas Kuhn also warned us on bridging the gap between evidence and
theory according to our own biases. Below is a short story illustrating this point:
Suppose, for instance, this girl Love has a theory that her classmate John likes her.
Good, she thought, I like him too. But how do I know that he likes me?
She began observing her classmate, John, on his interaction, gesture toward her.
She also includes on her observation when they bump each other and exchanging
pleasantries or whenever he sees her, he is always smiling at her. Through this
observation, she concluded that Ian likes her, she thought, why would anyone do
something like that for a person he does not like?
As it turns out, however, John is just a generally happy person to meet people he
knew, and he knew Love for quite a long time. Knowing that John does it to everyone, Love
was crushed. She vowed to herself not to assume again.
From the story, is it justified for Love to think that John has a crush or feelings for
her? Not quite. The next criterion also warned us about this view.

STS: GEC 107 2

Science and Technology: Human Flourishing

Falsification Theory
Falsification Theory asserts that as long as an ideology is not proven false or wrong
but can explain phenomenon over alternative theories, we should accept the ideology. Karl
Popper is the known proponent of this view to illustrate this view let’s go back to Love and
John’s story:
John is generally everybody’s friend. He aspires to become everybody’s friend. but
there is one girl, Love, who seems to not like him when he is around. Every time he greeted
her, she turns away. When he was riding on a jeepney he saw her walking past, he called
her name, he wants to show Love that he is not a treat. When he able to talk to each other,
he found out that Love is just a shy person and his initial impression of not liking him (as a
person) is wrong and the said proposition is rejected.

Falsification method is prone to the same generalization of verification method.

There is no assurance that an observable event or evidence is indeed a manifestation of a
certain concept or theories.

Science as Education
In every University and colleges there is an entrance examination, some of it are
dedicated to mathematics and science. In the Philippines, there are lots of science high
schools that forging competition for aspiring students to rigorously undergo into
mathematics and science training based on the specialized curricula. STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)- offering schools accommodating grade 11 and 12.
Among other clusters being offered, Accounting and Business Management (ABM) comes
second on the row.
Innovations are brought forth by the visionaries. If one is in pursuit of human flourishing, it
makes sense that pursue it holistically. Mastering science and technology would be
inadequate if we are to socialize with people or ruminate on our inner self. Aristotle’s
eudaimonic person is required to be inclined in science. They supposed to possess
intellectual virtues to determine truth from falsehood or poor and good reasoning. A true
eudaimon recognizes that flourishing needs to excel in various dimensions. He also
understands that he should not focus on one aspect alone.
Activity 1
Chose a partner and try to observe your surroundings. Choose your specific topic to focus
on. Write your observation on an A4 bond paper to be submitted next meeting.

STS: GEC 107 3

Science and Technology: Human Flourishing

Aristotle, E. W. Y. (2019). Capitalism & commerce. (133), 1–8.
Article, D. (2019). Human Flouri  hing in Cro  Cultural Setting  .  vidence From the
United State  , China , Sri Lanka , Cam  odia , and Mexico. 1–26.
Moschella, M., George, R., & Second, B. S. (2019). Journals & Books Create account Sign
in Human Flourishing Related terms : View all Topics Natural Law. 1–9.
Paper, R. (2019). Communism is a Humanism : Human Nature and Human Flourishing in
the Philosophy of Karl Marx. 2019, 6–11.
Wolbert, L. S., Ruyter, D. J. De, & Schinkel, A. (2019). Formal criteria for the concept of
human flourishing : the first step in defending flourishing as an ideal aim of education.
10(1), 2014–2016.

STS: GEC 107 4

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