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The purpose of this outline is to walk the reader through the Upper Room Discourse led by Jesus
Christ and transcribed by the Apostle John in Chapters 13 – 17 of his Gospel.

The outline consists of a broad area of the discourse supported and detailed further in subsection
points. Each of the points are followed by a brief explanation as to what Jesus was providing in
my perspective as a result of Dr. Pentecost’s class on the Upper Room.

John records the revelation of Jesus Christ to his disciples at the end of their journey in this
world with Him. This meeting precedes the trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of our Lord. He
speaks with great love and mercy for His disciples as He prepares to leave them and ascend to
heaven. Jesus discourse is meant to inform, prepare, and equip His disciples for what will soon
come, with a special emphasis on the sending of a Helper – the Holy Spirit.

One should realize the purpose of Jesus Christ’s incarnation was to reveal the Father. There
were many other reasons for His incarnation, but no more important than the revealing of the
Father. It is also important to know according to John 13:2 – Satan has already put his hands on
Judas to betray Jesus prior to the Upper Room Discourse of Jesus.

I. Jesus Washing the Disciple’s Feet (13:2 -10)

A. Jesus puts on a towel around His waist and prepares a basin of water to wash the feet of
His disciples. Jesus demonstrates humility, as this role was the responsibility of a slave servant
or the very least of the guest attendees. This lowly position showed the humility of our Lord as
He laid out all He had for our benefit. Jesus emphasizes the point by His example; we must
serve as leaders to have an effective ministry.

B. Jesus also provides a picture of forgiveness of sins as a continual washing for sins
committed. Salvation and birth into the Kingdom happens once, however, the need to wash ones
feet (sin gathered along the journey) is a continual process. Peter’s desire for Jesus to wash his
whole body was refuted by Jesus as Peter already had his body cleansed and only needed the dirt
(sin) cleaned from his feet. This is a wonderful picture of our Christian Pilgrimage on earth as
we are saved and atoned fully through Christ and we only need to be partially cleansed as we
gather dust (sin). The point is our position in Christ is settled forever; but our experience
changes continuously. You only need to cleanse away the defilement of your walk.

II. Jesus Serves the Last Supper: Betrayal Follows (13:11 – 30)

A. Significance of the morsel – the first morsel goes to the honored guest seated next to the
host. In this case, Judas was seated in that position. This is a great demonstration of love
for Jesus to give Judas the first morsel knowing he was the betrayer. One should also
realize that Jesus treated Judas no differently during their journey – even though He knew
all along Judas was going to betray Him.

B. Jesus declares Judas as the betrayer as Judas would not receive the morsel and fled to
prepare for the betrayal. Judas had up till this very moment to choose to follow or betray; he
chose betrayal. This picture depicts the same choice every individual human being has on this
earth. As such we either choose to trust in Christ or reject the truth and betray Him. There was
no other option for Judas as there is no other option for us.

III. Detail of His Departure (13:31-38)

A. God’s Glorification – verse 31-32 speaks of the process and purpose of revealing
the Father and the Son. The Father has been glorified by the Son and the Son will be glorified by
the Father. Jesus came to make the Father known and soon the Father will reveal the Son by
resurrecting and bringing Him to the right hand of Glory.

B. Jesus explains he is leaving and tells the Disciples they cannot follow. Peter claims to be
able to lay down his life for Jesus, but Christ notes strongly of Peter’s shortcomings and the fact
is they are unable to follow Him until later.

C. New Commandment – Love one another. Although, one could say Jesus himself lived
this out for many years; He affirmed the commandment as new and a necessary part of a
Believers life. He tells us to love one another, not judge one another.

IV. What Lies Ahead (14:1-14)

A. A prepared place in Heaven – Jesus assures the disciples He is going to ascend to heaven
and prepare a place for them to follow.

B. The disciples are afraid of Him leaving them alone in the world – for they gave up
everything for Him. Jesus assures them He will be constantly thinking of them and preparing for
their arrival in heaven. He provides further assurance of their salvation stating for those who
know Him know the Father.

C. Ask and you will receive in My name – as noted in verse 13 -14 Jesus assures His
disciples He will provide whatever they ask for in His name. He knows how strongly they fear
abandonment and He wanted them to know He will still provide from Heaven. Later He will
provide further evidence of support in sending a Helper.

V. The Helper to come – Holy Spirit (14:15-26)

A. Condition: Christ tells the disciples if they love Him they will keep His commandments.
Simple explanation of how to love Jesus Christ and His expectation.
B. Helper: Jesus tells His disciples He will ask the Father and the Father will give you a
Helper that will stay with you forever – Holy Spirit.

C. The Holy Spirit will teach them all things and bring to remembrance all things Jesus had
taught them.

D. He assured them, with the Holy Spirit, they were not being abandoned and they would
never be alone.

VI. Peace from Jesus Christ: Warning (14:27-31)

A. Jesus purposefully leaves them with a peace that the world does not know. It is a peace
that can be found even when we are in valleys during our pilgrimage of life.

B. He also gives them warning of the ruler of the cosmos – Satan is coming to do all that is
in opposition to Christ.

VII. Fruitfulness (15:1- 11)

A. The Vine: Christ is the Vine; the Father is the Vinedresser and we are the branches.

B. The branches cannot bear fruit unless they are on the vine. Therefore, while the works of
non-believers may be good in this world, they are not recognized as such by Christ. We must be
connected to the vine to produce acceptable works.

C. Those that are not of the vine will be thrown away and burned up (v. 6)

VIII. Keep My Commandment (15:11-17)

A. Commandment to love one another just as He loved them. Christ consistently repeats the
need to keep this new commandment.

B. Simplicity – it is a simple commandment and shows our love for Him. If we choose not
to keep it – we do not love Christ.

C. Love one another – direct command from Christ exemplifying our love for Him, as we
love one another.

IX. PersecutionCosmos (15:18-27)

A. The world will hate you. If you are of Christ – the world will hate you because of Christ.
If you are of the world, the world loves its own.
B. Those that hate Christ hate the Father also. Those that love Christ love the Father also.
Christ and the Father are one.

C. The Spirit will enable us to testify in the midst of a world that hates us.
X. Holy Spirit (16:7-15)

A. Christ tells the disciples of these things to keep them from stumbling into sin – for the
world will attempt to pull them away from Him.

B. The Holy Spirit will guide the disciples into all the truth; He will speak at the initiative of
the Father and Son. He will glorify the Son.

C. The Holy Spirit will fill the void created in the lives of the disciples as Christ ascends to
the Father.

XI. Christ’s Return (16-33)

A. Jesus tells His disciples of His return in a little while (after the resurrection).

B. Jesus also assures the disciples that all they need will be answered by the Father in His
absence – if they ask in His name. His absence will continue until His seconding coming – until
then we will be equipped with the Holy Spirit and a connection to the Father through Him to
meet our needs.

C. Jesus assures the disciples they will live in a world full of tribulation; but, also that He
has overcome this world we live in. He is far greater than that of which we see.

XII. Jesus Prays

A. Jesus asks the Father to Glorify the Son now the work the Father assigned the Son has
been completed. Jesus purpose (among others) was to reveal the Father. Having completed that
purpose (verse 4), He now request that the Son be glorified to affirm acceptance of the work He
has completed. The resurrection is the act that would Glorify the Son and expose Him for what
He is. This act alone authenticated His claim to be one with the Father.

B. Purpose completed prior to the Crucifixion. Jesus clearly notes in verse 4 the work
assigned by the Father was complete and the Crucifixion had not occurred.

C. Jesus prays for His disciples to be protected and keep in the Father’s name, as Christ and
the Father are one.

D. Jesus prayed for His disciples to be protected from the evil one. He did not say to take
them out of this world, but to protect them in the middle of the cosmos.

E. Verse 20 includes all of us as Believers in His prayer.

XIII. The Cup

A. Cup Contents – the contents of the cup we do not fully know, however, they represented
some form of spiritual separation from the Father. For there have been many physical deaths,
but in this case a Spiritual Death was required in order to atone for the sin of this world that
began with the result of Spiritual Death of Adam.

B. We must conclude by His actions and words, Jesus was willing to endure the pain
associated with the cup up to and including death. All on account of His love for those who
believe in Him.

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