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Unit Planning

Unit: Module One che@mail Teacher: Iordache Xenia
.r u Primary School “G. Vieru”, Stefan Voda, R.Moldova

Number of hours: _____ lessons (45 min)

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Area/ Standards SCI and Sub- measuring Learning Evaluation Content

Competences competence activities criteria
Magic English Pupil’s Book
Listening Conversation 1. Lesson One
 Understanding the Pronunciation “Meeting Old Friends”
general meaning of exercises of Achieving
simple sentences. sounds and proper tasks. Friendly, wide, go in,
 Recognizing sounds Reading a groups of The adequacy hurry, need, a lot,
and groups of sounds text, dialogue, sounds in responding Let’s go.
specific to a foreign poetry of a questions of Glad to See you.
language, spoken in small the type: Revision:
Receiving various
isolation and in proportion Use the given literary How are you? Fine.
context. with clear words and interpretation, Thank you.
transmitted orally
pronunciation, expressions in analysis,
in various 2. Lesson Two
Spoken possession of order to greet evaluation.
communication “A New Classmate”
situations. Interaction a small someone.
 Reproducing simple amount of Classmate, be back,
sentences and the words and Answers to study, learn, together.
formulas of memorized questions Phonetic and Sunday is the first day
politeness used in phrases. such as: phonological of the week.
simple spoken Who? What? correctness of Come in. That’s why.
interaction. When? oral messages.
 Producing simple Where? How?
questions and What? Makes
answers to certain It?
i ordac
everyday life 3. Lesson Three
situations on the he@ma “These Are Children”

Produce oral
basis of spoken
i Using a basic
Men, women, children,
True False vocabulary of
messages exercises. Bear, elephant,
isolated words
appropriate to Reading Storytelling monkey,
and phrases
certain situations of  Identifying simple the content of Trunk, zebra, swing.
related to
communication descriptions of a short and These are children
familiar places and simple text in
situations. 4.
everyday actions. oral or written Reproduction
 Recognizing letters, form. of simple Lesson Four
groups of letters politeness “I’m Your Friend”
Area: and words in formulas in
Culture isolation and in familiar My, your, his, her, its,
Standard: context either communicatio our, their.
Know and apply printed or n situations. Revision:
Using, logic
language culture, handwritten. You are my friend.
and elementary
language behavior  Reading a simple connectors, for
This is my hat
and communication short familiar text, Translated
stimulating the 5.
behavior oral / and demonstrating short and easy Brief
correctness and
written. comprehension by texts and characterizati Lesson Five
fluency of the
appropriate fluency, dialogues in on of familiar
spoken or “What Is Her Job?”
stress, and oral or written people, based
intonation. form. on verbal Actress, barber, florist,
support. nurse, postman.
What is his/her job?
He/she is a…
Culture She works at the
 Learning a poem, Hospital. He works in
that belongs to the Poem learning Grammar fill- a shop. Where does he/she
culture of the in exercises. work?
world. 6.
 Introducing Lesson Six
elements of the Recitation of “Where Is The Map?”
Area: educational poetry.
Connection systems, subjects, Speak about Grammatical Between, above.
Standard: timetables. Enrich the the people in correctness, Where is the map?
 Indentifying and vocabulary the pictures. spelling, It’s above the desk
Apply skills in respecting certain with new punctuation,
related disciplines norms of verbal and amount of intonation of 7. Round Up
to inform, discuss non-verbal words. Read and oral or written 8. Initial Test
and perform communication. match the messages.
learning activities. sentences to 9. Test Analyses
the pictures.
Integrated Skill Notes:
Combinations Substitute
 Filling out a words for
simple form of xenia pictures.
personal .iorda
 Reading numbers

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