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What’s your city like?

María Gabriela Bolaño 11ª01

b. Grocery store: buy food
c. Laundromat: wash and dry clothes
d. Library: borrow books
e. Stationery store: buy cards and papers.
f. Theater: see a movie or play.
g. Travel agency: make reservertions for a trip.

1. Match the words in columns A and B.

a. gas station: Estación de gas.
b. grocery store: tienda de comestibles.
c. Internet coffe: Café internet.
d. Karaoke bar: Bar de karaoke.
e. Movie theater: cine teatro
f. Pay phone: teléfono público.
g. post office: Oficina postal.
h. travel agency: Agencia de viajes.

2. Complete:
b. I want to check my email. Is there a internet coffe near here?
c. I want to mail this package. Are there any post office around here?
d. I need to make a phone call. Are there any pay phone around here?
e. We need some gas. Are there any gas station on this Street?
f. We need to make a reservation for a trip. Is there a travel agency near

3. Read the text and complete the blanks.

9. Most.
10. Since
11. When.
12. Among.
13. Described.
14. Drink.
15. Mustn’t.
16. While.

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