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We, the members of JMC College of Law Supreme Student Council, to fully realize our purpose,
do hereby adopt and establish this Constitution and By-laws as the guiding instrument of our

Article I.


Section 1. The name of the association shall be the Supreme Student Council (SSC) of the JMC
College of Law.

Article II.


Section 1. The purpose of this association shall be to encourage active cooperation in the work
of self-governance, to enact and enforce its SSC Constitution and by-laws, and to ensure the
representation of the views and perspective of the whole student body population of JMC
College of Law.

Article III.

Duties and Responsibilities

Section 1. The Supreme Student Council is charged with the responsibility for overseeing
student activities and organizations acting as a means for students to govern their academic
and non-academic interests. The SSC shall serve as:

I. A proactive representative of the JMC College of Law Community and student

II. direct link between the students of JMC College of Law and the College
Administration to ensure that the school administration as well as the faculty are
aware of student opinions, grievances, and concerns;
III. A body which honors the diversity and evolving concerns of the student body at
large by working for their direct benefit;
IV. An advocate for active cooperation in the work of self-governance;
V. A body to enact and enforce laws according to the powers granted by the JMC
College of Law.

Section 2. The Supreme Student Council shall likewise exercise the following responsibilities:

a. Responsibility for the management of student meetings, orientations, and extracurricular

student activities;
b. Responsibility in supervising student organizations as follows:
i. Supervising student organization activities;
ii. Dealing with issues concerning student organizations and extracurricular
activities, except for questions affecting the welfare of Jose Maria College as a
whole or its relations that is outside the responsibilities of the Council;
c. The making and enforcement of regulations on matters not specified above, not
affecting the academic work of the College, its financial affairs or its public relations;
d. Propose legislations on behalf of the student body; and
e. Ensure the financial stability of the Supreme Student Council, most importantly the JMC
Bar Operations Committee.

Section 3. JMC College of Law reserves the right to revoke any or all part of the authorizations
at any time if the exercise of them by the Supreme Student Council shall prove to be
unsatisfactory and impracticable.

Article IV.

The Student Body

Section 1. All students enrolled in the JMC College of Law shall is a member of the student
body at large which elects its set of class officers per section. The elected class officers shall
comprise the Supreme Student Council, which oversees general policy making and represents
the views of the entire student body population of JMC College of Law.

Article V.

Supreme Student Council Executive Officers

Section 1. The Supreme Student Council shall consist of nine (9) executive officers:

A. The President;
B. The Vice President for Internal Affairs;
C. The Vice President for External Affairs;
D. The Secretary;
E. The Treasurer;
F. The Auditor;
G. Year Level Representatives, who shall be elected by the SSC at large from the elected
Batch Representatives per class.

Section 2. Supreme Student Council Officers must be elected from the elected class officers
who were voted for and elected by the JMC College of Law student body. Election of Class
Officers shall be held on the 2nd Friday immediately after the commencement of classes. The
election of SSC Officers shall be held the next day.

The person having the highest number of votes shall be proclaimed elected, and in case of a
tie, a toss coin shall be facilitated by the Electoral Committee.

The Electoral Committee shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to the election,
qualifications of the President and Vice Presidents, canvassing of votes, and may promulgate its
rules for the purpose.

Section 3. Class Presidents who shall be elected as SSC officers are automatically deemed
resigned from their positions. The elected Class Vice President shall become Class President.


Section 4. No student shall be elected as SSC President unless he/ she is officially enrolled in
JMC College of Law for at least one school year immediately preceding such election, he/she
must meet the required number of credit units, and must have a good academic standing and
maintain his/her good standing throughout the time of his/her office.

The elected SSC President shall serve as ex-officio chairperson of the JMC College of Law Bar
Operations Committee.
Section 5. The President shall not be eligible for any re-election, and no person who has
succeeded as President of the SSC shall be qualified for election to the same office at any time
during his/her enrollment in JMC College of Law.


Section 6. There shall be two (2) elected Vice Presidents, one Vice President for Internal
Affairs and another as Vice President for External Affairs, who shall have the same qualifications
as the President.

The Vice President for Internal Affairs shall serve as ex-officio chairperson of the Academics
Committee. While the Vice President for External Affairs shall serve as ex-officio chairperson of
the Social and Personal Relations Committee as well as the Sports, Health & Wellness


Section 7. No student shall be elected into the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and
Year-level Representatives unless he/she is officially enrolled in JMC College of Law and meets
the required number of credit units. He/she must have a good academic standing and must
maintain his/her good standing throughout the time of his/her office.

Section 8. Each Year-level Representative shall be elected from the elected Batch
Representatives from each class of their respective year-level.

The number of representatives per year level shall be in accordance with the number of their
respective year-level student body populace.


Section 9. The Supreme Student Council Officers shall serve throughout the academic year
when he/she was elected, subject to the dates as provided for by the College administration.


Section 10. The Council shall meet every 3 rd Saturday of the month for its regular session. The
meeting must be held within the premises of Jose Maria College, or wherever convenient for all
members of the Council. If no personal meeting can be held, the Council shall conduct a
meeting via an online meeting platform.

A majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum (50%+1) to do business, and may compel
the attendance of absent Council members in such manner, and under such penalties that they
may provide for.


Section 11. Until the SSC at large provides otherwise, the officers shall receive a stipend for
the tenure of their term. The SSC President shall receive a book or photocopy allowance of two
thousand pesos (₱2,000); the Vice President for Internal Affairs and Vice President for External
Affairs, one thousand five hundred pesos ( ₱1,500) each; and the Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor,
and Year-level Representatives, one thousand pesos ( ₱1,000) each.

The said incentives shall not be increased or decreased during their term of office. The stipend
limit and availability shall be determined by the Treasurer.

Article VI.

Resignation, Impeachment, and Vacancies

Section 1. Any officer or member of the SSC who shall fail to attend three (3) meetings, or
have permanently dropped-out from JMC College of Law during their term of office shall be
deemed automatically resigned from their position.


Section 2. The Council may impeach any of its members or any SSC Officers by two-thirds 2/3
majority vote of the Council following an investigation and hearing by the Impeachment
Committee. A member wishing to file an article of impeachment may do so in writing at any
regular meeting. The member must address the entire council and explain the article in detail.
The article shall be made available to the entire body and entered into the meeting minutes. No
less than one week following the introduction of the article, the accused member must submit a
written response to the article; the written response must likewise be made available to the
entire council.

Following the submission of the accused, the President must call a special session on a
Saturday immediately after the submission of the written response by the accused member.
The entire voting body of the Supreme Student Council shall vote on the merit of the case; if at
least one-third (1/3) of those present votes in the affirmative, the impeachment case shall
move to an impeachment committee.

Section 3. The Impeachment Committee shall be comprised of the Supreme Student Council
Executive Officers, as well as the Chairperson and members of the Electoral Committee; the
committee chair and presiding officer shall be the Chairperson of the COMELEC.

If the President or any of the SSC Executive Officers is the member being impeached, he or she
shall be recused from the committee, and a member from the SSC at large shall be appointed
by the presiding officer to fill the vacant seat.

Section 4. The accused member and the accusing member shall both present their arguments,
facts, and relative information related to the case to the Impeachment Committee. After
deliberation, the Impeachment Committee shall vote to remove the accused member. If two-
thirds (2/3) of the Impeachment Committee vote in the affirmative, the member shall be
removed from the Supreme Student Council body, effective immediately.

Section 5. Possible grounds for impeachment are suspension, dismissal, permanent separation
from JMC College of Law, negligence, dereliction of duty, and other infractions deemed
sufficient by majority of the members.

Section 6. No impeachment proceeding shall be initiated against the same officer or member
more than once during their tenure.


Section 7. In case of removal from office or resignation by the SSC President, the SSC at large
must elect by majority of votes on who shall become President between the Vice President for
Internal Affairs and Vice President for External Affairs. The elected President shall then
nominate a member of the SSC at large to assume the office of the recently vacated position
upon confirmation of the majority vote of the members of the SSC.

Section 8. In case of vacancy in the positions of Vice President for Internal Affairs, Vice
President for External Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and Year Level Representatives,
the SSC President shall nominate an officer from among the SSC at large to assume office upon
confirmation of the majority vote of the members of the SSC.

Article VII.
Duties and Functions of Officers

Section 1. All officers and members of the Supreme Student Council are expected to:

a. Attend all SSC regular meetings every 3rd Saturday of the month;
b. Attend any special SSC meetings as called by the Student Council President;
c. Attend and volunteer for various Student Council sponsored events, activities, and
community service initiatives;
d. Serve on council committees as appointed by the Student Council President or Vice
e. Attend trainings and seminars, as needed by the College and Council; and
f. Be professional, responsible, reliable, articulate, and able to reach out to students to
bring a student perspective where needed.

Section 2. The President shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Enforce this Constitution, By-laws, and other regulations that may be promulgated
during his time in office;
b. Preside over all regular meetings of the Council, and call for special meetings;
c. Create special committees and special positions as the need arises, and appoint
Chairpersons of such committees;
d. Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondence, and all other official documents of
the SSC;
e. Represent the SSC and/or College or designate his/her representative for any external or
internal affair functions;
f. Implement SSC programs and projects; and
g. Perform such other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office.

Section 3. The Vice President for Internal Affairs shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary;

b. Assume the office of the President should the position become vacant;
c. Supervise the organizations under the Academics Committee in planning, and arranging
meetings or programs and activities;
d. Chair the Internal Affairs Committee and Academics Committee, and appoint a
Committee Head and/or Assistant Committee Heads for each committee from the
members of the SSC or the Student Body who shall show exemplary leadership skills
and be able to fulfill their responsibilities in their respective committee; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSC;

Section 4. The Vice President for External Affairs shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary;

b. Assume the office of the President should the position become vacant;
c. Supervise the organizations recognized by the SSC in planning, and arranging programs
or activities;
d. Appoint Committee Heads and Assistant Committee Heads from the members of the SSC
or the Student Body, as the need arises, who shall show exemplary leadership skills and
be able to fulfill their responsibilities in their respective committee;
e. Chair the Socials/PR Committee and Sports, Health & Wellness Committee, and
conceptualize programs, projects, and plan activities with his/her appointed Committee
Heads and Assistant Heads; and
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSC;

Section 5. The Secretary shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Keep accurate records of the minutes of the Council meetings and shall keep all records
in permanent form which shall be made accessible to all Council Officers at any given
b. Keep a file of pertinent documents and papers of the SSC and make them accessible to
the student body;
c. Call and prepare all notices of meetings; and
d. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSC;

Section 6. The Treasurer shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Present to the Council a bi-monthly statement of all expenditures during the semester;
b. He/she shall be responsible in the requisition of funds to be used by the Council from
the Finance Office of the College and serve as the disbursing officer of the SSC funds;
c. Keep all financial records of the SSC;
d. Prepare the annual budget;
e. Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organizations; and
f. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSC;

Section 7. The Auditor shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Prepare a detailed audit report which shall be submitted to the Finance Office of the
b. Audit all expenditures of the SSC;
c. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
d. Keep and update inventory of all properties of the SSC; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSC.

Section 8. The Year-Level Representatives shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Act as the year level coordinator of all SSC programs and projects in his/her year level;
b. Represent his/her year level in all of the meetings of the SSC;
c. Serve as the grievance desk for their respective year level;
d. Assist in effective implementation of SSC’s programs and projects; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSC.

Article VII.

Assuming Office

Section 1. The Inauguration of the SSC Executive Officers shall take place during the JMC
College of Law Acquaintance Party which shall depend on the schedule of the academic
calendar. The outgoing SSC Officers shall constitute a committee for properly carrying out the
Acquaintance Party which shall serve as their final activity.

Section 2. Oath of Office.

“I, (name of officer), do solemnly swear to support the Supreme Student Council Constitution
and By-laws. I furthermore agree to discharge faithfully the duties and obligations of my office
to the best of my skill, judgement, and ability, and I impose upon myself these responsibilities
without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me God.”

Article IX.


Section 1. There shall be five (5) committees associated with the SSC; namely, the Bar
Operations (Bar Ops), Academics Committee, Internal Affairs Committee, Socials /PR
Committee, and the Sports, Health & Wellness Committee. Members of each committee shall be
appointed by the President from among the SSC Members upon the recommendation of the
Vice President for Internal Affairs and Vice President for External Affairs.
Section 2. The Bar Ops shall consist of the SSC President, as ex officio Chairperson, who shall
head the Finance Committee together with the Vice President for External Affairs, the SSC
Treasurer, and the SSC Auditor. There shall also be a Chairperson of the Over-All Committees
who shall head the Hotel Accommodations, Logistics, And Food Committee, Documentations
and Bar Requirements Committees, and the Academics Committees, with three Committee
Heads, and three Assistant Committee Heads.

They shall provide memory aids, transcripts, and other forms of assistance to bar candidates.

Section 3. The Academics Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President for Internal Affairs.
This Committee shall take charge of all academic-related activities and supervise the Legalese,
Moot and Debate Society, Mock Bar Exam, and Mock Bar Lecture Series, in planning, and
arranging programs or activities.

Section 4. The Internal Affairs Committee shall be headed by the Vice President for Internal
Affairs and shall take charge of all matters regarding the members of the SSC and their

Section 5. The Socials /PR Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President for External
Affairs. This Committee shall take charge in supervising SSC-recognized school organizations in
planning, and arranging programs or activities. They shall also be responsible in providing for
process for recognition of new organizations.

Section 6. The Committee on Sports, Health & Wellness shall likewise be chaired by the Vice
President for External Affairs and shall take charge in conceptualizing programs, projects, and
plan activities for the Invictus and Inter-Law School Competition.

Section 7. The Committee Heads shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Recruit members of the Committee;

b. Call and Preside over meetings of the Committee;
c. Inform the presiding Committee Chairperson of progress and problems that arise;
d. Delegate tasks of committee; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSC.

Section 8. The Assistant Committee Heads shall have the following duties and functions:

a. Recruit members of the Committee;

b. Assist the Committee Head in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary;
c. Assume the duties of the Committee Head in case of their absence; in all matters where
his/her assistance is necessary;
d. Must maintain regular communication with all committee members and follow up with
them to make sure plans are completed and executed well; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSC.

Section 9. In case of removal from office or resignation by the Committee Head, the Assistant
Committee Head shall assume the vacant position.

Section 10. In case of vacancy in the position of Assistant Committee Head, the Committee
Chairperson shall nominate from among the SSC at large to assume office upon confirmation of
the majority vote of the members of the SSC.

Article X.

Oversight of Student Organizations

Section 1. The Supreme Student Council shall exercise oversite of the various registered
Student Organizations on campus. The SSC shall prescribe the manner for which an
organization may be registered. By majority vote, the members of the SSC shall deem which
new organizations may be registered in compliance with all other superseding Jose Maria
College policies and directives.

Article XI.

Supreme Student Council Voting Members

Section 1. Who are Voting Members. – Members of the Supreme Student Council body who
are eligible to cast a vote are those duly elected class officers by the Student Body and
expressly stated in the Constitution.

Section 2. Composition. – The non-executive body of the Supreme Student Council shall
consist of the class presidents, vice-presidents, secretary/treasurers, and batch representatives.

Section 3. The Voting Members of the Supreme Student Council shall have the following duties
and functions:

a. Attend all SSC regular meetings every 3rd Saturday of the month;
b. Attend any special SSC meetings as called by the Student Council President;
c. Attend and volunteer for various Student Council sponsored events, activities, and
community service initiatives;
d. Serve on all assigned committees;
e. Attend trainings and seminars, as needed by the College and Council;
f. Vote to elect or impeach SSC Executive Officers;
g. Vote on necessary matters at meetings;
h. Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.

Article XII.

Supreme Student Council Moderator

Section 1. The Supreme Student Council Moderator must be a JMC College of Law Faculty
member designated by the Dean. He/she shall monitor all programs, projects, activities, and
meetings of the SSC.

Article XIII.


Section 1. The Supreme Student Council shall be entitled to the SSC

Section 2. The SSC may undertake fund-raising activities to subsidize its projects and

Section 3. The Council may as well accept cash donations from any member or any public or
private person or institution, for as long as it will not affect the integrity of the SSC.

Section 4. The SSC President and the Treasurer shall be the signatory of all fund disbursement
of the SSC.

Section 5. The SSC, through the Treasurer and the Auditor, shall promulgate financial
guidelines for proper financial management.

Section 6. Funds of the SSG shall be audited at the end of the term, or at the end of every
Section 7. The SSC must establish and open its independent bank account with the President
and Treasurer as its signatories. The bank book and all other important documents shall be
kept by the Secretary.

Section 8. The SSC must set aside at least five percent (5%) of its yearly budget as Calamity
Fund to be deposited to the SSC’s bank account. This fund shall not be used for unnecessary
expenses, but shall be saved up to be used for future activities and/or important and immediate

Section 9. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep abreast of funds expended and
balances remaining by consulting with personnel in the Finance Office of the College who keep
the appropriate records. It shall be the duty of the Student Council Auditor to see that any
accounts kept internally by the Council are reconciled with those in the Finance Office.

Article XIV.

Electoral Committee

Section 1. The Electoral Committee shall be herein referred to as the JMC College of Law

Section 2. The COMELEC shall be composed of a Chairperson and all the past presidents of the
Supreme Student Council who are still officially enrolled in the College of Law.

The Chairman shall be a JMC College of Law Faculty Member.

Section 2. Members of the COMELEC shall be appointed by the COMELEC Chairperson.

Section 3. The JMC College of Law COMELEC shall have the following duties and

a. Conduct fair, honest, and systematic elections;

b. Validate the electoral proceedings and results;
c. Proclaim the new set of officers;
d. Keep all pertinent election papers and/or documents;
e. Decide upon al protests relative to the conduct and results of the elections; and
f. Prepare and distribute the necessary election paraphernalia and other election related
materials before, during, and after the election.

Article XV.


Section 1. This Constitution shall become effective immediately.

Section 2. All policies of the Supreme Student Council shall be subordinate in accordance with
this Constitution.

Article XVI.


Section 1. Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution may be proposed at any regular
Supreme Student Council meeting where two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members are present.
Any voting member of the council may present an amendment to the Constitution which shall
be presented in writing, and the member shall speak to the importance of adopting the
amendment. The Secretary shall make the written amendment available to the entire council,
and shall be printed in the meeting minutes.
Section 2. During the next regular Student Council Meeting, the voting members of the body
shall deliberate the merit of the amendment. A vote shall be taken, and if two-thirds (2/3) of
the members present vote in the affirmative, the amendment shall be declared adopted.

Section 3. Any amendment to the Supreme Student Council Constitution and By-laws shall be
effective immediately upon adoption.


I. Quorum in Student Council Meeting

Voting in the Supreme Student Council shall be by means of majority vote unless there
is provision in the Constitution to the contrary on the question at issue. Fifty percent
plus one (50%+1) of the Student Council shall constitute a quorum shall constitute a
quorum. If a quorum is believed to be absent, the present members shall not call a

II. Substitutes

No substitute for Supreme Student Council members will be permitted at meetings of

the Supreme Student Council.

III. Absence Policy

Members of the Supreme Student Council shall only be allowed two (2) unexcused
absences. In the event of an absence, the member must submit a written excuse at
least one day before the SSC meeting. The Executive Board shall determine the validity
of submitted excuses. When a member passes the permitted two (2) unexcused
absence limit, they shall be deemed automatically resigned from their position.

IV. Amendments of By-laws

The By-laws of the Supreme Student Council shall be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote
of the entire Supreme Student Council.
















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