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CHIN ZI HUI 0338067

KONG JIA JIE 0338709


SIA YAN QING 0339324

SIM WEN XIAN 0338236


Supervised by





Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………. iv

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………... 1

1.1 Research Background……………………………………………………………………...1

1.2 ProblemStatement………………………………………………………………………....2

1.3 Research Question and Objectives………………………………………………………...5

1.4 Scope and Limitations of the study………………………………………………………..6

1.5 Outline of the report………………………………………………………………. 7

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………... 9


3.1 Methodology……………………………………………………………………..12

3.2 Methods…………………………………………………………………………..13

3.3 Limitations and Delimitations……………………………………………………14

CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS…………………………………………………….15

4.1 Prone to adopt or buy from store………………………………………………....15

4.2 Opinion towards the animal welfare organisation and the issues faced by them…18

4.3 Acknowledge of animal welfare society………………………………………….20


CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION………………………………………………………..26

CHAPTER 7: REFERENCES……………………………………………………….. 28

CHAPTER 8: APPENDIX……………………………………………………………30


Pets are the closest friend to humans, they bring happiness to our lives and cheer us

up. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020 in Malaysia has

brought numerous changes to people’s life. We can clearly state that not only human

beings get affected during the pandemic, animals including pets become one of the

victims in this pandemic too. Majority of the public do not pay much attention to how the

pandemic causes trouble to the animals. In fact, the lifestyle or even the life of the animals

are at risk as financial problems of the public are dramatically affected. Most of the

owners are unable to continue taking care of their pets and eventually causing the

consequence of abandoning their pets by the roadside. This is a serious issue which might

upset the animal and causing mentally illness and trust issue between animals and


The Animal Welfare Organization, are an organization where mainly concerned with

the health, safety and psychological wellness of individual animals, cares for animals in

difficulties, where they provide animals a comfortable shelter to live and be protected for

the rest of their lives. The increase of strays has brought a huge impact to the animal

welfare organisations.

1.1 Research Background

PAWS is an Animal Welfare Society that provides animal shelter in Petaling Jaya, The

shelter receives stranded dogs and cats to vaccinate and put under care for adoption,

PAWS is running its animal shelter entirely by fund and donations from the public or
through charitable events. However, the current situation of the pandemic has made an

impact towards the management of animal shelters all over the world in terms of

insufficient pet food supply and medication, depleting funds to support the shelter, the

low capacity of the shelter due to the increasing number of unwanted pets and the low

efficiency of animal rescue.

An article has suggested some small-shelter struggles from ESA Animal Shelter, Johor

Bahru, Singaporean S. Loganathan had mentioned that “We stockpiled as much food and

supplies as we could, which was a challenge, it’s not just space, we cook several hundred

kilos of food every week, but it’s also a big investment.” (Shah.M.F, 2016). In addition,

big shelters as SPCA had faced the biggest problem in fundraising activities as visitors

were limited. Hence, adoptions and cash donations had reduced. Thus, this research will

focus on the effect of the animal welfare brought by the covid-19 pandemic. How did the

pandemic lead to these issues and what are the solutions to overcome the problem they

are facing.

1.2 Problem Statement

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the public has been ordered to stay home to

prevent the spread of covid-19, thus the global economy has been largely affected. Since

the most Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Malaysia are financially affected,

which includes many animal welfare organisations as they rely mostly on public funding.

Based on Edward (2020), their biggest threat is that the walk-in donations have become

lesser because they have fundraising activities. Their funds are used up fast. Therefore,

he encourages people to donate them so that they can buy food for the animals.

Firstly, due to the pandemic, the Movement Control Order (MCO) was placed.

Movement in society was halted, Volunteers were not able to help out at the animal

shelter, Even while considering the low amount of manpower animal welfare

organisations already face. Since they are nonprofit and the workers don’t receive a

salary. Due to the pandemic, volunteers aren’t able to help out in the pt shelter as usual.

Lily (2020) from Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Selangor (SPCA) said

the animals are losing their chances to bond with humans. As they are lack of volunteers,

so what they can do for the animals is limited. However, they are arranging pet play

parties within the shelter but there are still some of the pets who need extra care to

overcome trauma and may be extra stressed. How does animal welfare organisations cope

with the tight budget and lack of manpower?

Secondly, as the number of abandoned animals being accepted by PAWS increases,

there is a need for more resources in terms of food, money and pet supplies. Based on

Loganathan (2020) from ESA Animal Shelter, one of the challenges is they need to store

as much food and supplies as they could. It is not just about lack of space, they cook

several hundred kilos of food every week, it is also a big investment to them. Just as every

Non-Governmental Organization, the economy has taken a hit on them financially. He

also said that the organization had to halt the normal pickup of street strays. As for

feeding, all the strays are suffering. There are so many warungs who care for a stray of

two, but as they are all closed, the animals are starving. The authorities really need to

consider this. Ideally, the organizations really hope that the public can cooperate with

them and work as one person and start feeding because they are all God’s creatures. While

most people also lost their jobs, these organisations could not completely rely on the

public for funding. How are they going to cope with these issues?

Besides that, the increasing number of abandoned pets also leads to the shortage of

storage capacity. As the other businesses are closed during the pandemic due to the

Movement Control Order (MCO), various animal welfare organisations are forced to take

up the responsibility of taking care of the strays on the streets. Voice for Paws had

mentioned since late-March that they have seen a 60-percent increase in the number of

dogs it gets asked to rescue. Many of them are abandoned under bridges, in train stations,

bus stops and some were just left on the side of the road. Based on Lydia (2020) from

Voice for Paws, they have received a lot of requests from Instagram, Facebook, messages

and calls asking them to rescue those strays. Kelvin (2020) from Society for the

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Selangor (SPCA) said that they have the maximum

number of animals they can keep at the time at their shelter, which are 120 dogs and 60

cats. Cheah from SPCA said that the shelter was still helping rescuers spay and neuter

animals to reduce overpopulation. The founder of the Malaysian Animal Welfare

Association Mr. Mukunnan Sugumaran said both his shelters in Hulu Langat and Sungai

Long had to stop rescuing and arranging adoptions for the time being to adhere to the

Movement Control Order (MCO). What actually happens to animals that aren’t lucky

enough to make it?

In conclusion, the main concern and main question is, what is the impact on the animal

welfare organisations? Supported by, how did the animal welfare organisation deal with

the lack of funds and manpower? In addition, how did the animal welfare organisation

handle the issue of overpopulated stray animals on the streets? Lastly, how has public

perceptions towards animal welfare organisations changed due to the pandemic?

1.3 Research Questions and Objectives

COVID-19 has brought awful influences which affect lifestyle and financial problems

towards the public

1. What is the impact on the animal welfare organization? How did the animal welfare

organization deal with the lack of funds and manpower? The objective of the research is

to acknowledge the problems faced by the strays during the pandemic.

- The research will be carried out by online research studies through news, website,

articles etc. (which will be mentioned in 3.0 Methodology and Method).

- By using this method, we could have a better understanding about how animal

welfare would handle these problems.

2. How did the animal welfare organisation handle the issue of overpopulated stray

animals during the pandemic?

The objectives of the research is to investigate the issues faced by animal welfare

organisations during the pandemic.

- The research will be carried out through an online questionnaire with the selected

beneficiary which is PAWS (which will be mentioned in 3.0 Methodology and Method).

- By using this method, we could ensure the reliability of the information collected.

3. How has public perceptions towards animal welfare organisations changed due to the


The other objective of the research is to understand the perceptions of the public

towards animal welfare organisation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Our research is going to be carried out using surveys, so that we can gather the

public’s options (which will be mentioned in 3.0 Methodology and Method).

- By using this method, we could make sure the feedback is precise enough. The

solution of helping out the animal welfare during COVID-19 pandemic will be

determined after the analysis of data collected.

1.4 Scope and limitations of the study

There are some limitations when the research study was conducted. Firstly, students only

interview and find research on one of all the animal welfare organisations which is PAWS

in Malaysia and the responses from PAWS cannot represent all the animal welfare

organisations in the country.

1.5 Outline of the report

Report Breakdown:

1. Introduction gives a background overview of animal welfare organisations, in

particular PAWS. It also gives a basic overview of what the report is about and

how the report is carried out. Including its justification for the research and its

limitations and delimitations.

2. Research issues are derived and formulated from what we have read and analysed

from news articles, papers, and other reports based on our research theme.

3. Methodology and methods consist of detailed explanations of why and how the

research is carried out, the type of technique and procedures used to collect data,

and also how the collected raw data are translated into readable and concise data.

Methods used:

i. Online Questionnaire

ii. Online Survey

4. Analysis of data compiles the information obtained from surveys into charts and

are categorised into different sections related to the research objective.

The data is organised into three section:

i. Prone to adopt or buy from stores

ii. Opinion towards the Animal Welfare Organisation and the issues faced by


iii. Acknowledgement of Paws Animal Welfare Society

5. Conclusion and Implications summaries the outcomes of the research with

congruent explanation.


Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the public has been ordered to stay home

to prevent the spread of disease, thus the global economy has been largely affected. Since

then most Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Malaysia are financially affected,

which includes many animal welfare organisations as they rely mostly on public funding.

Based on Whyte (2020), the organisation's biggest problem is that their walk-in donations

have dried up, as have fundraising activities. Their funds are depleting fast. They hope

the public can lend a hand and help them in terms of financial problems.

Firstly, due to the pandemic, the Movement Control Order (MCO) was placed.

Movement in society was halted. Volunteers were not able to help out at the animal

shelter. Even while considering the low amount of manpower animal welfare

organisations already face. Since they are nonprofit and the workers don't receive a salary.

Due to the pandemic, volunteers aren't able to help out in the pet shelter as usual. From

Whyte (2020), the organisation management team also feel sad because the animals miss

their walks, their visitors and there's no chance to bond with humans. They are so limited

in what they can do for them. They have arranged pet play parties within the shelter but

some of the pets who need extra care to overcome trauma may be extra stressed.

Secondly, as the number of abandoned animals being accepted by animal welfare

organisations increases, there is a need for more resources in terms of food, money and

pet supplies. From Whyte (2020), the management team stockpiled as much food and

supplies as they could, which was a challenge, it's not just space and they cook several
hundred kilos of food every week which it's also a big investment. Just as every Non-

Governmental Organisation, the economy has taken a hit on them financially. Based on

Whyte (2020), the organization had to halt the normal pickup of street strays. As for

feeding, all the strays are suffering. There are so many warungs who care for a stray of

two, but as they are all closed, the animals are starving. The authorities really need to

consider this. Ideally, the organizations really hope that the public can cooperate with

them and work as one person and start feeding because they are all God’s creatures. While

most people also lost their jobs, these organisations could not completely rely on the

public for funding.

The increasing number of abandoned pets also leads to the shortage of storage

capacity. As the other businesses are closed during the pandemic due to the Restriction

Movement Order (RMO), various animal welfare organisations are forced to take up the

responsibility of taking care of the strays on the streets. Voice For Paws had mentioned

since late-March that they have seen a 60-percent increase in the number of dogs it gets

asked to rescue. Many of them are abandoned under bridges, in train stations, bus stops

and some were just left on the side of the road. We had heaps of requests from the public

asking us to help out by rescuing the dogs, by Grunebaum (2020). As quoted from

Hussein (2020), they have kept the maximum number of animals in the shelter which is

around 120 dogs and 50 cats however the shelter was still helping rescuers spay and neuter

animals to reduce overpopulation. According to Hussein (2020), the founder of the

Malaysian Animal Welfare Association Mr. Mukunnan Sugumaran said both his shelters

in Hulu Langat and Sungai Long had to stop rescuing and arranging adoptions for the

time being to adhere to the Movement Control Order (MCO).

In conclusion, the students are going to analyze and investigate public opinion on

issues of animal welfare organizations during the pandemic and how the issues give

impact on the animal welfare organisations. Based on research, students found that the

issues of welfare organizations faced during the pandemic are lack of funds and

manpower and overpopulated stray animals on streets.


3.1 Methodology

The main purpose of using this methodology in the research is to help in giving

awareness to the public with implementing various choices in order to help the local

animal welfare during MCO Phases. The research related to the topic was carried out

on how to help the animal welfare especially during this pandemic situation

(RSPCA.,n.d.). Many researches were found by students to gain in-depth knowledge

about the current pandemic situation.

COVID-19 has brought awful influences which affect lifestyle and financial problems

towards the public. The objective of the research is to acknowledge the problems faced

by the strays during the pandemic. The research will be carried out by online research

studies through news, website, articles etc. By using this method, we could have a better

understanding about how animal welfare would handle these problems.

Secondly, one of the objectives of the research is to investigate the issues faced by

animal welfare organisations during the pandemic. The research will be carried out

through an online questionnaire with the selected beneficiary which is PAWS. By using

this method, we could ensure the reliability of the information collected.

Last but not least, the other objective of the research is to understand the perceptions

of the public towards animal welfare organisation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our research is going to be carried out using online surveys, so that we can gather the

public’s options. By using this method, we could make sure the feedback is precise

enough. The solution of helping out the animal welfare during COVID-19 pandemic will

be determined after the analysis of data collected.

Students also learnt how to interview the chosen NGO through e-mail and came out

with a suitable survey form for the public which related to the research topic. Thus, two

main research methods were used to collect the data needed for part of the analysis in the

research report.

3.2 Methods

There are two methods used in this research framework which are online

questionnaires and surveys. The online research studies were carried out through online

research papers and websites. The aims of the studies were to identify issues faced by

either international or local animal welfare during pandemic situations.

The first method used for this research was through online questionnaires. Some

questions are prepared after the online research regards to the issues faced by the animal

welfare and all the questions were sent to one of local animal welfare, (PAWS) through

emailing. The replies from the animal welfare committee were the primary data students

needed for further research analysis. The main purpose of undergoing this online

questionnaire was to analyse the true concerns of animal welfare itself and enable for

students to brainstorm alternative ways to help the animal welfare.

Online surveys was the second research framework used by the students. Students

prepared some questions related to the topic in a survey form to get some responses from

the public. Random sampling methods were used to analyse the opinions and thoughts of

the public towards animal welfares’ issues, how many percent of them were aware of

these issues and whether they were willing to help the animal welfare or not. This survey

form was distributed for students’ family members and friends and the datas from

participants will be collected along the time until the students have enough data for this

research purpose. All of the data collected will be compiled and come out with a verified

result to help students to understand the objective of this research. The target sampling

size needed for this survey is 100. The results will be generated from google survey form.

3.3 Limitations and Delimitations

One of the limitations on this research is small in sample size. The responses got from

the questionnaire are 113 responses which could not represent the public. Smaller sample

size limits the explanatory power of analysis. Besides, the participants are within Kuala

Lumpur and Selangor areas whose responses could not represent the population of

Malaysia and may be different compared with other states. Next, there are small parts of

the responses which are not relatable to the question as limitations cause the decreasing

reliability and validity of the questionnaire.

As for delimitations, the scope of study has narrowed down to PAWS as it is located

at Selangor. Besides, the unrelatable responses are discard to ensure the result’s



The survey was conducted between 8 October 2020 to 18 October 2020 using Google

Forms and was promoted through method as mentioned in section 3.0 Methodology and

Method. The survey concluded at 6pm on 8 October 2020 with a sample of 113 people

out of approximately 100 people which constitutes more than 100% of respondents to

answer the questions given. The results of the survey is intended to analyze public

opinions towards animal welfares’ issues, how many percent of them were aware of these

issues and whether they were willing to help the animal welfare or not with the structure

of this chapter as follows:

1. Prone to adopt or buy from store

2. Opinion towards the Animal Welfare Organisation and the issues faced by them

3. Acknowledgement of Paws Animal Welfare Society

4.1 Prone to adopt or buy from store

1. Do you have a pet?

Pie Chart 4.1: Do you have a pet?

According to Figure 4.1, 46.9% from the respondents have their own pet,
and 53.1% do not have their own pet.

2. If you have a pet, did your pet's needs (food, cleaning supplies,
medical fees etc) become a burden to you during the COVID-19

Pie Chart 4.2: If you have a pet, did your pet's needs (food, cleaning supplies,
medical fees etc) become a burden to you during the COVID-19 pandemic?

According to Figure 4.2, among the 46.9% of respondents who have pets, 28.3% of them
think that their pet’s needs become their burden during the COVID-19 pandemic. While
most of them, which is 71.7% of them, do not have this kind of burden.

3. If you don’t have a pet, do you prefer adopting from an animal welfare
organisation or buying from a pet shop? Why?

Pie Chart 4.3: If you don’t have a pet, do you prefer adopting from an animal
welfare organisation or buying from a pet shop? Why?

According to Figure 4.3, among the 53.1% of respondents who do not have their own pet,
there are 39% of them choose to adopt from an animal welfare organisation, to give those
abandoned animals a new home. However, 7% of them choose to buy from a pet shop
due to the health condition of the pet and also lack of knowledge about the animal welfare
organisation. 10% of them agree with both of the method to own a pet, while 13.3% of
them don’t willing to have a pet due to some family and health issues.

4.2 Opinion towards the Animal Welfare Organisation and the issues faced

by them

1. In your opinion, how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected animal

welfare organisations?

Pie Chart 4.4: In your opinion, how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected animal
welfare organisations?

According to the Figure 4.4, 61.4% of the respondents think that the biggest challenge
that is faced by the animal welfare organisations is financial problems such as lesser
donation from the public, lack of income, and lesser opportunity to hold fundraising
events. 15.8% of them think that the organisations are lack of manpower or volunteers
to help them out due to the SOP of COVID-19 pandemic. 11.9% of them think that lack
of resources is one of the challenges which are faced by the animal welfare organisations
such as food, materials and etc. However, 7.9% of them think that there will be lesser
pet adoption during this pandemic due to financial problems that are faced by everyone
now. 3% of them think that the increase of abandoned animals is also one of the effects.
This is because the owner of the pet faces serious financial problems and having a pet has
become a burden to them.

2. Are you willing to help an animal welfare organisation out,
especially during this pandemic?

Pie Chart 4.5: Are you willing to help an animal welfare organisation out,
especially during this pandemic?

According to Figure 4.5, 93% of respondents are willing to help an animal welfare
organisation while 17.7% of them refuse to help.

3. If you are willing to help, what would you do to help animal welfare
organisations out?

Pie Chart 4.6: If you are willing to help, what would you do to help animal
welfare organisations out?

According to Figure 4.6, 32.2% of respondents choose to become a volunteer, 31% of

them choose to help out financially, 25.7% of them choose to donate some pet supplies
such as food, blankets and etc. while 9.9% of them choose to adopt a pet from an animal
welfare organisation.

4.3 Acknowledgement of Paws Animal Welfare Society

1. Have you heard of PAWS?

Pie Chart 4.7: Have you heard of PAWS?

According to Figure 4.7, 42.5% of them have heard of PAWS, but 57.5% of them

2. If you answered "yes", where were you informed of PAWS?

Bar Chart 4.1: If you answered "yes", where were you informed of PAWS?

According to Figure 4.8, most of the respondents which is 37.9% of them heard PAWS
from social media, while 23% of them heard from their friends and family. 16.1% of
them read PAWS in articles, while 11.5% of them read PAWS from newspapers or
magazines. However, 4.6% of them read PAWS from blogs and also 6.9% of them
heard PAWS from other resources such as from school, or did some projects at PAWS.


In conclusion, the research has investigated a group of young people aged 18-50. The

primary data were collected through online surveys for 113 people. The aim of this study

is to investigate the public's opinion towards the impacts of animal welfare organisations

faced during the pandemic and whether they are willing to help the local organisation or


The biggest problem brought by the pandemic to the animal welfare organisations is the

financial problems and the majority of the people agree with this statement. The local

animal welfare organisation has less opportunity to hold fundraising events since they got

lesser donations from the public during pandemic.

Based on the online surveys, most of the people are willing to adopt animals from animal

welfare organisations instead of buying pets from pet shops. These results actually can

help the animal organisations which are facing financial problems by promoting the

public to adopt pets from PAWS in order to reduce the animal capacity and animal

resources fees of the organization.

Luckily, more than three quarter of the people are willing to help the animal welfare

organisation in various ways. One third of the people are willing to become volunteers

and help the animal welfare organisations. However, people are not able to move freely

during Movement Control Order (MCO) and this may not be the most suitable suggestion
to solve the organisation's problem. Most of the people choose to help the organisation in

terms of financial and able to donate the pet supplies for the organisation.Thus, students

can promote PAWS to the public and ask for donation to PAWS in order to solve the

organisation’s problems.

However, these findings are true only for 113 people who answered the survey, whether

they have their own pets or not. The results showed that based on the perception of the

public, financial problems are the biggest impact towards local animal welfare

organisations during pandemic. Yet, the public are willing to help out with the

organisations which are facing difficulties.

Based on data analysis, solutions proposed for the animal welfare organisations are as

below. First, automatic feeding machines can be implemented into animal management

to ease the lack of manpower. For animals who need special care, soft music can be played

in the shelter to relieve animal’s stress due to animals not able to bond with humans. In

order to ease the lack of funds, animal welfare organisations can hold fundraising events

through online social media from the public. Through the online events, the public can

make donations for the welfare organisation within their ability. People can either donate

money or send animal food supplies for the organisation. The issue of overpopulated stray

animals on the street also causes insufficient space in animal welfare organisations.

Therefore, the organisation can send out some animals with better conditions to people

without donating to animal welfare organisations to free up more spaces.

Due to financial problems during COVID-19 pandemic, some irresponsible owners take

animal welfare organisations as animal shelters. Some of them purposely abandon their

pets by the street and believe that PAWS will come and rescue them.


In conclusion, this research investigated the public’s perspective on the impact of

COVID-19 pandemic towards animal welfare organisations. Primary data were

collected by sending out online questionnaires to the public through social media and

113 feedbacks were received. The purpose of this study is to investigate their thoughts

and understandings about how the pandemic affects the animal welfare organisations.

The whole research has proven that during this pandemic, the majority of the people

actually concern about the consequence of animal welfare organisations. They are

thoughtful enough and willing to help the animal welfare organisations which are facing

difficulties in terms of donating money and pet supplies like food to the organisations or

volunteering to take care of the animals in the centre.

Most of the people also agree with the action of adopting pets from animal welfare

organisations instead of buying in the shops. The public commented on their thoughts of

illegal breeding caused in the pet shops and think that by adopting animals from animal

welfare organisations would reduce the issue. They also think that animals from the

animal welfare organisations need more care and love from the owners as most of them

are abandoned. Thus, most of them are willing to adopt without any hesitation.

As a result, COVID-19 pandemic brings a lot of impact towards the animal welfare

organisations especially the negative one. From the analysis, the majority of the public
agree that the COVID-19 pandemic did affect the animal welfare organisations in terms

of financial problems, lack of manpower, lack of resources, reduction in number of

adoption and increase in the amount of abandoned animals. It can be seen that there are

very much needed to help in solving the issues faced by the animal welfare

organisations during the pandemic.

However, these findings are true only for the 113 people who answered the

questionnaires, but the result of this study indicates that negative impacts are brought to

the animal welfare organisations. The research has proven to be true that financial

problems are the main issue faced by the animal welfare organisations during the



FOUR PAWS International - Animal Welfare Organisation. 2020. Pets And Life After

COVID-19 Lockdown, accessed 28 September 2020, from <https://www.four->

Grunebaum, D., 2020. Pandemic Leads To Increasing Numbers Of Abandoned Pets In

Malaysia, accessed on 16 September 2020, from <


Hussein, H., 2020. Animal Shelters Running Out Of Space, Food | New Straits Times.

accessed 16 September 2020, from



MUSA, Z., 2020. Increasing Number Of Homeless Pets In JB., accessed 16 September

2020, from <

number-of-homeless-pets-in-jb > 2020. Read About Our Current Appeals & Support Us | RSPCA, accessed

27 September 2020, from

Whyte, E., 2020. Covid-19: Animal Shelters And Vets Hit Hard By Coronavirus Crisis,

accessed 3 November 2020, from




1. Online Questionnaire

Below are the questions prepared for the committees of (PAWS)

1. Is there any trouble finding donors especially during the pandemic?

2. Has the number decreased during pandemic?

3. How often do volunteers volunteer in PAWS?

4. How did PAWS deal with the decrease in volunteers during the pandemic?

5. Was there a large influx of strays during the pandemic?

6. What happens to strays that can't make it up for adoption?

2. Responses and Results from Online Questionnaire sent to PAWS

1. Is there any trouble finding donors especially during the pandemic?

- Yes! This pandemic has brought a lot of effects to us. Due to the financial problems

faced by everyone, it is hard to get donors to donate money and resources such as

food, daily needs.

2. Has the number decreased during pandemic?

- Definitely no. The number of stray animal increased especially during pandemic as

we found many of the owners have little financial difficulties in pet their animals

3. How often do volunteers volunteer in PAWS?

- There are volunteers helping out in PAWS every weekend before the pandemic. Also,

some students volunteer in PAWS for community projects.

4. How did PAWS deal with the decrease in volunteers during the pandemic?

- Due to the MCO, we are unable to employ workers and also volunteers are not able

to help us out. We have no choice and we still have to work harder to take care of all

of the animals by ourselves.

5. Was there a large influx of strays during the pandemic?

- Yes. Our job is to give the strays a shelter and help them to find a owner. Whoever

saw strays on the street, we will be contacted and take action to rescue them. Because

of this reason, some of the irresponsible owners who have financial issues due to

COVID-19 pandemic, abandoned their pets and caused the increase of strays.

6. What happens to strays that can't make it up for adoption?

- If the strays are aged and not able to make it up for adoption, they will be send to the

vet for euthanasia. For normal age strays, there are no other options by continuing

keeping them in the shelter.

3. Google Form: Survey



Hi! We are a group of students from Taylor's University currently undertaking the

Community Service Initiative (CSI) module. The form below is a 5-10 minute survey

regarding the affect of the COVID-19 pandemic on animal welfare organisations. We

are greatly thankful if you would take your time out to fill out this form. Your views are

highly appreciated.

Should you have any queries, please contact PAWS's number 03-7846 1087. Thank



1. Do you have a pet

Options Check

Yes (continue to Q2)

No (continue to Q3)

2. If you answered "yes", did your pet's needs (food, cleaning supplies, medical fees etc)
became a burden to you during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Options Check



3. If you answered "no", do you prefer adopting from an animal welfare organisation or
buying from a pet shop? Why?




1. In your opinion, how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected animal welfare

Options Check

Financial Problem

Lack of Manpower

Lack of Resources

Lesser Adoption

Increase of Abandoned Animals

2. Are you willing to help an animal welfare organisation out, especially during this

Options Check



3. If you are willing to help, what would you do to help animal welfare organisations

Options Check

Help Out Financially

Donating Pet Supplies





1. Have you heard of PAWS?

Options Check

Yes (continue to Q8)


2. If you answered “yes”, where were you informed of PAWS?

Options Check



Newspaper and Magazines

Social Media

Friends or Family


4. Responses and Results from Questionnaire made by using Google Form


Respondent Do you have a pet? If you answered If you answered

"yes", did your pet's "no", do you prefer
needs (food, cleaning adopting from an

supplies, medical animal welfare
fees etc) became a organisation or
burden to you during buying from a pet
the COVID-19
shop? Why?

1 Yes No -

2 No - Either both ways

3 Yes Yes -

4 Yes No Depends on the breed

and size

5 No - Adopting a pet

6 Yes No Either way

7 Yes No -

8 No - Adopting. Its better

9 No - No. I would love to

have a pet but my
parents are against it
since they are sensitive
to animal fur.

10 No - Buying,the pets from

the animal welfare
might be fameless

11 Yes No I would prefer adopting

from an animal welfare
organisation cause i
believe that animals
from animal welfare
organisations needmore
care and love from pet

12 Yes No Adopt. Buying will

encourage irresponsible

13 Yes No -

14 Yes Yes -

15 No - No. My family do not

allow me to have a pet

16 No - Adopting, to help the

pets that were
abandoned or need a
new home

17 No - Adopting. To reduce

the stray pets.

18 No - Adopting from an
animal welfare as
there’s animal that need
help from the animal

19 No - I prefer adoption than

buying. I do not
support cruel breeding
of pet shops

20 Yes No Adopt don't shop.

21 No - adopting , because I
feel it is better to give
strays or pets without
homes a better home

22 No - Buying from a pet shop

23 No - I prefer adopting as
there are many stray
animals that need much
of care by humans.

24 No - Yes. I love pets

25 Yes Yes Adopting definitely,

but due to peer pressure
i bough a cat twice

26 Yes No Buying from pet shop

bcs its healthier

27 No - Animal welfare

28 No - Adopting from an
animal welfare

29 No - Adopting

30 Yes No No. Because i would

like to put all my effort
into my one and only
pet dog. To adopt other
pet, I should give them
the balance and non-
bias love, I haven’t
prepare for that and I
do not want to try as
well cause I scare I will
hurt any of them.

31 No - Both also can, need to

see if have the pet I
want or not first
32 Yes Yes -

33 Yes No -

34 No - From a pet shop. I do

not know any animal
welfare organisation.

35 No - adopt, cheaper

36 Yes Yes -

37 Yes No no, cuz i love ma dog


38 Yes No -

39 No - Adopt from welfare org

40 No - Adopting because it is
better to buy and take
care of a precious life
of strays, let them have
a home and feel

41 No - No, because I don’t

really like having a pet.

42 No - Adopt, the animal

might not have good
environment to stay in

43 Yes Yes -

44 No - Adopting

45 No - Neither nor

46 Yes No Adopting. Pets from pet

shops are usually taken
good care of.

47 No - Adopting is better than


48 No - "Adopting from an
animal welfare
organisation. Most of
the pet from pet shop
are bred and raised
without the care of their
mother. It is mentally
harmful for the pet
itself and supporting
this business model
only makes the
problem worse.

49 Yes No -

50 No - -

51 No - Adopting from an
animal welfare
organisation. To avoid
more animals from
getting abandoned

52 Yes No -

53 No - Anything

54 No - adopt, save money

55 No - animal welfare
organisation, cheaper i
guess ?

56 Yes No -

57 Yes No Not sure cuz we bought

ours from mudah.

58 Yes Yes -

59 Yes Yes -

60 No - Adopting. Because they

need more care

61 Yes No Adopting, I don’t

support in buying

62 Yes Yes adopt better

63 No - Adopting from an
animal welfare
organization because
buying from a pet shop
is supporting the
business of breeding
and profit of poor
animals however if you
adopt then you can
rescue a homeless cat
for example and give it
a good home to live.

64 No - Adopting because I
don't want to support
people exploiting
animals by breeding
them for the purpose of
money/interest. I don't
feel like it's right to
support businesses who
don't care enough about
the animal's life.

65 No No Adopt

66 No - Buying from a petshop

because I could know
all the history about the

67 Yes No -

68 No - yes, pet is cute

69 No - Adopting. Pets at
animal welfare
organizations do not
mean that they are
'lower-standard' pets.
They are often well
cared and they also
deserve to be treated
with love as well.
While buying from pet
shop might encourage
irresponsible breeders
breeding the pets
without control,
allowing them to
continue this business
by producing pets in
terrible circumstances.

70 Yes No Both will be fine

71 No - Yes because they’re

homeless and I need a
company from a pet so
why not just adopt

72 No - not really sure bout it

73 No - adopting. it saves pets

that have been
abandoned and i do not
tolerate animal

74 Yes No adopting from an

animal welfare

75 Yes No No. Because i would

like to put all my effort
into my one and only
pet dog. To adopt other
pet, I should give them
the balance and non-
bias love, I haven’t
prepare for that and I
do not want to try as
well cause I scare I will

hurt any of them.

76 Yes No -

77 Yes Yes Adopting. Buying

animals is giving
opportunity for a bigger
market of the particular
bought animal, it may
become a 'trend' in
having this pet (ex:
Chincilla, Sugar Glider
& Doormouse) hence
leading to a extreme
high market needs and
high market value of
the animal. This causes
uneven market also
may cause illegal

78 No - No Money to survey
already and no time to
take care.

79 No - Not now till i cant

afford my life

80 Yes No Buying from pet shop

bcs its healthier

81 No - Adopting! bc animals
at the welfare
organization definitely
need our help more
compared to the ones at
the petshop

82 No - Maybe adopt

83 No - Animal welfare . To
provide the animal a

84 No - Adopting! bc animals
at the welfare
organization definitely
need our help more
compared to the ones at
the petshop

85 Yes No -

86 Yes No -

87 Yes Yes -

88 Yes Yes -

89 Yes No -
90 No - Prefer buying, because
it's more convenient
due to more pet shops
being around. And,
lack of knowledge on
adoption process.

91 No - Yes pet can bring


92 Yes No -

93 No - Adopting

94 Yes No Adoption

95 No - Adopting. To reduce
the stray pets

96 Yes No Adopt

97 Yes No I prefer adopting from

the former because it
can save putting
animals down.

98 No - buying because is more

safe?! I don't know...

99 No - Yes, adopt don’t shop

100 No - I’m allergic to animals

101 Yes No Adopting. Pets are


102 Yes No Adopting. Pets are


103 Yes Yes -

104 Yes No -

105 No - Adoption is better

because the adoption
fees go back into
helping more animals

106 Yes No I would prefer adopting

from an animal welfare
organisation cause i
believe that animals
from animal welfare
organisation need more
care and love from pet

107 Yes No Adoption

108 No - Buy from a pet shop

because it has more

109 No - Animal welfare

organisations because
we can help the
organisations especially
the smaller ones

110 No - Adopting because pets

up for adoption needs
more care and attention
compared to those in
pet shops as most of
them were found in the
streets etc

111 Yes Yes -

112 Yes Yes -

113 Yes No Adopt, because most

pets in stores are
sourced from
irresponsible backyard
breeders (puppy mills).
By adopting, there is
one less homeless/stray
animal off the streets
and it helps shelters
make room to help
more animals.



Respondent In your opinion, how has the Are you willing to help If you are willing
COVID-19 pandemic an animal welfare to help, what
affected animal welfare organisation out, would you do to
organisations? especially during this help animal
pandemic? welfare

1 Financial impact Yes Helping out


2 In terms of financial issues and Yes Helping out

lack of resources financially,

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

3 Hardly to get funding or create Yes Volunteering

event for them to promote

4 No volunteers, no donation, no Yes Helping out

access to pet food financially,

5 Lack of funds due to the Yes Volunteering

economy going into crisis

6 Lack of funding - -

7 Animals will not be the top Yes Adopting,

priority Volunteering

8 - Yes Helping out


9 The organisations are running Yes Helping out

out of volunteers and donation financially,
funds to manage the cost of Donating pet
living for animals supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

10 Financial problem Yes Helping out


11 They suffer from the insufficient Yes Helping out

of funds since they have to take financially,
care of themselves as well as Donating pet
their family at the same time supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

12 No volunteers to help out and Yes Helping out

perhaps lesser donation financially

13 Not able to operate because of - -


14 increase maintenance Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

15 increase maintenance Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

16 Lesser people adopt, volunteer Yes Helping out

for help due to MCO and financially,
financially restricted to adopt a Donating pet
new pet, and less funding for the supplies (food,
animal welfare as they can't blankets, leashes
open up booths for crowd- etc), Volunteering
funding or donation.

17 They might not have enough Yes Donating pet

funds to cover the huge amounts supplies (food,
of expenses blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

18 Financial problems, medical Yes Helping out

issues for the animals financially,

19 I am not sure, but maybe there is - -

some challenge like manpower

20 impacting their funding for Yes Helping out

supplies, food etc, increase of financially,
abandon pets as well as people Volunteering
are unable to support them
anymore so more pets to care
for, but not enough funding.

21 It is more financially difficult to Yes Volunteering

get the supplies needed

22 Discontinued fund Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

23 - Yes Volunteering

24 Before that the students used to Yes Donating pet

go and spend time with animals supplies (food,
but due to covid that couldn't blankets, leashes
happen etc), Volunteering

25 - - -

26 More people want to adopt Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

27 In my opinion, the pandemic has Yes Helping out

indirectly affected the animal financially,
welfare organisation. What I Donating pet
mean is that during the supplies (food,
pandemic itself, the purchasing blankets, leashes
power of the customers are etc)
lower which leads to downturn
in economic and lower income
rate. People are less willing to
adopt new pets due to this
reason. When you have a pet,
that means that you need to
exert a part of your income or
money to manage and sustain it.

28 People from the organisation Yes Volunteering

would be hard to save animals in

29 Less support from public due to - -

financial crisis

30 Budget and profit stuff Yes Volunteering

31 No income to keep on raising Yes Helping out

the animals kept by the financially,
organisation Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

32 - Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

33 - Yes Helping out


34 Less visit/ trips - -

35 In my opinion, with covid-19, Yes Helping out

finances are cut, the financially,
organizations will have lower Donating pet
cost to take care of the animals, supplies (food,
thus the animals will suffer as blankets, leashes
well. etc)

36 - Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

37 Food and medical treatment vise - -

38 Most of the supplies, budgets Yes Helping out

and income for the pets are financially,
getting cut significantly. Donating pet
Therefore, harder for the supplies (food,
guardians to take care of all of blankets, leashes
the pets as well as to keep up etc)
with living for themselves.

39 The organisers are not able to Yes Donating pet

distribute the food or searching supplies (food,
for homeless dogs blankets, leashes

40 - Yes Volunteering

41 COVID-19 has affected the Yes Helping out

global economy seriously and I financially,
think the funding and income of Donating pet
the animal welfare organisations supplies (food,
might be affected. blankets, leashes

42 Lesser donation to support, less Yes Helping out

visitor financially,
Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

43 Hard to bring the pet for medical Yes Donating pet

treatment and also grooming supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

44 - Yes Volunteering

45 It might be hard for welfare Yes Helping out

organisations to raise awareness financially,
or holding fund raining events. Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

46 Less people adopting, less Yes Donating pet

income, money needed to supplies (food,
maintain pets remains, more blankets, leashes
difficult for welfare etc)

47 Less people adopting, less - -

income, money needed to
maintain pets remains, more
difficult for welfare

48 A lot SOP to follow and harder Yes Helping out

to publicise the agenda. financially

49 Maybe lots of pet owners don’t Yes Donating pet

have enough money to take care supplies (food,
and end up abandoning them. blankets, leashes
Increasing workload for these etc), Volunteering

50 Major impact, since animal Yes Donating pet

rescue groups and wildlife supplies (food,
rehabilitation centres aren't able blankets, leashes
to fully support themselves etc)
financially, let alone animals
which they needed adequate
food and shelter

51 Not enough fund Yes Volunteering

52 Public no donation to them Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

53 Not aware about this - -

54 No people help Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

55 - Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

56 Income Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

57 They’re short on funds - -

58 Hard to get help from public/ Yes Adopting

other organisations

59 I think it affected it quite hard, Yes Helping out

as to some shelters financially,
sponsors/donations are a big part Volunteering
of them being able to maintain it

60 People are restricted with their Yes Volunteering

rescue action

61 I personally feel that they are Yes Helping out

losing customers too because financially,
people are financially tight Donating pet
during the pandemic supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

62 Lack fund Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

63 It might have restricted their - -

income resulting in less food
supplies for the animals because
less people go out from their
homes now to adopt an animal.

64 Not really educated about it, but Yes Helping out

I think that there might be a lack financially,
of man power to actually handle Volunteering
everything since people need to
do social distancing and also
lack of funds.

65 - Yes Helping out


66 The animals there maybe are Yes Volunteering

facing starvation because there
is fewer adoption during the

67 - - -

68 - Yes Volunteering

69 I think it harshly affected them Yes Helping out

since everyone is worrying financially,
about their own home expenses, Volunteering
the donations to these animal
welfare organisations will
largely reduced, causing the
organisations tight on money as
taking care of the pets definitely
need large amount of costs.

70 Donation become lesser and the Yes Helping out

organization lack of money to financially,
buy food Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

71 They are getting less sponsor Yes Helping out


72 - Yes Volunteering

73 i would say that it might’ve Yes Volunteering

impacted greatly as lesser
people are concerned about
adoption and donations

74 Lack of donation from public Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting

75 Budget and profit stuff Yes Volunteering

76 Bankruptcy maybe Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

77 I think the animal welfare org Yes Helping out

are unable to rescue or help financially,
some animals in need. During Donating pet
this pandemic, they might not be supplies (food,
able to release their animals for blankets, leashes
adoption and of their animals etc), Volunteering
don't stop reproducing, they may
face financial issues regarding
pet's food etc.

78 No money - -

79 Just like how affect human Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

80 More people want to adopt Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

81 financial hardship, lack of Yes Adopting,

volunteers, lack of patrons, etc Volunteering

82 - - -

83 No money , no volunteers - -

84 financial hardship, lack of Yes Adopting,

volunteers, lack of patrons, etc Volunteering

85 They get less funds so they - -

might be struggling financially

86 harder to work under the sop Yes Helping out

including social distancing financially

87 Lack of resources Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

88 It depleted their resources, Yes Adopting,

materials and foods aren’t Volunteering

89 It has given less opportunity for Yes Volunteering

them to be helped by other
people who would like to
volunteer but are Afraid of
being infected by the virus

90 Badly because less people go Yes Helping out

out to adopt, and more people financially,
fear animals may spread the Volunteering,
corona Other means such
as promo/design
for them

91 Lack of expenses Yes Adopting,


92 lack of expenses Yes Volunteering

93 Less support from public due to - -

financial crisis

94 More limited manpower to look Yes Helping out

after the animal and decrease financially,
financial support Volunteering

95 They might not have enough Yes Donating pet

funds to cover the huge amounts supplies (food,
of expenses blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

96 People are mostly at home Yes Helping out


97 Pet adoption meetings can't be - -


98 less volunteers to help out - -

99 Financial problem Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting

100 Less voluntary workers - -

101 A drop in individual donations Yes Helping out

to animal welfare charities financially

102 A drop in individual donations Yes Helping out

to animal welfare charities financially

103 Less programmes and events Yes Volunteering

can be held. Less volunteers

104 - Yes Helping out


105 Many pets are abandoned and Yes Donating pet

are adopted due to the current supplies (food,
economic blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

106 They suffer from insufficient Yes Helping out

funds since they have to take financially,
care of themselves as well as Donating pet
their family at the same time. supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

107 More limited manpower to look Yes Helping out

after the animal and decrease financially,
financial support Volunteering

108 I think it's pretty affected by the Yes Donating pet

pandemic supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

109 Fewer people will go visit these Yes Helping out

organisation centres financially,

110 It's hard to conduct events due Yes Helping out

to SOP financially

111 lack of funding and reduction of Yes Helping out

manpower financially,
Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

112 lack of funding and reduction of Yes Helping out

manpower financially,
Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

113 Lower adoption rates and Yes Helping out

donations due to the slower financially,
economy. Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,


Respondent Have you heard of PAWS? If you answered “yes”, where

were you informed of PAWS?

1 Yes Blogs

2 Yes Articles

3 Yes Blogs

4 No -

5 No -

6 No -

7 No -

8 Yes Blogs

9 Yes Articles

10 Yes Articles

11 Yes Newspaper or magazines

12 Yes Articles

13 Yes Newspaper or magazines

14 Yes Articles

15 Yes Friends or family

16 No -

17 Yes Articles

18 Yes Friends or family

19 Yes Articles

20 Yes Articles

21 Yes Social Media

22 Yes Blogs

23 Yes Articles

24 Yes Newspaper or magazines

25 Yes Articles

26 Yes Articles

27 Yes Articles

28 Yes Friends or family

29 Yes Newspaper or magazines

30 Yes Newspaper or magazines

31 No -

32 No -

33 Yes CSI Club from Taylor’s


34 Yes Social Media

35 Yes Newspaper or magazines

36 Yes Newspaper or magazines

37 Yes Newspaper or magazines

38 Yes Social Media

39 Yes Social Media

40 Yes Articles

41 Yes Friends or family

42 Yes Articles

43 Yes Friends or family

44 Yes Friends or family

45 Yes Newspaper or magazines

46 Yes Social Media

47 Yes Friends or family

48 Yes Searching for animal shelters

49 Yes Newspaper or magazines

50 Yes CSI Club from Taylor’s


51 Yes Social Media

52 Yes Friends or family

53 Yes Friends or family

54 Yes Friends or family

55 Yes Friends or family

56 Yes Social Media

57 Yes Social Media

58 Yes Social Media

59 Yes Social Media

60 Yes Social Media

61 Yes Social Media

62 Yes Friends or family

63 Yes Friends or family

64 Yes Social Media

65 Yes Did a project there

66 Yes Friends or family

67 Yes Other

68 Yes Friends or family

69 Yes Social Media

70 Yes Social Media

71 Yes Social Media

72 Yes Social Media

73 Yes Social Media

74 Yes Social Media

75 No -

76 Yes Friends or family

77 No -

78 Yes Social Media

79 Yes Friends or family

80 Yes Friends or family

81 No -

82 Yes Friends or family

83 Yes Friends or family

84 No -

85 No -

86 Yes Secondary school

87 Yes Social Media

88 Yes Social Media

89 Yes Social Media

90 Yes Social Media

91 Yes Social Media

92 No -

93 Yes Social Media

94 Yes Social Media

95 Yes Social Media

96 No -

97 No -

98 Yes Social Media

99 Yes Social Media

100 Yes Social Media

101 Yes Social Media

102 Yes Social Media

103 No -

104 No -

105 No -

106 No -

107 No -

108 No -

109 No -

110 No -

111 No -

112 No -

113 No -

3. Google Form: Survey



Hi! We are a group of students from Taylor's University currently undertaking the

Community Service Initiative (CSI) module. The form below is a 5-10 minute survey

regarding the affect of the COVID-19 pandemic on animal welfare organisations. We

are greatly thankful if you would take your time out to fill out this form. Your views are

highly appreciated.

Should you have any queries, please contact PAWS's number 03-7846 1087. Thank



1. Do you have a pet

Options Check

Yes (continue to Q2)

No (continue to Q3)

2. If you answered "yes", did your pet's needs (food, cleaning supplies, medical fees etc)
became a burden to you during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Options Check



3. If you answered "no", do you prefer adopting from an animal welfare organisation or
buying from a pet shop? Why?




1. In your opinion, how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected animal welfare

Options Check

Financial Problem

Lack of Manpower

Lack of Resources

Lesser Adoption
Increase of Abandoned Animals

2. Are you willing to help an animal welfare organisation out, especially during this

Options Check



3. If you are willing to help, what would you do to help animal welfare organisations

Options Check

Help Out Financially

Donating Pet Supplies





1. Have you heard of PAWS?

Options Check

Yes (continue to Q8)


2. If you answered “yes”, where were you informed of PAWS?

Options Check



Newspaper and Magazines

Social Media

Friends or Family


4. Responses and Results from Questionnaire made by using Google Form


Respondent Do you have a pet? If you answered If you answered

"yes", did your pet's "no", do you prefer
needs (food, cleaning adopting from an
supplies, medical
animal welfare
fees etc) became a
burden to you during organisation or
the COVID-19 buying from a pet
pandemic? shop? Why?

1 Yes No -

2 No - Either both ways

3 Yes Yes -

4 Yes No Depends on the breed

and size

5 No - Adopting a pet

6 Yes No Either way

7 Yes No -

8 No - Adopting. Its better

9 No - No. I would love to

have a pet but my
parents are against it
since they are sensitive
to animal fur.

10 No - Buying,the pets from

the animal welfare
might be fameless

11 Yes No I would prefer adopting

from an animal welfare
organisation cause i
believe that animals
from animal welfare
organisations needmore
care and love from pet

12 Yes No Adopt. Buying will

encourage irresponsible

13 Yes No -

14 Yes Yes -

15 No - No. My family do not

allow me to have a pet

16 No - Adopting, to help the

pets that were
abandoned or need a
new home

17 No - Adopting. To reduce
the stray pets.

18 No - Adopting from an
animal welfare as
there’s animal that need
help from the animal

19 No - I prefer adoption than

buying. I do not
support cruel breeding
of pet shops

20 Yes No Adopt don't shop.

21 No - adopting , because I
feel it is better to give
strays or pets without

homes a better home

22 No - Buying from a pet shop

23 No - I prefer adopting as
there are many stray
animals that need much
of care by humans.

24 No - Yes. I love pets

25 Yes Yes Adopting definitely,

but due to peer pressure
i bough a cat twice

26 Yes No Buying from pet shop

bcs its healthier

27 No - Animal welfare

28 No - Adopting from an
animal welfare

29 No - Adopting

30 Yes No No. Because i would

like to put all my effort
into my one and only
pet dog. To adopt other
pet, I should give them
the balance and non-
bias love, I haven’t
prepare for that and I
do not want to try as
well cause I scare I will
hurt any of them.

31 No - Both also can, need to

see if have the pet I
want or not first

32 Yes Yes -

33 Yes No -

34 No - From a pet shop. I do

not know any animal
welfare organisation.

35 No - adopt, cheaper

36 Yes Yes -

37 Yes No no, cuz i love ma dog


38 Yes No -

39 No - Adopt from welfare org

40 No - Adopting because it is
better to buy and take
care of a precious life
of strays, let them have
a home and feel

41 No - No, because I don’t

really like having a pet.

42 No - Adopt, the animal

might not have good
environment to stay in

43 Yes Yes -

44 No - Adopting

45 No - Neither nor

46 Yes No Adopting. Pets from pet

shops are usually taken
good care of.

47 No - Adopting is better than


48 No - "Adopting from an
animal welfare
organisation. Most of
the pet from pet shop
are bred and raised
without the care of their
mother. It is mentally
harmful for the pet
itself and supporting
this business model
only makes the
problem worse.

49 Yes No -

50 No - -

51 No - Adopting from an
animal welfare
organisation. To avoid
more animals from
getting abandoned

52 Yes No -

53 No - Anything

54 No - adopt, save money

55 No - animal welfare
organisation, cheaper i

guess ?

56 Yes No -

57 Yes No Not sure cuz we bought

ours from mudah.

58 Yes Yes -

59 Yes Yes -

60 No - Adopting. Because they

need more care

61 Yes No Adopting, I don’t

support in buying

62 Yes Yes adopt better

63 No - Adopting from an
animal welfare
organization because
buying from a pet shop
is supporting the
business of breeding
and profit of poor
animals however if you
adopt then you can
rescue a homeless cat
for example and give it
a good home to live.

64 No - Adopting because I
don't want to support
people exploiting
animals by breeding
them for the purpose of
money/interest. I don't
feel like it's right to
support businesses who
don't care enough about
the animal's life.

65 No No Adopt

66 No - Buying from a petshop

because I could know
all the history about the

67 Yes No -

68 No - yes, pet is cute

69 No - Adopting. Pets at
animal welfare
organizations do not
mean that they are
'lower-standard' pets.
They are often well
cared and they also
deserve to be treated
with love as well.
While buying from pet
shop might encourage
irresponsible breeders
breeding the pets
without control,
allowing them to
continue this business
by producing pets in
terrible circumstances.

70 Yes No Both will be fine

71 No - Yes because they’re

homeless and I need a
company from a pet so
why not just adopt

72 No - not really sure bout it

73 No - adopting. it saves pets

that have been
abandoned and i do not
tolerate animal

74 Yes No adopting from an

animal welfare

75 Yes No No. Because i would

like to put all my effort
into my one and only
pet dog. To adopt other
pet, I should give them
the balance and non-
bias love, I haven’t
prepare for that and I
do not want to try as
well cause I scare I will
hurt any of them.

76 Yes No -

77 Yes Yes Adopting. Buying

animals is giving
opportunity for a bigger
market of the particular
bought animal, it may
become a 'trend' in
having this pet (ex:
Chincilla, Sugar Glider
& Doormouse) hence
leading to a extreme
high market needs and
high market value of

the animal. This causes
uneven market also
may cause illegal

78 No - No Money to survey
already and no time to
take care.

79 No - Not now till i cant

afford my life

80 Yes No Buying from pet shop

bcs its healthier

81 No - Adopting! bc animals
at the welfare
organization definitely
need our help more
compared to the ones at
the petshop

82 No - Maybe adopt

83 No - Animal welfare . To
provide the animal a

84 No - Adopting! bc animals
at the welfare
organization definitely
need our help more
compared to the ones at
the petshop

85 Yes No -

86 Yes No -

87 Yes Yes -

88 Yes Yes -

89 Yes No -

90 No - Prefer buying, because

it's more convenient
due to more pet shops
being around. And,
lack of knowledge on
adoption process.

91 No - Yes pet can bring


92 Yes No -

93 No - Adopting

94 Yes No Adoption

95 No - Adopting. To reduce
the stray pets

96 Yes No Adopt

97 Yes No I prefer adopting from

the former because it
can save putting
animals down.

98 No - buying because is more

safe?! I don't know...

99 No - Yes, adopt don’t shop

100 No - I’m allergic to animals

101 Yes No Adopting. Pets are


102 Yes No Adopting. Pets are


103 Yes Yes -

104 Yes No -

105 No - Adoption is better

because the adoption
fees go back into
helping more animals

106 Yes No I would prefer adopting

from an animal welfare
organisation cause i
believe that animals
from animal welfare
organisation need more
care and love from pet

107 Yes No Adoption

108 No - Buy from a pet shop

because it has more

109 No - Animal welfare

organisations because
we can help the
organisations especially
the smaller ones

110 No - Adopting because pets

up for adoption needs
more care and attention
compared to those in
pet shops as most of
them were found in the
streets etc

111 Yes Yes -

112 Yes Yes -

113 Yes No Adopt, because most

pets in stores are
sourced from
irresponsible backyard
breeders (puppy mills).
By adopting, there is
one less homeless/stray
animal off the streets
and it helps shelters
make room to help
more animals.



Respondent In your opinion, how has the Are you willing to help If you are willing
COVID-19 pandemic an animal welfare to help, what
affected animal welfare organisation out, would you do to
organisations? especially during this help animal
pandemic? welfare

1 Financial impact Yes Helping out


2 In terms of financial issues and Yes Helping out

lack of resources financially,
Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

3 Hardly to get funding or create Yes Volunteering

event for them to promote

4 No volunteers, no donation, no Yes Helping out

access to pet food financially,

5 Lack of funds due to the Yes Volunteering

economy going into crisis

6 Lack of funding - -

7 Animals will not be the top Yes Adopting,

priority Volunteering

8 - Yes Helping out

9 The organisations are running Yes Helping out

out of volunteers and donation financially,
funds to manage the cost of Donating pet
living for animals supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

10 Financial problem Yes Helping out


11 They suffer from the insufficient Yes Helping out

of funds since they have to take financially,
care of themselves as well as Donating pet
their family at the same time supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

12 No volunteers to help out and Yes Helping out

perhaps lesser donation financially

13 Not able to operate because of - -


14 increase maintenance Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

15 increase maintenance Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

16 Lesser people adopt, volunteer Yes Helping out

for help due to MCO and financially,
financially restricted to adopt a Donating pet
new pet, and less funding for the supplies (food,
animal welfare as they can't blankets, leashes
open up booths for crowd- etc), Volunteering
funding or donation.

17 They might not have enough Yes Donating pet

funds to cover the huge amounts supplies (food,
of expenses blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

18 Financial problems, medical Yes Helping out

issues for the animals financially,

19 I am not sure, but maybe there is - -

some challenge like manpower

20 impacting their funding for Yes Helping out

supplies, food etc, increase of financially,
abandon pets as well as people Volunteering
are unable to support them
anymore so more pets to care
for, but not enough funding.

21 It is more financially difficult to Yes Volunteering

get the supplies needed

22 Discontinued fund Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

23 - Yes Volunteering

24 Before that the students used to Yes Donating pet

go and spend time with animals supplies (food,
but due to covid that couldn't blankets, leashes
happen etc), Volunteering

25 - - -

26 More people want to adopt Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

27 In my opinion, the pandemic has Yes Helping out

indirectly affected the animal financially,
welfare organisation. What I Donating pet
mean is that during the supplies (food,
pandemic itself, the purchasing blankets, leashes
power of the customers are etc)
lower which leads to downturn
in economic and lower income
rate. People are less willing to
adopt new pets due to this
reason. When you have a pet,
that means that you need to
exert a part of your income or
money to manage and sustain it.

28 People from the organisation Yes Volunteering

would be hard to save animals in

29 Less support from public due to - -

financial crisis

30 Budget and profit stuff Yes Volunteering

31 No income to keep on raising Yes Helping out

the animals kept by the financially,
organisation Donating pet
supplies (food,

blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

32 - Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

33 - Yes Helping out


34 Less visit/ trips - -

35 In my opinion, with covid-19, Yes Helping out

finances are cut, the financially,
organizations will have lower Donating pet
cost to take care of the animals, supplies (food,
thus the animals will suffer as blankets, leashes
well. etc)

36 - Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

37 Food and medical treatment vise - -

38 Most of the supplies, budgets Yes Helping out

and income for the pets are financially,
getting cut significantly. Donating pet
Therefore, harder for the supplies (food,
guardians to take care of all of blankets, leashes
the pets as well as to keep up etc)
with living for themselves.

39 The organisers are not able to Yes Donating pet

distribute the food or searching supplies (food,
for homeless dogs blankets, leashes

40 - Yes Volunteering

41 COVID-19 has affected the Yes Helping out

global economy seriously and I financially,
think the funding and income of Donating pet
the animal welfare organisations supplies (food,
might be affected. blankets, leashes

42 Lesser donation to support, less Yes Helping out

visitor financially,
Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

43 Hard to bring the pet for medical Yes Donating pet
treatment and also grooming supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

44 - Yes Volunteering

45 It might be hard for welfare Yes Helping out

organisations to raise awareness financially,
or holding fund raining events. Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

46 Less people adopting, less Yes Donating pet

income, money needed to supplies (food,
maintain pets remains, more blankets, leashes
difficult for welfare etc)

47 Less people adopting, less - -

income, money needed to
maintain pets remains, more
difficult for welfare

48 A lot SOP to follow and harder Yes Helping out

to publicise the agenda. financially

49 Maybe lots of pet owners don’t Yes Donating pet

have enough money to take care supplies (food,
and end up abandoning them. blankets, leashes
Increasing workload for these etc), Volunteering

50 Major impact, since animal Yes Donating pet

rescue groups and wildlife supplies (food,
rehabilitation centres aren't able blankets, leashes
to fully support themselves etc)
financially, let alone animals
which they needed adequate
food and shelter

51 Not enough fund Yes Volunteering

52 Public no donation to them Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

53 Not aware about this - -

54 No people help Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,
55 - Yes Helping out
Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

56 Income Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

57 They’re short on funds - -

58 Hard to get help from public/ Yes Adopting

other organisations

59 I think it affected it quite hard, Yes Helping out

as to some shelters financially,
sponsors/donations are a big part Volunteering
of them being able to maintain it

60 People are restricted with their Yes Volunteering

rescue action

61 I personally feel that they are Yes Helping out

losing customers too because financially,
people are financially tight Donating pet
during the pandemic supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

62 Lack fund Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

63 It might have restricted their - -

income resulting in less food
supplies for the animals because
less people go out from their
homes now to adopt an animal.

64 Not really educated about it, but Yes Helping out

I think that there might be a lack financially,
of man power to actually handle Volunteering
everything since people need to
do social distancing and also
lack of funds.

65 - Yes Helping out


66 The animals there maybe are Yes Volunteering

facing starvation because there
is fewer adoption during the

67 - - -

68 - Yes Volunteering

69 I think it harshly affected them Yes Helping out

since everyone is worrying financially,
about their own home expenses, Volunteering
the donations to these animal
welfare organisations will
largely reduced, causing the
organisations tight on money as
taking care of the pets definitely
need large amount of costs.

70 Donation become lesser and the Yes Helping out

organization lack of money to financially,
buy food Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

71 They are getting less sponsor Yes Helping out


72 - Yes Volunteering

73 i would say that it might’ve Yes Volunteering

impacted greatly as lesser
people are concerned about
adoption and donations

74 Lack of donation from public Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting

75 Budget and profit stuff Yes Volunteering

76 Bankruptcy maybe Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

77 I think the animal welfare org Yes Helping out

are unable to rescue or help financially,
some animals in need. During Donating pet
this pandemic, they might not be supplies (food,
able to release their animals for blankets, leashes
adoption and of their animals etc), Volunteering
don't stop reproducing, they may
face financial issues regarding
pet's food etc.

78 No money - -

79 Just like how affect human Yes Donating pet

supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

80 More people want to adopt Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

81 financial hardship, lack of Yes Adopting,

volunteers, lack of patrons, etc Volunteering

82 - - -

83 No money , no volunteers - -

84 financial hardship, lack of Yes Adopting,

volunteers, lack of patrons, etc Volunteering

85 They get less funds so they - -

might be struggling financially

86 harder to work under the sop Yes Helping out

including social distancing financially

87 Lack of resources Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

88 It depleted their resources, Yes Adopting,

materials and foods aren’t Volunteering

89 It has given less opportunity for Yes Volunteering

them to be helped by other
people who would like to
volunteer but are Afraid of
being infected by the virus

90 Badly because less people go Yes Helping out

out to adopt, and more people financially,
fear animals may spread the Volunteering,
corona Other means such
as promo/design
for them

91 Lack of expenses Yes Adopting,


92 lack of expenses Yes Volunteering

93 Less support from public due to - -

financial crisis

94 More limited manpower to look Yes Helping out

after the animal and decrease financially,
financial support Volunteering

95 They might not have enough Yes Donating pet

funds to cover the huge amounts supplies (food,
of expenses blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

96 People are mostly at home Yes Helping out


97 Pet adoption meetings can't be - -


98 less volunteers to help out - -

99 Financial problem Yes Helping out

Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting

100 Less voluntary workers - -

101 A drop in individual donations Yes Helping out

to animal welfare charities financially

102 A drop in individual donations Yes Helping out

to animal welfare charities financially

103 Less programmes and events Yes Volunteering

can be held. Less volunteers

104 - Yes Helping out


105 Many pets are abandoned and Yes Donating pet

are adopted due to the current supplies (food,
economic blankets, leashes
etc), Volunteering

106 They suffer from insufficient Yes Helping out

funds since they have to take financially,
care of themselves as well as Donating pet
their family at the same time. supplies (food,
blankets, leashes

107 More limited manpower to look Yes Helping out

after the animal and decrease financially,
financial support Volunteering

108 I think it's pretty affected by the Yes Donating pet

pandemic supplies (food,

blankets, leashes

109 Fewer people will go visit these Yes Helping out

organisation centres financially,

110 It's hard to conduct events due Yes Helping out

to SOP financially

111 lack of funding and reduction of Yes Helping out

manpower financially,
Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

112 lack of funding and reduction of Yes Helping out

manpower financially,
Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,

113 Lower adoption rates and Yes Helping out

donations due to the slower financially,
economy. Donating pet
supplies (food,
blankets, leashes
etc), Adopting,


Respondent Have you heard of PAWS? If you answered “yes”, where were you informed of

1 Yes Blogs

2 Yes Articles

3 Yes Blogs

4 No -

5 No -

6 No -

7 No -
8 Yes Blogs

9 Yes Articles

10 Yes Articles

11 Yes Newspaper or magazines

12 Yes Articles

13 Yes Newspaper or magazines

14 Yes Articles

15 Yes Friends or family

16 No -

17 Yes Articles

18 Yes Friends or family

19 Yes Articles

20 Yes Articles

21 Yes Social Media

22 Yes Blogs

23 Yes Articles

24 Yes Newspaper or magazines

25 Yes Articles

26 Yes Articles

27 Yes Articles

28 Yes Friends or family

29 Yes Newspaper or magazines

30 Yes Newspaper or magazines

31 No -

32 No -

33 Yes CSI Club from Taylor’s University

34 Yes Social Media

35 Yes Newspaper or magazines

36 Yes Newspaper or magazines

37 Yes Newspaper or magazines

38 Yes Social Media

39 Yes Social Media

40 Yes Articles

41 Yes Friends or family

42 Yes Articles

43 Yes Friends or family

44 Yes Friends or family

45 Yes Newspaper or magazines

46 Yes Social Media

47 Yes Friends or family

48 Yes Searching for animal shelters

49 Yes Newspaper or magazines

50 Yes CSI Club from Taylor’s University

51 Yes Social Media

52 Yes Friends or family

53 Yes Friends or family

54 Yes Friends or family

55 Yes Friends or family

56 Yes Social Media

57 Yes Social Media

58 Yes Social Media

59 Yes Social Media

60 Yes Social Media

61 Yes Social Media

62 Yes Friends or family

63 Yes Friends or family

64 Yes Social Media

65 Yes Did a project there

66 Yes Friends or family

67 Yes Other

68 Yes Friends or family

69 Yes Social Media

70 Yes Social Media

71 Yes Social Media

72 Yes Social Media

73 Yes Social Media

74 Yes Social Media

75 No -

76 Yes Friends or family

77 No -

78 Yes Social Media

79 Yes Friends or family

80 Yes Friends or family

81 No -

82 Yes Friends or family

83 Yes Friends or family

84 No -

85 No -

86 Yes Secondary school

87 Yes Social Media

88 Yes Social Media

89 Yes Social Media

90 Yes Social Media

91 Yes Social Media

92 No -

93 Yes Social Media

94 Yes Social Media

95 Yes Social Media

96 No -

97 No -

98 Yes Social Media

99 Yes Social Media

100 Yes Social Media

101 Yes Social Media

102 Yes Social Media

103 No -

104 No -

105 No -

106 No -

107 No -

108 No -

109 No -

110 No -

111 No -

112 No -

113 No -


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