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G.R. No. L-2746 December containing 146 hectares. The petitioner presented no
6, 1906 The Government of the documentary evidence of
Philippine Islands, appeared title, except a possessory
MATEO CARIÑO,Petitioner- in the Court of Land information obtained in
Appellant, vs. THE INSULAR Registration and opposed 1901. By the provisions of
GOVERNMENT,Respondent- the petition. The the Mortgage Law, under
Appellee. Government of the United which this possessory
States that the land was information was obtained
Coudert Brothers for part of the military (art. 394), it produced only
appellant. reservation of Baguio. those effects which the laws
Judgment was entered in give to mere
Attorney-General Wilfley for
the Court of Land possession.  
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Registration in favor of the

petitioner, from which The petition not having
judgment the respondents shown any title from the
appealed in accordance Government, and the land
WILLARD, J.: with the law then in force to being agricultural, the case
the Court of First Instance is governed by the
The appellant, on the 23d of the province of Benguet. decisions of this court in the
of June, 1903, by his The case was therein cases of Valenton et al. vs.
attorney in fact, Metcalf A. tried de novo, and Murciano 1 (2 Off. Gaz.,
Clarke, filed a petition in judgment was entered 434); Cansino et al. vs.
the Court of Land dismissing the petition. The Valdez et al. 2 (4 Off. Gaz.,
Registration asking that he petitioner has brought the 488); and Tiglao vs. The
be inscribed as the owner case here by bill of Insular Government  3 (4
of a tract of land in the exceptions.  chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library
Off. Gaz., 747). In these
municipality of Baguio, in cases it was held that the
the province of Benguet, mere possession of land

such as that in controversy agricultural lands, and at same condition as they

in this case would give the the same time to hold that were when the Islands were
possessor and title thereto if a person has been in first occupied by the
as against the Government; possession of such lands for Spaniards. To presume as a
in other words, that the thirty years it is matter of fact that during
statute of limitations did conclusively presumed that that time, and down to at
not run against the State in the Government has given least 1880, the provisions
reference to its agricultural him a deed therefor, would of the laws relating to the
chanrobles virtual law library be to make two rulings grant, adjustment, and sale
directly inconsistent with of public were taken
The petitioner, however, each other.  
chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library advantage of by these
insists that although the deeds from the Government
statute of limitations as Considered as a for these lands would be to
such did not run against the presumption of fact, the presume something which
Government of Spain in the contention could not be did not exist. The appellant
Philippine Islands, yet a sustained in this particular says in his brief (p.10):
grant is to be conclusively case. Here the surrounding
presumed from immemorial circumstances are The Igorot, no less than the
use and occupation. To say incompatible with the American Indian, is an
that the presumption of a existence of a grant, It is aborigine, and is equally
grant is presumption of law known that for nearly three ignorant of the forms of law
is, in our opinion, simply to hundred years all attempts and procedure necessary to
say that it amounts to a to convert the Igorots of protect his interests.
statute of limitations; and the Province of Benguet to
for a court to hold that the the Christian religion There is, moreover, in the
statute of limitations does completely failed, and that case evidence that in 1894
not run against the during that time they the petitioner sought to
Government as to its public remained practically in the obtain title from the

Government in accordance insurrection against Spain it (Townsend vs. Downer, 32

with the laws then in force. has apparently not been Vermont, 183).  chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In 1901 he made a contract used by the petitioner for

with Metalcalf A. Clarke, by any purpose.  
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The substance of this
the terms of which he doctrine is that lapse of
agreed to sell the land to The petitioner relies upon time any be treated as
Clarke for 6,000 pesos the case of the United helping out the
when he obtained title States vs. Chaves (159 presumption of a grant, but
thereto from the U.S., 452) and the case of where a void grant is
Government, and this The United shown, it affords no
contract he does not say States vs. Chaves (175 presumption that another
that he is the owner, but U.S., 509). In the case of valid grant was made. Nor
simply that he is in Hays vs. The United States does such presumption
possession thereof. The (175 U.S. 248) the court arise if the surrounding
court below found that the said at page 261; circumstances are
land is now worth upwards incompatible with the
of P50,000.   But this presumption is existence of a grant. In this
subject to the limitation
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case under consideration

The possession of the land that where title is claimed we can not find any
has not been of such a from a deed which is shown evidence which justifies us
character as to require the to be void, it will not be in believing that a legal
presumption of a grant. No presumed that there was an grant can have been made,
one has lived upon it for independent grant and under those
many years. It was never (Smith vs. Highbee, 12 circumstances we can not
used for anything but Vermont,. 113), or where consider possession since
pasturage of animals, surrounding circumstances the date of the treaty as
except insignificant portions are inconsistent with the dispensing with the
thereof, and since the theory of a grant. requirement that the title, if

not perfect at that time, evidence sufficient, as we long continued possession

was one which the claimant stated in the opinion (p. the quality of a rightful
would have a lawful right to 460), to warrant 'the possession under a legal
make perfect had the finding of the court below right. We recognized and
territory not been acquired that the complainant's title enforced such a rule in the
by the United States. was derived from the case of United
Republic of Mexico, and was States vs. Chaves decided
In the case of complete and perfect at the at this term. in which the
Chaves vs. The United date when the United question is involved. We
States (175 U.S., 552) the States acquired sovereignty simply say in this case that
court made the following in the territory of New the possession was not a
statement at page 562: Mexico, within which the duration long enough to
land was situated. We do justify any such
Finally, it distinctly appears not question the inference.  
that the possession of the
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correctness to the remarks

parties is insufficient in made by Mr. Justice Shiras There is no proof of any
length of time to prove a in regard to evidence of valid grant, but on the
valid title. In United possession and the contrary the evidence
States vs. Chaves (159 presumptions which may offered by the plaintiff
U.S., 452) the possession under certain circumstances himself and upon which the
was under the claim of a drawn as to the existence bases the title that he asks
grant made by the governor of a grant.   the court to confirm, shows
of New Mexico to the
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the existence of a grant

alleged grantees. The grant We do not deny the right of from a body which had no
had been lost, but it had the duty of a court to legal power to make it, and
been seen and read by presume its existence in a which, therefore, conveyed
witnesses, and its existence proper case, in order to no title whatever to its
had been proved by quiet a title and to give to grantee, and the evidence

is, as given by the plaintiff does not run against the The same is true of the
himself, that it was under Government as to its public public lands of Spain in the
this grant alone that lands - in other words, that Philippine Islands. In the
possession of the lands was if a person desires to obtain case of Valenton et al. vs.
taken. We can not presume title to the public lands of Marciano  it was said:
(within the time involved in the United States situated
this case) that any other within the boundaries of the While the State has always
and valid grant was ever States, he must do so in recognized the right of the
made. The possession of the way pointed out by the occupant to a deed if he
the plaintiff and of his law. We do not understand proves a possession for a
grantors up to the time of that a person in possession sufficient length of time, yet
the treaty of Guadalupe of unsurveyed public lands it has always insisted that
Hidalgo, in 1848, had not in the State of Minnesota, he must make that proof
been long enough to for example, whose before the proper
presume a grant. ancestors had occupied that administrative officers, and
(Crispin vs. United States, the land for fortyh years, obtain from them his deed,
168 U.S., 208; could maintain in court a and until he did the State
Hayes vs. United States, claim that he was the legal remained the absolute
170 U.S., 637, 649, 653; owner of the lands by owner.
Hays vs. The United States, granted the land to his
ante 248.) The possession ancestors, a presumption But in any event, and
subsequently existing, we founded not upon any whatever the law may be
can not notice. Same proceedings taken in the elsewhere, it seems clear
authorities. General Land Office to that this doctrine of
acquire a patent thereto, presumptive grant can not
As we understand it, it is but upon the mere apply to the Philippines in
well settled in the United possession for that length view of the Spanish
States that prescription of time.  
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legislation for the Indies.

From time to time there shall exhibit to them and to representatives, appear and
were promulgated laws the court officers appointed exhibit to said subdelegates
which required the person by them for this purpose the titles and patents by
in possession of public their title deeds thereto. virtue of which said lands
lands to exhibit their titles And those who are in are occupied. Said
or grants thereto. If these possession by virtue of subdelegates will designate
titles or grants were found proper deeds and receipts as the period within which
to be good, they were or by virtue of just documents must be
confirmed, but if they were prescriptive rights shall be presented a term sufficient
not, or if the persons had protected, and all the rest in length and proportionate
no grants or titles at all, shall be restored to us to be to the distance the
they were evicted from the disposed of at our will. interested party may have
chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library to travel for the purpose of
In the Royal Cedula  of making the presentation.
For example, in Law 14, October 15, 1754, it was Said subdelegates will at
title 12, 4, Recompilation of provided - the same time warn the
the Laws of the Indies, it is parties interested that in
stated: that any and all persons term designated, without a
who, since the year 1700, just and valid reason
We therefore order and and up to the date of therefor, they will be
command that all viceroys promulgation and deprived of and evicted
and presidents of pretrial publication of said order, from their lands, and they
courts designate, at such shall have occupied royal will be granted to others.
times as shall to them most lands, whether or not the
expedient, a suitable period same shall be cultivated or In the regulations of June
within which all possessors tenanted, may, either in 25, 1880, it was provided
of tracts, farms, person or through their as follows:
plantations, and estates attorneys or

ART. 8. If the interested In the royal decree of the impossible to say that as to
parties shall not ask an 13th of February, 1894, the public agricultural lands
adjustment of the lands published in the Official in the Philippines there
whose possession they are Gazzette of Manila of the existed a conclusive
unlawfully enjoining within 17th of April, 01894, it is presumption after a lapse
the time of one year, or, provided in article 4 as of thirty or any other
the adjustment having been follows: number of years that the
granted by the authorities, Government of Spain had
they shall fail to fulfill their ART. 4. The title to all granted to the possessor
obligation in connection agricultural lands which thereof a legal title
with the compromise, by were capable of adjustment thereto.  
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paying the proper sum into ( composicion) under the

the treasury, the latter will, royal decree of the 25th of The plaintiff is not entitled
by virtue of the authority June, 1880, but the to the benefits of paragraph
vested in it, reassert the adjustments of which 6 of section 54 of Act No.
ownership of the Stated decree in the Gaceta de 926, the Public Land Act,
over the lands, and will, Manila, will revert to the for the reason that act is
after fixing the whole State. Any claim to such not applicable to the
thereof, proceed to sell at lands by those who might Province of Benguet. The
public auction that part of have applied for the judgment of the court
the same which, either adjustment of the same, below is affirmed, with the
because it may have been but who have not done so costs of this instance
reduced to cultivation or is as the above mentioned against the appellant.   chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

not located within the forest date, will not avail them in
zone, is not deemed any way or at any time. After the expiration of
advisable to preserve as twenty days let judgment
State forest reservations. 4 In view of these provisions be entered accordingly and
of the law, it seems to us ten days thereafter the case

be returned to the court

below for execution. So
ordered.   chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Arellano,  C.J., Torres,

Carson and Tracey,  JJ.,
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Mapa, J., concurs in the


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