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Design Technologies Year 4/5 Term 1

Knowledge and Understanding

Materials and Technologies Specialisation
Characteristics and properties of a range of materials and components, and the suitability and safe
practice of their use (ACTDEK023)

Identify available resources (WATPPS28)
Develop and communicate alternative solutions, and follow design ideas, using annotated diagrams,
storyboards and appropriate technical terms (WATPPS29)
Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, safely develop and communicate ideas
and information for solutions (WATPPS32)

HASS Integration
The impact of bushfires or floods on environments and communities, and how people can respond

Week Outcome/Focus Lesson Assessment

Week 2 Students can identify Community Problems Informal sticky note
problems in the local  Students brainstorm what assessment of student
community problems there are in the understanding of local
community problems
 As a class gather results and
find most common answer =
 Students think and
brainstorm about how they
can fix these problems
Week 3 - Students understand Earthquakes
5 the way earthquakes  Students study Christchurch
are measured: earthquake
Week 6 Students explore Task introduction
structure of flood and  Students introduced to task
earthquake proof  Brainstorm different
houses structures earthquake or
flood proof houses might
 Brainstorm resources they
will need
Week 7 Students conduct Note taking (In Science): Mini quiz
research on  Explain STEM process of on the process of STEM
earthquake / flood imagining, planning, creating and why each step is
proof houses etc. important in designing
 Take notes on different ideas
of disaster proof houses
Week 8 Students design a Designing
disaster proof house  Students draw a design of
based on research their house with labelling of
Week 9 Students build disaster Building
proof house  Students use their plans,
which have been marked by
the teacher, to create their
 Students collect resources
that they have asked for and
begin making
Week 10 Students test their Testing Rating Scale: assess the
disaster proof house  Students finish building and success of the house
and evaluate it’s test their disaster proof but more importantly,
success/failure house the student’s ability to
 Earthquake houses will be reflect on what worked
tested on trays of jelly that and what didn’t and
will shake why.
 Flood houses will be tests in
trays where water will be Students must state
poured in the STEM process,
 Whichever student’s house what each part is, why
stands for the longest wins it is important and how
 English: Students write a they did it
reflection recount on their

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