IELTS 10 Test 1 Writing Task 2

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IELTS 10 Test 1 Writing Task 2

It is very crucial for children to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. It is widely
accepted that punishments is the best possible path to make children learn this virtue. I firmly believe
that a wise way of punishment would make a child an accountable one

I believe that punishment is necessary for a child because they don’t really know what lies outside of
their bubble. It is the parents who have seen the world and know how things work outside their home. It
is them who know that a child should learn certain things at a tender age which would be very beneficial
for their kid. Sometimes parent may need to opt punishments in order to make their child learn.

Over the years punishments have become a law of society. If no punishments takes place, a child make
take his/her actions very lightly and their brain would not understand what kind of consequence they
have created by their actions. It may be possible that they may make that mistake again. To prevent this
a parent must take the help of punishments.

At the same time the way of punishment a parent choses is also very important. Some parents tend to
beat up their children while others devoid them with certain activities like not watching television or not
going out to play with friends. All the parents should opt for the latter type of punishment because it
would be equally effective as violence and make a child understand his/her mistake

To conclude, I would like to say that Punishments are a necessity in the early stages of life. Provided, if
a parent approaches a viable option.

Word count: 289

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