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that with the HR team at Lyft.

We also look at publicly available spread-
sheets or lists. These are sometimes set up
by coworkers, or someone in HR; the for-
mats vary a lot. We only use these when the
information is available publicly. And we
remove anybody on those lists who con-
tacts us. We try to do that within an hour
of being notified. Finally, you can sign up
directly on
Then we standardize the data, which
is challenging. Even something like ‘Bay
Area,’ people will say ‘San Francisco,’
‘SF,’ ‘Peninsula.’ We also try to standard-
ize job functions and titles. Our AI tools
take a first pass. They will, for example,
ingest what someone does based on a
description given, then give [the job]
a standardized title, calculate years of
experience, and label the region. AI gets

Rocket Recruiting Is Using AI about 80 to 90 percent of the cases right,

but we still have a human review every

to Get You a Job. For Free profile, to look for edge cases.
We started building Parachute right
about when lockdown started. Right
Its candidate pool is attracting recruiters now, we have 13,500 on the list from all
from small and large companies over the world—we had people signing

up in India, Dubai, Chile, New ­Zealand,
ocket, a startup that builds AI-based tools for recruit- ­Australia, Europe, and Nigeria. We now have a
ers and offers recruitment services of its own, had been on the ­Spanish language version live in Chile, and we have
verge of profitability when the coronavirus pandemic hit. It Israeli and French versions in the works.
quickly saw corporate recruitment dry up as the pandemic took We have candidates from just about every tech

hold. With the halt in hiring affecting its main business, and layoff that happened. We have several thousand
mounting layoffs at tech companies, Rocket turned its efforts recruiters using it, from every major company, like
toward matching laid-off engineers with new jobs pro bono. Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Twitter on the big
It gathered data on layoffs, had its AI software and recruiters side, to Coinbase, Shift, and Doximity on the small
clean up the data and make it easier to navigate, and launched a new side. We’ve had verified recruiters reach out to can-

job portal, dubbed Parachute. Here’s what Rocket cofounder and CEO didates from our platform 25,000 times; generally,
­Abhinav Agrawal had to say when IEEE Spectrum talked to him about the midlevel professionals are getting the most interest.
pandemic’s effect on tech jobs and creating Parachute. We don’t know how many have been hired. Because
Abhinav Agrawal: When COVID hit, we saw companies scale back hiring we aren’t charging anybody for this service, we don’t
almost immediately. As soon as companies started working from home— have a good way of tracking them.
in early to mid-February—they became cautious in hiring.... My hope is that the need for this product goes
Right now, we are in purgatory. We are seeing about a third of compa- away. It’s a weird thing, you build a product, but
nies going straight ahead with hiring, a third just tiptoeing back in, and you actually aren’t hoping that it gets more use.
about a third sitting in survival mode [and not hiring at all]. —Tekla S. Perry
We saw layoffs starting to happen, even before the lockdowns…. Pretty
early on we started thinking about how to help the community [of laid-off A version of this article appears in our View from the
tech professionals] and recruiters. We thought it would be great if there were Valley blog.

a centralized place where recruiters could access data and reach out directly. CORRECTION: In “RF MEMS Deliver the ‘Ideal Switch,’ ” the name of Menlo Micro’s
We get the data from several sources. Sometimes, we work directly cofounder was misspelled. The correct spelling is Chris Giovanniello.

with companies doing a layoff to offer an opt-in [to our service]. We did POST YOUR COMMENTS at


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