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CENG 50 - Fundamentals of Surveying The engineering ability of the Romans was

BS Civil Engineering demonstrated by their extensive construction

1st Semester AY 2020 – 2021 work throughout the empire. Surveying
necessary for this construction resulted in the
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Surveying organization of a surveyors’ guild. Ingenious
 Overview instruments were developed and used.
 History Among these were the groma, used for
 Definition sighting; the libella, an A-frame with a plumb
 Surveyor bob, for leveling; and the chorobates, a
 Types/ Classes/ Specialized Types horizontal straightedge about 20 ft long with
 Instruments supporting legs and a groove on top for water
 Types of Construction Projects to serve as a level.
 Mapping Agencies
 Surveying Profession
 Surveying Organization
 Surveying on the Internet
 Future Challenges

How does land surveying work? Practical

1. Have you ever done a similar simple
surveying endeavor as shown in the video?
a. If so, how did it go? Did you face any
problems while conducting such
b. If no, why?
2. What are your expectations about the
course, things you might learn and
experience? One of the oldest Latin manuscripts in
existence is the Codex Acerianus, written in
History about the sixth century. It contains an
About 1400 BCE - Herodotus recorded that account of surveying as practiced by the
Sesostris divided the land of Egypt into plots Romans and includes several pages from
for the purpose of taxation. Frontinus’s treatise.

Annual floods of the Nile River swept away

portions of these plots, and surveyors were
appointed to replace the boundaries. These
early surveyors were called rope-stretchers,
since their measurements were made with
ropes having markers at unit distances.

About 120 BCE – Heron authored several important

treatises of interest to surveyors, including
The Dioptra, which related the methods of
surveying a field, drawing a plan, and making
related calculations. It also described one of
the first pieces of surveying equipment
recorded, the diopter.

Sextus Julius Frontinus (c. 40 –

103 AD) – Roman civil
engineer who has the
best known writings in
surveying, in which the
original manuscripts
disappeared. His essay
remained the standard for These illustrate that the variation in shadow length governed by
many years. the time of year is crucial to obtaining sufficient usable
information from the shadow’s length.

CENG 50 – Fundamentals of Surveying Lecture 1 – Introduction to Surveying

During the Middle Ages, the Arabs kept Greek and be amazingly close to the currently accepted
Roman science alive. Little progress was one.
made in the art of surveying, and the only
writings pertaining to it were called “practical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfZ2HZH5CkA
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the art of surveying
Fibonacci (c. 1170 – c. 1240–50) – authored advanced more rapidly. The need for maps
Practica Geometria, which contained and locations of national boundaries caused
instructions on surveying. He also authored England and France to make extensive
Liber Quadratorum (The Book of Squares), surveys requiring accurate triangulation;
dealing chiefly with the quadrans, a square thus, geodetic surveying began
brass frame having a 90° angle and other
graduated scales. A movable pointer was Developments in surveying and mapping
used for sighting. equipment have now evolved to the point
where the traditional instruments that were
used until about the 1960s or 1970s—the
transit, theodolite, dumpy level, and steel
tape—have now been almost completely
replaced by an array of new “high-tech”
instruments. These include electronic total
station instruments, which can be used to
automatically measure and record horizontal
and vertical distances, and horizontal and
vertical angles; and global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) such as the global
positioning system (GPS) that can provide
precise location information for virtually any
Early civilizations assumed the Earth to be a flat type of survey. Laser-scanning instruments
surface, but by noting the Earth’s circular combine automatic distance and angle
shadow on the moon during lunar eclipses measurements to compute dense grids of
and watching ships gradually disappear as coordinated points.
they sailed toward the horizon, it was slowly
deduced that the planet actually curved in all Also new aerial cameras and remote sensing
directions. instruments have been developed, which
provide images in digital form, and these
About 200 BCE – Eratosthenes was first to compute images can be processed to obtain spatial
the Earth’s true size and shape. He had information and maps using new digital
concluded that the Egyptian cities of photogrammetric restitution instruments
Alexandria and Syene were located (also called softcopy plotters)
approximately on the same meridian, and he
had also observed that at noon on the In the Philippines, the first professional association
summer solstice, the sun was directly of architecture and surveyors was born on
overhead at Syene. (This was apparent September 14, 1902 with the creation of the
because at that time of that day, the image of Academia de Arquitectura y Agrimensura de
the sun could be seen reflecting from the Filipinas (AAAF).
bottom of a deep vertical well there.) He
reasoned that at that moment, the sun, The Reorganization Act 2666 as amended by
Syene, and Alexandria were in a common Act No. 2803 dated November 18, 1916 gave
meridian plane, and if he could measure the birth to the Department of Commerce and
arc length between the two cities, and the Communications (Department of Commerce
angle it subtended at the Earth’s center, he and Police transformed to The Department of
could compute the Earth’s circumference. He Commerce and Communications), consisting
determined the angle by measuring the of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry,
length of the shadow cast at Alexandria from Bureau of Supply, Bureau of Public Works,
a vertical staff of known length. The arc Bureau of Posts, Bureau of Labor and
length was found from multiplying the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey.
number of caravan days between Syene and
Alexandria by the average daily distance Increased land values and the importance of
traveled. From these measurements, precise boundaries, along with the demand
Eratosthenes calculated the Earth’s for public improvements in the canal,
circumference to be about 25,000 mi. railroad, and turnpike eras, brought
Subsequent precise geodetic measurements surveying into a prominent position. More
using better instruments, but techniques recently, the large volume of general
similar geometrically to Eratosthenes’, have construction, numerous land subdivisions
shown his value, though slightly too large, to that require precise records, and demands
posed by the fields of exploration and

CENG 50 – Fundamentals of Surveying Lecture 1 – Introduction to Surveying

ecology have entailed an augmented has steadily increased with the growing demand
surveying program. Surveying is still the sign for a variety of maps and other spatially related
of progress in the development, use, and types of information and the expanding need for
preservation of the Earth’s resources. establishing accurate line and grade to guide
construction operations.
The Great Arc: Dramatic Tale of How India was
Mapped and Everest was Named Question:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-C5CQz-PKg 1. In your own words, how do you define
1. Create your own timeline that includes the Surveyor
development of surveying from its inception A surveyor is a professional person with the
up to now academic qualifications and technical expertise to
conduct one, or more, of the following activities;
Definition  to determine, measure and represent the
Surveying is the art and science of measuring land, three-dimensional objects, point-fields,
distances, angles, and positions, on or near the and trajectories;
surface of the earth. It is an art in that only a  to assemble and interpret land and
surveyor who possesses a thorough geographically related information;
understanding of surveying techniques will be  to use that information for the planning and
able to determine the most efficient methods efficient administration of the land, the sea
needed to obtain optimal results over a wide and any structures thereon; and
variety of surveying problems.  to conduct research into the above practices
and to develop them.
Surveying is scientific to the degree that rigorous
mathematical techniques are used to analyze Detailed Functions
and adjust the field survey data. The accuracy, The surveyor’s professional tasks may involve
and thus reliability, of the survey depends not one or more of the following activities, which
only on the field expertise of the surveyor, but may occur either on, above, or below the surface
also on the surveyor’s understanding of the of the land or the sea and may be carried out in
scientific principles underlying and affecting all association with other professionals.
forms of survey measurement.
1. The determination of the size and shape of the
Surveying is the art and science of taking field earth and the measurements of all data
measurements on or near the surface of the needed to define the size, position, shape and
Earth. Survey field measurements include contour of any part of the earth and monitoring
horizontal and slope distances, vertical any change therein.
distances, and horizontal and vertical angles. 2. The positioning of objects in space and time
as well as the positioning and monitoring of
In addition to measuring distances and angles, physical features, structures and engineering
surveyors can measure position as given by the works on, above or below the surface of the
northing, easting, and elevation of a survey earth.
station by using satellite-positioning and remote- 3. The development, testing and calibration of
sensing techniques. In addition to taking sensors, instruments and systems for the
measurements in the field, the surveyor can above-mentioned purposes and for other
derive related distances and directions through surveying purposes.
geometric and trigonometric analysis. 4. The acquisition and use of spatial information
from close range, aerial and satellite imagery
Surveying has traditionally been defined as the and the automation of these processes.
science, art, and technology of determining the 5. The determination of the position of the
relative positions of points above, on, or beneath boundaries of public or private land, including
the Earth’s surface, or of establishing such national and international boundaries, and the
points. registration of those lands with the appropriate
In a more general sense, however, surveying 6. The design, establishment and administration
(geomatics) can be regarded as that discipline of geographic information systems (GIS) and
which encompasses all methods for measuring the collection, storage, analysis, management,
and collecting information about the physical display and dissemination of data.
earth and our environment, processing that 7. The analysis, interpretation and integration of
information, and disseminating a variety of spatial objects and phenomena in GIS,
resulting products to a wide range of clients. including the visualization and communication
of such data in maps, models and mobile
Surveying has been important since the beginning digital devices.
of civilization. Its earliest applications were in 8. The study of the natural and social
measuring and marking boundaries of property environment, the measurement of land and
ownership. Throughout the years its importance marine resources and the use of such data in

CENG 50 – Fundamentals of Surveying Lecture 1 – Introduction to Surveying

the planning of development in urban, rural 2. property lines
and regional areas. 3. roadway centerlines, and
9. The planning, development and 4. arbitrarily placed baselines or grids
redevelopment of property, whether urban or
rural and whether land or buildings. Preliminary Surveys (also known as pre-
10. The assessment of value and the engineering surveys, location surveys, or data
management of property, whether urban or gathering surveys) are used to collect
rural and whether land or buildings. measurements that locate the position of natural
11. The planning, measurement and features, such as trees, rivers, hills, valleys, and
management of construction works, including the like, and the position of built features, such
the estimation of costs. as roads, structures, pipelines, and so forth.

In application of the foregoing activities surveyors Preliminary surveys (data gathering) gather
consider the relevant legal, economic, geospatial data (distances, positions, and
environmental, and social aspects affecting each angles) to locate physical features (e.g., water
project. boundaries, trees, roads, structures, or property
markers) so that the data can be plotted to scale
Question: on a map or plan. Preliminary surveys also
1. Are you willing to be a surveyor someday? include the determination of differences in
If so, what activities or function do you want elevation (vertical distances) so that elevations
to partake in and why? If not, why? and contours may also be plotted.

Classification of Surveys Layout surveys involve marking on the ground

Plane Surveying (using wood stakes, iron bars, aluminum and
 the Earth is considered to be a flat surface, concrete monuments, nails, spikes, etc.) the
 and where distances and areas involved features shown on a design plan. The layout can
are of limited extent that the exact shape of be for boundary lines, as in land division
the earth is disregarded surveying or it can be for a wide variety of
engineering works (e.g., roads, pipelines,
With regard to horizontal distances and structures, bridges); the latter group is known as
directions construction surveying. In addition to marking
 a level line is considered as the proposed horizontal location (X and Y
mathematically straight; coordinates) of the designed feature, data will
 the direction of the plumb line is also be given for the proposed (design)
assumed to be the same at all points elevations which are referenced to MSL.
within the limits of the survey; and
 all angles are considered to be plane Construction surveys provide the horizontal location
angles. and the height above sea level (also known as
the provision of line and grade) for all component
Geodetic Surveying of a wide variety of construction projects—for
 survey that take into account the spheroidal example, highways, streets, pipelines, bridges,
shape of the Earth buildings, and site grading.
 These surveys employ the principles of
geodesy, are of high precision, and the Construction layout marks the horizontal
related calculations involve the solving of location (line) as well as the vertical location or
equations derived from advanced elevation (grade) for the proposed work.
mathematics particularly spherical
trigonometry, calculus, and some The builder can measure from the surveyor’s
applications of the theory of least squares. markers to the exact location of each component
Mostly undertaken by government agencies to of the facility to be constructed.
serve as a basis to produce accurate base and
topographic maps. Layout markers can be wood stakes, steel bars,
nails with washers, spikes, chiseled marks in
Classes of Surveys concrete, and so forth.
Control Surveys establish reference points and
reference lines for preliminary and construction Modern layout techniques also permit the
surveys. contractor to position construction equipment for
Vertical reference points, called benchmarks, line and grade using machine guidance
are established using leveling surveys or techniques involving lasers, total stations, and
satellite-positioning surveys. satellite-positioning receivers.

Horizontal control surveys use any of a variety When commencing a construction survey, it is
of measuring and positioning techniques important that the surveyor use the same control
capable of providing appropriately precise survey points as those used for the preliminary
results; such surveys can be tied into survey on which the construction design was
1. state or provincial coordinate grids based.

CENG 50 – Fundamentals of Surveying Lecture 1 – Introduction to Surveying

Specialized Types of Surveys Types of Construction Projects
Topographic surveys: preliminary surveys used to Listed below are the types of construction projects
locate and map the natural and manmade that depend a great deal on the construction
surface features of an area. The features are surveyor or engineering surveyor for the successful
located relative to one another by tying them all completion of the project:
into the same control lines or control grid. 1. Streets and highways
2. Drainage ditches
Hydrographic surveys: preliminary surveys that are 3. Intersections and interchanges
used to tie in underwater features to surface 4. Sidewalks
control points. Usually shorelines, marine 5. High- and low-rise buildings
features, and water depths are shown on the 6. Bridges and culverts
hydrographic map or electronic chart. 7. Dams and weirs
8. River channelization
Route surveys: preliminary, layout, and control 9. Sanitary landfills
surveys that range over a narrow but long strip 10. Mining—tunnels, shafts
of land. Typical projects that require route 11. Gravel pits, quarries
surveys are highways, railroads, electricity 12. Storm and sanitary sewers
transmission lines, and channels. 13. Water and fuel pipelines
14. Piers and docks
Property surveys: preliminary, layout, and control 15. Canals
surveys that are involved in determining 16. Railroads
boundary locations or in laying out new property 17. Airports
boundaries (also known as cadastral or land 18. Reservoirs
surveys). 19. Site grading, landscaping
20. Parks, formal walkways
Final (“as-built”) surveys: like preliminary surveys. 21. Heavy equipment locations (millwright)
Final surveys tie in features that have just been 22. Electricity transmission lines
constructed to provide a final record of the
construction and to check that the construction Question:
has proceeded according to the design plans. 1. List down other construction projects that
depend a great deal on the construction
Aerial surveys: preliminary and final surveys using surveyor.
both traditional aerial photography and aerial
imagery. Aerial imagery includes the use of Mapping Agencies
digital cameras, multispectral scanners, LiDAR, National Mapping And Resource Information
and radar. Authority (NAMRIA) (Pambansang
Pangasiwaan sa Pagmamapa at
Construction surveys: layout surveys for Impormasyon sa Yaman) - mandated to
engineering works. provide the public with mapmaking services and
to act as the central mapping agency,
Essay: depository, and distribution facility for natural
1. In your own words, differentiate the various resources data in the form of maps, charts, texts,
classifications, classes and specialized and statistics.
types of surveys.
Technical Departments
Development of Early Surveying Instruments 1. Hydrography Branch - acquire and analyze
1. Astrolabe hydrographic and oceanographic data used
2. Telescope for promoting navigational safety and
3. Transit oceanographic research. Outputs are
4. Semicircumferentor nautical charts, navigational warnings, tide
5. Plane Table and current predictions.
6. Dioptra
7. Roman Groma 2. Mapping and Geodesy Branch - maintains
8. Libella and updates base maps that will serve as
9. Vernier basic inputs in various development
10. Compass activities of the government, the academic
11. Gunter’s Chain and scientific community, and the private
12. Chorobates sector.
13. Merchet These maps are produced based on data
obtained from aerial photography and
Activity: satellite imagery.
1. Draw, label the parts and give the function
of each early surveying instruments. 3. Resource Data Analysis Branch - mandated
to conduct land use assessment/evaluation
and land classification. Its functions are:

CENG 50 – Fundamentals of Surveying Lecture 1 – Introduction to Surveying

a. to provide remote sensing services and 5. Submission of survey plans of
vital data on the environment, land use, subdivided, consolidated and/or
forestry, agriculture, water resources, consolidated subdivision titled properties
coastal zone, among others, and to the government agencies concerned;
b. to conduct researches on remote sensing hereafter, such plans on surveyed titled
and GIS applications. properties submitted by geodetic
engineers shall not be subject to
4. Geospatial Information System verification and approval;
Management Branch - works toward the
sharing, transfer, exchange, packaging and 6. Preparation and making of sketch, lot
dissemination of environment and natural and location plans;
resources data. It develops and maintains
information systems and environment and 7. Conduction of engineering surveys and
natural resources databases for use not only the technical preparation of engineering
within NAMRIA but also by outside clients. survey plans such as topographic,
hydrographic, tidal, profile, cross-
It also serves as the marketing arm of the section, construction and boundary
agency for all its products and services. surveys;

Surveying Profession 8. Parcellary surveys of lands traversed by

infrastructure projects; and the
Geodetic Engineering preparation of subdivision plans;

General practice of Geodetic Engineering 9. Conduction of gravimetric and

The practice of Geodetic Engineering is a photogrammetric survey and the
professional and organized act of gathering technical preparation of such survey
physical data on the surface of the earth with the plans;
use of precision instruments.
10. Survey and mapping works such as the
It is also the scientific and methodical processing of preparation of geographic and/or land
these data and presenting them on graphs, information systems;
plans, maps, charts or documents. It shall
embrace, but is not limited to, the following 11. Survey to determine and establish line
activities: and grade for the construction of
buildings and other structures and its
1. Professional Geodetic Engineering attachments;
services with the use of surveying and
mapping equipment such as graduated 12. Construction of as-staked and as-built
rods, measuring tapes, transits, levels, surveys for infrastructures;
theodolites, fathometers/echosounders,
electronic distance meters, global 13. Conduction of mineral and mining
positioning systems, stereoplotters and surveys;
all other instruments that are used to
determine metes and bounds of lands 14. Installation of machineries requiring the
positions of points on the surface of the use of precision instruments;
earth, water depths, underwater
configuration, ground elevation, gravity, 15. Engagement in the transfer of the
isostasy, crustal movements and the size knowledge and technology of geodetic
and shape of the earth, and other engineering in any institution of learning;
instruments used for construction
survey, and those instruments used to Professional Surveying Organization
guide the installation of large industrial
equipment and machineries; The Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines is the
only professional organization of geodetic
2. Horizontal and vertical control surveys engineers accredited by the Professional
and political boundary surveys; Regulations Commission.

3. Land surveys to determine their metes

and bounds and prepare the plans
thereof for titling and for other purposes;

4. Subdivision, consolidation and/or

consolidation-subdivision of titled

CENG 50 – Fundamentals of Surveying Lecture 1 – Introduction to Surveying

Surveying on the Internet LISs that contain a variety of land-related data
The explosion of available information on the such as ownership, location, acreage, soil types,
Internet has had a significant impact on the field land uses, and natural resources must be
of surveying (geomatics). The Internet enables designed, developed, and maintained.
the instantaneous electronic transfer of
documents to any location where the necessary Cadastral surveys of the yet unsurveyed public
computer equipment is available. lands are essential. Monuments set years ago
by the original surveyors have to be recovered
Many agencies and institutions maintain and remonumented for preservation of property
websites that provide data free of charge on the boundaries.
Internet. Additionally, some educational
institutions now place credit and noncredit Appropriate surveys with very demanding
courses on the Internet so that distance accuracies will be necessary to position drilling
education can be more easily achieved. rigs as mineral and oil explorations press further
U.S. Agencies offering surveying data
Other future challenges include making precise
National Geodetic Survey deformation surveys for monitoring existing
https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ structures such as dams, bridges, and
skyscrapers to detect imperceptible movements
U.S. Geological Survey that could be precursors to catastrophes caused
https://www.usgs.gov/ by their failure.

Bureau of Land Management Timely measurements and maps of the effects of

https://www.blm.gov/ natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods,
and hurricanes will be needed so that effective
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center relief and assistance efforts can be planned and
https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/ implemented. In the space program, the desire
for maps of neighboring planets will continue.
U.S. Naval Observatory
https://www.usno.navy.mil/ And we must increase our activities in measuring
and monitoring natural and human-caused
National Society of Professional Surveyors global changes (glacial growth and retreat,
https://www.nsps.us.com/default.aspx volcanic activity, large-scale deforestation, and
so on) that can potentially affect our land, water,
American Society for Photogrammetry and atmosphere, energy supply, and even our
Remote Sensing climate.

American Society of Civil Engineers


1. Perform the same procedure in the video in
the link below on a 2km x 2km area.

Future Challenges in Surveying

Surveying is currently in the midst of a revolution in
the way data are measured, recorded,
processed, stored, retrieved, and shared. This is
in large part because of developments in
computers and computer-related technologies.

Concurrent with technological advancements,

society continues to demand more data, with
increasingly higher standards of accuracy, than
ever before.

Consequently, in a few years the demands on

surveying engineers (geomatics engineers) will
likely be very different from what they are now.

In the future, assessment of environmental impacts

of proposed construction projects will call for
more and better maps and other data. GISs and

CENG 50 – Fundamentals of Surveying Lecture 1 – Introduction to Surveying

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