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CONTACT US 07840018126
Creating a succesful marketing
campaign to represent the brand
Lamb Couture is a London based
alternative fashion brand. This brand
fills the gap in the market for British
affordable alternative fashion. It Making our audeince feel
aims to be inclusive of many represented
different fashion alternative sub-

In order to launch this brand as a Have a social media presence

product to a target audience, there
will be a marketing campaign to
make attract as many costumers as
possible. The adverts will be
carefully crafted using data we have The day of the week in which the
collected from various different advert will appear on the screens
sources. of our audience will primarily be
on Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Sunday afternoons as studies
show this is the time most
teenagers and young adults are
WHEN spending the most time on social
media. More specifically in the
afternoon, from 5pm to 10pm as
The advertisement campaign for Lamb students and young workers are
Couture will begin to be shown and most likely at home spending
advertised by spring of 2021, which is their afternoon and actively
when all the productions for the checking social media, therefore
advertisement would be filmed and this would be prime time for
edited and ready to be released. advertising the brand.

Some of the reasons why this clothing
brand is going to be successful is due
to the service I am creating in order to Affordable prices
present this product to the target
audience. Another reason for the
success of this product/service is that,
Alternative clothing for a variety of
due to intensive research, there are
sub-cultures all in one shop
several reasons why this
product/service has been made in order
to meet the criteria of the target
audience, as their needs and wants Free shipping for online shopping
were a great contribution in the making
of both the product and the service if
this brand.

This is a local clothing brand therefore it will not be
availiable internationally at first. It is a London based
brand that will be available for purchase around the UK,
yet most of it's advertisement will be target for teens
and young adoults around London.

In terms of the platform in which the advertisement for

Lamb will be shown, since there are going to be two
versions of the advert on different aspect ratios, it will
be shown on a range of social media platforms. These
include Instagram, snapchat,TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter
and youtube. Social media

The geodemographic profile for this target
audience are residents of the UK, but more
specifically residents of London as it is a
large city with the biggest concentration of
teens/young adults are interested in
alternative clothing culture.

The psychographic profile for the target

audience includes those who not only are
interested in alternative clothing but who's

lifestyles are creatives as they seek to
express themselves through things such as
fashion, perhaps music and art too. An
Rather shop for clothing online example of a psychographic group that
could represent the target audience are
Aspirers as not only they are typically
younger but are also orientated to image
By looking at certain variable, we and appearance, persona and fashion.
have concluded on a psychographic
profile the age range is 15 to 25. It
also includes costumers of all gender
identities, although it is predicted that
the biggest number of customers will
be female.

The behavioural profile for the target

audience concludes that young
costumers of this brand are most
likely to find out about the brand
through social media rather than
through television The spending
behaviours of the target audience will
Feel encouraged to buy from
be shopping for clothing items on a brand after seeing their
average every other week. advert


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