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Media Enterprise Production Log

Useful terminology:

 Using initiative
 Working independently
 Applying self-motivation to perform tasks
 Self-evaluating ability to meet demands
 Working with others, delegating, compromising
 Applying communication, interpersonal, written communication skills
 Problem solving

09.06.20 Today I began working independently to look at new digital media

production as well as new digital media services to gather ideas for
my own enterprise media production. After a long process of
research, I ended up being drawn to clothing brand advertisement.
Applying self-motivation, I looked through every detail of these
adverts to see what about them works and what doesn’t, as well as
what things I would like to recreate or draw inspiration from.

For example, some of the ideas I pulled from the Adidas x Urban
Outfitters advert, are the type of music which is very well suited to the
teenage/young adult target audience as well as the style of the
clothing. I also enjoy the upbeat and fun tone of the advert as well as
the pace of the editing. Furthermore, from the BDG 365 Women’s
spring collection advert, I really enjoyed the use of different type of
cameras to give different styles and make the advert more visually
interesting. Some of the effects in this advert were very interesting
and inspiring to me. In the case I were to make a fashion advert, this
are some of the inspiration that I would pull from.

I also looked at some digital posters and magazine covers which

generated lots of ideas for my future project. There are various
aspects of the two fashion posters/covers that I looked at that I would
potentially draw inspiration from – such as the backgrounds, use of
vibrant colour, and soft lighting. Perhaps I can include these posters
within an advert in order to combine some of the ideas I am most
interested in for my enterprise project.
10.06.20 After looking at various clothing brand adverts evaluating different
aspects from them, I decided I would be well suited to create an
enterprise media production for a clothing brand as well as it is
something I am now familiar with and also confident in. I explored a
range of ideas from website creating, to promotional videos and
photoshoots for magazine articles. I also thought it’d be crucial to
look at target audience and thought of future ways in which I can
access information about my target audience to shape my production
around them, such as interviews and questionnaires.
16.06.20 Today I began to use initiative in order to come up with three final
ideas for a media product or service to base my project on. I
narrowed it down to either a promotional video for a music album, a
promotional video for a fashion brand or a magazine cover for a
fashion brand. I was able to compare all of the detail that would go
into each individual project in order to conclude which of the three
would be best to do. Through self-evaluating my ideas, I was able to
justify the conclusion I came to. This is a crucial part to initiating the
enterprise production.
30.06.20 Today I began to work on the research techniques for the project.
More specifically I began my investigation on primary research.
Through working independently I came up with a series of questions
that would be appropriate to find out more personal details about the
target audience for my fashion advert, as well as their views on other
fashion adverts in order to gain understanding about the demands
and opinions of my target audience in order to base my project
around these crucial factors.

I made a questionnaire including; How old are you? What is your

gender? Do you have an income? If so, how much do you earn? –
These series of questions will help me understand the background of
my target audience to know the age group and economic group that
the advert is aiming at. The next two questions are more stylistic;
Could you name some of your favorite brands? What are some
keywords that would describe your style? These questions will
therefore help me, from a stylistic point of view, when it comes to the
aesthetic of the mise-en-scene of the advert matching the fashion
style for an accurate representation. The last few questions are; Do
you feel represented through fashion adverts? Is there a reason
why? Do you usually shop online or in physical shops? These
questions are more specifically about advertisement for fashion and
the primary audience’s views and personal opinions on other modern
fashion adverts. Furthermore, I was interested in knowing how much
my primary audience shops online because I could consider
advertising the brands website on the advert.

Applying my communication skills, I personally sent this

questionnaire around to as many people ages 16-20 as possible, by
explaining to them what it is and what it is for. I used social media
and blogs in order to get this questionnaire to reach a large number
of people I would consider to be my target audience for my project.
07.07.20 Today I began to think about sending the questionnaire even further
out to more people who I consider to be the target audience by
Applying communication, interpersonal and written communication
skills to collaborate with my audience when it comes to decision
making for the brand and its service. I also used my research skills to
begin searching the internet for articles and resources I could use for
my secondary research. I read some articles on the history of fashion
adverts and began to think about how this could impact my own
14.07.20 I began to write about the market research as a result of the rest of
my research, to highlight some points that I have noticed. I used my
self-evaluating ability to meet demands. For example, I began by
asking myself some relevant questions such as;

 What makes my product stand out

 What is mine doing that others aren’t?
 Has lockdown impacted this? Is it accessible?

These questions allowed me to reflect on some of the conclusions I

had come to whilst researching about the market and the audience
for my production.

Furthermore, I began to read through some of the articles I had

chosen for my secondary research such as ‘Examples of great
fashion marketing campaigns’ in order to start a detailed analysis on
the article. For example, I took a close look at some of the points
made in the article, and which from those adverts mentioned in the
article, had aspects of it that could apply to my own advert. This
made reflect on what things have historically made a fashion advert
15.07.20 For some further reading into the secondary research list, I worked
independently to read an article breaking up the history of fashion
advertisement. I summarized some of the key points I could use for
my analysis.

I also began to write more in detail about my market research and

more ways in which I can reach my audience in a way that will make
my product stand out and become highly accessible. After some
thought, I began to develop the idea of creating different formats of
advertisement for social media.
04.09.20 Today I researched more advertisement examples of existing media
in order to analyze. I did this so that I had more detailed examples of
what I want my campaign to be like, as I feel that now I am more
familiar with the concept of my media campaign and what I am selling
to the audience, I can find examples that are more similar to mine.
For example, I found two different adverts for the alternative fashion
brand ‘Dolls Kill’. Not only I drew inspiration from them, as they are
catering for the exact same target audience than me, but I also was
able to get an even better understanding of fashion adverts, through
watching more of them in order to break down the details and
analyze them.

Furthermore, I gathered the data collected from the questionnaire I

made some time back in order to gather information about my
primary research as a part of my research techniques. These include
lists of answers as well as graphs and pie charts, which further help
create a visual representation of the information I gathered about the
target audience for my product.
06.09.20 Today, I began to plan and write about for the first time, a
demographic audience profile and a psychographic audience profile
in response to some of my primary research. This gives me a clearer
understanding of my target audience.

I also began to think about what things I would include in an audience

profile and referred back to some of my research to do this. Although
I gathered some ideas for it and researched the right format in which
to make an industry standard audience profile, I didn’t start it. On the
other hand, I did make a start on my brief. More specifically, I wrote
out my ‘who’ section, in which I write about my target audience for my
service/product, as well as some detail such as geodemographic and
psychographic profiles. As I wasn’t entirely sure of the meaning of
these two words I first, I applied my problem-solving skills to
independently research what they are and what these profiles
include, by looking at definitions as well as examples. I created my
brief in a specialized website, and made it as visually appealing as
possible, by using icons and images to accompany my text.
08.09.20 Today I re-watched both of the ‘Dolls Kill’ fashion adverts I had
previously selected, in order to analyze them as they both link very
well to my product/service.

I also began to write about each question in my questionnaire in the

primary research and analyze the answers and how these will impact
my work.
14.09.20 Today I used initiative to worked on my market research by analyzing
the general codes and conventions of fashion adverts and how these
will impact my own project.

17.09.20 I decided that the brief that I had started didn’t represent my brand
well enough and therefore decided to make a completely new one
which will fit in with the aesthetic of the brand better. I came up with
an appropriate name, logo and colour scheme and even font which
will best represent the aesthetic of the brand. This was also done in
order to make my brand as professional as possible.
(First draft of brief that I have now completely changed)

(New logo and name of the brand)

28.09.20 Today I worked on my audience profile thinking about the questions

of ‘who, what, where, when and why’. Furthermore, I wrote more
about the geodemographic profile and psychographic profile for my
01.10.20 Today I worked independently as I carried on working on the brief
and the audience profile within the brief itself. I began to write about
when the product as well as the service will be available to the target
audience. Furthermore, I began to write what exactly my product is
and figured out a way in which to appropriately describe the brand.
03.10.20 Today I continued to work on the brief mainly thinking about why the
brand will be successful at its launch and why it will meet the criteria
of the target audience and fill it’s needs and wants. Furthermore, I did
some research on the best specific time of day and day of the week
do people in the age range of my target audience are more likely to
be online and therefore use this
04.10.20 In order to visually represent my audience in my audience profile,
using initiative, I created charts (on the professional website meta- with some of the data I collected from my audience and
customized them in order to fit in with the rest of my brief
aesthetically as well as with the rest of the clothing brand.
05.10.20 Today I went back and read once again through the brief as well as
my portfolio in order to refine my work by self-evaluating ability to
meet demands. For example, for my primary research, I analyzed in
detail each chart from the questionnaire. I also wrote in more detail
about the consumer research, and the articles for my secondary

Furthermore, I created a market segmentation section in my portfolio

in which to write about the geographic, demographic, psychographic
and behavioral aspects to my target audience.
07.10.20 Today I wrote about the behavior of my target audience, in terms of
finding clothing brands to shop in and spending behaviors. This was
useful information that I could include in my audience profile.
Furthermore, working independently, I researched relevant
information to my studies such as the average time the target
audience spends on social media in the region in which my brand will
be advertised and be available.

I also carried on adding more visual aspects to my audience profile,

such as percentages and pie charts. After this I prepared some
questions for a focus group to add to my primary research.

08.10.20 Today I completed my audience profile by adding extra visual

information such as graphs and percentages as well as the
demographic profile.

Teacher I spoke to Miss McGrath today about some of the things I could write
feedback: from my secondary research of existing products that I haven’t yet
looked at. For example, we came to the conclusion that since I am
interested in advertising my product/service on social media, I should
look at the way fashion brands make these adverts for social media.
This includes thinking about the aspect ratios used for social media
advertisement are different to TV advertisement ratios, therefore do
these fashion brands adapt their existing TV adverts or do they film
the social media ones separately? Furthermore, are these shorter or
longer and how often do they appear on social media?

Another piece of feedback I got, was to not include one of the

questions in my questionnaire as it would be irrelevant and
unnecessary. She also advised me to get together with other people
who are looking into launching a service for a fashion brand to make
a focus group to share ideas and ask each other questions as part of
my primary research.

Today I got given some advice on how to add to my primary research

through a focus group and the type of questions that a successful
focus group would include as it would act as an extension to the
questions I had in my questionnaire but gone into more detail in the
form of a conversation.

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