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Operation & Maintenance Manual

SE, SE-Ex, SE-H & SE-H Ex
Original instructions
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SE, SE-Ex, SE-H & SE-H Ex
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Original instructions
This manual is only applicable if the manufacturing number indicated be-
low corresponds to the manufacturing number stamped on the identifica-
tion sign of the equipment. Where there is a conflict contact your Alimak
Hek representative.

Part No. 9118219-010 B

Manufacturing No.: Year:
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Read this
Read and understand this Operation & Maintenance manual before operat-
ing or servicing this equipment.

The equipment should not be operated if Operation & Maintenance
Manual is missing. Misuse of this equipment could result in personal
injury or property damage.
Blank page
This product is designed and manufactured to meet strict quality and safety
standards. This manual is intended to provide advice and instructions to the
operator and qualified service personnel so that they can safely control the
situations which can occur when the product is used, and can carry out the
required service and maintenance on the product.
This manual shall always be available in the box on the machine intended
for this purpose.
Potential risk for user or equipment is indicated in the following way in this

DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Information with these headings indicates the possibility of damage to the

Note contains extra information that can make it easier to understand or perform
a certain task.

Pictures are illustrative only and do not necessarily show the configuration
of products on the market at a given point in time. Products must be used in
conformity with safe practice and applicable statues, regulations, codes and
ordinances. Specifications of products and equipment shown herein are sub-
ject to change without notice.
Copyright © 2014 Alimak Hek Group AB. All rights reserved. Alimak Hek,
Alimak and Scando are registered trademarks of Alimak Hek Group AB.
Alimak Hek AB is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified.
Blank page
Important Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D
Service and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F

Check list

Tightening torque


Additional copies

Important Safety Instructions

1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3
2. Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4
2.1 Local safety regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4
2.2 Weather conditions – installation outdoors . . . . . . . C4
2.3 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4
2.4 Safety equipment and protective clothing . . . . . . . . C4
2.5 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C5
2.6 Mast and mast tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C5
2.7 Electrical power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C5
2.8 Accessible areas adjacent to liftway . . . . . . . . . . . . C6
2.9 Authorization of lift personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C6
2.10 Illumination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C6
2.11 Lightning strike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C6
2.12 Working under the lift car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C6
2.13 Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C6
2.14 Exchange of safety components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C6
2.15 Inspection after modifications or accidents . . . . . . . C6
2.16 Servicing a lift with both A and B door . . . . . . . . . . . C6
3. Alimak SE Lifts storing and handling procedures . . . . . . . . . C7
3.1 Disposal of used oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C7
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

1. General
Over the years serious accidents have occurred during the erection
and dismantling of rack and pinion lifts and construction hoists.
Common to these accidents has been the ”human factor”, i.e. non
adherence to proper safety procedures and common sense.
This document affects those personnel involved in the erection,
dismantling and servicing of such equipment.
Some examples:
Leaning over the safety railing on the car roof while the lift is mov-
ing upwards can cause you to be struck by a tie or a cable guide.
Incomplete installation of mast bolts can cause separation of the
mast sections, leading to the fall of the car with subsequent loss of
life or serious injuries.
Fig C1
Not following the correct mast tie schedules.
Avoid the risk of accidents by carefully studying these instruc-
tions regularly. Think clearly. Do not rush the work and always
check to make certain that the work is being done properly.

Fig C2
These diagrams are only typical
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2. Safety instructions
2.1 Local safety regulations
All local regulations shall apply.

2.2 Weather conditions – installation outdoors

Lifts must not be erected or dismantled in wind speeds exceeding
15 m/s (33 mph) or as governed by local regulations where more

2.3 Preparation
• The Maintenance Manual and Installation Manual are to be
carefully studied before work begins.
• The site of erection/dismantling must be made secure from fall-
ing objects by barricading or roping off the area.
• No admittance to the lift car during erection or dismantling by
unauthorized personnel.

2.4 Safety equipment and protective clothing

• Prescribed safety equipment and clothing such as hard hat,
safety shoes, safety harness, etc. shall be used.
• Loose fitting clothes such as scarves must not be used as they
might become entangled in moving parts.
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2.5 General
• Read all Warning and Instruction Signs.
• Keep the work area clean. Any oil spillage must be removed
immediately to avoid the risk of slipping.
• Never climb on the mast.
• During erection, dismantling or liftway inspection, the lift must
always be operated from the car roof. When working from the
car roof take precautions to avoid being struck by mast ties, ca-
ble guides, landings, structure openings, etc. while lift is
Fig C3
• When the control equipment on the car roof is to be left on tem- Always lock the main ”ON/OFF” switch with
a padlock to prevent unintentional operation
porarily during installation / dismantling or service, the main while service/inspection work is carried out.
switch in the control panel of the lift car must be switched off
and locked in order to ensure no accidental moving of the car.
• Before carrying out any service work, the ”Normal/ Inspection”
switch in the electric cabinet on lift car must be placed in the
”Inspection” position. This is very important especially for lifts
with ”Auto return” or similar remote control function.
• The lift shall under no circumstances be driven if there is a per-
son inside the base enclosure, on the mast or a tie.
• Complete each item of work before starting a new one or tak-
ing a break. This is especially important when bolting or un-
bolting mast sections and ties. Fig C4
The main ”ON/OFF” switch must be in the
”OFF” position before the panel door can be
2.6 Mast and mast tie
• The maximum tie distance and mast overhang indicated in the
applicable Installation drawing or Manual, must be adhered to.
• Bolted joints shall always be tightened to the required torque as
• If any structural damage or severe corrosion is seen on such
items as mast sections or mast ties, the lift must be immediately
taken out of service and the extent of the damage be determined
and corrective action taken before the lift is put into service
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• Arrange scaffolding, working platform or similar methods if the
structure cannot be safely reached for the installation of ties.
Local safety regulations shall apply.

2.7 Electrical power

Work performed on electrical equipment must be carried out by
competent personnel, trained for such work. The power supply
must be switched off and locked before work is performed.

2.8 Accessible areas adjacent to liftway

Scaffolding, platforms and other accessible areas located closer
than 0.5 m (1 ft 8 in) must be provided with 2.5 m (8 ft) high en-
closures or in accordance with local regulations.

2.9 Authorization of lift personnel

A routine that guarantees continuous product training (Authoriza-
tion), that was done during the lift installation, must be set and
maintained by a responsible person. Contact Alimak Hek or an
Alimak Hek representative, if this training is required.

2.10 Illumination
Adequate lighting (minimum 50 lux) shall be provided to illumi-
nate the site for the full travelling height of travel of the lift. (By

2.11 Lightning strike

The lift shall be earthed (grounded) so that the charge from a light-
ning strike is connected to earth.

2.12 Working under the lift car

When working under the lift car, always secure the car mechani-
cally, by safe means, i.e. the A2 car to mast lock device, where ap-
plicable. Or other suitable certified object. Also the lift’s main
disconnect switch must ALWAYS be turned off and pad-locked
during the operation.

2.13 Spare parts

Unauthorized spare parts are not to be used. Only ”Alimak Genu-
ine Spare Parts” are to be installed.

2.14 Exchange of safety components

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Detailed inspection and control of these components shall be done

per separate instructions and before the lift is put into operation.

2.15 Inspection after modifications or accidents

Inspection and testing should be carried out after major modifica-
tions or after an accident to make certain that the lift operates

2.16 Servicing a lift with both A and B door

Always check that the lift is driven to a landing level which allows
exiting of the car without interference of the electric panel door.

Always leave the car door open during service work in the electri-
cal panel.

3. Alimak SE Lifts storing and handling

Refer to separate document No. 1391 for more detailed

3.1 Disposal of used oils

NEVER dispose of used or waste oils by pouring on to the soil, in-
to drains or water courses.
Doing so can cause pollution to drinking water supplies, can upset
natural ecological systems, and is a legal offence.
Dispose of large quantities via a licensed waste contractors.
Dispose of small quantities at Civil Amenity Sites or Garages that
are prepared to accept them.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Operating instructions
1. Instructions for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D3
1.1 Authorization of Lift personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D3
1.2 Pay extra ordinary attention to the following! . . . . . D4
2. Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D5
2.1 Overload sensing system ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D5
2.2 Regular Safety Inspection every 2nd month . . . . . . D5
2.3 When carrying out service and inspection work . . . D6
2.4 Additional ”Inspection mode” functions . . . . . . . . . D6
2.5 Selector switch ”Car only” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D6
3. If the lift does not start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D7
4. If the lift suddenly stops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D8
4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D8
4.2 Use of emergency lowering device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D8
4.3 Opening of door at power loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D9
4.4 Evacuation through car roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D10
5. Voice communication base to car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D11
5.1 Standard SE Lifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D11
5.2 Explosion proof SE-Ex Lifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D12
6. Evacuating passengers from the lift car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D13
6.1 There is NO power to the lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D13
6.2 There is power to the lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D15
7. Lift driven against the lower final limit cam . . . . . . . . . . . . D16
7.1 Bypass of the safety circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D16
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8. ALC collective control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D18

8.1 Information and fault indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D19
9. Securing the lift car before inspection and service . . . . . . D20
9.1 Car lock device for regular SE lifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . D20
9.2 Car supporting device on the mast . . . . . . . . . . . . . D21
9.3 Car lock device for SE-H lifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D22
10. Crane for handling of heavy items (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . D23

1. Instructions for use

Instructions to the user/operator on how the equipment is to be
handled are presented below. These instructions will also be found
on a plate in the car.

Fig D1

Fig D2
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Note that the operator/user is responsible for ensuring that Regular
Safety Inspections are performed.

1.1 Authorization of Lift personnel

During installation of the lift, the personnel responsible for the
lift’s operation shall be properly trained. These personnel shall be
trained to rescue in emergency situations and in evidence of this,
they shall be given and sign for the key to perform these activities.

1.2 Pay extra ordinary attention to the following!

• When a lift is installed where unauthorized and/or unsupervised
persons, may try to use the lift, the lift must be locked out of
• This lift is not intended to be loaded by a forklift, which can
cause overloading of the lift car.
• The lift mast must not be used as a cable ladder or for installa-
tion of light fittings or other equipment, that is not part of the
• To avoid unnecessary cable breakdown – make it an habit to
regularly, visually check that the trailing cable/s will be prop-
erly inserted in the cable guides. Damaged rubber retaining
springs must be replaced immediately.
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2. Operating instructions
Floor displays, push buttons and switches used for lifts installed in
hazardous environments where there is a risk of fire and/or explosion
are all from well-known, certified and approved makes. This means
that the exterior is generally slightly different from those shown in this
manual. However, the function remains the same.

1. Switch on the main ON/OFF switch at the ground landing.

To prevent nuisance use - the base panels main electrical switch
must be arranged, NOT public accessible, when the lift is installed
in public places. This arrangement is not included in the lift
Fig D3

2. Make sure that the maximum permissible load, according to

the information on the load plates in the lift, is not exceeded.
3. Close the landing doors and the lift car doors fully.
4. This lift has an automatic floor call system. Press the button
for required landing. The lift car will automatically stop at the
selected landing.

2.1 Overload sensing system ...

... type OSS with load cells
When the rated load is exceeded a red light is lit and the control
circuit will be switched off to prevent the use of the lift.

... type with proximity switch

When the rated load is exceeded a red light is lit and the control
circuit will be switched off to prevent the use of the lift. Fig D4
Indication light ”Overload” in car
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2.2 Regular Safety Inspection every 2nd month

1. Check that the main switches, emergency stop switch, limit
switches and door interlocking switches are working.
Make test runs with each one of the switches in Off- position.
The lift must not start. Be sure to check only one switch at a
2. Check all mechanical interlocks by making test runs and at the
same time try to open the doors.
The lift must not start. Be sure to check only one switch at
the time.

3. Check the condition and function of all springs on all cable

guides where applicable.

2.3 When carrying out service and inspection work

When it is necessary to operate the lift from the car roof, in order
to carry out service and inspection work, the switch in the electric
cabinet in the lift car shall be set in the ”Inspection” position. The
switch then breaks the self-holding function of the control system
and the landing control circuits. This means that the lift will stop
as soon as the push-button is released and that the lift can only be
operated from the roof of the car.

2.4 Additional ”Inspection mode” functions

Frequency converter operated lifts may be equipped with the extra
Fig D5
features ”Run enable” and ”Soft-stop” operated from the same
The features are used according to the following, but in ”Inspec-
tion mode” only:
• First push the ”Run enable” push-button marked with an open
• To choose direction push the ”Up” or ”Down” push-button.
• Release the ”Up”/”Down” push-button at the intended level –
but keep the ”Run enable” push-button depressed until the lift

2.5 Selector switch ”Car only”

The selector switch ”Car only” (marked -S 107) inside the B-panel
disconnects all signals from the landings, which means that the lift
can only be operated from inside the car. Fig D6

Ensure that this switch is actuated when intended to run the car in
operator control mode only.
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Fig D7

3. If the lift does not start

• that the roof trapdoor and car doors are fully closed.
• that all the landing doors are fully closed.
• that the main ON/OFF switches at the ground landing and on
car is in the ”ON” position and that the lift is supplied with
electric power.
• that no ”Emergency Stop Button” is in the depressed position.
• that the final limit switch on the machinery or safety plate is in
its closed position. If the final limit switch is activated – See
section 7. Lift driven against the lower final limit cam.
• that no circuit breaker for control power has tripped out.
• that the switch NORM / INSP is in the ”Normal” position.
Fig D8 The trap door must be kept locked
If the lift still does not start, see the instructions in the section when not used
”Electric troubleshooting”. See page F3.
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4. If the lift suddenly stops

It is possible that the lift could suddenly stop, usually due to loss
of power.
If the lift has stopped between landings use the appropriate instruc-
tion below:

4.1 General
Push the alarm button and wait for help from authorized lift
Fig D9

4.2 Use of emergency lowering device

A manual brake release handle is located inside he car.
• Pull the brake release handle downwards and keep it down to
allow the car to slide down to the next lower landing.

Always lower handle to its most bottom position to prevent
overheating of motor brake. Release the handle if power suddenly
comes back and the lift starts.
Fig D10
• The car will STOP AUTOMATICALLY due to the cam on the
mast at the next lower landing. Car and landing door can be
opened according to the instructions, listed below.
Check that the emergency lowering device is fully reset after
• If sliding of the car is not possible – stay in the car and call for
Falling hazard
Do not leave the car – wait for assistance.
Will cause severe personal injury or death.
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Fig D11

4.3 Opening of door at power loss

In the event of a power loss, the car door can be opened in an
emergency, using the following procedures:
1. Remove the cover plate (= release tool) above the car door.
2. Insert the door lock release tool with one pin in the tube of the
interlocking shaft and the other in the slot of the cover. Turn
Fig D12
the tool approximately 30° to unlock.
3. Hold the tool in this position and open the car and landing

Car and landing door cannot be opened until the car is level
with the landing.
4. Reinstall the cover plate/tool after its use.

Fig D13

Fig D14
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4.4 Evacuation through car roof

If local regulations demand that the passengers in the lift car shall
be able to leave the car to climb on the mast to a determined evacu-
ation level:
For this purpose there is a key cabinet in the lift car with a key for
the car’s roof trap door. There is also a ladder to allow access to
the roof and then via the mast to the determined evacuation level.
Necessary safety equipment for climbing and information re-
garding the evacuation plan must provided by the local responsi-
ble safety manager.

Fig D15

Fig D16
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5. Voice communication base to car

5.1 Standard SE Lifts
1. Press the button on top of the intercom unit for approx. 1 sec.
2. When the two LED’s lights, pick up the phone and talk to the
passengers inside the car.
3. Press digit 9 on the phone to end the call.
The communication is automatically interrupted after 5
For more detailed information refer to separate manual. Fig D17 Intercom unit and phone located in-
side the base panel
4. The Alarm button inside the car is kept depressed for 10 sec.
to activate the emergency telephone to automatically call 1, 2
or 3 preset telephone numbers.

Fig D20 Phone and loudspeaker located inside the car

Fig D18
For one way communication from car – press
this button.
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Fig D19

5.2 Explosion proof SE-Ex Lifts

An Explosion proof and weather proof industrial telephone for use
in hazardous dust and gas atmospheres can be furnished.
Wiring between car and base to be accomplished by the end user.
For more detailed information refer to separate manual.

Fig D21 Industrial telephone in car & base

type ResistTel
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6. Evacuating passengers from the lift car

(Should only be performed by trained personnel)

6.1 There is NO power to the lift

1. Equip yourself with a flashlight in the event the liftway is not
illuminated, and the key for emergency opening of the landing
2. Turn off the power at the main panel and lock it in the ”OFF”
position. Hang up a sign with text stating ”The Lift is shut
down and is being worked on”, or other signs dictated by
3. Locate the position of the lift in the liftway.
4. Check that the passengers can be evacuated through a prede- Fig D22
termined landing door, and if so, open the door in the follow-
ing manner:
a. Remove the threaded plug in front of the interlock cam
with the special key.
b. Insert a screw driver in the hole and push towards the
door to release the interlock mechanism.
c. Open the door.
d. Do not forget to close and lock the hole for emergency
opening. Fig D23
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Fig D24 Interlock for horizontal sliding landing door Fig D25 Interlock for double /single leaf swing door

Practice the above procedure so that you are familiar with it,
should it ever be necessary to perform this procedure.

If the passengers cannot be evacuated because of an

extreme height differential
5. Climb down to the top of the car roof using a ladder. Approved
safety harness shall be used.
6. Open the trapdoor on the roof and climb down inside the car.
7. Slide the car down to the nearest landing using the emergency
lowering device according to previous instructions.

If the car cannot slide down due to the safety device

8. Try to release the safety device according to separate instruc- Fig D26
tions in this manual. See page E31.

If the car still cannot slide down – evacuate the

passengers through the trapdoor
9. Evacuate the passengers through the trapdoor on the roof of
the car and the ladder used to make entry to the car roof.
Approved safety harness shall be used for the passengers.

The centrifugal brake transfers the lift’s potential energy to heat to
control the speed when the lift is travelling down by gravity.
Depending on the car’s maximum weight, the centrifugal brake can
manage 11 – 50 m (36 – 160 ft) sliding distance, without
exceeding the maximum allowed temperature limit.
Distance between landings is required to be maximum 11.0 m (36
ft) according to Safety Code EN 81–1.
For installations with landing distance exceeding 11.0 m (36 ft)
between landings, additional emergency landings should be added
in between ordinary landings
In certain installations it may not be possible to incorporate
additional emergency landings.
Installations with more than 11.0 m (36 ft) between landings is not
Alimak Hek’s responsability and only permitted after a risk
assessment is performed and documented by the end user.
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Approval by local authorities may also be required.

In cases where the additional emergency landings are not provided,

the lift can be lowered at intervals, stopping the lift between
intervals to allow sufficient cooling – approx. 30 minutes at
ambient temperature +20 °C (70 °F).

6.2 There is power to the lift

Bypass of the safety circuit for running in the upwards
1. Turn the selector switch inside the D-panel to position ”2”,
and maintain it in this position. Simultaneously press the ”Up”

The car will now start to move upwards.

Fig D27
2. Run the car to the next upper landing by means of the selector Push-buttons and selector switch inside the
switch and the ”Up” push-button. Stop the car by releasing ei- base panel
ther the ”Up” push-button or the selector switch.

The "Brake Release" push-button is only to be used when performing
a Drop Test. See page E28.

If the landing level cannot be recognized from the

ground landing
1. Run the car above the intended landing level.
2. Use the voice communication equipment to instruct passen-
gers inside the car how to use the emergency lowering device
to reach the correct landing level.
If this does not work – run the lift to the top landing for unload-
ing. At the top landing the lift car will stop automatically due to Fig D28
the limit cam on the mast.

Floor displays, push buttons and switches used for lifts installed in
hazardous environments where there is a risk of fire and/or explosion
are all from well-known, certified and approved makes. This means
that the exterior is generally slightly different from those shown in this
manual. However, the function remains the same.
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7. Lift driven against the lower final limit

7.1 Bypass of the safety circuit
This function is used to drive the lift up to the nearest landing and
is only to be used if the lift has driven onto the final limit switch at
the bottom landing because of worn brake disc(s), or if the safety
device has been activated during a drop test.
If the safety device has activated during normal operation; the mo-
tor’s brake(s), gearbox(es), pinion(s), racks, guide rollers and
counter rollers must be examined by a trained serviceman, before
the safety limit of the lift can be overridden.
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Operation from the car roof

1. Turn the NORM / INSP switch to ”Inspection”.
2. Turn the BY PASS switch to position ”2” and hold it in this
3. Press the button marked with up arrow and the lift will pro-
ceed in the up direction.

Only drive the lift for short distances using this method.

Fig D29
4. The bypass switch is spring loaded to return automatically to
position ”1”, which will prevent the lift from being operated.
5. Return the NORM / INSP switch to ”Normal” upon comple-
tion of this function.

Operation from the base enclosure control panel

1. Turn the selector switch inside the base panel to position ”2”,
and maintain it in this position. Simultaneously press the ”Up”

The car will now start to move upwards.

2. Run the car off the final limit cam by means of the selector
switch and the ”Up” push button. Stop the car by releasing ei-
Fig D30
ther the ”Up” push-button or the selector switch.
Only run the car for short distances using this method.
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Fig D31

Fig D32

8. ALC collective control system

The following information regarding the Alimak collective floor call
system named ALC, does not apply to direct driven, relay controlled
SE Lifts.

The lift can be operated from inside the car by destination push-
buttons and also from the landings. Each landing is provided with
two call buttons; one for each direction of travel.
This system receives all destination orders from inside the car, as
well as calls from the landings. The information is memorized and
processed within the system. During the travel the lift will auto-
matically stop at all floors, which have been addressed.
On every landing there is one I/O-card with two external illumi-
nated Call buttons; one for each direction of travel. Fig D33
The I/O-cards are connected to a six wire communication circuit
that terminates in a base CPU (Central Processor Unit) inside the
base panel. The information is transmitted from the base CPU to
the lift CPU (main unit) by way of a two wire communication cir-
cuit in the trailing cable.

Hazardous voltage
The lift has a separate power feed for lighting.
Fig D34
Both main switches on the electrical cabinet must be
placed in position ’’0’’ to ensure that there is no power in
the cabinet when the cabinet door is opened.
Can cause severe personal injury or death.

Floor displays, push buttons and switches used for lifts installed in
hazardous environments where there is a risk of fire and/or explosion
are all from well-known, certified and approved makes. This means
that the exterior is generally slightly different from those shown in this
manual. However, the function remains the same.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig D35

8.1 Information and fault indications

A lift equipped with the Alimak ALC control system and landing
level display on the lift electrical panel has access to a fault indica-
tion system. Faults indicated at the display are the following:

Safety circuit broken

Door circuit open with lift between landings

Fault in door closing sequence


Lift in Inspection or in Programming mode

Lift does not start within start time/ fault on pulse

Speed fault / Configuration fault / Calibrationfault /
Over heat

Fault in control circuit


Door(s) open

Calibration drive

Inside car; Closed landing

At the base landing; connection to the car CPU
Landing circuits disconnected at the base level
(Operation from car only)

For more detailed information refer to separate manual, P/N

9081 541 - sub.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

9. Securing the lift car before inspection

and service
9.1 Car lock device for regular SE lifts
1. Run the lift in ”INSP.” mode with the push-buttons on the car
roof, to a position 2 cm (1 in) above the fixed service position
– with the car supporting device at the 2nd landing.
It is preferable to make a mark on the guide rail/mast and
something suitable on the car to simplify locating the car in
its proper service position.
2. Turn the main switch on car roof to ”Off”-position to prevent
unintentional operation.
3. Climb down into the car and dismantle the cover (A).
4. Loosen the winged bolt thereby fixing the plunger in its ”un-
locked” position.

Fig D37 Plunger in ”unlocked” position

Fig D36
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

5. Push the plunger to its innermost ”locked”-position and turn it

clockwise 180° to ensure that the eccentric plunger’s lowest
located surface will be turned downwards. Secure the position
with the winged bolt.

Fig D38 A pictogram on the plunger shows

where the eccentric is located.

Fig D40 Plunger in ”locked” position

A. This eccentrical section will unload the plunger when it is turned from
its unlocked position.

Fig D39
6. Lower the car with the emergency lowering device onto the
car supporting device installed on the guide rail/mast accord-
ing to the following instructions.
7. Reset the plunger to it’s normal ”unlocked” position after per-
formed service.
8. Secure the position of the plunger with the winged bolt and re-
install the cover.
9. Turn inspection switch in its ”NORM.” position and the main
switch to its ”ON” position.

9.2 Car supporting device on the mast

Determine suitable service position at the 2nd landing (= 1st land-
ing above the bottom landing).
It is preferable to have the car roof level as close to the landing lev-
el as possible to ease entrance and loading / unloading of heavy
weight components from / to car roof.
Car supporting device is installed in pre-drilled holes on the guide
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

rail/mast in accordance to the following specifications.

The supporting device must be installed on the intermediate frame on
the A50 and FE mast sections due to the lattice work.
Fig D41

9.3 Car lock device for SE-H lifts

This type of car locking device is located behind a cover panel in
the car wall – intended to be used during transport of the lift base
unit, or when service work is to be carried out on the mast under
the car. The car locking device can be applied anywhere on the
mast’s rack.

1. Remove the cover panel.
2. Push the cog segment in proper location and tighten it fully
against the mast’s rack with the M-16 bolt provided.
3. Then slide the car by gravity properly on to the locking device
by releasing the motor brake/s.
4. AFTER use – reset the cog segment to its outermost position.
The locking device is mechanically interlocked and electri-
cally supervised in such way that the covering panel cannot be
reinstalled if the cog segment is not fully reset. A cam, rear on
the cover panel closes an electrical contact in the lift’s safety
Fig D42
circuit when properly reinstalled.
The lift cannot be started if the cover panel is missing.

Fig D43 Entrance from the car roof to the landing is possible by manually unlock-
ing the landing door according to this figure.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

10. Crane for handling of heavy items

Crane intended for ease of handling of heavy items such as electric
motor and gear box on car roof.
The crane is attached to one of the mast tubes with two tube
Jib radius 900 mm (2 ft 11½ in) for car sizes up to 1040 ×1560 mm.
Jib radius 1550 mm (5ft 1 in) for larger cars.
Allowable maximum load applied on the outermost part of the jib
is 400 kg (880 lb).

As an alternative, the use of a hand chain hoist or similar equipment
Fig D44
can be used, attached to the mast on the horizontal mast frame where
P/N 9100418-sub.
the rack is bolted. Max. load 400 kg (880 lb).
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Service and maintenance

1. Service and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E3
1.1 Service intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E3
1.2 Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E3
1.3 Service and maintenance schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E4
2. Adjustment and wear limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E8
2.1 Car stopping position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E8
2.2 Static test of brake torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E8
2.3 Electro-mechanical supervised brake disc . . . . . . . . E8
2.4 Checking brake torque with torque wrench . . . . . . . E9
2.5 Inspection of motor brake type Binder . . . . . . . . . . E10
2.6 Inspection of motor brake type Kendrion . . . . . . . . E14
2.7 Pinion, module 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E16
2.8 Pinion, module 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E16
2.9 Rack, module 5 & 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E16
2.10 Checking wear of the rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E17
2.11 Mast tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E17
2.12 Guide & counter rollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E18
2.13 Adjustment of guide rollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E19
2.14 Centrifugal brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E22
2.15 Setting of overload sensing system . . . . . . . . . . . . E24
2.16 Radial play of the rotating shaft on the safety
device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E25
2.17 Cable trolley guide rollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E25
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3. Drop test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E26

3.1 Before test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E26
3.2 Remote control via drop test cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . E27
3.3 Remote control from inside the lift’s base panel . . E28
3.4 Lifts with electrohydraulic landing lock device . . . E29
3.5 Safety device stopping distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E30
3.6 Socket for SE-H Lifts safety devices . . . . . . . . . . . E31
3.7 Resetting the safety device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E31
4. Lubrication diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E33

5. Car and landing door interlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E38

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

1. Service and maintenance

In order to avoid unnecessary breakdowns, those responsible for
the service and maintenance of this equipment must regularly en-
sure that all scheduled maintenance work is carried out at the rec-
ommended intervals according to the maintenance program below.
Adjustments and replacement as a result of inspection, must be
carried out by trained/authorized service personnel. Only Alimak
Genuine Spare Parts must be used.

Unintended operation

Always put the lift’s ”Normal / Inspection” switch in

Inspection position before carrying out any service work.
When leaving the car without having completed the service
work or to carry out service, the main switch must be
switched off, locked and tagged.

Failure to follow this warning can cause death or personal


1.1 Service intervals

Intervals based on operating time shall be followed in the first in-
stance. If the lift is used only periodically, the first applicable inter-
val to be reached shall be followed.

1.2 Checklist Fig E1

Checklist, with room for notes on maintenance executed, will be
found at the end of this manual. See Appendix 1. Use it!
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

1.3 Service and maintenance schedule

See the appendix at the end of this manual for tightening torques.
See Appendix 2.

Table 1 40 operating hours or at least every 2nd month

Part Instructions

1. Sign plates/ instruction Check that all signs are in position according to the spare parts manual, and that they are
manuals legible. Check also that the documentation according to the documentation box is available.

2. Safety device Check with the user/users if the safety device has been tripping without cause or if noise
can be heard from the device during operation. For further details, see the instructions for
checking wear on the safety device under the heading ”Adjustment and wear limits”. See
page E8.

3. Gear box Check the oil level and refill to proper indicated level, if necessary. Leaking seals shall be
replaced by trained/authorized service personnel.

4. Counter roller(s) at the rear Check that all screw joints are properly tightened.
of the gear box and safety
brackets and guide rollers
on the lift car machinery
5. Attachment of gear box Check that all screw joints are properly tightened.

6. Electric motor, motor con- Check that the car stops within acceptable limits, specified later in this chapter.
trol and brakes
7. Main switches and emer- Check that all main switches and emergency stop switches are working. Make test runs with
gency stop switches each one of the switches in ”Off”-position.
8. Control Check that the operation of the control system is correct.

9. Brake lining Check the play between the electromagnet armature and the rotating brake disc according
to instructions later in this chapter. See the special instruction for checking the brake torque
with a spring balance – if car stopping positions exceeds stated values.

10. Lift cable(s) Check the cable for wear and to ensure that no kinks occur. Check also the attachment of
the cable in the cable support arm on the lift car and the fixture in the lift mast – where a ca-
ble guiding device and trolley are furnished.

11. Cable basket, where Clean the cable basket. If the cable guiding device is of a type for power and control cables
applicable which has been taped together, check the tape and, if necessary, reinforce it along the entire
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

length of the cable.

12. Electrical interlocks Check all electrical interlocks by making test runs with:

a. Car entrance door open.

b. Car exit door open.
c. With car trap door open.
d. Each landing door open.
The lift must not start. Be sure to check only ONE switch at a time.

13. Mechanical interlocks Check all mechanical interlocks by making test runs and at the same time try to open the

Car and landing doors must remain locked until the car stops at the landing.

T a b l e 1 40 operating hours or at least every 2nd month (cont'd.)

Part Instructions

14. Car floor / roof Clean the car floor and roof.
15. Lubricating See the instructions in the ”Lubrication diagram”. See page E33. Also check rack for possi-
ble damages, misalignment and attachment, when lubricating.

Table 2 120 operating hours or at least every 6 months

Part Instructions

21. Lift mast Check by striking them that all screw joints of all racks and mast joints are properly tight-
ened. Also check the screw joints for attaching the mast in the base frame.

22. Mast ties Check that all screw joints in all mast ties are properly tightened. Also check attachment to
23. Limit switches and cams, Check attachment and function. Check function by making test runs. Loosen the attachment
and final limit switch with of the Up and Down limit switches from the machinery plate (alternatively make jumpers
associated cams for these switches in the electrical panel) and check the final limit switch correspondingly.

24. Cable guides Check the cable guides with regard to attachment, function and installation in the mast in
relation to the cable support arm on the lift car.

25. Cable trolley where Check that the cable trolley does not come in contact with the buffer frame at the ground
applicable landing and that the trolley is parallel to the mast tubes. Check the function, attachment and
wear on the guide and cable rollers and that the cable wheel on the trolley runs smoothly.
Regularly use spray with penetrating oil to prevent noise from the cable trolleys plastic roll-
ers. See also special instruction for checking the trolleys guide roller play.

26. Base slab/pit Remove all debris, which may have fallen on/into the base (or pit).

27. Buffers for lift Check that the buffers are in position and in a proper condition.
28. Car and landing doors Check the function, attachment and wear on the doors. Clean guides from dust and debris.

29. Signal equipment and Check the function of the alarm signal, lighting and, where applicable, voice communica-
lighting tion system.

30. Emergency lighting Switch off the main ON/OFF switch on the car roof and check to ensure that the emergency
light functions. Switch on the main ON/OFF switch and check that the LED on the battery
charger is lighted.

31. Rack and pinion Check the wear on the rack and pinion according to the instructions under the heading ”Ad-
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

justment and wear limits”. See page E8.

32. Enclosures Check that there is nothing in the vicinity of the landing which can be used as a ladder or
can reduce the correct height of the enclosure in any way. Point out any infringements and
risks of injuries to the site manager.

Regularly also check the location of the landing door interlock relative the lift car according
to separate instruction later in this manual.
33. Scaffolding adjacent to lift Check that the distance from the lift car to landings, scaffolding, balconies, windows or any
other location where persons may find themselves, are not less than regulations dictate.
Point out any infringements and risks of injuries to the site manager.

34. Rollers and roller Check wear and bearing play of the lift car guide rollers. Adjustment and replacement,
assemblies when required shall be carried out by trained/authorized service personnel.

35. Safety device Test the safety device according to the instructions under the heading ”Drop test”. See page

T a b l e 2 120 operating hours or at least every 6 months (cont'd.)

Part Instructions

36. Emergency lowering Check by test that the emergency lowering device works properly and that the handle is
fully reset after operation.

37. Electric motor(s) If necessary, clean the cooling flanges of the electric motor(s).
38. Overload sensing system – Overload test to probe overload sensing system. Prevent sparks with grease from the over-
where applicable load sensing pull rods and cup springs.

39. Lubricating See the instructions in the ”Lubrication diagram”. See page E33.
40. Motor brakes Test motor brakes according to the instructions under the heading "Static test of motor
brakes". See page E8.
41. Hydraulic car to landing Grease nipples for the hydraulic cylinder(s) underneath the car.
lock device – where

Table 3 1000 operating hours or at least once a year

Part Instructions

50. Electric wiring Check all wires, sealing glands and connections.

51. Motor overload protector Check that the motor overload protector is set with the rated current on the data plate for
the electric motor
52. Deformations/mechanical Inspect the equipment visually in its entirety for deformation/mechanical damage to mast
damage tubes/beams, diagonal ties in the mast sections, mast ties, doors, protective rails, floors, etc.
This inspection and any actions which may be necessary after the inspection must be per-
formed by trained/authorized service personnel.

53. Corrosion, damage and wear Inspect for corrosion and wear on the lift mast's load bearing and force absorbing compo-
nents by the aid of an ultrasonic thickness measuring instrument. This inspection and any
actions which may need to be taken after the inspection must be performed by trained/au-
thorized service personnel.
54. Lift mast/guide rail Check that all screw joints of all racks and mast joints are properly tightened. Also check
the screw joints for attaching the mast in the base.
55. Centrifugal brake Inspect centrifugal brake and brake lining according to the instructions under heading ad-
justment and wear limits; ”Centrifugal brake”. See page E22.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

56. Hydraulic car to landing Change the hydraulic power pack's breather filter. Or before, if the filter indicator changes
lock device – where colour.

Table 4 2000 operating hours or at least every 2 year

Part Instructions

58. Pinion and counter roller on Dismount and lift out the motor/gear unit from the machinery plate to be able to make a pre-
drive unit cise check of the pinion and its counter roller. Dismantling is not necessary if enough clear-
ance is available between the machinery and the building structure.

59. Lubricating See the instructions in the ”Lubrication diagram”. See page E33.

60. Centrifugal brake Dismantle the brake motor from the centrifugal brake and inspect the brake hub with lin-
ings. See the instructions in the under heading ”Centrifugal brake”. See page E22.

61. Corrosion protection Replace the corrosion protection devices which are located inside the electrical panels ac-
devices cording to the following:

Main panel (M-panel) 2 pcs. P/N 3002 301-105

Car top control panel (VFC) 2 pcs. P/N 3002 301-105

Car top control panel (DOL) 1 pcs. P/N 3002 301-101

Base panel (B-panel) 1 pcs. P/N 3002 301-105

Landing control stations 1 pcs. P/N 3002 301-101

62. Battery for emergency light Replace the battery with new fully charged battery.

Table 5 Every 4th year from documented first drop test on site or maximum the date
stamped on the data sign
Part Instructions

63. Safety device Replace the complete safety device by returning the device to the Alimak Factory. Only Ali-
mak factory tested devices are to be used. The safety device is sealed and unsealing the de-
vice is prohibited.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

2. Adjustment and wear limits

2.1 Car stopping position
If the distance between actual stopping positions empty/fully
loaded car exceeds value A indicated below, the motor control and
brake must be checked by trained/authorized service personnel.

Parking brakes for VFC operated lifts must ALSO be checked for prop-
er function by testing with rated load or by torque wrench.

Fig E2
1. Sill
2. Normally B – empty car
3. Maximum C – with payload

Lift type A B C

Relay controlled direct on line started electric motors 110 mm (421⁄64") 40 mm (137⁄64") 70 mm (2¾")

ALC II controlled direct on line started electric motors 60 mm (223⁄64") 30 mm (13⁄16") 30 mm (13⁄16")

VFC controlled electric motors 10 mm (25⁄64") 5 mm (13⁄64") 5 mm (13⁄64")

2.2 Static test of brake torque

A static motor brake test shall be carried out at least 2 times a year
– preferable in conjunction with the safety device drop test.

Single motor machineries

Single motor machineries are tested statically with rated load and
additionally 25% overload loaded in the car.

Dual or triple motor machineries

Dual or triple motor machineries are tested statically with rated
load and one motor brake disengaged, ascertaining that the car
does not start to move during the test.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

2.3 Electro-mechanical supervised brake disc

Equipment required to fulfill code EN 81–1, amendment A3.
Functional test of brake function for lift with ALC.
A LED indicator “Cont. Contactors” on the ALC main unit is lit
when power is “ON” and motor brakes applied.
When the lift car is sliding by gravity (or operated) the LED will Fig E3
go “OFF” and then starts to light up again when the lift car is A. Diod/LED "Cont. Contactors".
stopped and brakes reapplied.
The LED on the ALC main unit confirms thus the motor brakes

2.4 Checking brake torque with torque wrench

To be carried out periodically by trained service personnel
If the machinery is of single motor design the lift car must be
lowered and resting on the buffer springs before checking is al-
lowed to take place.

Violent stroke by the wrench

Switch off and lock out power supply before checking

brake torque.

Can cause severe personal injury.

This test is carried out by means of a 19 mm socket and a torque

wrench applied on the motor shaft according to the following:
1. Release the brake and turn the lever up and down to determine
the total cog play. Fig E4
2. Then turn the wrench upwards, within the determined cog play. Explosion proof electric motor brakes are
tested in the same manner but with the torque
wrench applied to the motor shaft on opposite
Alternative: The car to mast lock device can be used to ease side, after the motor unit is disassembled
this procedure. from the gear box.

3. Reapply the brake and pull the torque wrench downwards until
the brake starts to slide.
If the brake starts to slide before the torque wrench does – adjust
the torque wrench to a lower torque and repeat the procedure until
the actual brake torque is determined.
The electromagnetic disc brake shall have indicated torque ±15%.
If indicated brake torques are not achieved, call for trained au-
thorized personnel.
Motor power Brake torque Motor power Brake torque

Standard range electric motor brake Explosion proof electric motor brake

4.8 / 7.0 kW 120 Nm (89 lbf·ft) 11 kW 150 Nm (111 lbf·ft)

7.5 / 8.8 kW 170 Nm (125 lbf·ft) 11 kW 170 Nm (125 lbf·ft)

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

11 / 13 kW 170 Nm (125 lbf·ft) 15 kW 170 Nm (125 lbf·ft)

11 / 13 kW1 130 Nm (96 lbf·ft)

1. with spec. EN approved brake


2.5 Inspection of motor brake type Binder

Inspection of friction disc and electromagnet Single applied single
disc brake type Binder for standard range electric motors:

Unintended operation
Bring the car down to rest on the buffer springs. Switch off,
lock and tag the main switch before inspection can take
Can cause severe bodily injury or death. Fig E5
Air gap A / B between magnet housing and
Check air gap by the aid of a feeler gauge.

Replace the lining

The lining must be replaced before the air-gap exceeds maximum
(B) mm. Nominal value (A) mm.
Attachment bolts (6 pcs) tightening torque: 25 Nm (18.5 lbf x ft.).
Motor size Nominal air gap Maximum air gap Air gap Nominal coil

7.0 kW 0.35 mm (1⁄64") 1.2 mm (3⁄64") 1.5 mm (1⁄16") ≈ 190 Ohm

8.8 kW 0.35 mm (1⁄64") 1.5 mm (1⁄16") 1.7 mm (1⁄16") ≈ 130 Ohm

13 kW 0.35 mm (1⁄64") 1.5 mm (1⁄16") 1.7 mm (1⁄16") ≈ 130 Ohm

13 kW1 0.30 mm (1⁄64") 1.1 mm (3⁄64") 1.5 mm (1⁄16") ≈ 70 Ohm

1. with spec. EN approved brake

Wearing of armature and fixed brake disc (added together) must
not exceed the maximum allowable air gap reduced with the
indicated nominal air gap, A (= 0.85 mm or 1.15 mm alternately
depending on the brake size).

If so, the whole brake must be exchanged.

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Hand release mechanism

Check air gap (C) for hand release mechanism according to sketch.
If the brake cannot be electrically released, check:
• that the rectifier is in order and energized.

Do NOT replace the brake’s rectifier of the type with booster

function with a common rectifier type.
• that the brake contactor is in order.
Fig E6
• the voltage to the magnet coil (nominal 102V DC). Air gap C
Hand release mechanism
• the resistance of the coil (nom. approximately D Ohm, see
Replace electromagnet housing with coil if the coil is defective.
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5 20
1:2 10
17 11 8 18
1:1 23

25 24 21 9 2 7 22 4 13 19 26

Fig E7

1:1 Magnet housing 10 Fixing bolt 17 Flange

1:2 Coil 11 Cap head bolt 18 Fan cover

2 Armature 12 19 Circlip
3 13 Set screw 20 Rubber bellows
4 Compression spring 14 21 Sealing ring

5 Sleeve 15 22 Circlip
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

6 Flange 16 Manual release device 23 Fan

7 Hub 16:1 Lever 24 Ball bearing

8 Brake disc 16:2 Disc 25 Circlip

9 Friction disc 16:3 Cap head bolt 26 Plug


Whenever carrying out inspection and manintenance work, ensure
the machine (e.g. motor) is secured against accidental or
unintentional start-up.
no load torque acts on the shaft.
the lock provided to prevent accidental start-up of the machine (e.g.
motor) is removed after completion of inspection and maintenance
all friction surfaces are free from grease and oil. Any oil or greasy
friction disc cannot be cleaned.
there is no swelling or glazing of the friction lining.

The user is required to ensure that:

the brakes are in perfect working order and checked at regular

start-up, maintenance and repair work is only done by authorized

and suitable qualified personnel with immediate reach of the
manufacturer's original Operating Instructions at all the time.
Such personnel are kept informed of all relevant occupational
safety and environmental protection issues and familiar with these
Operating Instructions and with the safety information contained
the brakes are not exposed to other strong magnetic fields.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

2.6 Inspection of motor brake type Kendrion

Inspection of friction disc and electromagnet Single applied single
disc brake type Kendrion for Ex proof electric motors:

Unintended operation
Bring the car down to rest on the buffer springs. Switch off,
lock and tag the main switch before inspection can take
Can cause severe bodily injury or death.

The spring applied single disc brake does not require any particular
maintenance except that the friction disc (5) must be replaced
when worn out (= air gap maximum 1.1 mm / nominal 0.25 + 0.20
mm) and that the safety switches (microswitch 13 and the thermos-
witches 11 and 12 must be checked. These maintenance measures
must be performed during the general inspection of the electrical
equipment (e.g. motor).
See the manufacturers instructions regarding replacement of parts
and more extensive maintenance.

Checking the air gap

Fig E8
Loosen the cap head bolts (20) provided on the lid (7) and remove
A. Air gap between magnet housing and
the lid (7). Retightening torque 24 Nm (18 lbf. x ft). armature
Maximum 1.1 mm (3⁄64")
Place a measuring bridge with dial gauge on the flange (3) to
Nominal 0.25 + 0.2 mm (1⁄64" + 1⁄64")
measure the air gap. Position the measuring tip of the micrometer
screw on the friction disc (5).
Release the spring applies brake so that the air gap can be deter-
mined from the difference between the values indicated by the dial
If the brake cannot be electrically released, check:
• that the rectifier is in order and energized.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

• that the brake contactor is in order.

• the voltage to the magnet coil (nominal 102V DC).
• the resistance of the coil (nom. approximately 116 Ohm).
Replace electromagnet housing with coil if the coil is defective.

9 27
19 28 30

1:2 5
4 2
17 29 30

35 32 31


Fig E9

1:1. Magnet housing 12. Thermoswitch (2 pcs.) 24. O-ring

1:2. Excitation winding 13. 25. Junction box

2. Armature 14. Circlip outer ring 26. Lid

3. Flange 15. Circlip inner ring 27. Cap head bolt

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

4. Compression spring 16. O-ring 28. Spring washer

5. Friction disc 17. Hub 29. Manual release handle

6. Spacer sleeve 18. Deep groove ball bearing 30. Gland

7. Lid 19. Connection terminal 31. Lock nut

8. 20. Cap head bolt 32. Cap head bolt

9. Flat packing 21. Spring washer 33. Friction plate

10. Fixing bolt (not shown) 22. Cap head bolt 34. Rating plate

11. Thermoswitch (2 pcs.) 23. Spring washer 35. Compression spring


2.7 Pinion, module 5

Check the wear with a sliding caliper.

Fig E10 Fig E11

A. Max. worn gear A. Max. worn gear
B. New gear B. New gear
Pinion dia. 115 mm (417⁄32") Pinion dia. 200 mm (7⅞")
New gear = 38.5 mm (133⁄64") New gear = 69.2 mm (223⁄32")
Max. worn out gear = 37.1 mm (129⁄64") Max. worn out gear = 67.4 mm (221⁄32")

2.8 Pinion, module 8

Check the wear with a sliding caliper.
New gear = 37.1 mm (129⁄64")
Max. worn out gear = 35.8 mm (113⁄32")
The counter roller for the pinion must be changed when the pin-
ion is replaced.
It is recommended to use Shell SRS 400 to prevent crevice corro- Fig E12
sion between shaft and pinion. A. Max. worn gear
B. New gear

2.9 Rack, module 5 & 8

Measure with a gauge rod and sliding caliper.

Rack module 5 Rack module 8

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Gauge rod dia. = 8.0 mm (5⁄16") = 12.0 mm (15⁄32")

New cog = 39.9 mm (137⁄64") = 58.3 mm (219⁄64")

Max. worn out cog = 38.2 mm (1½") = 56.1 mm (213⁄64")

Fig E13
A. Max. worn cog
B. New cog
C. Gauge rod

2.10 Checking wear of the rack

Check the wear of the rack and adjust the drive unit guide rollers
according to the following:

Fig E14
A. Drive unit inclined away from the mast. (Not acceptable)
B. Drive unit running correct on the mast. (Good)
C. Drive unit inclined towards the mast. (Acceptable – but higher noise level.)
D. Wearing on the rack
E. Mast side

2.11 Mast tubes

Check of wear and corrosion of the mast sections is carried out by
means of ultrasonic equipment, P/N 3002546-000. The bottom
mast section must be thoroughly checked.
New mast tubes (t) = 4.2 mm nom. (5⁄32")
Max. worn out mast tubes (t) = 3.1 mm (⅛") – approximately 25%
reduction of wall thickness.

Fig E15
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

2.12 Guide & counter rollers

Nodular iron or polyurethane guide roller dia. 100 mm
New roller = dia. 100 mm (315⁄16")
Max. worn out roller = 98 mm (355⁄64")

Fig E16
A. New roller ⌀100
B. Worn out ⌀98

Nodular iron guide roller dia. 74 mm

New roller = dia. 74 mm (229⁄32")
Max. worn out roller = 72 mm (253⁄64")

Fig E17
A. New roller ⌀74
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

B. Worn out ⌀68

C. min. 2

Synthetic plastic material counter roller dia. 120 mm

New roller = dia. 120 mm (423⁄32")
Max. worn out roller = 119 mm (411⁄16")

Steel counter roller dia. 72 mm

New roller = dia. 72 mm (253⁄64")
Max. worn out roller = 71 mm (251⁄64")

Note that the wear on the roller face must be equal all around.

2.13 Adjustment of guide rollers

Guide rollers must only be adjusted when there is NO load in the car.

Fig E18
The following adjustments are carried out by freeing the attaching A. New roller ⌀120
bolt/nut of the roller and rotating the eccentric shaft with the tool B. Worn out ⌀119
provided until the correct setting is attained. Then retighten the

Car support rollers

1. Adjust the upper support rollers so that the car structure is par-
allel to the front edge of the mast frame.
2. Continue adjust the lower support rollers so that the car struc-
ture is parallel to the mast tubes in the vertical plane.

Fig E19
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig E20

Fig E21

Car side rollers

The side rollers must be adjusted when they are level with a hori- C
zontal frame of the mast and always adjusted in pairs. A
3. Loosen the side rollers and centre the car structure on the mast
tubes using wedges or similar as shown.
4. Single roller:
• Adjust both side rollers with air gap 0.7 mm (1⁄32") and lock E D
them in this position. Fig E22
A. Side roller
With a roller assembly: B. Support rollers
C. Wedge
• Push bottom roller of the assembly against the mast tubes D. Car structure
and adjust the air gap between the top roller and mast tube E. Air gap 0.7 mm (1⁄32") must be done on
both side rollers AT THE SAME TIME and
to 1.4 mm (1⁄16") or 0.7 + 0.7 mm (1⁄32+1⁄32") and lock the be adjusted with the side rollers in level
assembly in this position. with one horizontal mast frame.

The side rollers must NOT be adjusted closer than 0.7 mm (1⁄32").
Only occasional contact between roller and mast tube is allowed
during operation.

Do not forget to retighten to correct torque after adjustment.

Drive unit support rollers

1. Adjust the upper support rollers so that the drive unit is paral-
lel to the front edge of the mast frame.
2. Continue adjust the lower support rollers so that the drive unit
is parallel to the mast tubes in the vertical plane.

Side roller for single motor drive unit as well as side Fig E23
rollers for SE-Ex dual motor drive unit
The side roller must be adjusted when it is level with a horizontal
frame of the mast.
3. Loosen the side roller and centre the drive unit parallel on the
mast tubes with the left side roller/-ers.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig E24

Fig E25

Alimak lifts for roll, pitch and heave applications

Alimak lifts intended for roll, pitch and heave applications have
additional guide rollers for the drive unit.
It is of utmost importance that all guide roller’s roller play are ad-
justed level with the mast section’s horizontal frames to ensure
proper play and functioning.

Additional drive unit side rollers

The side rollers must be adjusted when they are level with a hori-
zontal frame of the mast and always adjusted in pairs.
4. Loosen the side rollers and centre the drive unit parallel on the
mast tubes with the upper left...

...and lower right side roller in close contact.

Fig E26
5. Adjust the air gap to 1.4 mm (1⁄16") for the corresponding side
roller on the mast section’s opposite side – at the same level.

The side rollers must NOT be adjusted closer than 0.7 mm (1⁄32").
Only occasional contact between roller and mast tube is allowed
during operation.

Fig E27
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Additional drive unit support rollers

6. Support rollers in pair on each side of the mast tube shall have
air gap 0.7 mm (1⁄32").
Always test run the entire lift mast installation after guide roller

2.14 Centrifugal brake

Unintended operation
Bring the car down to rest on the buffer springs. Switch off,
lock and tag the main switch before inspection can take
Can cause severe bodily injury or death.

Inspection of brake and brake lining Fig E28

1. Disconnect the flexible ball joint (A) from the control device
on the side where the Teleflex wire from the car release lever
is located.
2. Loosen the vertical bolt (B) on the brake housing, which locks
the control device axially.
3. Remove (pull out) the whole control device (C).
4. Inspect the brake lining through the seat (hole) for the control

Replace the brake linings when they are worn down to 3 mm

5. Turn the control device on the opposite (right) side to check
that the lock ring disengages from the brake hub.
6. Lubricate the control device with Aeroshell Grease 6 when
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig E29

Every 2nd year

1. Dismantle the brake motor from the centrifugal brake on the
2. Clean and grease the brake hub with Aeroshell Grease 6,
avoiding any contamination of the brake lining.

Also check and replace the brake linings when they are worn
down to 3 mm (⅛"). Reinstall and check that the brake hub is
free to move.
3. Replace the control devices’ ball bearings (D) after 800 oper-
ating hours or every 2nd year.

Synchronizing of centrifugal brake and motor brake

1. Disassemble the Teleflex wire from the control device on the
centrifugal brake.
2. Turn the control device into position ”3” in clockwise direc-
tion and leave it in this position.
3. Push the motor brake release lever into ”fully released posi-
tion” and tighten the motor brake release wire.
4. Reset the control device to position ”1” and reassemble the
Teleflex wire.

The pull wire is now slack between the centrifugal- and motor
Fig E30
A. Marks on control disc and the correspond-
ing pin on brake housing

Fig E31
A. Position ”1”. Locked centrifugal brake
B. Position ”2”. Engaged centrifugal brake.
C. Position ”3”. Engaged centrifugal brake and motor brake released.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

2.15 Setting of overload sensing system

Set the proximity switch axially, to trip at full load and additional
75 kg (165 lb) or full load + 10% overload.

Fig E32
A. nom. 9 mm (23⁄64")
B. nom. 2 mm (5⁄64")

Overload Sensing System with load cells and amplifier is adjusted

in the same manner.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig E33

For more detailed information refer to separate manual P/N

9081 539 - sub.

2.16 Radial play of the rotating shaft on the safety

1. Position a support (A) on the rack using a C-clamp – approxi-
mately 1 mm (3⁄64") above the safety device pinion.
2. Measure the play with a feeler gauge.
3. Lift the pinion by the aid of the cranking lever from the lift
tool kit or some other suitable tool and measure the play again.

Note that the pinion must remain in precisely the same position
during both measurements.

4. The difference between the two measured values is the radial

play of the safety device shaft.
5. If the radial play is greater than 0.6 mm (1⁄32"), the safety de-
vice must be replaced.

Test has to be done before lubrication of the safety device.

Fig E34

2.17 Cable trolley guide rollers

Adjust the cable trolley so that the cable wheel is parallel to the
mast / guide rail and that a play of 1.4 mm (1⁄16") is obtained be-
tween roller and mast tube / guide rail flange at one side of the ca-
ble trolley, when corresponding rollers on the other side of the
trolley are in close contact.
Adjustment is made by turning the eccentric shafts of the rollers
until the correct play is obtained whereupon the attachment bolts
are tightened.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig E35
A. 1.4 mm (1⁄16")

3. Drop test
To be carried out by trained service personnel.

A drop test must be carried out at installation and in accordance

with local safety regulations. Thereafter a drop test must be carried
out at least every 6 months without load and once a year with full

Brake malfunction hazard
No one is allowed in the lift car during a drop test.

Will cause severe bodily injury or death.

Fig E36

If the safety device begins to trip or if noise occurs in the safety de-
vice during operation, the lift must be taken out of operation imme-
diately and the local Alimak Hek representative notified for action.

Fig E37

3.1 Before test

Test run the lift in upward and downward direction to ensure that
the brakes have sufficient brake torque.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Ensure that the insulation of brass to prevent spark
formation, attached to the heels on the safety’s
housing, is there and is properly located (Applies for
explosion proof SE-Ex. Lifts only).

If you don’t succeed with the drop test, contact nearest Alimak
Hek representative.

3.2 Remote control via drop test cable

Drop test cable with remote control connected to terminal inside
the car electrical panel
1. Set the NORM / INSP switch in the electric cabinet in the lift
car to the ”Inspection” position.
2. Connect the Alimak drop test cable to the terminal block
marked ”Drop test” in the electric cabinet on the car.
3. Attach the cable to the car adjacent to the electric cabinet and
lower the pushbutton box to the bottom landing. At the same
time, check that the cable is suspended in such a way that it
cannot be crushed or be obstructed when the drop test is car- Fig E38
ried out.
4. Load the car with prescribed load. Switch on the main ON/
OFF switch and run the car from the ground level up mini-
mum 6 meters (20 ft.) or 4 pcs. mast sections, by means of the
”Up” button on the push-button box on the testing cable.
5. Press the button on the drop test push-button box marked with
’’TEST’’ and maintain it in the depressed position. This re- Fig E39
leases the motor brake(s) and the lift car will drop until it
reaches the tripping speed and the safety device is activated.

Release the push-button immediately if the safety device does

not function and stop the lift – at least 3 meters (10 feet)
above the ground level. The brake(s) are applied when the
push-button is released. If so, start the test from item 4 again.
6. When the safety device has been activated. Run the car up-
wards minimum 0.2 m (8 in.) with the drop test push-button
box to release the mechanism of the safety device.

Then run the car down to the normal lower landing by in-
ching in small increments using the drop test procedure pre-
vious described. Be careful so as not to activate the safety Fig E40
device again. Remote drop test equipment at ground land-
ing connected on terminal inside the car elec-
7. Remove the test cable and then try to start the car in the up- trical panel.
ward direction. The switch in the safety device shall, when the
safety device has been activated, prevents the lift from starting
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

when the test cable has been removed. In other words, it must
NOT be possible to start the lift.
8. Reset the safety device according to instructions further in this
chapter. See page E31.
9. Reset the NORM / INSP switch in the electric cabinet to the
”Normal” position.

3.3 Remote control from inside the lift’s base panel

Drop test with remote control inside the lift’s base electrical
Lifts without electrohydraulic car to landing lock device
1. Load the car with prescribed load and run the car from the
ground level up minimum 6 meters (20 ft) or 4 pcs. mast sec- Fig E41
tions, by means of the selector switch and the Up-button inside
the D-panel and the following procedures:

a. Turn the selector to position ”2”, and maintain it in this

position Simultaneously press the ”Up” push-button.

The car will now start to move upwards.

b. Stop the car by releasing either the ”UP” push-button or
the selector switch.
Fig E42
2. Turn the selector switch to position ”2”, and maintain it in this
Drop test control panel for SE lifts
position. Simultaneously press the ”Brake release” push-but-
ton. This releases the motor brake(s) and the lift car will drop
until it reaches the tripping speed and the safety device is acti-
vated. The brake(s) are applied when the push-button is

Release the push-button immediately if the safety device does

not function and stop the lift – at least 3 meters (10 feet)
above the ground level.
If so, start the test from item 1 again.
3. When the safety device has been activated. Note that a gas
test must be performed before the resetting of the safety de-
vice procedure can take place. Run the car upwards minimum
0.2 m (8 in.) with the drop test push-button box to release the
mechanism of the safety device.

Take the car down to the normal lower landing by inching in Fig E43
small increments using the drop test procedure previous de- Drop test control panel for SE-Ex lift
scribed. Be careful so as not to activate the safety device
4. Reset the lift to normal mode by turning the selector switch to
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

position ”0”.
5. Try to run the car in upwards direction. This must NOT be
possible. The switch in the safety device shall, when the safety
device has been activated, prevents the lift from starting.
In other words, it must NOT be possible to start the lift.
6. Reset the safety device according to instructions further in this
chapter. See page E31.

3.4 Lifts with electrohydraulic landing lock device

1. First set the selector switch "Hydraulic support override" in-
side the car electrical panel to position "ON".
2. Load the car with prescribed load and run the car from the
ground level up minimum 6 meters (20 ft) or 4 pcs. mast sec-
tions, by means of the selector switch and the Up-button inside
Fig E44
the D-panel and the following procedures:

a. Turn the selector to position ”2”, and maintain it in this

position Simultaneously press the ”Up” push-button.

The car will now start to move upwards.

b. Stop the car by releasing either the ”UP” push-button or
the selector switch.
3. Turn the selector switch to position ”2”, and maintain it in this
position. Simultaneously press the ”Brake release” push-but- Fig E45
ton. This releases the motor brake(s) and the lift car will drop Drop test control panel for SE lifts
until it reaches the tripping speed and the safety device is acti-
vated. The brake(s) are applied when the push-button is

Release the push-button immediately if the safety device does

not function and stop the lift – at least 3 meters (10 feet)
above the ground level.
If so, start the test from item 1 again.
4. When the safety device has been activated. Run the car up-
wards minimum 0.2 m (8 in.) with the drop test push-button
box to release the mechanism of the safety device.

Take the car down to the normal lower landing by inching in

small increments using the drop test procedure previous de-
scribed. Be careful so as not to activate the safety device
5. Reset the lift to normal mode by turning the selector switch to Fig E46
position ”0”. Drop test control panel for SE-Ex lift

6. Try to run the car in upwards direction. This must NOT be

possible. The switch in the safety device shall, when the safety
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

device has been activated, prevents the lift from starting.

In other words, it must NOT be possible to start the lift.
7. Reset the safety device according to instructions further in this
chapter. See page E31.
8. Do not forget to reset the selector switch "Hydraulic support
override" to position "OFF" after completed drop test.

Address the lift to the next upper landing to reset the lift's control
system to normal mode – before unloading test weights at the
ground landing.

3.5 Safety device stopping distance

The safety device stopping distance can be measured between the
end face of the safety device and the end of the indicating pin –
measure ”L”, see figure. Multiply measure ”L” with factor acc. to
the table for the safety device in question to achieve actual vertical
stopping distance.

The safety device must be exchanged if dimension ”L” exceeds the
value stated on the rating plate on the safety device.

Safety device type P/N factor ( f × L )

GF 9095340-sub. 188,5
9113369-sub. 188,5
GFD 9094320-sub. 314,2
9111191-sub. 276,5
9112870-sub. 276,5

The indicating pin (6) is made of a stop screw with internal hexagon Fig E47

Pay attention to this when using a sliding caliper for measuring.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig E48 Rating plate on the safety device

To be replaced in accordance with local regulations Latest

Part No. Manuf. No.

Tripping speed m/s or fpm

Maximum allowable measure L mm

Maximum weight kg or lbs.

3.6 Socket for SE-H Lifts safety devices

A socket intended for a ¾" drive ratchet comes with the SE-H Lifts
delivery to simplify the safety devices resetting procedure.
An drive extension tube further simplify the procedure.

Fig E49

3.7 Resetting the safety device

To be carried out by trained service personnel.
If the safety device trips during normal operation, a careful check
must be made of the motor brake(s), transmissions, pinion, rack
and all guide and counter rollers by trained/ authorized service per-
sonnel, before the safety device can be reset. The cause of the trip-
ping must be determined and rectified.
The safety device may be reset after a drop test, prior to perform-
ing the above checks.
Exchange intervals, see sign on safety device!


Falling hazard

Never reset the safety device above ground landing.

Can cause severe injury or death.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

1. Switch off the car main ON/OFF switch.
2. Remove the screws (1) and remove the cover (2).
3. Remove the screws (3).
4. Use the sleeve (5) and the cranking lever (4) to back off the
nut (7) until the end of the pin (6) is flush with the end surface
of the safety device. (The internal switch is now reset).
5. Reinstall the screws (3), the cover (2) and the screws (1).
6. Remove the protective cover (9).
7. Tighten the screw (8) by hand as far as possible and then a fur-
ther 30° by the aid of the sleeve and the cranking lever (4) – in
the direction indicated by the arrow on the cover.
8. Reinstall the protective cover (9).
9. Switch on the car main ON/OFF switch and run the car up
minimum 20 cm (8") on the lift mast to release the centrifugal
weight of the safety device.

Fig E51
3. Tightening torque 20 Nm (14.8 lbf x ft.)
In case of drop testing – omit this paragraph.

10. Make a test run.

From a safety point of view the safety device must never be dis-
mantled more than is necessary to reset it as described above.
For this reason the safety device is sealed.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

4. Lubrication diagram

Table 6 40 operating hours or at least every 2nd month


1. Gear box and hydraulic Check the oil level and refill
oil tank where car to ldg. – if necessary.
lock device occur

2. Rack Alimak spec. grease. We recommend use of hand

held grease pump. Refer to
P/N 3001396-108
separate info sheet.
When lubricating from car
Lubricate during lowering.
When using automatic lu-
brication or lubricating
from within the car:
Lubricate during climbing.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

A. Important! Prevent possible sparks from the overload sensing device with Alimak
spec. grease P/N 3001396–108.

T a b l e 6 40 operating hours or at least every 2nd month (cont'd.)


3. Safety device Shell Gadus S3 V220C2 or Grease nipple.

P/N 3001396-107

Table 7 120 operating hours or at least every 6 months


4. Cable guiding device Ali-low-fric compound Grease slide surfaces on trol-

ley and car cable and car ca-
P/N 9052045-000
ble bracket. Do not grease
Note: mast tubes – the cable trolley
Do not grease for hybrid trailing power cable. may get stuck.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

T a b l e 7 120 operating hours or at least every 6 months (cont'd.)


5. Landings doors, inter- Aeroshell Grease 6 Grease bearings and slide

locks and ramps surfaces.

A. Important! Prevent corrosion on the actuator rod with grease.

6. Car doors, interlocks and Aeroshell Grease 6 Grease slide surfaces and
ramps. bearings/hinges.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

T a b l e 7 120 operating hours or at least every 6 months (cont'd.)


7. Centrifugal brake linkage Spray can with multipurpose Lubricate bearings and slide
and control cable. oil type WD 40 or equivalent surfaces. Use the spray can’s
additional extension tube to
apply the oil inside the con-
trol cable’s external hose.
• Roof trapdoor and electric Spray can with multipurpose
cabinet hinges. oil type WD 40 or equivalent
• Hydraulic car to landing Shell Gadus S3 V220C2 or Grease nipples.
lock device – where equivalent
P/N 3001396-107
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Table 8 2000 operating hours or at least every 2 years


10. Gear box Alioil VN P/N 2.9 lit. (.77 US gal) Change oil.
• Hydraulic car to ISO VG 32 or Q8 Hin- 6.9 lit. (1.82 US gal) Change oil and the
landing lock device demith LT P/N 5402 breather at the same
– where applicable 101-312 time.

The lubricating oil grades indicated above have been used when the equipment is delivered from the
factory. Only oil recommended by Alimak Hek shall be used.
If changing to other oil, the gear box and air filter must first be carefully cleaned.

Lubricant harmful in contact with skin and lungs.

Always use protective gloves and dust mask.

Possible risks of irreversible effects. See applicable
Material Safety Data Sheet.
Fig E52
Web site: www.alimakhek.com
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Falling hazard.

Always use a fall arresting device if there is a need to climb

above the safety railing to reach the rack or other items to
lubricate or inspect. Remember to switch off and lock out
the car main ON/OFF switch if you intend to do so.
Can cause severe injury or death.

Fig E53

5. Car and landing door interlock

Regularly also check the location of the landing door interlock rel-
ative the lift car.


Fig E54
A. Distance between sills + 5 mm; –0 mm (+13⁄64 in; –0 in)
B. 145 mm (545⁄64 in)
C. Distance between the triangular shaped interlock cams on car and the landing
door interlock cam shall be 15 ± 5 mm (19⁄32 in ±13⁄64 in), with door/s fully
D. Car
E. Landing door front

Car door A

780 mm type bi-folding door 28 mm (17⁄64")

780 & 1040 mm type horizontal sliding door 27 mm (11⁄16")

1300 & 1560 mm type horizontal sliding door 25 mm (63⁄64")

1560 & 1820 mm type vertical sliding car door 28 mm (17⁄64")

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig E55
A. ATEX approved rotary device for Ex. proof SE lifts

Fig E56
A. Door actuator for regular SE lifts

Fig E57
Door interlock for manually operated bi-folding car door combined with double /
single leaf swing door at the landing
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Fig E58
Door interlock for horizontal, manually sliding car door combined with double /
single leaf swing door at the landing

Fig E59
Door interlock for vertical, manually operated sliding car door combined with dou-
ble / single leaf swing door at the landing

Fig E60
Door interlock for vertically, manually operated sliding car door combined with
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

horizontally, manually bi-parting sliding door at the landing


1. Electric troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

1. Electric troubleshooting
Advice concerning procedures for troubleshooting
All forms of troubleshooting require adapting the procedure to the
function and structure of the equipment in question and to other
conditions which may be local in nature. For example, the erection
site, maintenance, previous operational disturbances, etc. The main
principles for all forms of troubleshooting in electric systems are
presented below. Troubleshooting is carried out with the aid of a
test lamp or voltmeter. We recommend a voltmeter – preferably a
universal instrument – for rapid and reliable troubleshooting.

Hazardous voltage Fig F1
Only authorized electricians or authorized service
personnel can carry out work on the electrical equipment.

Can cause severe injury or death.

1. Use the circuit diagram. This diagram is located in a box in-

tended for this purpose in the car. This shows how the electric
equipment should function, and how it is built and connected.

a. Check that the stopping circuit is not broken, in other

words that thermal relays and phase failure relays have
not been actuated and that the limit switches for the safety
device, roof trapdoors etc. have their contacts closed.
Make sure that stop buttons, including buttons on land- Fig F2
ings, are not in the depressed position. When the stopping
circuit is unbroken, the main contactor, shall be in the
”ON” position.
b. Check that the normal and final terminal switches for
”Up” and ”Down” respectively function are as intended.
2. Connect the voltmeter/test lamp between the zero terminal and
the terminal as indicated on the circuit diagram, and check that
Fig F3
power is supplied where it should be supplied. Go through
For more detailed information re the VFC in-
each terminal, one by one, and work methodically so that the verter refer to separate manual P/N 9081 536
circuits which function correctly can be eliminated and the - sub.
fault can be localized.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

3. Begin at the bottom landing by checking that power is sup-

plied on all three phases of the incoming main voltage.
4. Check that the outgoing lift cable(s) receives power when the
main switch is switched on.
5. Now begin troubleshooting in the lift car by checking that the
power reaches the car.
6. Check in the equipment cabinet to ensure that power occurs
on all three phases of the incoming cable from the ground
7. Check that the ”Up” and ”Down” pulses from the push-but-
tons and control devices reach the electric cabinet in the car in
the intended manner.

8. Make a trial run and check that the coil on the relevant contac-
tor (Up, Down) receives power and that it is actuated.

Check also that the brake contactor is actuated and that the
brake coil is energized so that the brake releases.
9. If the fault does not occur in the lift operating system but in its
lighting or signal system, carry out fault tracing in a manner
similar to that described above, in other words check the cir-
cuits methodically one by one until you have narrowed down
the fault and localized it.
Experience shows that certain fault causes have symptoms which,
in turn, may indicate the cause and the probable location of the
Symptom Probable cause Probable fault location
a. Control fuses blow immediately.
Short-circuit, equipment grounded. Damaged control cable, damaged push-but-
ton, limit switch etc. located ”outside”, usu-
ally on landing.
b. Fuse blows after a short time.
Equipment partially grounded, Damp or water in limit switch, connection
overload. box, door lock, etc due to damaged electric
installation. Improperly connected new
c. Lift stops or cannot be started.
Limit switch in stopping circuit has Stop push-button depressed, door open,
tripped/been actuated, blown fuse. thermal relay actuated due to overload or
careless operation, open trapdoor, switch*
in safety device actuated, power failure from
supplying network. See also a) and b) above.
d. Lift does not come when called
Broken stopping circuit. Door not fully closed, emergency stop but-
ton depressed.
e. Lift stops and can be restarted,
Switch actuated in the stopping Door switch too close to the cam.
but then stops again.
* The switch is set the factory and may not be adjusted.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US


Main principles for electric troubleshooting in stop circuit – control voltage 230V, 50/60Hz.

Fig F4

The terminal numbers listed below apply to this diagram only. The procedure for testing other
electric equipment with other terminal numbers is carried out in a corresponding manner as
described below.
1. Switch on the main ON/OFF switch and close the gate/doors.
2. Check that the final switch is in the ”ON” position.
3. Obtain the circuit diagrams and lists which are kept in the cabinet used for this purpose in
the lift car.
4. Then test with a voltmeter or test lamp between the zero terminal and the terminals in the
electric cabinet according to the following:
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

Test Result Conclusion

Between the zero terminal and last terminal in stop- no reaction fault located in stopping circuit
ping circuit.

Terminal 322 according to diagram in example


Then test each terminal in the stopping circuit systematically, beginning from the transformer.

between zero terminal and terminal 301 reaction the circuit is intact to and incl. terminal 301

between zero terminal and terminal 304 reaction the circuit is intact to and incl. terminal 304

between zero terminal and terminal 314 reaction the circuit is intact to and incl. terminal 314

between zero terminal and terminal 316 reaction the circuit is intact to and incl. terminal 316

between zero terminal and terminal 318 reaction the circuit is intact to and incl. terminal 318

between zero terminal and terminal 320 no reaction the circuit is not intact to and incl. terminal 320

Probable fault location: element C11.

The diagram indicates that C11 is a slack rope switch,

located on the car roof.


• a foreign object between the switch and the cam.

• unbalanced counterweight wire ropes.

• a loosened wire rope.


Check the mechanical function and connection of the switch. Adjust the counterweight wire ropes, if necessary.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

1. Check list
2. Tightening torque
3. Recycling
4. Additional copies
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

1. Check list
Use the following pages for the Lift’s periodic service intervals.
Make additional copies as required.

Check List
Items refer to the Service and Maintenance Instructions in the manual.

Name of company Machine type Serial No.

Site Inspector Month Year

Inspection Date Remark Taken care of


....................... date

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US


Inspection Date Remark Taken care of

........................ date

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US


Place Date Year Signature

/ 20

2. Tightening torque
Recommendations according to the chart on the following page ap-
ply in general except for:
Alimak Mast bolt, dim. 1" UNC galv.
• Torque : 300 Nm (220 lbf × ft)

• Spanner size : 1½"

Fig 1

Alimak Scaffold clamp ⌀76 mm galv.

• Torque : 150 Nm (110 lbf × ft)

• Spanner size : 28 mm


Fig 2

Alimak Scaffold clamp ⌀76 mm galv.

• Torque : 220 Nm (163 lbf × ft)
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

• Spanner size : 24 or 27 mm


Fig 3

2.1 Recommended torques

The chart applies to galvanized bolts and nuts of strength class 8.8
– dry surface.
Dimension Spanner Galvanized steel (Stainless steel A4 80)
Torque Torque1 Fig 4

mm/in Nm lbf x ft Nm lbf x ft A. Additional PAL lock nut

Tighten the standard nut to torque prescribed
M6 10 10 7 3.5 2.5 in this manual.
M8 13 24 18 8 6 Additional PAL lock nut is assembled by hand
and tightened with wrench further 90 - 180°.
M 10 17 47 35 16 12
M 12 19 81 60 28 20.5
M 14 22 128 95 44 32.5
M 16 24 198 146 67.5 50
M 20 30 386 285 132 97.5
M 24 36 668 493 228.5 168.5
¼" UNC 7⁄16" 11 8 4 3
⅜" UNC 9⁄16" 39 29 13.5 10
½" UNC ¾" 94 69 32 24
⅝" UNC 15⁄16" 186 137 64 47
¾" UNC 1⅛" 327 241 112 82.5
1" UNC 1½" 783 577 268 198
1¼" UNC 1⅞" 1549 1142 530 391

1. Tightening torque for stainless steel material quality A2 70 is 25% less.

Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

3. Recycling
Contact local authorities for information about how to dismantle
the product properly. By ensuring that it is handled correctly, you
contribute to preventing possible environmental and health prob-
lems. Before dismantling, complete the following steps:
• Drain gear box and hydraulic cylinders (if any) of oil. Collect
drained oil in marked containers for this purpose.

• Dismantle glass.

• Dismantle and sort electronics, such as ALC, cables and


• Dismantle and sort rubber and plastic details such as car interior,
hoses, seals and bushings.

• Dismantle car and wipe it clean on the inside and outside. Sepa-
rate aluminum components.
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

4. Additional copies

Ad d itio n a l c o p ie s ...

...c a n b e o rd e re d u s in g th e o rd e rin g fo rm b e lo w.

Technical Docum ent Dept .
P.O. Box 720
SE- 931 27 S ke lle fte å
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

.. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. pcs Techni cal De s cription Part No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. pcs Da ta s he e t No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. pcs Ope ra tor’s Ma nua l Part No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. pcs Ins ta lla tion Ma nua l Part No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. pcs Spare Parts Ma nua l Part No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* To
Compa ny: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Released B 2014-02-05 2534 en-US

De pt./Na me : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Addre s s : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Country: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* Kindly s ta te the invoicing a ddre s s if othe r tha n cus tome r.
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