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Hydrobiologia 411: 65–70, 1999.

© 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Reproduction of the annual fish Cynopoecilus melanotaenia (Regan, 1912)

in a temporary water body in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
(Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae)

Alexandre Arenzon, Alberto Carvalho Peret & Maria Beatriz Camino Bohrer
Ecology Center, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), CP. 15007, Porto Alegre 91501-970, Brazil
E-mail: alex@ecologia.ufrgs.br

Accepted 10 February 1999

Key words: annual fish, reproduction, Cynopoecilus melanotaenia, Brazil

The reproductive cycle of the annual fish Cynopoecilus melanotaenia was studied in its natural environment, in
order to obtain relevant information about its biology. This data would be valuable for culturing optimization in
the laboratory. A total of 797 specimens of C. melanotaenia were collected on a monthly basis between April 1994
and March 1995 in a temporary water body, located in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The frequency distribution
of oocyte diameters indicates a continuous spawning life history style over a long period of time. The estimated
Lpm to females was 18.55 mm, when they are 54 days old.

Introduction such as the reproduction of the species. Information

about spawning type, reproduction period and size
Annual fish, are defined as a group of Cyprinodon- at the onset of maturity is extremely important. The
tiformes fish that can be found in temporary ponds, present study aims to obtain such information on the
ditches and mudholes occurring in some parts of South annual fish C. melanotaenia.
America and Africa that dry out seasonally (Myers,
1942). The complete drying out of that aquatic hab-
itat leads to the death of all adult and juvenile fish. Material and methods
The population survives as buried eggs for up to 18
months according to Wourms (1972). When the next From April 1994 to March 1995, specimens of C.
rainy season comes, a new reproductive cycle begins, melanotaenia were collected in a temporary water
ponds refill and embryos hatch. In addition, the larval body, located in Tramandaí city, in the north of the
fish rapidly grow, become sexually mature and spawn Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
repeatedly over a long period (Myers, 1942, 1952; (29 ◦ 580 4800 and 29 ◦ 580 5400 S; 50 ◦ 140 1200 and
Carvalho, 1957; Walford & Liu, 1965; Lacerda, 1969; 50 ◦ 140 20" W). Specimens were collected monthly
Costa, 1990; Arenzon, 1996). using a hand net of 2 mm mesh. No specimens were
Because of fast corporal growth, precocious sexual collected during December 1994, when the water body
maturity and long reproductive period, these annual was dry. The following data were obtained for each
fish seem to present the basic characteristics to the spe- specimen: total length in mm (Lt), sex and gonadal
cies to be used in toxicity tests. Some species can even developmental stage. In females, ovary macroscopic
become sexually mature after 6–8 weeks of life (Vaz- characteristics, such as size, kind and oocyte size
Ferreira et al., 1964; Walfourd & Liu, 1965; Weitzman where used for the identification of developmental
& Wourms, 1967; Arenzon, 1996). stage. The following stages were establishe: Initial
The culture of test organisms in the laboratory im- Development (D I), Intermediate Development (D II),
plies previous knowledge of biological characteristics Advanced Development (D III) and Mature (D IV).

The spawning period was defined by monthly ovary is still tubiform, measuring about 1.025 mm in
analysis of the frequency distribution of females at length.
different gonadal developmental stages.
To assess gonadal maturity, oocyte total number D III – Advanced Development
was counted and oocyte diameters measured in the D
III and D IV stages. Gonads were kept in Gilson’s At this stage a further increase in gonadal size ocurs.
fluid until the complete detachment of oocytes from It becomes more robust and compact, due to a higher
connective tissue. After that, the oocytes were counted number of oocytes of intermediate size. The ovary
and measured under a microscope using a calibrated measures about 1.75 mm, and the oocytes have a
stage micrometer. stronger difference in size (0.05–0.325 mm).
Female size at the onset of the reproductive stage
was estimated from the relative frequency distribution D IV – Mature
of Mature stage (D IV) in each length class (2 mm in-
tervals). This size corresponds to the class where 50% The ovary is turgid and with irregular surface because
of specimens are in the Mature stage (Santos, 1978). of the presence of large mature oocytes. There is a
The line fitted to the data corresponds to: Frequency = strong variability in oocyte number (from 49 to 219)
l - (eaLt ). and size (0.05–1.375 mm). The ovary length is also
variable, depending on the number of oocytes. Once
in this stage, fish are considered adults. Two kinds
Results of oocytes are considered mature. They differ in the
presence or absence of a secondary chorionic layer,
A total of 797 specimens was collected (433 female, called secondary envelope. The majority of the oo-
356 male and 8 juveniles). The smallest individuals cytes do not show this secondary envelope yet. The
whose sex could be determined, measured 10.5 mm oocytes with this elaborated surface ornamentation are
and 8.2 mm, male and female, respectively. Specimens present in an assorted number (1–15). It can have a
that could not be sexed were considered as juveniles. maximum diameter of 1.375 mm, minimum diameter
C. melanotaenia has paired ovaries, of which an- of 1.025 mm and an average diameter of 1.15 mm
terior end is free, while the posterior one continues (CV= 8.46%).
into a little oviduct. Each ovary is covered with a thin No other developmental stage was observed, as
peritoneal covering. Ovaries are usually of the same well as any return to the last developed stages.
size in the initial gonadal development stages. How- C. melanotaenia did not have a specific reproduc-
ever, in more advanced stages, the left and the right tion period. The mature stage was absent only during
side can have different sizes. December 1994 (dry period) and January 1995 (Fig-
Considering the gonadal macroscopic observations ure 1). In January 1995, only specimens with total
of females, the gonadal development stages were length smaller than the size at the beginning of the
described as following: reproductive stage were collected. This information is
confirmed by observations in the laboratory, where we
D I – Initial Development kept the same males and females reproducing for more
than a year.
The ovaries are small, tubiform and translucent, meas- The monthly frequency distribution (%) of the dif-
uring about 0.75 mm in length. The oocytes are spher- ferent gonadal developmental stages related to female
ical, of relatively uniformed size (0.05–0.125 mm). length indicated that gonadal development follows the
The number of oocytes is small. They do not occupy specimens’ development (Figure 2). Thus, the Initial
all the interstitial gonadal space. Development stage (D I) occurs between a length of
8.20 and 14.20 mm, the Intermediate Development
D II – Intermediate Development stage (D II) between 10.20 and 20.20 mm, the Ad-
vanced Development stage (D III) between 14.20 and
The ovaries are larger and less transparent due to a 24.20 and the Mature stage (D IV) between 16.20 and
higher oocyte number. Oocytes occupy all intersti- 34.20 mm.
tial gonadal space. It is possible to observe a marked The estimated size of the females at the beginning
difference in oocytes diameter (0.05–0.25 mm). The of the reproductive stage was as 18.55 mm (Figure 3).

Figure 1. Monthly gonadal developmental stages frequency distribution (%) of females of Cynopoecilus melanotaenia, collected from April
1994 to March 1995 in a temporary water body, located in the north of the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.

Figure 2. Relative frequency distribution of the gonadal developmental stages in each total length class for females of Cynopoecilus melanot-
aenia collected from April 1994 to March 1995 in a temporary water body, located in the north of the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul State,

Figure 3. Relative frequency distribution of the Mature stage (D IV) in each total length class for females of Cynopoecilus melanotaenia
collected from April 1994 to March 1995 in temporary water body, located in the north of the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.

Discussion protected against desiccation. But, since the proposed

functions are not mutually exclusive, the secondary
Our study showed a non-cyclic gonadal development envelope may serve all four purposes.
in C. melanotaenia, with very particular develop- C. melanotaenia has internal fertilization (Meyer
mental characteristics. Thus, it was necessary to create & Lydeard, 1993). However, in oocytes that have sec-
a specific gonadal maturity scale, adapted to this ondary envelopes, it is not possible to know if it still is
species, as suggested by Naumov (1959). an oocyte or a fertilized egg. The only exception to this
Two kinds of oocytes can be considered mature. situation is when, in mature stage ovaries, we found
Both types present similar dimensions and differ only eggs at the beginning of embryonic development,
in the presence or absence of a secondary chorionic suggesting zygoparity as a mode of reproduction.
envelope. This secondary envelope is deposited on the Length at the beginning of gonadal maturation
upper surface of the primary envelope and concludes (Lpm) can indicate the gonadal development velocity
the oocyte development (Wourms, 1976). Wourms & of the species.This process is extremely fast in C.
Sheldon (1976), using electron microscopy, sugges- melanotaenia. Females can reach Lpm at 1.78 months
ted three theories about the possible function of this of age. Based on the observed data from the second
secondary envelope. The eggs of annual fishes are collection after the dry period (February 1995) 72%
exposed to partial desiccation during the dry season of females were at the Mature stage. These females
and the secondary egg envelopes function as chorionic showed a maximum age of 54 days or 1.8 months.
plastrons. Alternatively the spikes on the egg envel- The average water temperature during this period was
ope may serve to anchor it in place either when it is 25 ◦ C. Tanizaki (1988) reports that after the appear-
deposited or when the habitat is refilled with water. ance of a new generation of Cynolebias, it attains
According to the third theory, a function of ‘shock sexual maturity after 60 days, and starts to spawn.
absorber’ and spatial barrier can be suggested. Vaz-Ferreira et al. (1964) reports that C. bellottii also
A new theory is here proposed taking into con- attains sexual maturity after 60 days. Wootton (1990)
sideration our laboratory observation. When eggs are presents the Cyprinodontiformes, among fish, as the
in contact with the sediment of the water body, and lower extreme to the necessary period of sexual mat-
sediment adheres to the surface, among the spike-like uration, since they can become mature after only a few
projections of the secondary envelope, this conveys weeks. This reproductive characteristic is as a strategy

to avoid local extinction, since the period between of time. In addition, these strategies make it possible
hatching and death of the fish is very short under to hatch the ‘stocked’ eggs to get newborn larval fish
natural conditions. whenever it is necessary.
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