FSG301 - Video Script

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FSG301 ( video script)

1st slide – Do you know, In Malaysia, a national survey has revealed that Malaysians aged from
13 to 17 are critically suffering from mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.
Therefore, it raises the question on what actually causes the mental health issues ?
2nd slide - All teens are different and mental health can be triggered by a number of factors.
Knowing the signs won’t be enough to know what actually causing it.. so, you need to fully know the
common causes of it and to be fully aware of how to deal with it. The potential sources of mental
health includes :
Academic Tension, Family Problems, Social Pressure and Physical Stress.
3rd slide - Academic Tension – Firstly, are academic tension. The pressure to perform
academically and better is one of the most common causes of high school tension. Teenagers often
worry about a lot of things like completing school work, projects and reports, studying for an exam,
and about the colleges to apply to. This kind of pressure may be increased by the teachers and parent’s
expectations for the child’s performance which the child try to please or rather is pushed by the
parent’s expectations and what they want the child to do at school or in life.
4th slide - Family Problems – Secondly are family problems. Anything that affects the family
impacts the teenager directly. Disagreements within a family all too often decline into yelling matches
and character assassinations – either that, or they are suppressed and repressed. Children who have
repeatedly observed these destructive responses to conflict are likely to be ill equipped to manage the
disagreements that will certainly arise in their own lives and relationships. In addition, there are many
different experiences that can constitute trauma. For instance, a traumatic event where children who
witness domestic violence or are victims of abuse themselves are at serious risk for long-term
physical and mental health problems.
5th slide - Social Pressure – Thirdly are social pressure. Teenagers tend to get influenced by
their surroundings easily. In fact, social media is a primary source of anxiety and pressure for
adolescents. Teens become depressed when they compare their lives to the people they follow on
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. they have a persistent need to be accepted by their peers by being
in the popular ‘groups’, attending parties , hanging out with their friends and be cool.
6th slide - Physical stress – Last but not least, physical stress can be classified as financial
stress, significant life changes and world event. Like adults, teens experience stress due to significant
life changes such as moving and starting a new school. Moreover, we might not notice but the
financial problems that a family faces are felt the same way in teenagers. The worry of getting into
college, paying for college and taking a loan for the reason could lead to teen stress. Not only students
are trying hard to cope with online learning, but hearing bits and pieces of scary news, such as the
pandemic going on, can leave teens wondering about their safety and the safety of their loved ones.

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