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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

1980, Vol. 39, No. 4, 578-589

Insensitivity to Sample Bias:

Generalizing From Atypical Cases
Ruth Hamill Timothy DeCamp Wilson
University of Michigan University of Virginia
Richard E. Nisbett
University of Michigan

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether subjects take into ac-
count the representativeness of a sample before generalizing from the sample
to a population. Subjects were presented with vivid one-case samples of pop-
ulations—a welfare recipient in one study and a prison guard in another. Sub-
jects were then asked to rate the population (of welfare recipients or prison
guards) on a number of dimensions. Exposure to the sample case influenced
attitudes about the population whether subjects were told nothing about the
typicality of the case, were told that the case was highly typical of the popula-
tion, or were told that the case was highly atypical of the population. The re-
sults suggest that, at least when information about sample bias is pallid and
information about the nature of the sample is vivid, people may make unwar-
ranted generalizations from samples to populations.

Much of our knowledge of the world may For inductive inferences to qualify as valid,
be thought of as inductive generalizations they should be based on samples of reasonable
from samples to populations. For example, size and representativeness. There is substan-
beliefs about members of a particular occupa- tial evidence, however, that people are not
tional group or ethnic group often are based very sensitive to sample size considerations.
on inductive generalizations from personal Tversky and Kahneman (1971; Kahneman
samples of the occupational or ethnic popula- & Tversky, 1972) have shown that people
tion. Similarly, beliefs about a particular city (including even scientists with strong back-
often are influenced by one's personal sample grounds in statistics) are insufficiently im-
of the population of experiences to be had in pressed by large samples and are unduly re-
the city, and one's beliefs about a friend are sponsive to small samples. In daily life, this
based largely on samples of the population of tendency could result in judgments and ac-
the friend's behaviors. tions that are not well justified by the avail-
able evidence. For example, people may buy
a car or take a college course (Borgida &
This research was supported by Grants BNS Nisbett, 1977) on the recommendation of one
75-23191 and BNS 79-14094 from the National or two people and may not trouble themselves
Science Foundation. The authors are indebted to
Ronald Lemley and Harold Neighbors for their to seek out larger samples even when addi-
portrayals of prison guards, to Amos Tversky for tional information is readily available.
design suggestions, and to Lee Ross and Keith The literature also provides some indica-
Sentis for helpful comments on a previous draft of tions that people may be insufficiently sensi-
the manuscript.
Ruth Hamill is now at the Department of Political tive to the possibility of sample bias. Nisbett
Science, State University of New York at Stony and Borgida (197S) presented descriptions
Brook. of two psychology experiments to subjects and
Requests for reprints should be sent to Richard E.
Nisbett, Institute for Social Research, University of asked them to predict the behavior of the
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. population of participants in the experiments.

Copyright 1980 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-3514/80/3904-0578$00.75


Prior to making their predictions, some sub- of inferences that can be drawn from the
jects were shown videotaped interviews with sample, such as the size of the sample or
a sample of two participants, both of whom how biased it might be, is generally pallid
had behaved in an extreme, unanticipated and uninteresting. If, as Nisbett and his col-
way. Subjects exposed to the sample pre- leagues propose, information is utilized in
dicted that the extreme behavior was the inference in proportion to its vividness, people
modal behavior for the population. They did exposed to a biased but highly vivid sample
so to the same extent regardless of whether might generalize to the population even when
the basis of selection of the samples was un- they are informed that the sample is highly
specified (and therefore might have been atypical of the population in some important
biased in some way) or was explicitly de- respect.
scribed as random.
A study by Ross, Amabile, and Steinmetz
(1977) also suggested that people may be in- Study 1
sensitive to sample bias. They asked two col-
lege students to participate in a general Method
knowledge quiz. One subject was designated Overview
as the questioner and was asked to generate
Attitudes toward the population of welfare re-
10 "challenging but not impossible" questions cipients in the U.S. were assessed. Subjects were
from his store of general knowledge. The randomly assigned to one of six conditions—four
other subject, the contestant, attempted to experimental and two control. All experimental sub-
answer these questions and then rated both jects read a booklet containing a description of an
his own level of general knowledge and the irresponsible woman who had been on welfare for
many years. Experimental subjects in the typical
questioner's. Contestants rated the questioners sample condition read statistics about welfare re-
as being much more knowledgeable than cipients that made it clear that the woman was
themselves. They were apparently insuffi- typical of welfare recipients with respect to the
ciently responsive to the obvious source of length of her stay on welfare. Subjects in the
atypical sample condition read statistics that made
bias in the questions generated by the ques- it clear that the woman had been on welfare much
tioners—that is, those questions were drawn longer than was common. Half of the subjects
from that small portion of general knowledge within each of these experimental conditions were
for which the questioner happened to know provided with the sampling information before they
all the answers. read the article, and half were presented with the
information after they read the article, thus form-
The Nisbett and Borgida (1975) study ing four experimental groups. After reading the
suggests that people may be insufficiently description of the welfare case, all experimental
sensitive to the superiority of random sam- subjects responded to a dependent measure question-
ples over samples for which the basis of selec- naire on attitudes toward welfare recipients.
Two control groups also participated. None of the
tion is unspecified. The Ross et al. (1977) subjects in either control group read the description
study suggests that some sources of extreme of the welfare recipient, and all responded to the
bias may not be highly salient to people or dependent measure questionnaire. To determine
that they may make insufficient adjustments whether the (quite favorable) statistical informa-
for the bias. These findings raise the possibility tion presented to atypical sample experimental sub-
that people will make inductive generaliza- jects would by itself make subjects more favorably
tions even when it is clear that the sample is disposed toward welfare recipients, one group of
highly biased with respect to relevant param- control subjects, the informed group, was presented
eters. with this statistical information. The uninformed
control group received no information prior to
Nisbett and Borgida (1975) and Nisbett
answering the questionnaire. Some of these subjects,
and Ross (1980) speculated that an impor- however, were given a short quiz concerning their
tant reason for people's imperfect utilization knowledge about welfare recipients. This allowed
of inductive principles is that information us to ascertain naive subject assumptions about
about the sample itself, such as concrete de- length of stay on welfare. After completing the
tails about a particular person, is vivid and dependent measure questionnaire, all subjects were
interesting. Information pertinent to the kinds debriefed.

Subjects clearly specified. The article was preceded (for one

group of 20 subjects) or followed (for another 20
The subjects were 127 University of Michigan subjects) by a prominent "Editor's Note," stating
introductory psychology students of both sexes.1 the following statistics:
Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the six
conditions as they arrived at the experiment. They Statistics from the New York State Department
were seated in individual booths and given the ap- of Welfare show that the average length of time
propriate instructions and materials for their con- on welfare for recipients between the ages of 40
dition. and 55 is 2 years. Furthermore, 90% of these
people are off the welfare rolls by the end of 4
years. The author of the following (preceding)
Experimental Conditions article interviewed a woman in the age range de-
Subjects in the two experimental conditions were scribed by these statistics. The account below
presented with a vivid magazine article describing (above) is based on these interviews.
a welfare case. For these subjects, the study was
presented as a survey dealing with college student Typical sample condition. For the subjects in this
tastes in magazine articles. They were told they condition, the Editor's Note (which preceded the
would read an article from a popular magazine and article for 20 subjects and followed the article for
then express their opinions about its content and the other 20) was written so as to make it seem as
style. The article (Sheehan, 1975) was an abridged though our sample case was a very typical welfare
version of a piece from the New Yorker and pre- recipient. The average length of stay on welfare was
sented the "sample" case for subjects. The article described as 15 years, and subjects were told that
provided a detailed description of the history and "90% of these people are still on the welfare rolls
current life situation of a 43-year-old, obese, after 8 years."
friendly, irresponsible, ne'er-do-well woman who had In all experimental conditions, the dependent mea-
lived in New York City for 16 years, the last 13 of sures assessing attitudes toward welfare were intro-
which had been spent on welfare. The woman had duced by stating that
emigrated from Puerto Rico after a brief, unhappy
teenage marriage that produced three children. Her It is often the case with articles on political and
life in New York was an endless succession of com- social issues that people's general views on these
mon-law husbands, children at roughly 18-month topics affect their reactions to the articles. In
intervals, and dependence on welfare. She and her order to determine whether this is the case with
family lived from day to day, eating high-priced the article you have just read, we would appre-
cuts of meat and playing the numbers on the days ciate it if you would answer the questions below.
immediately after the welfare check arrived, and
eating beans and borrowing money on the days pre- After responding to the dependent measures, sub-
ceding its arrival. Her dwelling was a decaying, jects were asked to recall as best they could the
malodorous apartment overrun with cockroaches statistics presented to them about the average stay
and filled with shoddy, plastic-covered furniture on welfare.
bought on time at outrageous prices. Her children
attended school as they pleased. They began to run Control Conditions
afoul of the law in their early teens, and by early
adulthood they were hopelessly enmeshed in a life of Control subjects were assigned to one of two
drugs, numbers-running, and welfare. groups, although all control subjects were told that
Our sample welfare case is a vivid embodiment of their attitudes toward welfare would be assessed,
cultural stereotypes about welfare recipients, but and none read about the welfare case before re-
she is in fact quite atypical. Of the women aged sponding to the dependent measures.
18-54 in the United States who have been on wel- Informed condition. One group of subjects
fare at all in a 10-year period, only a minority (« = 21) was asked to respond to a "Did you
have been on welfare for more than 2 consecutive know?" quiz about welfare before completing the
years or for more than 4 total years in any 10-year dependent measure questionnaire. In addition to
period. The proportion of all welfare recipients for several filler items, subjects were asked to indicate
whom more than half of total financial support whether or not they had previously known that
conies from welfare for as much as 9 of the 10 "the average length of time on welfare for recipi-
years, is quite small—less than 10% (Rein & Rain- ents between the ages of 40 and 55 in New York
water, 1977). Thus our sample welfare case was state is 2 years" and that "90% of the people in the
actually quite uncharacteristic of the population of above age range in New York are off the welfare rolls
all welfare recipients with respect to the duration by the end of 4 years." This statistical information
and extent of her dependence on welfare. A version
of this statistical information was provided to sub-
jects in the atypical sample condition. There were no sex differences for any of the
Atypical sample condition. For two groups of major dependent variables in either Study 1 or
subjects, the atypicality of our sample case was Study 2.

was identical to that presented to atypical sample were off the rolls by 4.25 years. Subjects in
subjects, and it was expected to provide information the typical sample condition were told that
about length of stay on welfare that would be much
more favorable than subjects' previously-held be- the average length of stay was 15 years and
liefs. This manipulation made it possible to assess that 90 % of recipients were still on the rolls
the effects on attitudes of the favorable statistical at the end of 8 years. Subjects in this condi-
information alone, without exposure to the sample tion were also fairly accurate: Their mean
welfare case.
Uninformed condition. Subjects in the unin-
estimates were that the average stay was 14.8
formed condition (n = 26) were given no statistical years and that 90% were still on the rolls at
information and simply responded to the dependent the end of 11.2 years. Subjects who received
measures. the statistical information before reading the
Assessing prior beliefs about welfare. Some of the article did not differ significantly in the ac-
subjects in the uninformed control condition (n =
16) were given a quiz about welfare prior to the curacy of their recall from subjects who re-
dependent measures. Among several filler questions, ceived the information after reading the ar-
subjects were asked, "What is the average length of ticle (and therefore much closed to the time
time on welfare for recipients between the ages of of the recall measure).
40 and 55 in New York State?" and "After how
many years are 90% of the recipients in the above
age range off welfare?" This questionnaire allowed Effects of Exposure to the Sample
us to determine naive beliefs about the average
length of stay on welfare. Table 1 presents mean attitudes toward
welfare recipients for the experimental condi-
Dependent Measures tions and for the combined controls.8 The
manipulation of order of presentation of
Subjects responded to a number of filler items, sampling information (before or after reading
including several items assessing attitudes toward
the welfare system.2 Subjects then responded to
the article) had only trivial and nonsignificant
seven S - 7-point scales assessing their attitudes effects on attitudes toward welfare recipients
toward welfare recipients. Two examples are given for both typical and atypical sample condi-
below. tions, so results were collapsed across this
variable for both conditions. Similarly, the
Even if they had ample financial support, many
people on welfare would lead disorganized, socially two control groups differed only trivially, so
unproductive lives (1 = strongly agree, 6 = strongly results for the two groups were combined.
disagree). It may be seen that exposure to the sample
How hard do people on welfare work to improve welfare case produced unfavorable attitudes
their situations? (1 = not at all hard, 5 = ex- toward welfare recipients. Results from Dun-
tremely hard). nett's procedure for comparing each experi-
mental group mean with the control group
Responses to the seven items were summed to
create the dependent measure. mean show that there was a significant dif-
ference between the typical sampling informa-
Results tion group and the control group, i(121) =
2.96, p < .01, as well as a significant differ-
Manipulation Checks ence between the atypical sampling informa-
At the end of the experiment, subjects in tion group and the control group, £(121) =
the experimental conditions were asked to 2.50, p < .05. Moreover, the typical sample
recall the statistics about welfare recipients group and the atypical sample group differed
that had comprised the sampling information only trivially from each other: The uncor-
manipulation. Subjects in the atypical sample
condition had been told that the average 2
The manipulations had no effect on attitudes
length of stay on welfare for New York State toward the welfare system.
recipients between the ages of 40 and SS was Two subjects from the atypical sample informa-
2 years and that 90% were off the rolls by the tion group and one from the typical sample infor-
mation group failed to answer at least one of the
end of four years. Subjects' recall was fairly questions concerning welfare recipients and were
accurate: Their mean estimates were that the therefore excluded from the analysis of attitudes
average stay was 2.85 years and that 90% toward recipients.

Table 1 and that the length of time required to re-

Means and Standard Deviations of Attitudes move 90% of recipients from the rolls was
Toward Welfare Recipients for Groups 21 years). The particular welfare case pre-
Exposed to a Typical Sample, an Atypical sented to subjects in the atypical sample con-
Sample, or No Sample dition was disturbing, to be sure, but subjects
knew that the central figure was quite atypi-
Subject group
cal in at least one important respect. The total
Combined package of information available to subjects
Typical Atypical control in this condition amounted to the knowledge
sample sample condition that there existed at least one irresponsible
Measure (» = 39) (w = 38) (n = 47)
welfare recipient who had been on welfare
M 20.18" 20.68 b
23.45 about as long as they previously had thought
SD 5.04 4.80 5.36 was typical, plus the knowledge that the
average recipient was on welfare for a much
Note. The higher the mean, the more favorable the shorter time period than they had thought.
attitude toward welfare recipients. Univariate F(2, This information would appear, on logical
121) = 5.22, p < .0007.
" Differs from the control condition at p < .01, based grounds, to be more consistent with favorable
Dunnett's procedure. inferences about welfare recipients than with
Differs from the control condition at p < .05, based unfavorable inferences.
on Dunnett's procedure.
Failure of Statistical Information Alone
reeled (and therefore overly liberal) t con- to Influence Attitudes
trasting the two groups was .44 (p > .25).
The failure of the statistical information
Normative Considerations by itself to have any effect on attitudes
should be noted. It will be recalled that the
The results indicate that subjects in both informed control subjects were provided with
experimental conditions made unfavorable in- the favorable welfare statistics before re-
ferences about the welfare population. Though sponding to the dependent measures. Logi-
the two groups of experimental subjects made cally, it might have been expected that this
similar inferences, the degree of logical justi- information would have had a favorable ef-
fication for the inferences differs sharply be- fect on attitudes toward welfare recipients.
tween the two groups. Indeed, to refuse to change opinions in a
Subjects in the typical sample condition favorable direction after finding out that
would seem to be quite justified in their lengthy stays on welfare are very much rarer
negative inferences. They read about a wel- than one had thought is tantamount to as-
fare recipient, described as typical at least serting the curious belief that average length
with respect to her degree of dependence on of stay on welfare is irrelevant to an evalu-
welfare, whose life was a tangle of social ation of the character and motives of recipi-
pathology and personal irresponsibility. It is ents. Yet attitudes of the informed control
not unreasonable for subjects to infer from group did not differ from those of the un-
this information base that welfare recipients informed group, *(45) = 1.02, p > .25. This
may be more incorrigible than they had finding is similar to observations made by
thought. Nisbett and Borgida (1975; Borgida & Nis-
In contrast, subjects in the atypical sample bett, 1977; Nisbett, Borgida, Crandall, &
condition would seem to have had little justi- Reed, 1976) that statistical summary infor-
fication for their unfavorable generalizations. mation often does not have the impact on
First, they were given information about the inferences that normative considerations re-
average length of stay on welfare that was quire. (It should be acknowledged, however,
much more favorable than their prior beliefs that the N for this comparison is not large
(uninformed control subjects guessed that and the risk of a Type II error is therefore
average length of stay on welfare was 10 years high.)

It is important to note that it is possible Method

that subjects did hold the belief that average Overview
length of stay on welfare is irrelevant to an
evaluation of the character and motives of In Study 2 subjects rated their attitudes toward
the population of prison guards in the U.S. A
welfare recipients'. If so, then control sub- 2 X 3 experimental design with an additional control
jects were under no obligation to change their group was employed. All experimental subjects
beliefs about recipients' character and mo- viewed a videotaped interview with an alleged
tives when given information about the length prison guard. Half the experimental subjects saw
a very decent and humane man posing as a guard;
of stay on welfare, and more importantly, ex- half the experimental subjects saw an inhumane,
perimental subjects would have been under almost brutal, guard. Independent of the humane-
no obligation to respond to sampling infor- ness manipulation, sampling information was ma-
mation. If the sampling information con- nipulated within each of the humaneness conditions.
cerned a dimension they regarded as literally One third of the subjects were told that the guard
they would see was highly typical and representative
irrelevant, they would not be obliged to re- of those who worked in his prison, one third were
frain from generalizing from the atypical told that the guard was quite atypical of those who
sample. In Study 2 this interpretive problem worked in the prison, and one third were told
was avoided by presenting subjects with nothing about the degree of typicality or representa-
tiveness of the guard. Control subjects saw no
sampling information regarding a parameter videotaped interview. Both experimental and con-
that was identical to the one subjects were trol subjects completed a dependent measure ques-
asked to estimate. tionnaire concerning attitudes toward prison guards.
It was anticipated that subjects who saw the
Study 2 humane guard would express relatively favorable
opinions about prison guards generally, that sub-
jects who saw the inhumane guard would express
Study 2 was an attempt to replicate and relatively unfavorable opinions about prison guards
extend the findings of Study 1 while avoid- generally, and that this would be true whether the
ing two of the interpretive problems of that guard was described as typical, as atypical, or
study. Study 2 provided a stronger test of whether nothing was said about the guard's typi-
the hypothesis that people are willing to
generalize from biased samples than did
Study 1. The sampling information in Study Materials and Procedure
2 concerned a dimension (length of time on Subjects (147 University of Michigan introductory
welfare) that was logically highly related to psychology students of both sexes) participated in
the judgments that composed the dependent groups of 5-14. In all experimental conditions, sub-
variables, but it was not identical to the de- jects were seated in front of a 19-in. (.48-m) tele-
pendent variables. In Study 2, the sample vision monitor and were asked to read a cover
sheet titled "Survey of Audio-Visual Materials."
presented to subjects was described as either The cover sheet alleged that "the Higher Education
biased or unbiased with respect to the very Center of the Institute for Social Research is en-
population parameters that subjects were later gaged in pretesting a new type of teaching aid for
asked to estimate. A second interpretive diffi- social science courses."
culty for Study 1 stems from the fact that the Videotaped interviews are being used more and
welfare case sample presented to subjects more in social science research. . . . We have col-
in Study 1 was highly consistent with a cul- lected a number of videotaped interviews from a
tural stereotype about welfare recipients. It number of research projects that are being con-
is possible that the counternormative infer- ducted at the Institute. We will show you several
of these and ask you to evaluate them as to their
ences of the atypical sample subjects would be interestingness and potential appropriateness as
limited to such instances of stereotype con- teaching aids. . . . The first interview you will see
firmation. In Study 2 the nature of the sam- is an interview with a prison guard at a state
ple was manipulated. For some subjects the prison in Michigan conducted by Dr. Nisbett,
sample was consistent with cultural stereo- who has been studying different aspects of the
prison system including prisoner-guard relation-
types about the population in question, and ships, living conditions, and various aspects of a
for other subjects the sample sharply contra- prisoner's life. During this time he had the op-
dicted the cultural stereotypes. portunity to get to know many of the guards and

prisoners. He was able to interview nearly all of rotten ones. All of them broke the law, that's why
the guards at the prison, a total of about 60. The they're here. But a lot of these guys are just ordi-
interviews took place in a very informal setting nary people in bad situations . . . A lot of them
away from the prison. The researcher was well didn't have jobs. They were broke. They got a few
acquainted with these men by the time of the bad breaks and didn't know any other way out."
interviews and they felt quite comfortable with The inhumane guard again exploded: "Of course
him. The guards also knew that the information they deserve to be here! These guys can't be both-
would in no way get back to their superiors. It ered with going out and working. They want some-
therefore seems clear that the views expressed by thing and they take it. You let them out of here
the guards are their own and that they felt free and they'll just go right back to what they've always
to be truthful. done." The interviewer asked, "How would you
define your job?" The humane guard responded:
The cover sheet ended with the sampling infor- "Well, I have to make sure people keep in line,
mation described below. At each session, subjects follow the rules. But I'm not here to give them a
were randomly assigned to one of the three sampling hard time. Part of my job is to help the prisoner
information conditions or to the control condition. put in his time and stay out of trouble." The in-
Thus each group of subjects who viewed the video- humane guard said that his job was to "keep those
taped sample contained some who believed they guys in line, which isn't easy. I'm here to teach them
were seeing a typical prison guard, some who be- a little respect for authority."
lieved they were seeing an atypical guard, and
some who had no information about the typicality
of the guard they were seeing. Sampling Information Manipulation
After watching the interview, subjects filled out a
questionnaire allegedly assessing the interestingness Typical sample conditions. Subjects in these con-
and educational value of the interview. Then, under ditions read, just before viewing the guard, that
the pretext that ratings of interestingness might be "The interview you will see is with a guard that
affected by their attitudes about the penal system, Dr. Nisbett felt was one of the most typical guards
subjects filled out a questionnaire assessing attitudes in the prison. His answers seemed to be very repre-
toward the system of justice in the U.S., penal in- sentative of the ones given by the other guards who
stitutions, and the critical dependent variable of were interviewed."
attitudes toward prison guards. Finally, subjects Atypical sample conditions. Subjects in these
responded to a manipulation check measuring their conditions read that "The interview you will see is
recall of the sampling information and were de- with a guard that Dr. Nisbett felt was one of the
briefed. best and most humane (humane guard condition)/
worst and least humane (inhumane guard condi-
tion) guards at the prison. His views, and his be-
Manipulation oj Humaneness oj Sample havior at the prison, made him one of the three or
Half of the 108 experimental subjects saw an four most/least qualified for the role, in Dr. Nis-
8-minute interview with a young black male who bett's opinion."
presented himself as a particularly humane and No sampling information conditions. Subjects in
decent sort of person who regarded his prison these conditions read only that "You are now going
charges as fellow human beings worthy of his re- to see an interview with one of the guards."
spect and concern. The other half of the subjects
saw an 8-minute interview with a young white male Control, No Sample Condition
who presented himself as a bitter, contemptuous
man who regarded prisoners as subhumans: danger- Thirty-nine control subjects saw no videotaped
ous refuse to be controlled by harsh, possibly even interview. These subjects were told that their atti-
brutal, means. A few excerpts will convey the flavor tudes about a number of political and social issues
of the interviews. would be assessed. They then responded to the same
The interviewer asked both men "what role the dependent measures questionnaire presented to ex-
penal institution should play in society as far as perimental subjects.
rehabilitation goes." The humane guard responded
by saying he believed that rehabilitation was the
most important thing the prison system can do and Dependent Measures
that he believed it was institution's job to "help
these guys out and get them back on their feet." Subjects answered a number of questions about
The inhumane guard responded explosively; "Re- their attitudes toward the justice and penal systems,
habilitation is a joke. . . . These guys are losers. The and at the end of this questionnaire were asked the
prison's job is to keep them away from society." four questions that constituted the chief dependent
In response to the interviewer's question about measures.
"whether these people belong here," the humane 1. How important an aim do you think rehabili-
guard responded that "just like anywhere, there are tation is for most guards? (1 = not at all important,
some basically good guys here and some pretty S — extremely important.)
2. How fairly do you think guards treat the in- Table 2
mates? (1 = extremely unfairly, 6 = extremely Mean Attitudes Toward Guards as a Function
fairly.) of Guard Humaneness and Sampling
3. How concerned do you think the average guard Information
is with the welfare of the prisoners? (l = not at all
concerned, 5 = extremely concerned.)
4. How competent in his work is the average Sampling information
guard ? (1 = extremely incompetent, 6 = extremely
competent.) No informa-
A composite score for attitudes toward prison Group Typical tion Atypical
guards was formed by summing all four questions.
Guard type
Manipulation Check Humane
M 12.56 13.28 11.94
To determine whether subjects correctly recalled SD 2.09 1.90 2.62
the sampling information, they were asked, after all
other measures were completed: "How was the Inhumane
guard that you saw selected from among all those M 9.44 10.44 10.11
interviewed?" Answer alternatives were most repre- SD 1.85 2.43 2.03
sentative, one of the best, one of the worst, and
don't know. Control
M 10.97
SD 2.67
Note. The higher the mean, the more favorable the
Manipulation Check attitude toward guards.
In the typical conditions, 86% of the sub-
jects correctly recalled that the guard they ingly favorable as sampling assurances im-
saw had been selected because he was the proved, and opinions for subjects exposed to
most representative of those interviewed. In the inhumane guard should have been in-
the atypical conditions, 89% of the subjects creasingly unfavorable as sampling assurances
correctly recalled that the guard they saw had improved.
been selected as "one of the best" (humane As may be seen in Table 2, subjects were
guard condition) or "one of the worst" (in- markedly responsive to the humaneness of
humane guard condition). In the no sampling the guard they saw and not responsive to the
information condition, 94% of the subjects sampling information they were given. The
correctly indicated that they didn't know the humaneness of the guard accounted for 26.4%
basis on which the guard was selected. of the total variance in opinions about prison
guards, F ( l , 102) = 38.43. Information about
Effects oj Guard Humaneness and sampling did not modulate this effect: The
Sampling Information interaction accounted for only 1.2% of the
variance (F < 1). Separate ANOVAS for each
Results for experimental conditions were of the four items comprising the composite
analyzed by a two (levels of guard humane- index in Table 2 revealed the same pattern—
ness) by three (levels of sampling informa- highly significant effects of guard humaneness
tion) analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the for each question and trivial interaction ef-
summed guard items. Responsiveness to the fects for each question (all interaction Fs
character of the guard would be revealed by ~ 1).
the main effect for the guard humaneness The interaction term in the 2 X 3 ANOVA
variable. Responsiveness to the sampling in- was not the most sensitive possible test of
formation would be revealed by the inter- subjects' responsiveness to sampling informa-
action between guard humaneness and sam- tion because it included the intermediate, no
pling information: If subjects were responsive sampling information condition. Therefore, a
to the sampling information, then opinions simple 2 x 2 ANOVA of the summed scores
about prison guards for subjects exposed to was performed, retaining only the extreme
the humane guard should have been increas- typical and atypical sampling information

conditions. In addition, those few subjects under only one circumstance. Even a badly
who incorrectly recalled the sampling infor- biased value is acceptable as a basis for
mation were deleted from the analysis. The parameter estimation if variance of the esti-
results of this more sensitive test do not alter mated dimension is known to be low. If sub-
the implications of the major analysis. The jects had believed that the population of
F for guard humaneness was still immense prison guards was of a piece ("if you've seen
and accounted for 29.6% of the total variance. one, you've seen them all"), they would have
Planned comparisons showed that the effect been justified in ignoring the bias in the
of the guard humaneness was significant both atypical conditions. This belief would have
when subjects were assured that their sample been a dubious assumption at best, but in any
was typical (p for contrast between typical case subjects did not have the belief. In a
humane and typical inhumane conditions < follow-up study designed to determine
.001) and when assured it was atypical (p for whether subjects believe that all guards are
contrast between atypical humane and atypi- alike, 39 subjects from the same introductory
cal inhumane conditions < .05). The inter- psychology pool were asked to estimate, for a
action between guard humaneness and sam- sample of 20 guards, how the best and worst
pling information still accounted for only guard would best be described in terms of the
2.3% of the variance, F(l, 59) = 1.92, ns. answer categories for each of the four de-
pendent variable questions. (The best and
Comparison With Control Group worst of 20 guards corresponds roughly to
A comparison of experimental subjects' the percentile values of best three or four and
views with those of control subjects who saw worst three or four of sixty guards). The pre-
no videotaped interview is also instructive. sumed differences between best and worst
Control subjects held a quite unfavorable view guards were massive for each question. For
of prison guards as a group. The means for example, follow-up subjects thought that the
best guard would treat prisoners between
all four items were located in the decidedly
"somewhat fairly" and "very fairly" (2.59
unfavorable region of the scale. Thus the
on a 6-point scale) and that the worst guard
experimental subjects who viewed an in-
would treat prisoners "very unfairly" (5.03).
humane guard saw a sample more or less con-
sistent with their prior beliefs, whereas those The difference between best and worst guard
was significant for this question and the
who viewed a humane guard saw a sample
contradicting their prior beliefs. Regardless other three at the .0001 level. Thus subjects
of whether they saw a consistent or a contra- did not presume that the guard population
dictory sample, experimental subjects' be- was extremely homogeneous and therefore
were not justified in accepting an extreme
liefs about guards were altered. A one-way
ANOVA of summed scores contrasting all value as a reasonable estimator of the popu-
lation mean.
humane guard conditions, all inhumane guard
conditions, and the control condition was
highly significant, F ( 2 , 144) = 17.07, p< Discussion
.0001. Neuman-Keuls contrasts showed that Why were subjects so willing to generalize
both the humane guard group and the in- from samples of unknown typicality, and even
humane guard group differed from the con- to generalize from samples known to be
trol group (ps < .01 and .05, respectively). atypical? It seems to us that the first con-
It is thus clear that subjects were willing to sideration in answering these questions is to
generalize even from a sample that contra- ask if subjects know, in the abstract, what
dicted their prior beliefs. generalizations are allowed under each of these
conditions. If subjects are not even aware of
Subject Assumptions About
any rules or guidelines to follow, it would not
Population Variance
be surprising to find that they were willing
The failure of subjects to respond to ob- to generalize. If, however, subjects are aware
vious sample bias could be justified logically of the limitations imposed by the sampling

procedure, then we need to examine more be atypical. Nevertheless, subjects did so

closely the way this information is processed. generalize. Lack of knowledge concerning
Consider first subjects' willingness to gen- what generalizations are allowable is there-
eralize from samples of unknown typicality. fore probably not the sole reason that sub-
There are no rules stemming from formal jects make unwarranted generalizations. We
statistical theory of inductive inference to need to examine the cognitive processes that
govern generalization in such cases. Familiar- could produce generalizations even when sub-
ity with formal theory provides only a rather jects recognize their inappropriateness in the
vague injunction to be less confident of the abstract.
implications of evidence drawn from samples If one were to assume that subjects knew
of unknown typicality than of evidence drawn what attitudes they had toward the relevant
from samples known to be randomly drawn population of welfare recipients or prison
or known to be drawn from the center of the guards before they ever arrived at the experi-
population distribution. Neither formal theory ment, then it might be assumed that subjects
nor common sense implies that one should could avoid any influence of the sample
eschew any generalizations from samples of simply by calling up these attitudes and ig-
unknown typicality. We are exposed daily, in noring the information about the sample.
person and through the media, to samples There is no reason to assume, however, that
of many populations—plumbers, Chicanes, subjects have anything like a precise record
gay militants, antiabortionists. To refuse to of previous attitudes toward the relevant
generalize at all from such haphazard sam- populations, or much ability to recognize that
ples would seem to be much too conservative, their attitudes have been shifted by the ex-
resulting in ignorance where some knowledge perimenter's presentation of vivid evidence.
is possible. Clearly some caution is war- Instead, work by Bern and McConnell
ranted, but precisely how much caution is (1970), Goethals and Reckman (1973), and
required by comparison to the rare real-world Nisbett and Wilson (1977) suggests that
case in which one can be sure that one's sam- people's attitudes often shift in response to
ple is typical? This is such a complicated new evidence and arguments without any
question that formal inductivists have not awareness that a change has taken place.
even addressed it. It is therefore not particu- When subjects in the present experiments
larly surprising to find the layperson general- answer the dependent variable question about
izing as readily from samples whose represent- the populations, they might think they are
ativeness is unknown as from samples known disregarding the sample, but in fact it is likely
to be typical: There are no rules of thumb that the sample already has influenced their
concerning precisely how much caution to attitudes quite unwittingly. One possibility
exercise when confronted with uncertainty is that such unwitting influence is memory-
about sample representativeness. We hope mediated. The vivid sample information prob-
that the research stemming from Kahneman ably serves to call up information of a similar
and Tversky's seminal work on lay inductive nature from memory (cf. Bower, 1972; Col-
practice will stimulate formal theorists to lins & Loftus, 197S; Nisbett & Ross, 1980).
develop rules for complicated, real-world in- These memories then would be dispropor-
ductive problems, and that these can be com- tionately available when judgments are later
municated to laypeople in such a way as to made about the population.
guide the conduct of daily cognitive life (cf. We are proposing that subjects may en-
Goldman, 1978; Nisbett & Ross, 1980). gage in an unconscious, memory-mediated
Now consider subjects' willingness to gen- generalization from sample to population that
eralize from samples known to be atypical. remains unaffected by any conscious process-
This seems to us to involve some additional, ing of information about sample typicality.
and different, considerations. No familiarity Knowledge of the inappropriateness of gen-
with formal theory of inductive inference is eralization may have no effect on tendency to
required to know, in the abstract, that one generalize because subjects cannot observe
should not generalize from samples known to the process that produces generalization and

therefore cannot prevent it or correct for it. On the other hand, the present results
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fail to be corrected by conscious recogni- ple's defenses against biased samples. Instead,
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ness and imaginability of events unduly in- atypical samples.
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