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CSI Meeting 2-7-11

Program Orientation
• Wed Feb 9, 3:30 – 6:00, SAB 2 (auditorium)
• Jessica and will introduce officers, tell briefly what CSI is
• Play Carrie’s awesome CSI video
• Will collect local dues at initiation

Professional Development
Counselor Self Care –
• Monday Feb 21, 6:30, SAB 15
• Jessica will send out announcement to listservs
• CSI members at the meeting tonight will announce to the classes they are in
• Jessica, Josh, and Kasey can be there early to meet Jim and help him set up
• Jessica will get a parking pass for Jim
• We decided on getting him a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble as a thank you, Josh will take
care of this

Tabled to next meeting

Food Drive
• Food Drive in progress, will end Fri Feb 25
• Collection boxes outside SAB 301
• Jessica will manage continuing PR
• Josh will count items morning of Feb 28th, and Josh and Jaclyn will deliver to NE Iowa Food

• Newsletter is almost complete, Kasey is waiting on a couple things
• Kasey will finish it up and send it to Jessica to convert to PDF and send to listserv

Date: Saturday March 5
Location: CU, 320 E 4th St in Waterloo
Time: 6:00pm
Contact: Joe or Steve, 319-274-8888
• There are about 45 students who are eligible for an invitation. Out of those, about 20
have been sent invitations prior and did not join which leaves about 25
• Capacity at CU 55, so we will ask all attending to only bring 1 guest
• Will be a limited menu of 3 items of our choice. We decided to go with the Spinach &
Four Cheese Ravioli, Stuffed Chicken, and Rib-eye. Also available is the house salad or
lobster bisque.
• CU requires names and dinner choices of all attendees, so RSVP is mandatory

• Invitation Letters: Davis-Gage has sent them out via email and already had some
• Invitation/RSVP – Jessica will draft email and send to current CSI members, Davis-Gage
will forward to new initiates list
o RSVP email must printed out and dropped off outside of Davis-Gage’s office by
Tuesday February 22 (no exceptions). Jessica will collect them and contact CU.
• Speaker – we decided to ask Tracie Self. Josh will contact Tracie.
• Programs - Jaclyn will organize, get list of new initiates and print them
• Certificates should be mailed from CSI headquarters in time for the ceremony

Local Dues
• Due in Feb, $5, asking for cash only
• We will collect at initiation and will figure out another way since Char and Davis-Gage are
not allowed to collect, may need to visit classes
• Will use this money to start our own CSI account at Veridian and gradually drain our old
one with expenses

Next Meeting – Mon. Feb 28, 6:30 SAB 301

• We will need to continue to communicate between now and our next meeting about
• Let’s plan on a very brief check in on Initiation details after Jim’s presentation on Mon Feb

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