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. EDU410-Inctusive Schooling, * Demonstrate understanding of inclusive ehooling and education * Define the key terms and eoncepts used ia Special education * Tee the history and development of special education inthe Zambia, and in world Introduction to Inclusive Schooling 1.0 Introduction { * Is important that we look a the term Inclusive schooling and understand it before we look at other aspects of special education * Lets now foes our atenon to Special eductog, which the umbrella of Investing, i * Special Education specially” designed instusion to mee the umique ‘needs and abilities of exceptional students * Special educjion sfers to those aspects of education hich are applied to fi persons with educational needs (SEN), but not usually used with ‘majority pf ordinary persons. such proponents as unusual quality. rk and Galtagher (1989/1993) as, ions, materials, Practices, intended for the ordinary learner in order to ‘meet the specific needs ofa child with: All pupils may be regarded as having kind. (Ore approach sp regard as peri! elegance only tase which f ‘equire more than the skill the classroom teacher fo ther solutions ia ‘other words, needs which cll for the intervention in support ofthe teacher ial educational needs of some ‘Teaching becomes a challenge tothe teacher as regards he attention given to children with SEN. Most of the ordinary schools do ot have special ‘education teachers. ‘Therefore, every teachers supposed to observe the pupils in the classroom and identify the differences among them in order to provide the appropriate remedies. Special education needs, principles and goals are embodied in Zambia's national policy on education. ‘This poticy calls forthe integration/ncluson of children with SEN into ‘mainstream institutions o a greatest possible extent. + In the following unit, you will be introduce to the history of special education, and to the terminologies and concepts usod in the field of special education, ‘Terminologies and concepts Inclusion: Meaningful part pation of students with special needs in general ‘education classrooms and programmes. (Resy-tor/ quntvat) Integration: Placement of ndvidvals with disabilities nt replar school although they lear in separate classes. (& px CLI uth) Mainstreaming: Ths lusion of students with special neces in the general education programme for any’ pat of the schoo! day. Normalisation: Is the creation of a learning and social environment as normal as possible forthe exceptional child and adult Deinstitutionalisation: Is the process of releasing as many exceptional chien and adults as possible (fom confinement of resi vial institatcn into their loes ‘community Background of special education in Zambia ‘© History and development of special edueation in Zambia Missionaries and development of specia! education Pagezot3 ‘Long before independence, education for both children with and without special educational needs was the responsibilty of missionaries. Colonial rule saw the introduction of more formal and professional control over education. Tn relation to special education needs, it was a situation of doing without, except for the litle that was provided for by exclusively voluntary missionary agencies which mainly focused on the visually and hearing impaired. ‘The Afiean Reformed Church (formerly Dutch Reformed Church) ‘pened the first school for the blind in 1905 at Magwero in Chipat, as Well asa school for the hearing impaired — Issie Hofineyer is credited with the establishment of the school at “Magwero. The sole purpose of establishing the school was to spread the sospel of Christ othe blind, ‘When Issie died in 1910, Ella Botes took over and liter opened a class at Madzimoyo. due ‘© the increase in the number of pupils attending Magwero (Snelsons, 1974). Another school forthe blind was established at Mambilima (Johnson Falls) by CMML (Christian Missionaries in Many Lands), where curently there isa special school for children with physical disabilities In the mid-1950s, other schools for children with disabilities were ‘established through churches such as Refonmed Church of Zambia, The catholic Church also opened Bwana Mkubve special school nar ‘Nébola as wel as Mporokoso School forthe Blind in Northern Province Other missionaries such asthe Pais Evangelical Missionaries Societies (PEMS) opened a schol forthe Blind at Sefula, near Mongu in Wester Province, ‘This was the tend until the government took over the responsibilty of running special education through a presidential decre in 1971. Special schools became a responsibility ofthe Ministry of edication though not supported by legislation and policy uni 1977

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