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David Owusu 

I have done research on the product I want to review, the idea I 

have come up with is doing a review on shoes. They’re lots of 
different ways that I can do this but I thought the best way and 
most effective way is by doing a youtube shoe review. As easy as 
it sounds, they’re lots of things you have to put into consideration, 
here are some of the things i am going to have to take into 


● Pictures and images 

● The layout of the setting 
● Target audience  
● Format 
● Bio within the video  
● Other social media pages used to promote 

3 ideas 
My first idea,​ I am going to be reviewing electronics that are brand 
new or are about to come out. I’m going to be reviewing these 
electronics on Youtube as it’s the best way for people to see the 
product I am going to be reviewing visually and will also allow 
them to hear me talk as well. Products I am thinking of reviewing 
are apple products mainly and sony (playstation).  

My second idea​, I want to do another review but based on 

reviewing sneakers and not just any sneakers I will be reviewing 
limited edition sneakers and deadstock sneakers. This is also 
going to be streamed on Youtube as the audience has to be able 
to see the products and hear me talk and Youtube will be the best 
platform for the product I am trying to present.  

My third idea​, I am going to be doing a podcast. In the podcast I 

am going to be talking about football statistics such as football 


scores, football teams tactics, league position and player 


The research plan 

Primary research   Secondary research  
Interview - will collect insight  Consumer research - Will help 
and responses from my target  me understand my audience 
audience to help me evaluate  and will help me know what my 
my service idea even more.   audience likes and dislikes.  
Questionnaire - This will help  Market research - will help me 
me collect information which  understand my area of service, 
will be used to help make my  and collect valuable 
youtube service.   information. 

I have ​applied self-motivation ​for all 5 of the businesses/videos I 

am looking at, I will provide all of these bullet points and also links 
to show proof. 


Strange love review - 

In this shoe review, it goes straight into the video showing the 
shoe that they’re going to be reviewing. In this video, i am able to 
hear soft calm background music which suits the narrator’s voice, 
from what I can see they YouTuber has just shown different angles 
of the shoe and has done a voice-over from what he has shown 
however i could be wrong as he could have a microphone where 
he is speaking through whilst showing us the show. In this youtube 
shoe review, he uses a simple black and white background which 
makes the shoe stand out even more so the audience attention is 
focused on the shoe. The YouTuber also shows images and 
information about the shoe, for example, the creation and idea of 
the shoe. The youtube also speaks about the features and what 
makes that shoe special from all other shoes, by speaking about 
the different features will help people who are deciding whether to 
buy it or not more sure.  

Michael Jordan shoe ad - 

Straight into this Nike shoe advert, they have the all-star Michael 
Jordan standing bouncing a basketball, this advert was made 
where if you lived in America you have to know who Michael 


Jordan is and own a pair of air jordans. So in this advert having the 
all-star as the face of the advert will get the company lots of views 
and interest into the shoe. Michael Jordan is wearing new Jordan 1 
that is coming out. Everything he’s wearing is colour coordinated 
with the shoes and his team Chicago Bulls. From this advert, they 
were very limited with the technology from what we can do 
knower days but what i took from this advert is that like the other 
one they had a black background, the reason they do this is so 
that the protagonist of an object that’s meant to stand out is easily 
noticeable as the audience are not going to focus on a black 

Also going to see the difference between both Nike advertisement 

from older to new  

Nike football boots ad - 

Straight away in this Nike advert, they have started off with a black 
figure and an orange background, the reason they have done this 
is that the black figure is so distinct that it instantly catches your 
interest. The reason they also used these two colours is because 
of the colour of the product they’re trying to advertise. Throughout 
the whole advert, you mostly only see the colour black and 
orange. Continuing you then see two famous footballers ``Cristiano 
Ronaldo” and “ Neymar Jr” they’re used to represent the product 


which in this case are football boots. They compare the football 
boots with an animal that is present which is a “cheater” meaning 
the boots must have something to do with speed. In this advert 
“Santan Dave'' who is a famous rapper is present and also has him 
rapping in the background within the advert. Throughout the 
whole advert, you see quick switches between famous footballers 
and a cheater which helps advertise the speed that these football 
boots are meant to give you.  

There is a big difference between the two adverts that are both 
Nike in the other Michael Jordan advert. It was quite basic and 
simple but now in adverts that are present now, they’re lots of 
different effects to help sell the product and catch the attention of 
the audience more.  

Jordan 4 black cat review - 

Looking at this shoe review, the reviewer has come at a different 

angle than the other. This shoe review is done outside where 
there are lots of different colours and sound distraction, so the 
YouTuber has lots of this he would have to take into consideration 
whilst making this video. First of all, he blurred out the background 
so the audience doesn’t focus on what’s going on in the 
background and focuses on the presenter and the product he is 
reviewing. In the review, he has an explosive voice which is loud 


and keeps you interested in the review as lot’s of reviews can get 
boring. Also what’s different in this review is that the YouTuber 
shows you how to style the shoes with different clothes. This is 
good to intrigue the audience as some people may not know how 
to style their own shoes with them.  

So in my eyes, I feel like I might do my own review based on this 

youtube video more as it’s the most eye catching one.  

Ben and jerry Nike review - 

This shoe review starts with the youtube brand then dissolves to 
the name of the product they’re going to review, this is good as 
not everyone would know what the exact name of the product is, it 
then cuts to a picture of the hose with background music and no 
narration. After the quick introduction, it then has the youtuber 
speaking with shoes as their background, this helps you 
understand the genre and that the YouTuber has actual love for 
shoes. He gives you a quick introduction of the information about 
the shoes and how the idea was thought of. The youtube talks 
about the material, as he talks about each material he shows 
images of the shoe and which parts of the shoe he is talking about, 
this is good as people who don’t understand or know about the 
shoe he is providing you with all the information you may have not 


known. At the end which i have seen in a few reviews is the 

product on feet and how they look.  

After thinking for a few hours which was done ​evaluating 

independently ​I have thought thoroughly about all 4 of my ideas 
and put them into a mindmap.  



As you can see I created a mind map which was done 

independently​,within my mind map I put all my ideas that I have 
thought of doing and picking for my primary research and product. 
I have ended up picking shoe ads which I’m going to present via 

I have finally settled with what my primary research is. Now that I 
have settled with my primary research I have to think of who my 
audience is going to be, the best way of doing this is by doing a 
survey which I am going to be doing later on to get more data on 
who my viewers may be.  

As you have read what I said previously, I have done my research 

on various youtube adverts and reviews about shoes and I’m 


going to apply this to my own so I would know the most efficient 

and effective way of making a shoe review so that it’s 

Within my mind map I had thought of 4 different ideas all of them 

contain me doing a podcast. As you can see the one with a tick 
was my primary product that I picked to do and go through with it.  

Link to questionnaire results 

Primary research/market research 1 

As you can see I have done a survey that I have sent to my class 
and other people. I also sent it to selective people with different 
styles so i can get a range of different answers which will help me 
narrow on who my primary target audience is and who my 
secondary target audience is.  

Using my initiative, ​I am now going to evaluate my survey. I put 15 

questions for people to answer and managed to get 13 different 
responses from various people who are into slightly different 
things and also get different genders as my primary audience are 
not just going to contain men.  

Here is the results i got from my questionnaire   


I also ​worked well with others ​who helped get my survey done 
which will really help me evaluate my idea more and what to put 
into it and to change to make my idea more solid and better. 


This was the first question that I asked in my survey (how old are 
you?). I asked 3 different age ranges as you can see only one age 
range came on top which was 16-18 which is what i expected as 
most of my audience were around this age.  

However, what I should have done is make the age range smaller 
as i only sent my survey out to my classmates and a few other 
people so I already knew what the age range was going to be 



My next question on my survey was (what social media app do you 

use the most). This question was interesting as I had nearly the 
same amount for two out of the four options I gave. I had 7 people 
who picked snapchat as the main social media app they use and 6 
people pick Instagram. Just because more people picked 
snapchat than Instagram doesn’t mean I’m not going to exclude 
Instagram it just means that I’m going to promote my youtube for 
say on snapchat more than Instagram as my target audience use 
that more than Instagram from what i got on my survey.  


Next question was (what gender are you?). I asked this question as 
towards me it is very important to say if all my viewers are male 


then i might only do reviews that are suitable to male but as you 
can see i had a few females that did my survey but quite a lot of 
male who did it. This just means that I am going to be controversial 
and do reviews that are suitable for males and females.  


If you have not noticed yet the further down my survey goes the 
more related it is towards my product and what I’m going to be 
doing. Going forwards the next question i asked was (how 
interested are you in watching vlogs about sneakers and other 
trainers?). Here I had quite a few different picks. I had 4 people 
who said they watch vlogs about sneakers and 1 person who said 
they watch vlogs about sneakers and 1 person who watches them 
slightly and 1 person who doesn’t at all. What does this mean? This 
means that if not that many people look at shoes I can inform them 
more about the shoe in my review but if they have then I don't 
have to talk about the little details that my viewers already know as 
it will just bore them. This also shows that most of my responders 
are interested. 



Next question was (what shoes do you mostly buy?). This is 
important as I will need to do reviews on sneakers and shoes that 
my primary target audience and other viewers are interested in as 
if I do what I’m interested in. It may bore some of my viewers which 
is not good as then fewer people will watch my channel. I will have 
to show a range of different shoes for my viewers.  

I am mainly going to be showing Nike shoes and jordans as they 

have the most votes than the other options. 



One of my last questions was (do you watch youtube vlogs on 
shoes?). This is one of the most important as this is what my 
channel is about. I wasn’t as proud as I thought i would be as most 
people picked no, however, I still had a good amount of people 
who watch them frequently and sometimes. 


On my survey was (what streaming platform do you use?). I was 

very proud of what people picked as i am going to be using 
youtube as my platform and everyone that did my survey picked 
youtube and the other person picked youtube live which i may do 
to see if my viewers like it or not.  


Overall my survey went well. I got a lot of information which will 

help me with my initial video and how it should be filmed and done 
and what I should and shouldn’t put in. 


Within this question I asked (how often do you look at shoes?). This 
will help me understand how interested people will be, as if I was 
doing a review on 3 sneakers and people don’t look at sneakers 
that much, it will just bore them and won’t be interesting. From 
what I got which was good, I have an even number of people who 
look at shoes everyday and people who look at it once a week.  


For question 9 I asked which streaming platform people use the 

most. As you can see everyone who did my survey watches 
streams on youtube. This helps me as I will know where the best 
streaming platform will be for me to do my reviews on. Youtube 
will be the most convenient as the majority of people use Youtube. 

For question 10 I wanted to find out how much people would or do 
spend on sneakers, and the reply i got was that most people 
would or do pay around £80-£120 on sneakers and the rest which 
are two people picked £40-£70 and £130-£180 on sneakers. This 
information is important because I don’t want to start reviewing 
sneakers or trainers that cost £250+ and no one would even think 
or would buy them. So now I know to review sneakers and trainers 
around the price range that was picked.  


For question 11 I wanted to know how often people go on Youtube 

and everyone answered daily which is good so I will know that it 
won’t matter if I post on different days as my viewers will be 
checking Youtube nearly every day.  

Question 12 I wanted to find out what device people use to stream 

on Youtube, the reason I wanted to know is because I will know 
roughly what time to upload reviews for example most people 


picked phone which means it won’t matter as much as people are 

normally on their phone all the time, however someone picked TV 
which means they’re most likely to go on their TV around 6-7PM 
when they finish school work or whatever they could be doing. 

Question 13 I asked what demographic people fit into best, I asked 

this question as this will also help me know my viewers and don’t 
ask for insane things such as buying stuff when they might not be 
financially stable to buy or may be a waste of money for them. 
Most of my viewers are unemployed which is not bad in fact it’s 
what I expected as I sent the survey to people who are around the 
age of 17 so I won’t expect them to have a job as they have 
education to focus on. 


Question 14 I wanted to see how long people stay on Youtube for, 

this will help me find out how long i should make my interviews 
and how much information i should keep, as if i put in to much 
information I won’t have as much to say in the future however I 
can’t give very few information and then my viewers get bored. 
The information I got back was that most of my viewers stay on 
youtube for about 1-3 hours which is good so I know that they 
would be on the app for a while and have more of a chance of 
them watching my channel and staying engaged.  


Question 15 which is my last question I asked (how often do you 

keep up with the latest trainers that are coming out?). This 
question was very important to me as i need to know how much 
information I will need to give for my viewers as if they already 
know most of the information I am going to say then it will be 
pintess for them to watch my channel but if they don’t then I will 
have a lot to talk about. The reply I got back from my interview was 
that most people don’t keep up with sneakers information and 
when they come out, this then shows me that I will be able to talk 
about a lot in my review.  

Primary research/market research  

For my primary research, I ​used my initiative ​and ​communication 

skills​ to conduct an interview with one of my peers which was 
done through my phone as a voice memo in the studio. I had to 


make sure that the questions would be useful for me but also not 
confusing for the person I am going to interview. So I ​worked 
independently ​to think of questions for my interviewee. 

”Hello, my name is David Owusu and this is my interview with David

1) What is your age?

2) What demographic would you say you fit into best?
3) What device do you use the most?
4) What social media platforms do you use most frequently?
5) What type of shoe brand do you wear the most?
6) What type of shoe brand are you into the most?
7) Do you watch or listen to any shoe podcast or reviews?
8) Are you interested in exclusive sneakers?
9) How long would you watch a Youtube/podcast sneakers review for?
10) What would you want to see in a sneakers review?

This is all that needed to be said for the interview, Thank you for your

Secondary research


As you can see 81% of viewers that use youtube are dominated by
teenagers and young adults. My target audience are aimed at teenagers
and young adults as they’re the people who are most interested in
sneakers and can also afford them. This shows that lots of my target
audience will be present on youtube however I would have to make sure
my product is promoted rightly as I could make my service on youtube but if
it doesn’t reach anyone then it won’t be useful.

As my service is going to be presented via youtube I had to do some

secondary research on youtube platform and also research on my own
platform of the sneaker world. I did some research and found out around 5
million people watch youtube a day. Why is this important? This is
important as this means I have a possibility of about 5 million people
coming across my youtube channel but realistically not all of them are


going to be sneakerheads or they might not see it, however it just shows
that youtube has a large platform and users.

As you can see sneakers have been around for many years but ever since 
the 1990s sneakers started to become fashionable and an accessory that 
everyone thought they must’ve owned. Ever since then players like Michael 
Jordan were stars and faces of shoe brands and players such as Michael 
Jordan were seen as icons and everyone wanted to be like him.  

This all links to why sneakers are so popular as some people may just see 
them as material but in other people's eyes, sneakers are something more 


and they are lots of people who think that. So by me making a youtube 
channel reviewing sneakers will help give a platform where snakeheads can 
keep up to date and know the latest information about some sneakers.  

Secondary research of youtube sneaker reviews and websites 1 


Secondary research of youtube sneaker reviews and websites 2 


Here are two different websites and youtube channels that are similar to 
mine. As you can see they both review sneakers in different ways, for 
example “complex” review sneakers by interviewing people about their 
sneaker collection and also doing podcasts.  

As for “sneakernews” they’re more targeted on reviewing the sneakers and 

explaining every aspect about the sneakers they review. 


As you can see the thumbnails for “sneakernews” are always sneakers and 
for my youtube channel I want to have the same as this is more eye-catching 
towards my target audience.  

Looking at each videon the duration is around 3-7 minutes my youtube 

videos are also going to be around this time as most people who watch 
youtube normally stay on a youtube video for around 3-4 minutes and also i 
wouldn’t want to keep my audience watching a video about shoes for longer 
than 7 minutes as then it becomes boring. For complex as they do podcasts 
they have videos that are around 26 minutes which is very long. This makes 
me think if I want to have people present in my video.  

Format and Structure of ​D O. snkrs 

● In the presenting video I will be introducing myself and what I'm 
presenting as no one would really know about me.  
● After short introduction I will get straight into what my service is about 
and present a sneaker that is hyped and my audience will be 
interested by.  
● When presenting the shoe I will be showing images of the sneaker 
from various angles as well as talking behind. I will also be adding 
background music throughout the whole video as they will be some 
bit where I won’t be talking and will need something in the 
background to not bored my audience.  
● Talking about equipment I will be using a tripod to stand the camera I 
will be using, I am going to be trying both single cam and multicam to 
see which one will turn out the best. I will also have a ring light as this 


will make me the presenter and also the product I will be reviewing 
stands out more and look more clear.  
● The duration of my videos will be running for ruffly 3-7 minutes as from 
the research I have done that will be the average time duration. 
● I will be editing all my videos through premiere pro as that is the most 
efficient way for me to edit my videos.  


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