Analysis of Dome Geometry Effect On Acoustic Conditions of A. R. Fachruddin Mosque UMM Using CATT-Acoustic

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Analysis of Dome Geometry Effect on Acoustic Conditions of A. R. Fachruddin

Mosque UMM Using CATT-Acoustic

Conference Paper · November 2014


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3 authors:

Rifqi Ikhwanuddin Sentagi S. Utami

Institut Teknologi Sumatera Universitas Gadjah Mada


Randy Fela
FORCE Technology


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Analysis of Dome Geometry Effect on Acoustic Conditions of
A. R. Fachruddin Mosque UMM Using CATT-Acoustic
R. Ikhwanuddin1, a) S. S. Utami1, b) R. F. Fela1, c)
Department of Engineering Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Mosque is central building for worship activities in Islamic community. There are similarities in terms of acoustic
perspective, that the whole activities within will produce sound speeches. The existence of dome in the acoustic mosque
space could potentially produce concentrated distribution of the sound energy. Acoustical comfort for each activity in
mosque requires speech intelligibility as well as tranquil atmosphere for concentration in worship. The acoustical quality
prediction is produced by using computer modelling CATT-Acoustic. Numerical calculations were performed based on the
hybrid method. The ring structure is part of mosque ceiling. Analytical calculations are performed to investigate sound ray
reflections due to variations of the dome geometry. The model analysis is based on the investigation of / ratio. Dome
geometry produces focusing effect by / ratio 0.74, 0.83, and 0.92, respectively for models 1, 2, and 3. Means of T30
models 1, 2, and 3 for congregational prayers are 2.6, 2.4, and 0 seconds. Means of T30 models 4, 5, and 6 for Quran
recitation are 2.7, 2.3, and 0 seconds. Areas near mihrab are 14 × 6 , includes 4 – 5 first row produces poor quality of
clarity. Clarity for congregational prayers, C50 are -4.7, -4.6, and -4.1 dB, respectively for models 1, 2, and 3. Clarity for
Quran recitation, C80 values are -1.3, -0.7, and -0.8 dB, respectively for models 4, 5, and 6. The results demonstrate that
increasing the height of the dome structure will produced better clarity and speech intelligibility, given the smaller T30 and
the higher both of C50 and C80 values.

Mosques are important public spaces used by billions of Muslims around the world for a variety of worship
activities such as praying, Quran recitation, and Friday praying with lecture mode. Since the mosque has a variety
function, it is necessary to study the physical phenomenon inside the mosque where the acoustic study is a very
important one. A preliminary study of acoustical performances of existing buildings with domed structures was to
plan renovation on Bjergsted Concert Hall in Stavangar, Norway, that found the existing dome shaped room created
uneven sound energy distribution and focusing effects in the audience area [1]. Utami proposed analytical and
numerical model to study mosque with dome coupled to rooms. The research shown that after a certain number, if the
number of planes become larger so the computation time become longer, but without producing a significant benefit
[2]. Zühre and Semiha had investigated the acoustical characteristics of Kocatepe Mosque, Turkey, and shown that
for three worship considerations; prayers (individually or group), sermon scenario for Friday prayers, and the Holy
Quran recitation those require a high level of speech audibility and intelligibility [3]. To ensure good listening
conditions acoustical needs must be considered in the design phase [4]. Thus, intelligibility of both speech and other
sounds is extremely important, especially for holy tones that must be both spacious and effective [5] [6]. Several
acoustical parameters had a side effect to speech audibility, intelligibility and spaciousness of sound; the parameters
usually employed in the acoustical analysis of mosques are reverberation time, sound pressure level distribution and
sound transmission index [7].
Tridian evaluated acoustical conditions on Istiqlal Mosque and proposed that the best acoustical condition among
all tested models achieved when SPL distributions are above 25 dB over background noises [8]. Syauqi proposed that
the focusing effects will not affect acoustical conditions in the audience area if the dome’s radius r smaller than half
the building’s height up to ½ h. [9]. Syauqi also proposed that hemispherical dome can achieve best acoustical
conditions proportionally, the ideal reverberation times and sound uniformity can be matched by adjusting dome’s
height. This research aims to address this deficiency by introducing an analysis of key acoustical characteristic of A.
R. Fachruddin Mosque, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The mosque with very large space
volume and a gigantic dome ceiling type among common building. The existing space volume and audience area is
approximately 11,866 m3 and 1,024 m2. To know acoustical condition such as speech audibility and speech
intelligibility, C50 and C80 were used as acoustical parameters.

Computer simulations of the A. R. Fachruddin Mosque were carried out using CATT-Acoustics software, which
was released by Bengt-Inge Dalenbäck [10]. Investigation the influence of dome geometry was made by varying the
height of dome structure from existing condition (1 meter) become 2 meters and 3 meters and denoted by M1, M2,
and M3 for scenario 1 and M4, M5, M6 for scenario 2. Type of dome shape is remaining same as well as existing
condition (hemisphere).

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 1. Geometry models of computer modelling. Height of dome’s feet: (a) 1 meter, (b) 2 meter, and (c) 3 meter.
There are two simulation scenarios based on the type of worship. The scenario 1 was designated for
“Congregational Prayer” performed beneath the dome which covers almost the entire space behind mihrab. The
average height of Indonesian people, approximately 160 ± 5 cm, is used as the receiver’s heights. The scenario 2 was
for “The Holy Quran Recitation” where people usually choose an area close to the wall or column beneath the dome
in a sitting position with height is approximately 50 cm. This research is limited to use human speech as the natural
sound source and not evaluating the configuration of the electro-acoustic system.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 2. (a) View of model from the backside facing mihrab, and (b) Audience area and sound receiver positions.


Criteria for clarity of speech were determined by C50 ≥ 0 dB [11]. In scenario 1 (congregational prayer), the value
of C50 on the M1, M2, and M3 can be categorized as poor level because has negative value. In the area that lies under
the dome (point 4 and 5), M1, M2, and M3, have respectively positive value that is 0.9 dB, 0.6 dB, 0.5 dB for point
4, and 0.5 dB, 0.6 dB, and 0.8 dB for point 5. In the area that lies to the mihrab (points 6 and 7), the value of C50 for
M1, M2, and M3 reaches -4.0 dB. This is because the sound is trapped due to the geometry of the mihrab and the
energy runs out when it reaches a point 6 and 7. Criteria for good clarity in room were determined by C80 ≥ -1 dB,
which is a criterion to chant music. In this study, chanting the Quran recitation by imam can be analogized as the chant
music. The mean value of C80 of M1, M2, and M3 respectively is 0.1 dB (good), 0.3 dB (good) and 0.3 dB (good).
The mean of C80 increased positively from models M1 to models M3. For Reverberation Time 30 (RT30) parameters,
refers to the range of the dome volume between 12,000 m3 - 18,000 m3, thus the value for this model RT30
recommendation is 1.8 - 2.2 second [13]. The results show that RT30 decreased in value when the dome feet altitude
increases and was lost when the height of 3 meters.
The results in scenario 2 (The Holy Quran Recitation) are similar to scenario 1 that is C50 for M4, M5, and M6 in
poor level with each value is -1.0 dB, -0.9 dB and -0.6 dB. As a congregational prayer occurs in the activity, point 6
and 7 have shown the same pattern to scenario 1. The average value of C80 for M4, M5, and M6 respectively is 1.0
dB, 1.2 dB, and 1.5 dB. Overall, the Mosque would have a poor quality of speech and good quality of The Holy Quran
Recitation. The average value of RT30 in model M4, M5, and M6 is equal to 2.74, 2.31, and 0 seconds. Model M6
produces 0 sec value of RT30 at all hearing points. This can occur by several causes. The first one is the non-fulfilment
of the minimum number of files to ray-tracing process and the second one is the minimum number of files to ray-
tracing are fulfilled. However, by increasing the volume of the acoustic space (in the dome), the propagating waves
will travel a longer distance. Thus when the reverberation time was measured at the hearing points, the sound energy
has been weak enough as a distance increases.
TABLE 1. Parameter to mean values for each scenario
Mean Value of Scenario
Parameter 1. The Congregational Prayers 2. The Holy Quran Recitation
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
C50 (dB) -1.5 -1.5 -1.4 -1.0 -0.9 -0.5
C80 (dB) 0.1 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.2 1.5
T30 (s) 2.58 2.37 0 2.74 2.31 0

TABLE 2. Result of d'/d value that represents to reflected sound production

Model M1 or M4 Model M2 or M5 Model M3 or M6

r 11,22 meter r 11,22 meter r 11,22 meter

h 19,54 meter h 20,54 meter h 21,54 meter
h/2 9,77 meter h/2 10,27 meter h/2 10,77 meter

>ℎ 2 >ℎ 2 >ℎ 2

h' 7.87 meter h' 7.72 meter h' 7.59 meter

d'/d 0.74 d'/d 0.83 d'/d 0.92

All selected models have condition > ℎ 2 and ′ < resulting in a sound that is more concentrated reflection of
the dome and its intensity increases. To change the condition becomes ′ > is required additional building height ℎ
or by decreasing the dome’s radius . In condition ′ > sound reflections produced more weak, because the
reflection area ′ is wider than the area of initial direction . The ratio ′⁄ significantly affects the value of C80 in
scenario 2 and was able to manipulate speech quality. If the value of < ℎ⁄2 thus the ratio ′⁄ > 1, then the quality
of speech (clarity) in the dome-ceiling space will increase.
This measurement from scenario 1 and 2 have shown that if the ceiling dome become higher so generated
reverberation time become smaller where its value is very close to the recommended value for worship space in
mosque. The average values of C50 and C80 have shown that front line area (near mihrab) allows the occupants to
get the concentration and tranquillity in worship. This research has shown properly that the structure of higher dome
produces better intelligibility and clarity speech as it has been indicated by the increasing of C50 and C80 parameters.
Increased foot high dome, the distribution of the reflection from the dome likely more divergent. As one of the means
or methods of analysis, geometric dome acoustics data help explain previous acoustic parameters. Analysis of the
height of the dome to help developing criteria for recommended acoustic conditions at the mosque or a similar building
with a dome-shaped ceiling. Suggestion for future research in the same topic can be done with a simulation test
variations in the material properties of the room elements or the evaluation and design of electroacoustic system to
produce speech intelligibility in lecture mode or Friday sermon.

Alhamdulillah. All praises to Allah S.W.T for his blesses. High appreciation we convey to Building Physics
Laboratory of the Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, for supporting this research and having permission of
CATT-Acoustics v8.0e with license. Special thanks to Acoustic Research Center, Engineering Physics, Universitas
Gadjah Mada and Sentagi Sesotya Utami, Ph.D., for their guidance and motivation to the author for finishing this

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