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Scene 1

Arif: Adli, please stop bothering me.

Adli: Hahahahaha, what if I say no?

(Keeps quiet)

Arif: I'm being serious here. I hate it. I have to finish my


(Keeps on bothering)

Adli, once again you bother me, I'm seriously leaving. Don't try
to challenge me.

(Bother lagi)

Arif: Screw you, I'm going to the Aiman’s. I don't know what it
is that you hate about me but I'm done with you. Literally done.
I've never ever bothered you whatsoever but you just keep on
picking up on me. What's your problem man? Can't you just leave
an introvert alone?

Adli: Yea, go to your only friend in this world. What did you do
wrong? Hmm, let me see. How about your ability to just say only
800 words a day? Do you know how quiet you are?
It's like having a mute friend but hey, if I counted right I'm
pretty sure you just reached your word limit just now.

Arif: You're so tiring. No wonder Alya chose me over you. Heh.

Oh, shut up! The girl is clearly blind.
Whatever. I don't care. I tried talking to you nicely but you
just don't listen.

(Arif leaves)

Adli: Such a dumbass. Can't even stand a joke and has the
audacity to bring up Alya. Does he even know who I am and realize
who he is? People like him should be taught to respect others.
Aha! I just know what to do that'll make him remember to respect

Heh, so let's see what we can do with his photos here. Let’s
change this a little bit, oops, just a few seconds ago she was a
girl and poof she's a boy. Hahahaha. And now you are holding a
boy's hand instead of a girl, Arif.
Arif is studying alone while listening to music. Alya suddenly
comes out.

Alya: Ariff!!!

Arif: Hey, what took you so long.

Alya: What is this? What does all of this mean? Who is this guy?
Arif: What is what

Alya This!

(Arif looks at the phone)

Arif: What? Hey that's not me. Thats, thats, wait what? (looks

Alya: I really thought you were honest about everything. I didn't

think you were this kind of person. I'm just so ashamed and
disappointed. Just what the .... I'm just so speechless.

(The stage is quite for a second)

I'm leaving. Goodbye Arif. Probably be honest with your boyfriend


Arif: Alya wait!!! I don't know who did it but I swear this is
not me. Trust me!

Alya: Get out of my way. You're a disgusting person Ariff. Really


Scene 2

(Crying while entering the room)

Arif: Hello, is mummy you there?

Nurse: Hello? May I know who is speaking?

Arif: Its Arif, his son. Is she there?

Nurse: Oh, well, I’m so sorry to inform you but your mother is
currently doing an operation for one of her patients. I'll get
you back as soon as she is finished.
Arif: Oh, ummm, okay. Thank you.

(Hangs up the phone)

Arif: Screw all of this. Alya’s left me. Mom doesn't even care
about me. I've got no one. No one! Everyone’s left me. What did I
do wrong to deserve all of this? How did all of this happen? I
don't know who did this but trust me I'll never let him have a
good sleep after this. I don't want to live in this world
anymore. Hahahaha, it's not what I want but I can't. I hate it. I
hate myself!!!
(Hangs himself)

Scene 3

Adli: Hey doofus, I'm back!

(Sees Arif hanged)

Why is that phone playing a video?

(watches video)
No, no, no. What the hell, dude? Why did you do this? It was all
just a game. Just a prank for god's sake. I was not even serious
about it. Whatever you say, it's not my fault. It's not. I didnt
force you to do it.


Scene 4

Adli is around his room talking and keeps on shuttling.

Adli: Okay, step one, burying his body, done. Step two, contact
the authorities. He's gone missing for a few days and hasn't
returned yet. That's all. Wait, no. His phone is with me. Shit.
I need to delete the video. No one can ever find that video
because if they do, certainly Ill become a suspect.

Scene 5

Suddenly the phone lights up. A lot of notifications come in.

Adli panics. The notifications stop. He looks at the laptop and
there he sees Arif’s face. After that, he immediately shuts down
the laptop.

Aiman: Hey, Adli, i'm sorry for calling you out in the middle of
the night but are you okay? I was walking outside and heard you
screamed. You sounded quite terrified. Is everything okay?
Adli: Hey Aiman, I'm good. Nothing happened.

Aiman: Are you serious? You were screaming quite bad. I thought
you saw a ghost or something.

Adli: It was just a big rat. I was shocked.

Aiman: Oh, ummm, okay. And by the way, have you seen Ariff? He’s
been missing since yesterday. I'm still shocked after you know
what happened on Twitter. Really didn't think he was that kind of

Adli: Yea, me too but I also haven't seen him for a long time.

Aiman: Oh, okay but If you do see him or anything just let me
know alright.

Adli: Sure, Aiman.

(Door opens, real Aiman enters in)

Aiman: Hey, I'm sorry for barging in but I heard you was
screaming. Come in to check in on you.

Adli: Wait, Aiman?

Aiman: Yea, is everything okay?

Adli: If you're Aiman, then who called me just now?

Aiman: I don't know. I didn't call you, Ariff. Maybe it was a

prank or scam or something.

Adli: No, no, no. He sounded exactly like you! I really thought
it was you on the phone.

Aiman: Well, I don't know. I just came by to see you. Didn't call
you whatsoever.

Adli: You did!!! We talked about Arif and then you got a little
bit off and ….

Aiman: Hey, Adli, you okay? Hey,

Adli: I, I, I need some time alone.


Scene 5

Adli is sleeping and hallucinates. The lights suddenly shut off

and we see a flashback of what he did. (The twitter thread part
as his dream). In the end, there was a hand on his sleep waking
him from his sleep. He wakes up screaming

(Wakes up from sleep). What just happened? (Still panicking). It

was just a dream; it was just a dream. I mean there's no way
possible he is alive. He hanged himself. He’s, he’s dead. Dead
people don't come back from the dead and bother me. It's not
real. I need to sleep. I need to sleep

Scene 6

Adli is playing with his phone and suddenly Ariff’s face is on

the screen. Adli falls back while Ariff crawls from the screen

Adli: No! Stay off! Get away from me! Get away!
Get away? Didn't you used to want me, Adli? Well, now I am here
with you. Why aren't you happy?

Adli: Get away from me your ugly filthy ghost!!!

Hahahahahahahahaha. Get away from you? I thought you wanted to

play with me. Want to bother me. Now, here i am, right in front
of you.

Adli: Noooooo, please stop, please.

Arif: stop? Hahahahahahaha, i'll never stop until i get my

revenge! You shall pay for what you did, adli!!! I suffered a lot
because of you and i will never forgive you.

Adli: Arif? Is that you?

Arif: hahahahaha, now you care about me? Now you do listen? To
late adli. Too late.

Adli: Please, i'm so sorry for what happened. Please forgive me!
Arif: Let me ask you a question. Did you even think about what
you were doing back then? Did you think about the consequences?
Those lines you said. The pictures you edit. Did you even think
about it?

Adli: No, i didn't, i'm sorry!

Arif: Your sorry? Ahahahahaha, good. Because thinking back i do

want something from you that you took away from me.


(Holds knife)


Aiman suddenly comes in barging in the door

Aiman: Arif, Arif, Arif!!! Ya allah, what are you doing? Did you
hurt yourself. That is a lot of blood coming out. You stay, i'll
call the ambulance. (Brings out his phone)

Adli:NO, NO, NO. Don't get close to me, Aiman. He's still here!!!

Aiman: Who's here?

Adli: Ariff.

(Ariff is behind Aiman)

Scene 7

Adli pushes Aiman away. Locks himself in his room and sees Arif
coming close him

Arif: This is what you get when you bully people,adli! Now i'll
make you feel what it feels like to be trapped inside a
speechless body. Hahahahahaha. - suara background

Adli who has been holding the phone sees it getting suddenly
lights on. He screams and all the lights turn off.

In the projector, we see himself trapped in the projector.

Scene 8

Alya: Hey, ummm Aiman, are you busy?

Aiman: No, not really. Anything you want to talk about?

Alya: Yea, have you been noticing Adli quite recently? He seems
quite weird. He's been creeping me out and I really feel
uncomfortable with him.

Aiman: Yea, after what happened with the ambulance and mental
stuff, I think he's a little bit weird. I feel like he's not the
usual Adli we know. Like he's someone else.

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