Safety Cases 26 1 4

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A sheet-metal at the Treadway Company had no guard on it and, therefore, was

dangerous, making it possible for people to lose their fingers. The state safety
inspector ordered Treadway to install a safety shield and control buttons so that
the workers could not operate the shear unless they had their hands out of
A year and a half later, Bill Gott, an employee, lost three fingers in the still
unprotected shear. The safety inspector had not been back in the interim and, in
the ordinary course of events, wouldn't have been back for at least six months
more. Shortly after the safety inspector's visit, Jack Combs, a former machine
operator, had been made supervisor of the department. He said he'd never heard
of the safety engineer's order.
What allows such things to happen? Suggest a remedy.
If you are the state safety inspector, what would require Treadway
Company to prepare to avoid accidents?
Prepare an investigation report.
A company hired and appointed a safety engineer. Upon his assumption to duty
as safety engineer accidents went up to a new high, so the personnel department
interviewed the supervisor who hired him with the worst records to see what was
happening. Here are some of the answers. "Safety? That's not my job anymore.
Safety’s the safety engineer's job. He'll get the credit, so let him work for it."

What went wrong during the hiring of the safety engineer?

What should be done at this point?
Prepare a plan of action or system on hiring a Safety officer, its qualification
and required experience.
“My foreman is a fair guy but pretty slow with a hospital pass. If you cut your
finger and yell for relief, he hands you a Band-Aid. You could bleed to death
before a relief man arrived. He hopes that you'll let it go and that he won’t have
to get a relief man or report having an accident. Same thing with a headache or a
cold. He'll give you an aspirin and tell you that it will make you feel better soon.
He doesn't want you going to the hospital. He goes against the labor contract all
the time, because he isn't supposed to refuse a man a trip to the hospital.”

This report comes to you, the safety director. What do you do?

Prepare an investigation plan for these cases

 Finger cut
 Headache
The Evans Company has a program which encourages their employees to improve
their physical fitness, stop smoking, and lose weight. The employees are given an
extra half hour at lunch for an exercise class and are paid a bonus for losing
weight and if they stop smoking. Some employees really like the program and
some say it discriminates against them.

How do you relate fitness to safety?

Should the company keep it as a continuing program?
Why not?
Prepare the plan of action for the fitness program.

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