Ethics Class, 2nd Semester 2018-2019 Rhea A. Cadaoas

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Advocate of Virtue Ethics

I advocate Virtue Ethics

by Aristotle, who say’s, to attain
happiness is to attain
Eudaimonia and be a virtuous
person.Our virtue is what we
called in tagalog our gawa which
is we’re the outcome of our work
while the gawi is our habit.
I do really agree in the
idea of Aristotle, to be morally
virtuous person is capable to
respond to any situation not just
with the correct feeling or action
but in proper degree, at the right
time, right person and right
reason. I do believe, virtue is developed in practice. If we want to be a virtuous
person we need to practice the golden mean according to Aristotle because virtue is
marked by choice.
We must practice vituous acts regulary, because according to Aristotle
virtues are something that we acquire and are not just born with it. After a while,
there acts will become a habit and so the virtuous acts part of every day life and the
person will be leading a virtuous life. People who practice their virtues improve
their skill and becoming happier. By continuously practicing their virtues people
will soon be acting in the right way.
“Being virtuous is thought practice
and habit,” as stated by Aristotle.

Critic of Utilitarianism

I am critic of Utilitarianism
by John Stuart Mill, states that

Ethics Class, 2nd Semester 2018-2019 Rhea A. Cadaoas

something is moral, or good when it produces the greatest amount of good for
greatest number of people.
Based on what I have learned in our topic, Utilitarianism is where you can
sacrifice another life to provide another set of life for many people. It is okay to
kill one person if it means allowing many people will continue their life. Im against
this idea because why would they sacrifice their life for those people? God gives
life and God is the only one who have the right to give it back. I maybe called
lacking in considering other people but for me sacrificing another life is too much.
There are considering other people to live but how about the person who will
sacrificed his life. Sacrificing another healty person for the sake of those people
who’s suffering on their own faulth, for me I find the idea of Mill is harsh. It’s
their fault, why they have that kind of sickness, why would a healthy person be the
one to die.
In additional, Maybe some people will agree in Mill’s idea about
Utilitarianism in sacrificing one person for the sake of more people because some
people can’t understand the value of living as a human. All they know is talked and
decide, but they didn’t realize the consequences. Consequences that will lead to
some people in misery because some people decided to sacrifice the person they
loved for the sake of people who’s not related to them.
Decisions is very common in our daily lives, but in comes in Mill’s idea
decisions has a big role and evey decisions have particular consequences that
correspond to how one’s motives translated into action through a decision.

Ethics Class, 2nd Semester 2018-2019 Rhea A. Cadaoas

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