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Algorithm: - it is a finite set of instructions that represent the step by step logical procedures for

solving a problem

Properties of Algorithms:-
(1) input:- zero or more inputs
(2) output – at least one quantity is produced
(3) Definiteness – each instruction is clean and unambiguous.
(4) Finiteness – the algorithm should terminate after a finite number of steps. It should not
enter into infinite loop.
(5) Effectiveness: - each operation must be simple and should complete in a finite time.
Algorithm can be written in English like sentences. Algorithm written in English like language is
called pseudo code.

 Write an algorithm for finding average of given 3 numbers?

(A) step -1 : Read values
Read A,B and C
Step -2: Compute
Sum = A + B + C.
Avg = Sum/3.
Step -3: Display O/P.
Print Avg.
Step – 4: Stop.

(2) Write an algorithm for finding sum of given ‘n’ numbers.

(A) step -1 : Read values
Read N.
Step -2: Initialization.
Count=1; Sum = 0;
Step -3: Perform the Loop
Repeat through step -4 while count <=n
Step – 4: Read and Compute
Read x
Step -5: Display O/P.
Print Sum.
Step – 6: Stop.
(3) Write an algorithm for factorial of a given number.
(A) Step -1: Read values
Read N.
Step -2: Initialization.
Count=1; Fact = 1;
Step -3: Perform the Loop
Repeat through step -4 while count <=n
Step – 4: Compute
Fact = Fact * Count
Step -5: Display O/P.
Print Fact.
Step – 6: Stop.
(4) Write an algorithm for finding the reverse of a given number
(A) Step -1: Read values
Read N.
Step -2: Initialization.
Rev = 0;
Step -3: Perform the Loop
Repeat through step -4 while n>0.
Step – 4: Compute
Rev = Rev * 10 + N mod 10
N = N /10;
Step -5: Display O/P.
Print Rev.
Step – 6: Stop.

A Flowchart is a practical representation of an algorithm that uses boxes of different
shapes to denote different types of instructions.

à A flowchart shows the flow of operations in pictorial form, any error in the logic of the problem
can be detected very easily.
Flowchart symbols:-
A few symbols are needed to indicate the necessary operations in a flowchart. These symbols
have been standardized by the ANSI(American National Standard Institute).

I. Terminal:- The terminal (oval) symbol as the name implies is used to indicate the
beginning <START>, ending <STOP> and pause <HALT> in the program logic flow.

It is the first and last symbol in the program logic.

II. Input/Output:- The input/output(parallelogram) symbol is used to denote any function of an

Input/output device in the program.

III. Processing:- A processing symbol (Rectangle) is used in a flowchart to represent

arithmetic and data movement instructions.

IV. Flow lines:- Flow lines with arrow Heads are used to indicate the flow operations i.e. the
exact sequence in which the instructions are to be executed.
V. Decision :- The decision <Diamond> symbol is used in a Flowchart to indicate a point at
which a decision has to be made and a branch to one of two or more alternate points is

VI. Connectors: - if a flowchart becomes very long the flow lines start crises crossing at many
places that cause confusion and reduce understandability of the flowchart.

VII. Predefined Process:- the predefined process(Double sided rectangle) symbol is used in
flowcharts to indicate modules or subroutines are specified.

VIII. Annotation: - The annotation (Bracket with broken line) symbol is used in flowcharts to
indicate the descriptive comments or explanation of the instruction.


Some Examples of Drawing flowcharts:

Draw a flowchart to add two numbers entered by user.

Draw flowchart to find the largest among three different numbers entered by user.
Draw a flowchart to find all the roots of a quadratic equation ax 2+bx+c=0
Draw a flowchart to find the Fibonacci series till term≤1000.

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