Unit 4 Lesson 2 Activity Guide: : Explore The App On

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Unit 4 Lesson 2 Activity Guide

Complete this with your partner in class

Step 1​: Explore the app on ​Level 2 in Code Studio​.

Investigate the app and answer the following questions.

● What is being stored?

Number that show temperature

● What is being changed?

The temperature/ the number of the temperature

Step 2​: Explain the app on ​Level 3 in Code Studio​.
You will be assigned one section by your teacher to explain. Write your explanation in the
appropriate space below.

Which section were you assigned? Section 1

Section Line Numbers Our Explanation

1-12 It has the first bit off code to code the down arrow when
clicked on to lower the temperature number displayed.

Then, you will be assigned another group with the other section to explain. Once they have
explained it, write their explanations in the other space. When you meet, make sure that you
● Explain what your section does
○ My section controls the down arrow to lower the temperature
● Call out any lines of code you thought were interesting or confusing
○ Using the math to set the temperature
● Ask good questions about how their section works
○ What does your code do?


● Right now temperature changes by one degree when the buttons are clicked.
Modify the code so the temperature changes by two degrees when the buttons
are clicked.
Step 3: ​ Complete ​Level 4-6 in Code Studio​.

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