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Grade 3



First Grading - Week 2

Write a Short Descriptive Paragraph about a Character

or Setting in Stories Listened to

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a Short Descriptive Paragraph about a Character or Setting in Stories Listened to.
Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.
English – Grade 3
English Learning Kit
Write a Short Descriptive Paragraph about a Character or Setting in Stories Listened to
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

by the Department of Education
Schools Division of Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

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Development Team of English Learning Kit

Writers: Ma. Socorro T. Montenegro, Ederlina V. Visto and Joy S. Laos

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Sarah Jane V. Visto

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Dr. Ruby Therese P. Almencion
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Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque, Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lililbeth E. Larupay
Dr. Ruby Therese P. Almencion

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.
Writing a Short Descriptive Paragraph about a Character
or Setting in Stories Listened to


As a Grade 3 pupil, you should learn how

to write a short descriptive paragraph in order
to develop your writing skills. Developing your
writing skill will help you gain more knowledge
in accomplishing the different tasks given.
In this module, you will be given
different activities that will lead you on how to
write a short descriptive paragraph. Important
concepts are presented as bases for the new
Further, this material includes individual
activities that will allow you to demonstrate an
understanding of the skill and tasks
appropriate for your level of development.
Enjoy learning!


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. know what a descriptive paragraph is,
2. describe the character/characters or setting in stories read: and
3. write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or
setting in stories listened to.

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

Directions: Read the story and do activities 1 and 2.

A Day in a Farm
It was summer. Children were grazing their animals in the grassy farm.
They were Deo, Justine and Vincent. They woke up early to feed their animals.
They were helpful to their family. While grazing, they played hide and seek in the
farm. They enjoyed taking care of their animals in the grassy farm.

Activity 1
Directions: Choose one of the characters in the story and complete its
profile below. Write your answers in your notebook.

Draw the character inside the


Write the name of the

character on the line.

Complete the sentences to

tell something about the

He is ____________________. He likes to _______________. He

______________ and _______________.

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.
Activity 2

Directions: Describe the setting in a story and fill in the box what is being asked
for. Write your answers in your notebook.

Draw the setting inside the


Tell something about the


The farm is _______________________.

Animals like to _______________________.

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

Directions: Read the story and do Activity 3.

The Lost Goat
1. 2.

There was a mother goat with a Mimi was very active and full
jolly baby goat named little Mimi. Both of energy. She liked to jump, hop
were grazing on a green farmland one and run. She saw very beautiful
afternoon. butterfly fluttering around.

3. 4.

She tried to chase the butterfly Her mother heard her. When
and run as far as she could, until she got little Mimi saw her mother, she
lost. She cried aloud while finding her hugged her with all fondness and
way back. was very happy.
Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.
Activity 3
Directions: Answer the questions below. Write your answers in your

Fill in the table below. Get your answers

1. from the story. Write your answers
in your paper.

What is the title of the story?


(Who are the characters in the


(Where did the story happen?)


(When did the story happen?)

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

Great! You did a wonderful job in providing

answers in the first three activities. Now, let us
connect your answers to the following activities.

Activity 4
Directions: Describe the characters and setting in one or two
words. Copy and do this in your notebook.

Mimi Mother Goat

1. 2.



Activity 5
Directions: Based on your answers in Activity 4, write a short
descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in
a story, Little Mimi, The Lost Goat. Follow the format
given below. Do this in your notebook.

Mother Goat is ____________________________________________.

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.
Mimi is ____________________________________________________.

The farmland is ____________________________________________.



A descriptive paragraph is a group of sentences that describes the character

or the setting in a story.
Characters are the people or animals in a story.
Setting tells about the place and the time a story happens or takes place.

In writing a short descriptive paragraph it observes the following:

1. Indention – a space at the beginning of a written line or paragraph
2. Margin – blank space on the left or right edge
3. Capitalization –make the first letter of the first word in a sentence
4. Punctuation – includes commas, periods, question mark and
exclamation point that should be observed at the end of the sentence

This time, I will show you an example of a

descriptive paragraph in Activity 6. Kindly do the

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.
Activity 6
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the given words and phrases to make
meaningful sentences in a descriptive paragraph. Do this in your

summer vacation much fun hot and windy early morning

make friends spend more time good news memorable

My Family Trip

My father went home one day with some _________________ for all of
us. He had planned to take us to a ____________________ at Tagaytay. We
were so excited! After a week preparation, we left for Tagaytay
______________________ of Saturday. The sun is shining. It was
__________________ that day. We had so _______ at the viewing sites
capturing pictures. My sister and I decided to ________________ with other
kids around. I was able to ___________________ with my family during this trip.
It was very _______________.


You are almost done with this module. You

have given the meaning of a descriptive paragraph
and how to write it correctly. Remember again that a
descriptive paragraph is a group of sentences that
describes the character or the setting of the story. a

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

Read the story about Wise Maya.

It was Wise Maya

summertime, the Maya drank the
weather was water and flew
extremely hot and away happily.
the land was dry.
Maya was thirsty.

He saw an The water

empty pitcher level became
with little water higher.
in it.
He put stones
one by one.

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.
Activity 7
Directions: Describe the character’s traits, size and color in words
or phrases. Write this in your notebook.


Activity 8
Directions: Describe in words or phrases the setting of the story.
Write about this in your notebook.


Activity 9
Directions: Write a short descriptive paragraph about
the character and setting of the story, Wise Maya.
Use your answers in Activities 7 - 8 . Do this in your notebook.

Maya is ________________________________________________.
It ___________________________________________________________.
In summertime__________________________________________.
It ____________________________________________________________.

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

Well done! You have shown great

improvement after accomplishing all the
tasks in each activity. This time you will
rate yourself of what you have learned.

Activity 10
Directions: In a score of 1 to 4 rate yourself of what you have learned,
1 is the lowest and 4 is the highest. Write your answers
in your notebook.

 1. I learned that descriptive paragraph is a group of

sentences that describes a character or setting in a

 2. I observed margin in writing a paragraph.

 3. I observed indention.

 4. I observed capitalization of the first word in a sentence.

 5. I used correct punctuation marks at the end of the


 6. I learned how to write a short descriptive paragraph

about a character or setting in a story.

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

Let’s see what you have learned. Enjoy


Activity 11
Directions: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or
setting in a story. Write your paragraph in your notebook.

There was a woman named Juana. She lived in the farm. All day long, she
planted root crops, bananas and vegetables.During harvest time, she sold some of
her root crops, bananas and vegetables. With her small income in farming, she
bought essential needs of the family. She had coconuts too. She had a goat to take
care of. She enjoyed working and living in the farm.

Juana ________________________________________________.
The farm _____________________________________________.

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

grassy [grássee] adj. covered with grass

grazing [gráyzing] n. eat grass in fields
loud [lowd] adj. high in volume
summer [súmmər] n. warm weather
wise [wīz] adj. good judgement


Activities 1 and 2 - Evaluate pupils’ work with the use of rubrics.

(See the attached page 15)
Activity 3 – 1. Little Mimi, The Lost Goat
2. Little Mimi, Mother Goat
3. Farmland
4. One afternoon
Activity 4 – 1. little, active 2. loving, caring 3. green, grassy
Activity 5, 9, 11 - Evaluate pupils’ work with the use of rubrics.
(See the attached page 15)
Activity 6 - good news, summer vacation, early morning, hot and windy, much fun,
make friends, spend more time, memorable
Activity 7 - Maya – wise, small, black/brown
Activity 8 - In summertime – thirsty, hot, dry
Activity 10 – Self Assessment by the pupils

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

Encarta Dictionary, 2009,accessed July 16,2020.

Ponciano, Mil Flores. Cruz, Esperanza. Caspi, Ana Lou., etc. Let‘s get Better in
English - Grade 3, Department of Education, (2015) pp.44 and 45

Silvela, Maridel. Workbook on English Grade 4, Lesson 76 (pp.135). Accessed July


Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.
Name of Pupil: ______________________________________
Score each item with 1 being the lowest and 2 being the highest.
Rubrics for Activities 1 and 2
Criteria Score
The pupil ….
1 2
1. has able to draw any character / setting in a story.
2. has able to describe the character /setting in a story.

Rubrics for Activities 6, 9, and 12

Criteria Score
The pupil…….
5 9 11
1. describes a character or setting in a story.

2. has able to observe margin and indention.

3. has able to observe capitalization in the beginning of the
4. has able to observe punctuation marks.

5. writes legibly and neatly a short descriptive paragraph about a

character or setting in a story.

Rubrics for Activity 11

Criteria Score
The pupil …. 10
1. has able to show his/her creativity.
2. has able to write a short descriptive paragraph about a

Grade 3-English
Competency: Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in a stories listened to.

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