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Ease of use Social Creation Media Storage Help Cost Speed

Google 9/10 10/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10

-Easy to use -Students are -It is easy to -Promotes -Unlimited -Help features -It is a free -Loading
sent invitations create a uploading or storage and is available tool time is fast
to join and class. The sharing of individual -The size and
participate in create a class local and files up to location of the
activities button internet 5TB question mark
-Promotes supports this media (Kastrenakes, icon that
sharing of feature artefacts 2014). includes a help
materials with -In contrast, -Media menu is not
teaching access may artefacts can very noticeable
colleagues be limited to be uploaded.
-Promotes teaching staff For example,
communicatio whose an image file
n with students institution can be added
and parents has a GSuite to a quiz.
Profile. I was
able to
access it via
my personal
email as I
was invited
to be a
teacher in an
However, I
that I could
not create a
class with
my UWI
Google email
Edmodo 9/10 9/10 10/10 9/10 9/10 9/10 10/10 10/10
-Easy to use -Students can -Easy to -Promotes -Unlimited -Help promotes -It is a free -Loading
participate in create course uploading or storage and troubleshooting tool time is fast
discussions sharing of individual factors
-Students can local and files up to -There is a help
participate in internet 100MB call centre for
polls media (Edmodo clients with
-Teachers can artefacts Help Center, diverse needs
share -Media 2019). -There are
information artefacts can provisions for
with be inserted helping
colleagues in in quiz colleagues and
the teaching forums others in the
community field that use
Realtime 8/10 9/10 10/10 9/10 8/10 9/10
-Relatively -Promotes -Easy to sign -Allows for -Additional -Help tools -It is a free -Loading
easy to use collaboration up design of storage can include tool with time is fast;
-However, I with peers concept be obtained technical premium however,
was not maps using features assistance, features that there were
aware, nor like Google tutorials, require intermittent
able to Drive and webinars, payment delays when
navigate its Dropbox installing post the trial selecting
collaboration plugin files like period certain
features until Adobe Cloud, features
a peer and the like
pointed out
the same

Edmodo Help Center. (2019, November 5). Add content to your library (teacher). Retrieved from https://support.edmodo.com/hc/en-
Kastrenakes, J. (2014, September 30). Google offers schools unlimited drive storage for students and teachers. Retrieved from

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