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STEP- 17

Name Grade

Hand Book- 2
The book includes:
Resource sheets as per Learning Goal
Practice sheets
Learning Extensions

You will be able to achieve the following…


LG-1You can read a story, identify and use phrases and similes

The Wonderful Weaver (Story)

New Words!


LG-2 You can learn, spell and use new words

Silent Letter Words!

Collectives (Collective Nouns)

LG-3You can use similar meaning words, opposites and singular &

Happy – Glad! (Synonyms)

Fast - Slow! (Antonyms)

Task – Tasks! (Singular/Plural)

Words from a Story

LG-1/WG-1 The Wonderful Weaver

Once upon a time there was a young girl in Greece. Her

name was Arachne. Her face was pale but fair, and her eyes
were big and blue. She sat all day long, spinning and

And oh, how fine and fair were the things which she wove
on her loom! The cloth which she had made was so thin,
soft and bright that men came from all parts of the world to
see it.

All this praise made Arachne very proud. ―No one can
weave like me!‖ she boasted. ―Even Athena, the queen of air
cannot spin and weave like me. I can teach her a thing or

Saying this, she looked up and saw a tall, young woman standing in front of her. Her face
was fair and had sharp, bright eyes.

"Arachne," said the woman, "I am Athena, the queen of the air, and I have heard your boast.
Do you still think you can spin and weave better than me?"

"Yes, I am better," said Arachne and she stood up, straight and proud, by the side of her

This made Athena angry. Athena said, ―We will both weave. We will ask the entire world to
come and see us. The great God Jupiter, who sits in the clouds, shall be the judge. If he says
that your work is best, then I will never weave again. But if I win, then you shall never
weave either. Do you agree to this?"

"I agree," said Arachne.

When the time came for the weaving contest, the entire world was there to see it. The great
Jupiter sat among the clouds and looked on.

Arachne sat under a tree and began to weave. She wove a piece of cloth, thin and as light as
feather. Yet it was so strong. The colours were also beautiful.

"The girl has a skill, look how beautiful the cloth is" said the people. Jupiter also nodded.
Then Athena began to weave in the sky. She took the threads from the sunbeams and the
snow and the clouds. She wove pretty pictures of flowers, gardens, castles and towers, and
mountains and rivers.

People saw it and were filled with wonder and delight. They forgot all about Arachne’s
cloth. Jupiter declared Athena the winner.

Arachne herself was ashamed and afraid when she saw it. She hid her face in her hands and

"Oh, how can I live," she cried, "now I must never again use a loom or a spindle!"

Athena took pity on her and said, "I know you will never be happy unless you can spin and
weave, I will give you a new form so that you can carry on your work.‖

Then she touched Arachne with the tip of the spear and changed her into a spider. The spider
ran into a shady place in the grass. Merrily, she began to spin and weave a beautiful web.

It is said that all the spiders since then are the children of Arachne. Arachne still lives and
spins and weaves. The very next spider that you see may be her.

New words
Words I Learnt From The Story “The Wonderful Weaver”










10. _

Match the words with their meanings

Words Meanings

spinning say good things about something or somebody

praise praise yourself

agree Happily

Boast to have the same view

Merrily to turn round and round rapidly

Learning Extensions-

A. Pick any five words from the story The Wonderful Weaver and make sentences.




4. _____________________________________________________________

A. Who said?
Who said these lines? Write their name.

1. No one can weave like me!

2. Do you still think you can spin and weave better than me?

3. We will both weave. We will ask the entire world to come and see us.

4. The girl has a skill, look how beautiful the cloth is.

5. Oh, how can I live, now I must never again use a loom or a spindle!

If you were Athena and you had to turn Arachne into an animal, which animal or creature

would you want to change her into?

B. Answer the following questions.

Q1. Arachne and Athena were both good at something. What was it?


Q2. There was talk of a competition in the story. What was it about?


Q3. Two people took part in the competition. Who were they?


Q4. Who was the judge for the competition?


Learning Extension-

A. Choose the correct option.

1. Arachne sat all day

reading and writing

spinning and weaving


watching television

2. The cloth she made was

thin, soft and bright hard

and rough

rough and dull


3. All this praise made Arachne

very humble

very polite

very proud


4. The competition was won by





5. The competition was judged by





6. Athena, was the queen of





7. The great Jupiter sat

on a chair

on the waves

in the sea

on the clouds

8. It is said that all spiders are

the children of Athena are the

children of Jupiter are the

children of Archane are the

children of fire.


A simile is a way of describing something by comparing it to something else, often using the
word "like" or "as." For example, "He is as brave as a lion."

Some common similes (plus their meaning) include:

As busy as a bee (very busy) As proud as a peacock ( a very high

As brave as a lion ( very strong) opinion of oneself. )
As black as coal ( black) As silly as a goose (very foolish)
As cold as a ice (very cold) As hard as nails (a person who is very
As cool as a cucumber (someone who stays tough) As slow as turtle (moves very
calm) slowly)
As delicate as a flower As old as the hills (very old)
(fragile) As easy as ABC (very As fast as wind (run very quickly)
simple) As slippery as a fish (a person who is not
As gentle as a lamb (very gentle) trustworthy)
Good as gold (very good) As smooth as silk (very smooth)
As light as a feather (light in Strong as an ox (very strong)
weight) Sweet as honey (very sweet)
As fast as lightning ( very fast) Tall as a tree/ giraffe (very tall)
As tough as nails (very tough)
As playful/ cute as a kitten (
As wise as an owl (very wise)


Louie the Pig is learning similes. He enjoys

comparing things.
Complete the following sentences to help him learn.

1. Winters have just started and my bed is as cold as

2. My aunt, Mrs. Red is as proud as a .

3. My younger sister Lily is as slow as a . She

takes ages to finish her meal.

4. But she is as playful as a .

5. My sister Lily is afraid of the dark. But I am as brave as a .

6. I just ate five apples, they were as sweet as

7. I can jump and hop, sometimes I feel I am as light as a .

8. I was trying to cook eggs, but I burnt them. They are as black as

9. I finish all my work very fast. I am as fast as a ________________________.

10. I learned to juggle in no time. It was as easy as .

Learning Extension- Fill in the blanks and complete the simile.

1. Winters have just started and my bed is as cold as

2. My aunt, Mrs. Red is as proud as a

3. My younger sister Lily is as slow as a

4. But she is as playful as a

5. My sister Lily is afraid of the dark. But I am as brave as a

6. I just ate five apples, they were as sweet as

7. I can jump and hop, sometimes I feel I am as light as a

8. I was trying to cook eggs, but I burnt them. They are as black as

9. I finish all my work very fast. I am as fast as

10. I learned to juggle in no time. It was as easy as

Silent Letter Words

Resource link- (Video)

Some words with silent letters are -

Try and tell the letter which is silent.
Know, knee, knife, knit. „K‟ is silent
Comb, bomb . „B‟ is silent
Wrap, wrong. „W’ is silent
What, hour, whale. „h‟ is silent
Could, would, calm. „l‟ is silent

The Silent Letter

Read the words aloud. Match the word with right picture. Highlight the
silent alphabet in the word.

Learning Extension-

Circle the Silent letter

LG-2/WG-3 Collectives!

We use special words when we describe a group of things, animals or people. These
are called collective nouns. Example-

List of some collective nouns-

1. A pride of lions

2. A bundle of sticks

3. A bunch of keys

4. An army of soldiers

5. A litter of puppies

6. A set of tools

7. A swarm of bees

8. A bouquet of flowers

9.A team of players

10. A Flock of birds

11. A band of musicians


Mat the monkey, is learning new words. Help him fill in

the blank with the right word.
( bouquet, pride, bundle, band, bunch , herd , troop, army )

1. I saw a of lion in the zoo.

2. I cannot break a of sticks.
3. I saw a of musicians at the airport.
4. I gave a of flowers to my mother.
5. I lost a of keys.
6. An of soldiers

7. A of elephants stomped through the water hole.

8. In the jungle we saw a of monkeys swinging on the trees.

LG-3/WG-1 Happy-Glad! (Synonyms)

A synonym is a word having the same or nearly the same meaning.

List of Synonyms

Big Large
Blank Empty
Broad Wide
Center Middle
Cunning Clever
Dangerous Risky
Eatable Edible
False Untrue
Fear Scare
Eager Keen
Glad Happy
Hard Difficult
High Tall
Huge Enormous
Intelligent Clever
Kill Destroy

Come — arrive, near, reach

Run — dash, hurry, race, rush, speed

Hurry — rush, run, speed, race

Hide — conceal, cover

Angry — mad, furious

Calm — quiet, peaceful

Let‟s Replace
(unusual, start, weep, small, easy)
1. You can begin the game.

2. My kitten is very tiny.

3. Rain at this time of the year is strange.

4. These sentences are very simple for me.

5. Don’t cry like a baby!

Write the synonyms of the given words.

1. Angry 2. Dangerous

3. Hide 6. Calm

Resource Links- (Games)

LG-3/WG-2 Fast-slow (Antonyms)

Antonyms are words which have the opposite (or nearly opposite) meaning. For example:
new and old.
List of Antonyms
1.absent – present 2.alive-dead
3. approve – disapprove 4. arrive – depart
5. ascend – descend 6. always - never
7. ancient – modern 8.answer – question
9. apart – together 10. backward – forward
11. beautiful – ugly 12. before - after
13. begin – end 14. below - above
15. bent – straight 16. best – worst
17.better - worse, worst 18. big - little, small
19. black – white 20. blame - praise
21. bless – curse 22. bitter - sweet
23. borrow – lend 24 bottom - top
25. good - bad, evil 26. come - go
27.comfort – discomfort 28. bad - good
29.dangerous – safe 30. dark - light – night 32. inside - outside
33. healthy - diseased, ill, sick 34.end - begin, start
35.enter – exit 36. honest – dishonest
37. found – lost 38.fresh – stale
39.give - receive, take 40.glad - sad, sorry

Write the Opposite

Read the sentences. You have to write the opposite of the word that has
been underlined.

1. These pants are too long.

2. I was early for the meeting.

3. This watch looks old.

4. Please keep the table outside.

5. The mouse ran under the table.

Write the Antonyms .

1. Blame 2. Better

3. Give 4. Big

5. Sweet 6. Early

7. Bent 8. Beautiful

9. Full 10. Below

11. Backward 12. Bad

Learning Extension- Rewrite the sentences with the opposite of the words that have
been underlined.

1. The ice cream is hot.

2. Bring the guests from the back door.

3. The pudding is bitter.

4. I am very sad today.

5. I want to be weak like an elephant.

Resource Link- (Video) (Game)

LG-3/WG-3 Task-Tasks (Singular-Plural)

Look at the picture and circle the right word

Fill in the blanks.

Singular Plural





Make sentences with the following words

For example: Dishes - I helped my mother clean the dishes.

1. Chairs -

2. Friends -

3. Hats -

4. Keys

5. Teachers

Resource Links- (Game) (Game)

LG-3/WG-4 Words from the story

Activity- Pick a story book.

 Read the story and underline words that you can replace with similar meaning words.

 Make a list of these words.

 Write the similar meaning words down on paper.

 Pick words for which you can also give the opposite word.

 Write the words and their opposites.


Task- 1

Let‟s use similes to describe the members of your family and characters from stories.

Complete the following similes; be adventurous, and make your own similes.

As tall as a .

For example: as tall as a giraffe.

As naughty as a

As polite as a

As busy as a

As cute as a

As playful as a

As cool as a

As strong as a

As funny as a

List seven members of your family. You can also include cousins, uncles and aunts. For

each family member listed in the table, use one of these similes to describe him/her.

Family members Simile to describe him/her


Put on your thinking caps and solve the crossword

Read the clues. Guess the word. Write it in the crossword.


1. light (opposite)

3. Plant (plural)

5. Simple (similar meaning word)

6. Bus (plural)

9. Upset (similar meaning word)


1. Glad (similar meaning word)

2. Take (opposite)

4. Task (plural)

7. Spoon (plural)

8. Outside (opposite)



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