Epicor ERP Quality Assurance Course

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Epicor ERP

Quality Assurance Course

This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its
date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with
regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a
particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is
likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document
are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained
herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information
about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release
notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or
make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.
The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of
any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage
of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase
of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements
in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws
and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly
Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of
platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred
to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also
stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible
with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or
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Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs
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All rights reserved. Not for distribution or republication. Information in this document is subject to Epicor license

Revision: October 15, 2018 10:31 p.m.
Total pages: 55
Quality Assurance Course Contents

Quality Assurance Course......................................................................................................6
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................7
Modules Licensing...........................................................................................................................................7
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................8
Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................9
Application Setup.................................................................................................................12
Company Configuration................................................................................................................................12
User Account Security Maintenance...............................................................................................................13
User Security...........................................................................................................................................13
Security Group Maintenance..........................................................................................................................14
Workshop - Create a Security Group.......................................................................................................14
New Security Group and User.................................................................................................................15
Workshop - Authorize a Security Group..................................................................................................15
Reason Code Maintenance............................................................................................................................16
Define Reason Codes..............................................................................................................................16
Workshop - Define a Reason Code.........................................................................................................17
Set the Inspection Required Check Box..........................................................................................................17
Workshop - Modify a Supplier Record.....................................................................................................18
Workshop - Add a Warehouse to a Part Record......................................................................................18
Job Material Inspection Setup........................................................................................................................19
Workshop - Create Part..........................................................................................................................19
Workshop - Adjust Quantities.................................................................................................................19
Workshop - Create Demand...................................................................................................................19
Workshop - Enter Job.............................................................................................................................20
Daily Quality Assurance Processing....................................................................................22
Inspect Purchase Order Receipts.....................................................................................................................23
Receipt Entry..........................................................................................................................................23
Workshop - Order and Receive Parts................................................................................................24
Create a Purchase Order...........................................................................................................24
Create a Purchase Order Receipt...............................................................................................24
Inspection Processing..............................................................................................................................25
Workshop - Inspect Received Material..............................................................................................27
DMR Processing......................................................................................................................................28
Workshop - Process a DMR Record...........................................................................................28
Miscellaneous Shipment Entry.................................................................................................................29
Workshop - Return Rejected Quantities............................................................................................30

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Contents Quality Assurance Course

Inspect Job Materials from Inventory..............................................................................................................31

Issue Material.........................................................................................................................................31
Quality Assurance............................................................................................................................32
Workshop - Issue Material to a Job..................................................................................................32
Workshop - Enter Nonconformance for Job.....................................................................................33
Workshop - Review Transactions.....................................................................................................34
Nonconformance for Inventory...............................................................................................................34
Workshop - Enter Nonconformance for Inventory............................................................................34
Nonconformance Inspection Process.......................................................................................................35
Workshop - Inspect Nonconformance for Inventory.........................................................................35
Workshop - Inspect Nonconformance for Job..................................................................................36
Open DMR Status Report........................................................................................................................37
Workshop - Review the Open DMR Status Report............................................................................37
Non-Conformance Analysis Report.........................................................................................................38
Workshop - Review the Nonconformance Analysis Report................................................................38
DMR Processing......................................................................................................................................38
Workshop - Process DMR for Inventory............................................................................................38
Workshop - Process DMR for Job.....................................................................................................39
Labor Entry and Nonconformance..................................................................................................................41
Time and Expense Entry..........................................................................................................................41
Workshop - Enter Nonconformance from Time and Expense Entry...................................................41
Report Labor Against Job.........................................................................................................41
Inspect Nonconformance Entry.................................................................................................42
Corrective Action....................................................................................................................................43
Initiate Corrective Action.................................................................................................................43
Workshop - Initiate Corrective Action..............................................................................................44
Create Corrective Action..........................................................................................................44
Response Tracking....................................................................................................................44
RMA Processing.............................................................................................................................................45
Return Material Authorization.................................................................................................................45
Workshop - Create RMA and Receive Materials...............................................................................45
Issue RMA for Material.............................................................................................................45
Receive Returned Material........................................................................................................46
RMA Inspection Processing.....................................................................................................................46
Workshop - Inspect and Dispose Returned Materials........................................................................47
RMA Credit Memo Request....................................................................................................................48
Workshop - Request RMA Credit Memo..........................................................................................49
First Articles...................................................................................................................................................50
Workshop - Inspect First Articles.............................................................................................................50
Update Existing Job.........................................................................................................................50
Report Labor in MES........................................................................................................................51
Inspection Pending Report......................................................................................................................51
Workshop - Review the Inspection Pending Report..........................................................................51
Workshop - Approve First Article Inspection............................................................................................52

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Quality Assurance Course Contents


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Quality Assurance Course Quality Assurance Course

Quality Assurance Course

This course discusses the flow of material through the Quality Assurance (QA) module and reviews the configuration
and maintenance setup. This course addresses various inspections and demonstrates how the Epicor application
processes them.
The course workshops guide you through the inspection process. This course covers how to dispose failed material,
return material to the supplier, and use report tools available in the QA module.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Describe the material flow through the QA module.
• Configure the QA module options.
• Identify part classes, suppliers, and items that require inspection.
• Receive purchased items into inspection and disposition the items to stock or jobs.
• Move job material or job assemblies to inspection for analysis and disposition.
• Identify non-conforming material and move material to the Material Review Board (MRB) for analysis and
• Receive returned material from a customer and dispose of it through inspection.
• Evaluate quality information through reports and trackers.

6 Epicor ERP | 10.2.300

Quality Assurance Course Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.

Modules Licensing
The following modules must be licensed to complete all the workshops in this course:
• Inventory Management
• Job Management
• Order Management
• Purchase Management
• Quality Assurance
• Shipping Receiving


Specific audiences will benefit from this course.

• Shipping and Receiving
• QA Inspector


To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager.
It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other valuable courses.
• An Introduction to Epicor ERP Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's
user interface. Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available
in two user interface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these
modes and guide you through each navigational principle introduced.
• Inventory Management Course - This course provides an overview of the entire inventory management
process. Use this module to update and maintain raw materials, work in process (WIP) as well as finished
goods inventory quantities and costs.
• System Flow Course - This course introduces a basic quote to cash scenario that includes the process from
the initial customer quote to final cash receipts and payment of supplier invoices. This course emphasizes the
series of processes that make up the quote to cash process by using a simple scenario to highlight various
transactions. Your organization may have more complex processing routines than those described in this
• Industry knowledge in inventory control, work order materials management, and quality control production.

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Before You Begin Quality Assurance Course

Environment Setup

The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same version as the Epicor application. The
demonstration database is installed from the Epicor Administration Console using the "Add Demo
Database" command under Database Server. See Epicor ERP installation guides for details. If you are an
Epicor Cloud ERP customer (and have licensed embedded education), the demonstration database is
installed for you.
• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. If you are an Epicor Cloud ERP
customer see section below.

2. Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged into your
training environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.
Important When you log on for the first time, a message appears to inform you that your password
has expired. You will be prompted to set a new password. To set a new password, perform the
following steps:

1. Click Yes.
A Change Password window displays.

2. In the Current Password field, enter manager.

3. In the New password field, enter a new password. An example would be manager2.

4. In the Confirm new password field, re-enter the same password.

5. Click OK. The Change Password window closes and you are logged on with the manager user

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Quality Assurance Course Before You Begin

6. Record the new password. This is important as this will be the password everyone uses when
they log on with the manager ID until the database is refreshed.

3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).

4. From the Main menu, select the Main Site.

Epicor Cloud ERP Specific Information

Note If you are an Epicor Cloud ERP customer, then note the following about your Epicor-hosted education
company. All logins referenced in the course (such as manager, or epicor) should be changed to be the
<site ID>-. For example, if your site ID is 98315, then wherever you are instructed to use the login manager,
instead use 98315-manager. The password is the same as the login name.

Note To refresh your Epicor training data, enter a support ticket in EpicCare and include your site ID.

Workshop Constraints

All workshops in this course can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed) database. If
a user has already completed these workshops in the database, the database must be restored (refreshed) before
another user can complete this course.

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Overview Quality Assurance Course


The Quality Assurance module ties together all quality functions, including scrapping end parts, rejecting raw
materials, or tracking first article inspections. Review the general process flow of items inspected and dispositioned
through the Quality Assurance module.

Input to Inspection
Quality Assurance (QA) module processing begins with the purchase order receipt. Anything selected for inspection
is received in the QA warehouse. Inspection flags can be manually set in the Supplier Maintenance, Part Class
Maintenance, Purchase Order Entry, Job Entry, or Shipping and Receiving module.
• You receive returns through the QA area, although the major Return Material Authorization (RMA) interface
is owned by the Order Management module.
• If a particular article is used on a part, an operation for that purpose can be created. At the appropriate time,
the part is pulled off the line, checked, and returned to the job once it passes the inspection.

Non-Conformance Entry
Use the Non-Conformance Entry to add or update non-conforming materials during job production. Generally,
you enter non-conformance records because the material is bad, defective, or warrants an inspection. The material
can be an assembly, raw job material, scrap, items from a subcontractor, or parts from another source. The
information you enter is sent to an inspector, who then inspects the material and uses Inspection Processing
Entry to disposition it.
• A shop employee can create a non-conformance entry whenever a part displays off the line. The
non-conformance is entered during Labor Entry and the quantity in question can be moved to inspection.
• A discrepant assembly inspection can be requested off the floor.
Example John J. Labor discovers an assembly that is faulty and he wants an inspector to review it. He
generates a manual non-conformance, pulls the discrepant assembly off the floor, and sends it for
inspection. Once the inspection is complete and approved, it is returned directly to the job or sent to
DMR Processing for further evaluation.

Incoming materials are often received in QA before production ever knows they are there. QA completes the
inspection and returns the materials to inventory. This is called a discrepant inventory material inspection.
Discrepant subcontract items are pulled off at the operation and sent to QA.
• An item previously received to inventory can be removed from inventory if it is thought to be defective. A
non-conformance entry is required to make this happen.
• Discrepant Miscellaneous has no direct flow to QA. This can be used in a situation where an indirect corrective
action is required on an item that is not part related.

QA Processing Rules - Inspection Passed

Once inside inspection, an item can either pass or fail. To complete the process, the inspector must sign off on
the item and return the item to the appropriate location, depending on where it came from. Reason codes are
not used when an item passes inspection.
• Job material is returned to a job. Subcontract operations, or parts pulled from a job, are also returned to the
job after inspection.
• Material ordered specifically for inventory is dispositioned to the appropriate warehouse and bin locations
once it passes inspection.

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Quality Assurance Course Overview

QA Processing Rules - Inspection Failed

When an item is failed by an inspector, a system-generated DMR (Discrepant Material Request) number is created.
The DMR process requires a warehouse and a bin be defined when you configure the Quality Assurance module.
Typically, failed items go before a Material Review Board, which determines if an investigation is required and
the next course of action to take. This is called a corrective action, and the process is handled inside the Quality
Assurance (QA) module.
• Courses of actions may be to rework the item(s), initiate a corrective action process, reject to scrap, or return
to the supplier. Cause and Corrective Actions can be created at the Discrepant Material Report (DMR) process
inspection. Companies need to develop procedures to follow when corrective actions are necessary.
• When processing Return Material Authorizations, QA can handle a credit memo suggestion, if desired; credit
memo decisions may be something Accounting handles. A credit memo request is merely a suggestion;
Accounting can create an actual credit memo.

DMR Processing - Accepted (Material Review Board Overrules)

If the Discrepant Material Report (DMR) Material Review Board accepts the items, the material is returned to the
job, and subcontract material returned to the job or to inventory.

DMR Processing - Rejected

If the Discrepant Material Report (DMR) Material Review Board rejects the items, they will typically recommend
to disposition the materials. Reason codes must be defined for all rejections. Five types of reason codes interface
with the Quality Assurance (QA) module:
• QA
• Scrap
• Inventory
In most situations, QA only applies in the corrective action process, and the remaining reason codes tie to the
DMR process.
Based on the Material Review Board's recommendation, the item can be scrapped or returned to the supplier.
A debit memo can also be initiated within the QA module, even when the material is accepted as part of the
DMR processing, for example, in material rework.

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Application Setup Quality Assurance Course

Application Setup

This section reviews the company configuration and goes through the maintenance program setup that affect
the Quality Assurance module.
To set up the inspection process, complete the following:
• Company Configuration
• User Account Maintenance
• Security Group Maintenance
• Identify inspection departments and inspectors.
• Define reason codes, shop warnings and global alerts.
• Set the Inspection Required check box in the appropriate programs.

Company Configuration

Use Company Configuration to define company options in the Epicor application. These options allow you to
customize the Epicor application to best fit each company.
Company configuration is usually done at the time of implementation. All Epicor application modules require
maintenance table definition, and the Quality Assurance (QA) module is no different. This section reviews
configurations and tables specific to the QA module.

Modules > Production > QA

The Modules > Production > QA sheet contains the company configuration specific to the Quality Assurance
(QA) module.
Receipt Inspection Options
The Receipt Inspection Options section contains the Default site and Default Inspection Warehouse fields.
Before material is received, an inspection warehouse and inspection bin must be defined in the QA module
configuration. The site must be valid and the warehouse does not have to be a physical warehouse. The warehouse
can be virtual, where the warehouse is actually a shelf in the back room.
It is recommended to use a descriptive name, such as Inspection Warehouse, to easily identify where materials
can be found. When items are selected as Inspection Required, the warehouse field populates with the name
defined in the QA module configuration.
Initialization Options
The Initialization Options section contains the Starting Non-Conformance ID and Starting Corrective Action
ID fields. All non-conformance and corrective action IDs are automatically assigned during their respective
processing. If a starting number is not defined, the Epicor application begins with number one.
The Defaults section contains the Move Costs to DMR check box; this check box applies to assemblies and
controls the default action in the event of a failed assembly. By default, this check box is not enabled during
implementation; therefore, you can decide whether to move the cost of a failed item to the Discrepant Material
Report (DMR) after inspection or to leave the cost in the job.
When selected, costs for the failed assembly are moved from work in process (WIP) to the DMR pending accounts.
Keep in mind, the assembly costs are not removed from the job when the assembly moves to inspection. Those

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Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

costs are only removed when the assembly fails in inspection and is then moved to DMR. Material costs are
removed from the job as soon as the specific material is moved to inspection by default.
If the Advanced Material Management license is enabled, the Request Move for Passed Items and Request
Move for Failed Items determine the default settings of the corresponding Request Move fields in Inspection
Processing, RMA Disposition, and in DMR Processing. If Advanced Material Management is not enabled, these
fields will be disabled and unchecked.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Company Configuration

User Account Security Maintenance

Use User Account Security Maintenance to enter basic information, security access, and application privileges
for users. Anyone who accesses the Epicor ERP application must be set up in this program.
Each user must have a defined user ID, name, password, and company. In this program, you can also define
addresses, phone numbers, and other information.
User accounts are commonly entered by the Epicor application implementation team.
System administrators grant security permissions to various Epicor ERP features based on the user's role in the
Important Only Security Managers are allowed to modify other user accounts. Before completing the
Account Security workshops, use the Change User option to log in to the training environment as

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• ICE Extend > Security > User Security
• System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance

User Security
User Account Maintenance > Security

Use the Security sheet to establish security rights in the Epicor application.
Once the user names and passwords are established, users can be assigned to departments or responsibilities
within the Epicor application. In the Quality Assurance module, users define the inspectors as the resource that
performs inspections on materials, assemblies, and parts. The system administrator usually establishes users.

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Application Setup Quality Assurance Course

Security Group Maintenance

Use Security Group Maintenance to establish security groups that define various functions either throughout
your organization or for a specific company. You then use these security groups to assign or limit access to various
areas within the Epicor application.
You can assign a user to a security group in User Account Maintenance, and then you can select security groups
on various security sheets in other programs. While optional, security groups are useful because they can categorize
employees by role or department.
Epicor recommends you create security groups and assign all users to specific groups. You then simplify your
security setup, as you do not need to assign security to individual users. This approach also ensures you implement
security through an organized and clearly defined method.
Before you begin assigning security, consider the various areas of security your company needs. You should then
design a security plan and enter security groups that reflect this plan. While you set up this plan, consider that
roles tend to be more generic, while job titles tend to be more specific. Several job titles can fulfill the responsibilities
of a single role.
You also use security groups to distribute tasks to specific application servers. This can improve the performance
of the Epicor application. To do this, you use System Agent Maintenance to set up task agent rules that link
a security group to a designated application server. Now when users within this security group enter data activity
(tasks), this designated application server handles the load.
Tip For more information about using security groups to distribute load, review the Performance Tuning
Guide. This guide is located in the application help; navigate to the System Management > Working
With > Performance Tuning Guide node. The Load Distribution section describes how you divide tasks
between multiple application servers.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• ICE Extend > Security > Security Group
• System Setup > Security Maintenance > Security Group Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

Workshop - Create a Security Group

In this workshop, create a new security group.

Important To complete this workshop, log in as Security Manager:

1. In the Epicor ERP main interface, from the Option menu, select the Change User command.
The Log On window displays.

2. It the User name field, enter epicor.

3. In the Password field, enter epicor.

4. Click OK.

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Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

Navigate to Security Group Maintenance.

Menu Path: System Setup > Security Maintenance > Security Group Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

1. Click New.

2. In the Group Code field, enter QA.

3. In the Description field, enter Quality Assurance.

4. Click Save.

5. Exit Security Group Maintenance.

New Security Group and User

Set Up a New Security Group Setup

Security groups allow one security level to be set for many users within one group.
Example The system administrator creates a Quality Assurance security group and defines menu security
for this group rather than for each user. If a specific individual is allowed to accept and reject material but
is not allowed to request a debit memo, another security level creation is available in Menu Maintenance.

New User Creation

Once the security group is defined, it is populated through the User Security table. It is suggested to use the same
user ID assigned initially throughout the Epicor application. The user ID entered should coincide with all other
IDs within the Epicor application. Access rights are assigned in the Security sheet.
Many of the inspection windows contain sub-menu security, so even access to a particular sheet does not
necessarily give a user access to all the fields on the sheet. For example, DMR Processing limits access rights to
accept or reject material and request a debit memo.

Workshop - Authorize a Security Group

In this workshop, authorize the security group you created in the Workshop - Create a Security Group.
Navigate to User Account Maintenance.
Menu Path: System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance

1. In the User ID field, search for and select Inspector Clousseau.

2. Navigate to the Group sheet.

3. From the Available list, select Quality Assurance and click the right arrow to move the group to the
Authorized list.

4. Click Save.

5. Exit User Account Maintenance.

6. In the Epicor ERP main interface, from the Option menu, select the Change User command.

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Application Setup Quality Assurance Course

The Log On window displays.

7. It the User name field, enter manager.

8. In the Password field, enter manager.

9. Click OK.

Reason Code Maintenance

Use Reason Code Maintenance to assign standard explanations for Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
events, labor scrap and rework, inventory adjustments, and Return Material Authorization (RMA) entries.
To use reason codes, select the appropriate options in Company Configuration. Next, set up the codes in Reason
Code Maintenance and select the reasons in the following programs:
• Count Discrepancy Reason Code Entry
• Time and Expense Entry
• Inventory Adjustment Entry
• RMA Processing
• RMA Dispositions
• Opportunity/Quote Entry
The following reason codes are used in manufacturing:
• Scrap - This is used to identify a non-conformance quantity.
• Quality Assurance - This is used for inspection and corrective actions.
• Inventory Adjustments - This is used to identify items pulled from inventory that are non-conforming.
• Rework - This is used for items sent back to be re-worked.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Deferred Revenue Accounting > Setup > Reason Code
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Reason Code
• Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Reason Code
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Reason Code
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Reason Code
• Service Management > Field Service > Setup > Reason Code

Define Reason Codes

Many reason codes are already defined, but you can add more reason codes to meet specific needs. Reason code
descriptions can be of a general or informational nature. Reason codes defined in the Discrepant Material
Report (DMR) or the Inventory Adjustment category can carry an offsetting General Ledger (GL) account
number by the code.
The five definition sections in the Detail sheet are:
• Scrap

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Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

• Inspection
• Quality Assurance
• Inventory Adjustment
Note Use these sections to define the circumstances under which a reason code can be used.

Example The Inspection section in Reason Code Maintenance includes check boxes which , when selected
for a specific reason code, ensure that the defined reason code displays in the Operations, Materials, PO
Receipts, and Inventory sheets in Inspection Processing Entry. The check boxes activate only if the DMR
reason type is selected in the Reason Type field.

Workshop - Define a Reason Code

In this workshop, define a new reason code for scrap due to rust or corrosion.
Navigate to Reason Code Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Reason Code

1. In the Reason Type field at the top, verify Scrap defaults.

2. From the New menu, select New Reason Code.

3. In the Reason Code field, enter RC.

4. In the Reason Description field, enter SC-Rust/Corrosion.

The prefix SC is used to indicate Scrap. It keeps all the scrap reason descriptions together when conducting

5. Accept all the defaults.

Since this new reason code is defined as scrap, the options listed under the Scrap section are automatically
selected. The options available depend on the Reason Code type selected. You can adjust the check boxes
as necessary for the specific code.

6. Click Save.
If the code is entered as part of the DMR or Inventory Adjustment types, you have the option to enter an
offsetting General Ledger (GL) account unique to that code.

7. Exit Reason Code Maintenance.

Set the Inspection Required Check Box

When you select the Inspection Required check box, it indicates that the parts received must be inspected. The
Inspection Required check box controls inspection requirements for assemblies and materials in the following
• Part Class Maintenance
• Supplier Maintenance

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Application Setup Quality Assurance Course

• Job Entry
• Purchase Order Entry
• Requisition Entry
Note For detailed information about these programs, refer to the Application Help.

If the Inspection Required check box is selected in any of these programs, the part must be inspected. If an
inspection requirement is controlled at the maintenance program level, the field is not available at the transaction
entry level. If you select the Inspection Required check box in either Supplier Maintenance or Part Class
Maintenance, you cannot change it anywhere in the Epicor application.
• If the Inspection Required check box is set at a supplier level in Supplier Maintenance, all purchase items
from the supplier must be received to the inspection area before they can be released to the job or floor.
• If the Inspection Required check box is set at the part class level in Part Class Maintenance, it applies to all
class members and cannot be overridden. Although some General Ledger (GL) accounts are established in
the Company Maintenance > Control Account sheet, this sheet is one of the places where the default GL
accounts for inspection and Discrepant Material Report (DMR) can be overridden. In the Epicor application
hierarchy, part class has the highest override level.
Note An exception to this is that the Inspection Required check box is automatically disabled in the
Purchase Order Entry > Lines > Detail sheet for the purchase order line if it is a Buy to Order line (tied
to a sales order line), or if the Drop Ship check box is selected in the Purchase Order Entry > Releases
> Detail sheet for the associated release detail line. This applies, even if all of the conditions above are

Workshop - Modify a Supplier Record

Your company has decided to order part BS-CR-RD-150 from a supplied called Seaside Steel on a regular basis.
As a result, all of the ordered parts will have to go through an inspection process once they are received. In this
workshop, modify the Seaside Steel supplier record so all the received parts from this supplier go through inspection
before they are received to stock.
Navigate to Supplier Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Supplier

1. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.

2. In the Status pane, select the Inspection Required check box.

3. Click Save and exit Supplier Maintenance.

Workshop - Add a Warehouse to a Part Record

As the BS-CR-RD-150 part requires inspection on receipt you have to link it to the warehouse used for the
inspection process. In this workshop, add the inspection warehouse for part BS-CR-RD-150.
Navigate to Part Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part

1. In the Part field, enter BS-CR-RD-150 and press Tab.

The part information populates.

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Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

2. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Detail sheet.

3. In the Primary Warehouse field, select the Receiving Area warehouse.

4. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance.

Job Material Inspection Setup

In this section, complete workshops to create the data used to complete the Inspect Job Materials from Inventory

Workshop - Create Part

In this workshop, create a purchased material.

Navigate to Part Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part

1. From the New menu, select New Part.

2. In the Part field, enter XXX_INS (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Inspection Material (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance.

Workshop - Adjust Quantities

In this workshop, adjust warehouse quantities for part XXX_INS (where XXX are your initials).
Navigate to the Quantity Adjustments.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Quantity Adjustment

1. In the Part field, enter XXX_INS and press Tab (where XXX are your initials).

2. In the Bin field, enter 01-02-02 and press Tab.

3. In the Quantity field, enter 5,000.

4. In the Reason field, select Add New Part.

5. Click Adjust and exit the Quantity Adjustments.

Workshop - Create Demand

In this workshop, enter a sales order for 1,050 units of part ADD-200-S.
Navigate to the Sales Order Entry.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

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Application Setup Quality Assurance Course

1. From the New menu, select New Order.

2. In the Customer field, enter ADDISON and press Tab.

3. In the Need By field, select a date two weeks from today.

4. From the New menu, select New Line.

5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

6. In the Part/Rev field, enter ADD-200-S and press Tab.

7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 1,050.

8. Click Save.

9. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.

10. Select the Make Direct check box.

11. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

12. Verify the Ready To Process check box is selected.

13. Record the sales order number___________.

14. Click Save and exit Sales Order Entry.

Workshop - Enter Job

In this workshop, enter a new Make To Order job.

Navigate to Job Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Job.

The New Job Number window displays.

2. Click the Next Job button and click OK.

3. In the Part field, enter ADD-200-S and press Tab.

4. In the Req By field, select the date two weeks from today.

5. Click Save.

6. in the tree view, right-click the Operations node and select Add Operation.
The Job Details > Operations > Detail sheet displays.

7. In the Operation field, select Mill Point to Point.

8. In the Prod Std field, enter 50 and accept the Pieces/Hour default.

9. Click Save.

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10. in the tree view, right-click the Materials node and select Add Material.
The Job Details > Materials > Detail sheet displays.

11. In the Part/Rev field, enter XXX_INS and press Tab (where XXX are your initials).

12. In the Qty/Parent field, enter 1.

13. Click Save.

14. From the New menu, select New Demand Link > Make To Order.
The Job > Make To Order > Detail sheet displays.

15. In the Order field, enter the sales order recorded in the previous workshop and press Tab.

16. In the Line field, enter 1 and press Tab.

17. In the Release field, enter 1 and press Tab.

18. Select the Engineered check box.

19. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling.

20. Accept the Backward scheduling and click OK.

21. Select the Released check box.

22. Record the job number___________.

23. Click Save and exit Job Entry.

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Daily Quality Assurance Processing Quality Assurance Course

Daily Quality Assurance Processing

As reviewed in the Overview section, you can request inspections in several ways. This section focuses on the
quality assurance transactional processes for a purchase order receipt, receipt to inventory, non-conforming
quantity receipt, return material authorizations (RMAs), and first articles.

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The elements that make up the Quality Assurance process include:

• Ability to move material to inspection from inventory or jobs
• Ability to move assemblies to inspection from inventory or job
• Automatic receipt of customer returns via RMA to inspection
• Scrap by reason code
• Discrepant Material Record (DMR) disposition by reason code with an assigned General Ledger account number
• Ability to move reject costs to DMR or leave them in the job
• Ability for specified parts to go to the inspection queue before going into stock or a job
• Audit trail of rejected parts from inspection, inventory, or a job

Inspect Purchase Order Receipts

If the part number being received as material has been designated as Inspection Required, the items are sent to
the default inspection warehouse once Shipping and Receiving department receives the material. If all is well and
inspection approves the materials, they are transferred back to the job or into inventory, depending on the type
of order.
• If the material fails, it goes directly to the Discrepant Material Report (DMR) process. The DMR process has a
Material Review Board (MRB) that reviews the items and makes a second decision. If passed, the material
goes back to the job or to inventory.
• If the MRB fails the material, a corrective action is requested; the materials are rejected completely and returned
to the supplier. The MRB can also recommend to scrap the material rather than return it.

The Shipping and Receiving department and Quality Assurance department are not the same.

Receipt Entry

Use Receipt Entry to record the physical receipt of purchased materials to stock inventory, directly to a job, to
a job subcontract operation, or to manually enter the receipt of non-inventory parts such as office supplies.
Receipt line items are either Purchase Order receipts (material received that are recorded against a purchase
order), or Miscellaneous receipts (material received that is not associated with a purchase order). Receipt
information updates the purchase order and creates transactions to update inventory or job quantities and costs.
If you have the Document Management module installed, you can add Certificate of Compliance documents to
the receipt line.
Receipt entries can be saved to generate accounts payable invoice entries. Use the Modules > Finance > Accounts
Payable sheet within Company Configuration to indicate whether you want to save receipt entries for accounts
payable. If the Quality Assurance module is enabled in your environment, you can also receive parts to inspection
using Receipt Entry. To complete this process, use Inspection Processing in the Quality Assurance module after
inspecting the parts you received.
Note You cannot use Receipt Entry to receive purchased items tied to a sales order release and designated
for drop shipment to the customer. An error message displays if you attempt to receive a drop ship release
in the Stock Detail sheet. You must use Drop Shipment Entry to mark a drop shipped release as "received".
This marks the sales order release as shipped and also marks the PO release as received.

Important Use RMA Processing to receive parts returned by the customer.

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Workshop - Order and Receive Parts

Our company, ABC Shelving, has decided to order 50 units of part BS-CR-RD-150 (1 1/2" round bar) from the
Seaside Steel supplier. In this workshop, enter the purchase order for this part, select a buyer, and process the
receipt of the part.

Create a Purchase Order

Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

1. From the New menu, select New PO.

2. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.

3. In the Buyer field, select Henry Crabtree.

4. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

5. From the New menu, select New Line.

6. In the Part/Rev field, enter BS-CR-RD-150 and press Tab.

7. In the Due Date field, enter tomorrow's date.

8. In the Our Qty field, enter 50.

9. Click Save.

10. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

11. Select the Unapproved check box.

The PO status is changed to Approved.

12. Click Save.

13. Note the PO Number ______________.

14. Exit Purchase Order Entry.

Create a Purchase Order Receipt

The ordered items have arrived from Seaside Steel so the next step is to enter a new receipt. In this workshop
task, enter a new receipt for 50 units of part BS-CR-RD-150.
Navigate to Receipt Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Receipt.

2. In the PO field, enter the PO number created in the Create a Purchase Order workshop task and press

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3. In the Packing Slip field, enter the PO number created in the Create a Purchase Order workshop task
and press Tab.

4. From the New menu, select New Receipt Line.

The Lines > Detail sheet displays.

5. In the Line field, enter 1 and press Tab.

This populates the Line and Rel fields.

6. In the Our Quantity field, verify 50 displays.

7. In the Supplier Qty field, verify 50 displays.

8. In the Warehouse field, select Inspection Area.

9. In the Bin field, search for and select INSI.

10. Select the Received check box.

11. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

12. Click Save.

Notice the Received All check box is selected.

13. Exit Receipt Entry.

Inspection Processing

Use Inspection Processing Entry to inspect the non-conformance entries. You can also inspect purchase order
receipts and customer returns.
Important Once inspection information is entered for a non-conformance record, that record is considered
Closed; it cannot be updated or deleted.

For more information on the flow of discrepant/non-conformant material through the Quality Assurance module,
review the Quality Assurance module in the Application Help.

Inspection and Non-Recoverable Taxes

The application created a part transaction record when a receipt passes inspection. When you receive a PO Receipt
to an inspection, the Non-Recoverable Tax is included in the Material Unit Cost or Subcontract Unit Cost
fields located in the Part Transaction History Tracker, depending on where you received the inspected items,
Stock, Job Material or Job Subcontract.
The following rules apply:
• When a PO Receipt passes an inspection, the Non-Recoverable Tax is included in the Material Unit Cost for
the following transaction types:

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• When a PO Receipt fails an inspection and goes to the DMR Processing, the Non-Recoverable Tax is included
in the Material Unit Cost for the following transaction types:

• When a part is rejected during the DMR Processing, the Non-Recoverable Tax is included in the Material Unit
Cost for the following transaction types:

• When a part is accepted during the DMR Processing, the Non-Recoverable Tax is included in the Material Unit
Cost for the following transaction types:

Example You receive a purchase order for Part-A that includes the following setup:

Quantity (Each) Unit Price (USD) Tax% Tax (USD) Order Total (USD)
10 100 10 100 1000

During the Inspection Process you pass 8 units and reject 2. As a result, the Part Transaction History
Tracker displays the following values:

Type Quantity Amount Material Unit Cost Non-Recoverable

INS-DMR 2 220 110 0
ADJ-CST 8 -880 -110 0
INS-STK 8 880 110 0
PUR-INS 10 1100 110 100

Note While the Non-Recoverable Cost is added to the Material Unit Cost for each transaction type,
the overall Non-Recoverable value displays only for the PUR-INS transaction.

Next, during the DMR Process you pass 1 unit and reject 1. As a result, the Part Transaction History
Tracker displays the following values:

Type Quantity Amount Material Unit Cost Non-Recoverable

ADJ-CST 1 -110 -110 0
DMR-STK 1 110 110 0
DMR-REJ 1 110 110 0
INS-DMR 2 220 110 0
ADJ-CST 8 -880 110 0
INS-STK 8 880 110 0
PUR-INS 10 1100 110 100

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Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

Workshop - Inspect Received Material

The BS-CR-RD-150 parts are now in your warehouse waiting for inspection before they are used in production.
While the material was on truck, the steel straps holding the bundle of steel bars together broke. The outside
bars received nicks and scratches from hitting other steel bars on the truck. The inspector determines that 35 of
50 bars are okay and will be moved to stock, but 15 are questionable because of the nicks and scratches.
In this workshop, inspect the received items.
Navigate to Inspection Processing Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

1. Click the Binoculars (search).

The Inspection Processing Search window displays.

2. In the Tran Type pane, select the All check box to disable check boxes.

3. In the Tran Type pane, select the PO Receipts check box and click Search.

4. Select the purchase order (PO) number created in the previous workshop and click OK.

5. In the tree view, expand the PO Receipts node. and select PO Receipts: PO: XXXX Line:1 Part:
BS-CR-RD-150 (where XXXX is the PO number created in the Create a Purchase Order Receipt workshop
The PO Receipts > Detail sheet displays.

6. In the Inspector ID field, select Inspector Clousseau.

7. In the Passed pane, in the Passed Qty field, enter 35.

8. In the Received To section, verify the Stock radio button is selected.

9. In the Passed pane, in the Warehouse field, select Main.

10. In the Passed pane, in the Bin field, search for and select 01-01-01.

11. In the Application of Failed Quantity pane, in the Failed Qty field, enter 15.00.
This moves the remaining 15 bars to Material Review Board (MRB) pending.

12. In the Application of Failed Quantity pane, in the Reason field, select Failed, Shipping Damage.

13. In the Warehouse field, select or verify MRB Pending displays.

14. In the Bin field, select or verify MRB-1 displays.

15. Navigate to the PO Receipts > Comments > Failed sheet.

16. In the Failed Comments pane, enter 15 pieces received nicks and scratches while in transit.

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17. Click Save.

The Discrepant Material Report (DMR) number displays.

18. Record the DMR number and click OK ___________.

19. Exit Inspection Processing Entry.

DMR Processing

Use DMR Processing to process job material, job assemblies, inventory, customer returns, or purchase order
receipts that fail inspection. These discrepant parts are then placed on the Discrepant Material Report (DMR).
In this program, you decide how to deal with discrepant parts. You can accept them, deciding they still can be
used, or you can reject them, sending them back to your supplier. You can create a debit memo request from
the supplier for the rejected parts.
Tip Packing slips for DMR rejected parts are processed in Miscellaneous Shipment Entry in order to
standardize shipping procedures and enable the tracking of parts returned to suppliers.

You can enter as many acceptances, rejections, and debit memo requests as necessary for a single DMR. For
example, you can accept a quantity into your stock, accept a quantity into a job material record, reject a quantity
and assign it an RMA number so you can return it to the supplier, and reject a quantity you will scrap. The rejected
and accepted quantity total must equal the discrepant quantity total on the DMR.
Important The Advanced Material Management (AMM) license automatically creates a Mtl queue
transaction to have the people on the floor move the goods from one area to another. At the DMR level,
whether the AMM license is installed or not, the user is able to process the DMR by accepting or rejecting
the material. Accepting means the defective material stays in the company for rework or is kept in stock
(even if defective). Rejecting means the company will take an extra action such as sending it back to the
supplier or asking for credit/refund.

For more information on the discrepant material flow through the Quality Assurance module, review the Quality
Assurance Module Flow topic in the Application Help.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > DMR Processing


Use the Debit/Credit sheet to view debit/supplier credit memo information for a Discrepant Material Report
(DMR) quantity. You first request the debit memo or supplier credit memo using the Resolution field for the
DMR quantity in the Reject sheet, and process the actual demo or credit memo in AP Invoice Entry.

Workshop - Process a DMR Record

During the inspection process of part BS-CR-RD-150 the inspector found 15 damaged items and therefore had
to move them to another level of the quality assurance control process. The supplier offers to take the items
back, but the company decides to move five of them to stock because they can still be used, and return the ten
damaged ones back to the supplier. The supplier agrees to reimburse the company for the returned ones. In this
workshop, use DMR Processing to designate which quantities will be accepted or rejected, and suggest
reimbursement through a credit memo.
Navigate to DMR Processing.

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Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > DMR Processing

1. In the DMR Number field, enter the DMR number created in the Workshop - Inspect Received Material
and press Tab.

2. Navigate to the Reject > Detail sheet.

3. From the New menu, select New Reject Material.

4. In the Resolution field, select Request Debit Memo.

5. In the Quantity field, enter 10.

6. In the Reason field, select Failed, Shipping Damage.

7. Select the Return to Supplier check box and click Save.

8. Navigate to the Accept > Stock > Detail sheet.

9. From the New menu, select Accept - Stock.

10. In the Quantity field, enter 5.

11. In the Reason field, select Accepted, use as is.

12. In the Warehouse field, select Main.

13. In the Bin field, search for and select 01-01-01.

14. Click Save and exit DMR Processing.

Miscellaneous Shipment Entry

Use Miscellaneous Shipment Entry to enter packs for miscellaneous (non-billable) material. Use this program
to enter and print packs for the return of discrepant parts to a supplier from a Discrepant Material Report (DMR)
Packs entered in this program are not invoiced, but they are tracked in the Miscellaneous Shipments Tracker.
You can also insert references to orders, jobs, or projects.

Epicor FSA Integration

The following rules apply:
• You cannot add more lines to a miscellaneous shipment Pack ID if the Pack ID is tied to Epicor FSA.
• If a part that you are disposing of via RMA Disposition includes serial number(s) assigned in Epicor FSA, the
serial number(s) move with the part quantity to the automatically created miscellaneous shipment Pack ID.
• If an RMA record that is automatically created in Epicor ERP as a result of setting the Performed Line with
Actions to Remove in Epicor FSA in Epicor FSA is tied to a job and the miscellaneous shipment Pack ID is
automatically created, the fields located on the Miscellaneous Shipment Entry > Header > Detail sheet are
disabled, except for the fields included on the Lines > FSA sheet.

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Daily Quality Assurance Processing Quality Assurance Course

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Miscellaneous Shipment Entry
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Miscellaneous Shipment Entry

Workshop - Return Rejected Quantities

In this workshop, return the rejected parts and generate a packing slip for the return of ten discrepant parts.
Navigate to Miscellaneous Shipment Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Miscellaneous Shipment

1. From the New menu, select New Pack.

2. In the Related To pane, in the PO Number field, enter the purchase order number created in the Create
a Purchase Order workshop task.

3. In the Related To pane, in the DMR Number field, enter the DMR number created in the Workshop -
Inspect Received Material and press Tab.

4. Click Save.

5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

6. Verify the following information displays:

Field Data
Line 1
Part BS-CR-RD-150
Quantity 10.00

7. Click Save and exit Miscellaneous Shipment Entry.

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Inspect Job Materials from Inventory

Occasionally, materials issued to a job or subcontracted parts are received to a job before a discrepancy is noticed.
Use the Quality Assurance (QA) module to move the parts from a job or from a subcontracted operation and
into QA for disposition.

Issue Material

Use Issue Material to issue material from inventory to a job. This program issues material to a job one part at
a time. To issue the required parts to a job at once, use Mass Issues to Manufacturing.
When you issue material to a job, several events occur:
• The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job material or assembly record update with the quantity issued
and the extended cost. Extended Cost is calculated as the issue quantity multiplied by the current inventory
Average, Standard, or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
• The On Hand quantity and the Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are reduced by the
quantity issued.
• A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-MTL (job material issue).

Important To use the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to issue job material, the Advanced Material
Management (AMM) license must be installed in the Epicor application. Once you install this license, you
can define shop employees as Material Handlers in Shop Employee Maintenance; these users can then
issue or move material on the manufacturing center.
An AMM license must also be installed for proper access to the To Warehouse and To Bin fields in Issue
Material. If it is not, warehouse and warehouse bin numbers display in each respective field, but the fields
themselves are disabled and cannot be accessed. When this occurs, an Issue Material error displays when
you attempt to save the transaction. To save the transaction and get rid of the error message, you can use
the following workaround procedure:

1. Navigate to Resource Group Maintenance located in the Production Management > Job
Management > Setup folder.

2. Search for and select a resource group.

3. Verify the Detail sheet is active.

Note The Detail sheet contains three warehouse fields, labeled Input Warehouse, Output
Warehouse and Backflush Warehouse.

4. Click into each warehouse field once; even if the field is empty and displays as disabled.

5. Change another control or field in the group (for example, by populating a field or selecting a check

6. Click Save.

7. Navigate to the Resources sheet and repeat steps 2 - 5 for each resource that displays in the sheet.
Remember to click Save after changing a resource, and moving on to the next one. Do this for each
listed resource, and resource group.

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Daily Quality Assurance Processing Quality Assurance Course

Note If you complete this workaround properly, the error message should no longer display
in Issue Material and the To Warehouse field still displays as disabled, but also as empty (no

8. Click Save to complete the transaction and Exit Resource Group Maintenance.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Material
• Service Management > Maintenance Management > General Operations > Issue Material

Quality Assurance

Before quality assurance (QA) can inspect material from a job, material must be issued to a job. Issuing material
to a job is generally not a task of the QA department, but it is helpful to understand how materials are issued to
a job.

Workshop - Issue Material to a Job

Assembly ADD-200-S needs 1,050 material units to be issued to a job. In this workshop, issue material to the
Navigate to Issue Material.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Material

1. Navigate to or verify the Detail sheet displays.

2. In the Job field, search for and select the job created in the Workshop - Enter Job.

3. In the Mtl field, select 10.

4. In the Quantity field, enter 1,050.

5. In the Warehouse field, verify Main displays.

6. In the Bin field, verify bin 01-02-02 displays.

7. Click OK.

8. Exit Issue Material.

Important An Advanced Material Management (AMM) license must be installed for proper access
to the To Warehouse and To Bin fields in Issue Material. If it is not, warehouse and warehouse bin
numbers appear in each respective field, but the fields themselves are disabled and cannot be accessed.
When this occurs, an Issue Material error appears when you attempt to save the transaction. The
Application help for Issue Material contains a published workaround to use if this occurs.

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Use Nonconformance to add or update non-conformant materials during job production. Generally,
non-conformance records are entered because the material is bad, defective, suspect, or warrants inspection.
The material can be an assembly, raw job material, scrap, items from a subcontractor, or parts from another
source. The information you enter is sent to an inspector, who then inspects the material and uses Inspection
Processing to disposition it.
When non-conformant materials are reported through Time and Expense Entry as part of the employee’s work
record, and that record is saved, a non-conformance record is created that is then accessible in this program.
For these types of records, you can only modify the quantity and the reason fields in Nonconformance. The
other fields are unavailable.
For more information on the discrepant material flow through the Quality Assurance module, review the Quality
Assurance Module Flow topic in the Application Help. Additionally, you can find information on how the
movement of discrepant materials from a job are costed in the Job Costing Technical Reference Guide in the
Application Help.
Tip If your Epicor application is integrated with the IQS Advanced Quality Module (AQM), the AQM
application performs the inspection processes for jobs, inventory receipts, and purchase receipts.
To track these AQM records within Non-Conformance, Service Connect uses an identifier to link the AQM
record to the non-conformance record. This field, AQMNCMNum, is located on the List sheet. This label
is an abbreviation for Advanced Quality Module Non-Conformance Material Number and displays the
identifier originally generated by the AQM application.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Nonconformance

Workshop - Enter Nonconformance for Job

Linda Carter (employee number 106) is working on part of a job and discovers there is a defective quantity of
150. In this workshop, enter a non-conformance quantity from a job and send the material to the inspection
Navigate to Nonconformance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Nonconformance

1. From the New menu, select New Material.

2. In the Employee field, enter 106 and press Tab.

3. In the Job field, enter the job created in the Workshop - Enter Job.

4. In the Material field, select 10.

5. In the Quantity field, enter 150.

6. In the Reason field, select SC-Rust/Corrosion.

7. In the Operation Seq field, verify 10 displays.

8. In the From Warehouse field, verify Production Floor defaults.

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9. In the Bin field, verify bin MCH defaults.

10. In the To Warehouse field, verify Inspection Area defaults.

11. In the Bin field, verify bin D-1 defaults.

12. Click Save and record the Transaction ID __________.

13. Remain in Nonconformance for the next workshop.

Workshop - Review Transactions

In this workshop, review the transaction history for part XXX_INS using the Part Transaction History Tracker
(where XXX are your initials).

1. In the Part field, right-click XXX_INS and select Open With > Part Transaction History Tracker (where
XXX are your initials).
The Part Transaction History Tracker displays.

2. Click the Retrieve button.

3. In the Transaction History grid, review the transactions.

Notice that 1,050 pieces were issued from stock (STK-MTL) and 150 were moved to inspection (MTL-INS).

4. Exit the Part Transaction History Tracker.

5. Remain in Nonconformance for the next workshop.

Nonconformance for Inventory

Use the Inventory sheet to add, update, or delete non-conformance records that relate to discrepant material
in inventory. You can only update or delete open non-conformance records. Open non-conformance records
have not been processed through inspection yet.

Workshop - Enter Nonconformance for Inventory

Due to the problem with previously issued material, Linda Carter has been assigned to check the remaining
inventory for part XXX_INS to make sure that there are no any defective pieces. During the inventory check she
did not find any corroded pieces, but discovered that further 150 items do not meet dimension standards. In this
workshop, enter nonconformance for material XXX_INS (where XXX are your initials).

1. From the New menu, select New Inventory.

The Inventory sheet displays.

2. In the Employee field, enter 106 and press Tab.

3. In the Part field, enter XXX_INS and press Tab (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Quantity field, enter 150.

5. Verify the Request Move check box is selected.

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Note The Request Move check box defaults as selected and creates a Material Queue record. If a
Material Queue record is not required, clear the Request Move check box.

Important An Advanced Material Management (AMM) license is required for the Request Move
check box to be selected by default. This check box is cleared and greyed out if the user does not
have the AMM license.

6. In the Reason field, select Milling - Defects.

7. In the Warehouse field, verify Main defaults.

8. In the Bin field, search for or verify bin 01-02-02 defaults.

9. In the To Warehouse field, verify Inspection Area defaults.

10. In the Bin field, verify bin D-1 defaults.

11. Click Save and record the Transaction ID __________.

12. Exit Nonconformance.

Nonconformance Inspection Process

After non-conformance entries are made, notify the Epicor application to return the items by completing the
inspection process.

Workshop - Inspect Nonconformance for Inventory

Once items have a non-conformance created for them, they display in Inspection Processing to be passed or
failed. During the Inspection Process for the XXX_INS material the inspector discovers that some of the items do
not met conformance standards. The inspector determines that 100 of the 150 units are okay. In this workshop,
inspect 150 units of part XXX_INS (where XXX are your initials).
Navigate to Inspection Processing Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

1. On the Standard toolbar, click the Binoculars (search) icon.

2. In the Tran Type pane, clear the All check box.

3. In the Tran Type pane, select the Inventory check box and click Search.

4. In the Search Results grid, select the inventory record for part XXX_INS and click OK (where XXX are your

5. In the tree view, select Inventory > Inventory: Part XXX_INS Qty 150.00 (where XXX are your initials).
The Inventory > Detail sheet displays.

6. In the Inspector ID field, select Inspector Clouseau.

7. In the Passed pane, in the Passed Qty field, enter 100 and press Tab.

8. In the Passed pane, in the Warehouse field, verify Main defaults.

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9. In the Passed pane, in the Bin field, verify bin 01-02-02 defaults.

10. In the Failed pane, in the Failed Qty field, enter 50 and press Tab.

11. In the Reason field, select Failed, Dimension Specs.

12. In the Failed pane, in the Warehouse field, verify MRB Pending defaults.

13. In the Failed pane, in the Bin field, verify bin MRB-1 defaults.

14. Navigate to the Inventory > Comments > Failed sheet.

15. In the Failed Comments pane, enter The specifications were incorrect when this product was

16. Click Save.

The DMR Number = XXXX (where XXXX is your DMR number) message displays.

17. Record the DMR Number and click OK ____________.

18. Remain in Inspection Processing Entry for the next workshop.

Workshop - Inspect Nonconformance for Job

During the Inspection Process for the XXX_INS material, the inspector determines that 100 units can be returned
to the job and 50 units do not comply with material standards. In this workshop, inspect 150 units of part XXX_INS
(where XXX are your initials).

1. On the Standard toolbar, click the Binoculars (search) icon.

2. In the Tran Type pane, clear the All check box.

3. In the Tran Type pane, select the Job Materials check box and click Search.

4. In the Search Results grid, select the job created in the Workshop - Enter Job and click OK.

5. Navigate to the Materials > Detail sheet.

6. In the Inspector ID field, select Inspector Clouseau.

7. In the Application of Passed Quantity pane, in the Passed Qty field, enter 100 and press Tab.

8. In the Issue To section, select the Job Material radio button.

9. In the Application of Passed Quantity pane, in the Warehouse field, verify Production Floor defaults.

10. In the Application of Passed Quantity pane, in the Bin field, verify bin MCH defaults.

11. In the Application of Failed Quantity pane, in the Failed Qty field, enter 50 and press Tab.

12. In the Reason field, select Failed, Dimension Specs.

13. In the Application of Failed Quantity pane, in the Warehouse field, verify MRB Pending defaults.

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14. In the Application of Failed Quantity pane, in the Bin field, verify MRB-1 defaults.

15. Navigate to the Material > Comments > Failed sheet.

16. In the Failed Comments pane, enter The specifications were incorrect when this product was

17. Click Save.

The DMR Number = XXXX (where XXXX is your DMR number) message displays.

18. Record the DMR Number and click OK ____________.

19. Exit Inspection Processing Entry.

Open DMR Status Report

The Open DMR Status Report includes basic information about all open Discrepant Material Reports (DMR),
as well as a transaction history section. This report includes subtotals for each DMR and a total value of all open
Tip Actions on this report are printed in dimensional units of measure.

Important For more information on how to review the status of a report you print, preview, or generate,
refer to the System Monitor Overview topic in the Application Help.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Reports > Open DMR Status

Workshop - Review the Open DMR Status Report

In this workshop, review the Open DMR Status Report.

Navigate to the Open DMR Status Report.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Reports > Open DMR Status

1. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

The Open DMR Status Report displays.

2. Review the Transaction History section for both DMRs and close the Open DMR Status Report.

3. Exit the Open DMR Status Report.

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Non-Conformance Analysis Report

Use the Non-Conformance Analysis report to list all non-conformance entries within a particular date range.
This report is separated by defective units, material issues, and scrapped materials. Cost totals are also provided
for defective units, material issues, and scrapped materials.
Use the Selection sheet to select the report parameters. Use the Filter sheet(s) to select the specific records to
include on the report. For more information, refer to the Filters Overview topic in the Application Help.
Important For more information on how to review the status of a report you print, preview, or generate,
refer to the System Monitor Overview topic in the Application Help.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Reports > Nonconformance Analysis

Workshop - Review the Nonconformance Analysis Report

In this workshop, review the Nonconformance Analysis Report.

Navigate to the Nonconformance Analysis Report.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Reports > Nonconformance Analysis

1. Navigate to the Filter >Part sheet.

2. Click the Part button.

The Part Search window displays.

3. In the Starting At field, enter XXX_INS and click Search (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click OK to select the part.

5. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

The Nonconformance Analysis Report displays.

6. Review and close the Nonconformance Analysis Report.

7. Exit the Nonconformance Analysis Report.

DMR Processing

Now that the inspection process is complete, the Discrepant Material Request (DMR) must be processed.

Workshop - Process DMR for Inventory

The inspector failed 50 out of 150 units due to the failed dimension specification so the items must now go
through the Discrepant Material Request (DMR) process. In this workshop, process the DMR created in the
Workshop - Inspect Nonconformance for Inventory.
Navigate to DMR Processing.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > DMR Processing

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1. In the DMR Number field, search for and select the DMR for inventory created in the Workshop - Inspect
Nonconformance for Inventory.

2. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.

3. Navigate to the Accept > Stock > Detail sheet.

4. From the New menu, select Accept - Stock.

5. In the Quantity field, enter 10.

6. In the Reason field, select Accepted, use as is.

7. In the Warehouse field, verify Main defaults.

8. In the Bin field, search for and select bin 01-02-02.

9. Click Save.

10. Navigate to the Reject > Detail sheet.

11. From the New menu, select New Reject Material.

12. In the Quantity field, enter 40 and press Tab.

13. In the Reason field, select Failed, Dimension Specs.

14. Navigate to the Debit/Credit > Detail sheet.

15. From the New menu, select New Debit Memo.

16. In the Unit Cost field, enter 5.00.

17. In the Quantity field, enter 40.

18. In the Reason field, select Failed, Dimension Specs.

19. Navigate to the Debit/Credit > Comments sheet.

20. In the Comments pane, enter Defective.

21. Click Save.

22. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.

23. Verify the Closed status displays.

24. Remain in DMR Processing for the next workshop.

Workshop - Process DMR for Job

In this workshop, process the DMR created in the Workshop - Inspect Nonconformance for Job.

1. On the Standard toolbar, click the Clear icon.

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2. In the DMR Number field, search for and select the DMR for inventory created in the Workshop - Inspect
Nonconformance for Job.

3. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.

4. Navigate to the Accept > Material > Detail sheet.

5. From the New menu, select Accept - Job Material.

6. In the Quantity field, enter 10 and press Tab.

7. In the Reason field, select Accepted, use as is.

8. In the Warehouse field, verify Production Floor defaults.

9. In the Bin field, verify bin MCH defaults.

10. Click Save.

11. Navigate to the Reject > Detail sheet.

12. From the New menu, select New Reject Material.

13. In the Quantity field, enter 40 and press Tab.

14. In the Reason field, select Failed, Dimension Specs.

15. Navigate to the Debit/Credit > Detail sheet.

16. From the New menu, select New Debit Memo.

17. In the Unit Cost field, enter 5.00.

18. In the Quantity field, enter 40.

19. In the Reason field, select Failed, Dimension Specs.

20. Navigate to the Debit/Credit > Comments sheet.

21. In the Comments pane, enter Defective.

22. Click Save and exit DMR Processing.

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Labor Entry and Nonconformance

Employees track their time through Time and Expense Entry. In addition to recording time against operations
and jobs, an employee can create a non-conformance if he discovers damaged materials during production. As
the employee enters time against a job or operation, any discrepant quantity can be entered in the
Non-conformance field.

Time and Expense Entry

Use Time and Expense Entry to enter labor into the Epicor application from the Job Management module.
You can also enter labor directly from the site floor using the Data Collection module and the Manufacturing
Execution System (MES).
Important Use Time and Expense Entry, to change labor entered through Office Data Collection and the
MES. However, multiple breaks are deducted from pay time only if the time is entered through Office Data

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry
• Service Management > Expense Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry
• Service Management > Field Service Automation > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry
• Service Management > Maintenance Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry
• Service Management > Project Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry
• Service Management > Time Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry
• Time and Expense > Expense Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry
• Time and Expense > Expense Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Tracker
• Time and Expense > Time Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Tracker
• Time and Expense > Time Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry

Workshop - Enter Nonconformance from Time and Expense Entry

A production worker completed 240 pieces on a job and noticed that some pieces show sign of corrosion. She
is concerned that these pieces would not satisfy customer standards so she decides to have them inspected. In
this workshop, report labor against the job and enter a non-conformance for the corrosion suspected items.

Report Labor Against Job

Navigate to Time and Expense Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Time and Expense Entry

1. In the Employee field, enter 106 and press Tab.

2. In the Calendar, select the date two days ago.

3. From the New menu, select New Time Detail.

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The Time > Daily Time > Detail > Detail sheet displays.

4. In the Job field, enter the job created in the Workshop - Enter Job and press Tab.

5. In the Operation field, select 10.

6. In the Labor Qty field, enter 240 and press Tab.

7. In the Non-Conform Qty field, enter 50 and press Tab.

8. In the Non-Conform Reason field, search for and select SC-Rust/Corrosion.

9. Click Save.

10. Click the Submit button.

11. Exit Time and Expense Entry.

Inspect Nonconformance Entry

Navigate to Inspection Processing Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

1. On the Standard toolbar, click the Binoculars (search) icon.

2. In the Tran Type pane, clear the All check box.

3. In the Tran Type pane, select the Operations check box and click Search.

4. Click OK to select the line for part ADD-200-S.

5. Verify the Operations > Detail sheet displays.

6. In the Inspector ID field, select Inspector Clouseau.

7. In the Passed pane, in the Passed Qty field, enter 45 and press Tab.

8. In the Failed pane, in the Failed Qty field, enter 5 and press Tab.

9. In the Reason field, select Failed, Cosmetic.

10. Click Save.

The DMR Number = XXXX (where XXXX is your DMR number) message displays.

11. Record the DMR number and click OK ____________.

12. Exit Inspection Processing Entry.

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Corrective Action

Use Corrective Action to specify what actions to take on non-conforming items. These items are specified in
non-conformance entries in Nonconformance.
A corrective action entry consists of a description of the action to take, the non-conformance entry the description
applies to, the employee responsible, the date the action must occur, and the inspection information.
Example Non-conformance entry 1255 states that three pens do not have printing on them as specified.
The description for the corrective action is: Reprint the labels on the pens, in response to non-conformance
entry 1255. This action is assigned to the Printing department, to employee number 200 and has a due
date one week from today. An inspector can re-inspect these pens on a particular date.

This program interfaces with DMR Processing. When an entry is added or updated in DMR Processing, if a
Non-conformance entry number is specified, Corrective Actions entered in this program can be viewed or edited.
Corrective Action can be accessed from the following places:
• General Operations folder for the Quality Assurance module
• Inspection Processing
• DMR Processing
• RMA Dispositions

For more information on the flow of discrepant material through the Quality Assurance module, refer to the
Quality Assurance Module Flow topic in the application help.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Corrective Action

Initiate Corrective Action

At times, management can decide to look further into the reason why material fails inspection. Reasons why
material fails inspection can include a problem with the supplier or with material storage.
The Material Review Board (MRB) can open a corrective action to determine the cause of material failure and
how to fix the problem. The first step to initiate a corrective action is to have the MRB determine if the failed
parts must be returned, re-worked, or scrapped. The entry of a corrective action includes a description of the
action to take and provides a comment section to record steps taken to resolve the problem. Information including
the employee(s) responsible for the investigation, deadlines, and needed changes to the inspection format after
the correction are all part of the action itself.
Once the MRB creates a corrective action record, that record is accessible through DMR Processing where it can
be viewed and edited.
The MRB can investigate a non-conformance to determine if the faulty items are due to an internal process or
the supplier's process. A corrective action provides an action trail until the issue is resolved. At that time, the
corrective action is closed.
Note The initiation of a Discrepant Material Report (DMR) can also lead to an investigation of why the
problem occurred. This can be useful in the case of supplier materials.

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Workshop - Initiate Corrective Action

Management opened a corrective action to determine if the cause of the corroded items is due to internal storage
and handling or if it is supplier related. This task is assigned to John J. Lewis. In this workshop, create a corrective
action for the corroded items and track the investigation results.

Create Corrective Action

Navigate to DMR Processing.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > DMR Processing

1. In the DMR Number field, search for and select the DMR number created in the Inspect Nonconforming
Entry workshop task.

2. From the Actions menu, select Corrective Actions.

Corrective Action displays.

3. In the Description field, enter ADD-200-S.

4. In the Assigned To field, search for and select John J. Lewis.

5. In the Due Date field, enter the date one week from today.

6. In the Root Cause field, select First Article Inspection.

7. Navigate to the Root Cause Investigation sheet.

8. In the Comments pane, enter Need to determine whether the cause of the corrosion is an internal
storage issue or a supplier material problem.

9. Click Save and remain in Corrective Action.

Response Tracking

John J. Lewis determined that the cause of the corrosion is due to a new process the supplier is using to extrude
the material. In this workshop task, record this information as an action comment.

1. Navigate to the Action Comments sheet.

2. In the Comments field, enter Spoke with Seaside Steel and they have just started a new process to
extrude materials.

3. Click Save.

4. Navigate to the Detail sheet.

5. In the Action Complete field, enter today's date.

6. In the Audited By field, search for and select John J. Lewis.

7. In the Audit Date field, select today's date.

8. Click Save.

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9. Exit Corrective Action and DMR Processing.

RMA Processing

In most cases, a return material authorization (RMA) is issued to a customer by sales when there is a defective
materials complaint. Once the RMA is issued and the customer returns the defective material, the Shipping and
Receiving department receives the material.
The RMA is tied to the customer who returns the materials. The details are entered from the purchase order,
unless the RMA was received directly from the customer. The sales order must always be referenced but does
not have to be an open order, so the former sales order can become part of the new job created for rework of
the materials. In addition, the RMA order line must be tied to the original sales order for costing and credit
purposes. Job costs can be retrieved even if the sales order and job are closed.

Return Material Authorization

Use Return Material Authorization to control and track customer returns. Enter information about the return
and communicate that information to the different groups that need to take action, such as inspection, billing,
and order processing.
The Epicor application does not automatically create credit or shipping transactions, or rework jobs based on
these returns. RMA Processing provides the communication tools to ensure the necessary actions are taken for
customer returns. Based on the reason for the return and customer needs, you can enter or change jobs, create
credit transactions in the Accounts Receivable module, or re-ship parts as necessary.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > RMA Processing

Workshop - Create RMA and Receive Materials

You received a call from customer IMC. The customer says they are rejecting an order for 500 units of a proprietary
item. They noticed some of the cartons showed water damage and when they opened one of them, the top
layer of items was corroded. They are rejecting the entire shipment and sending the items back. In this workshop,
issue Return Material Authorization (RMA) for the units being returned and receive the units.

Issue RMA for Material

In this workshop task, create an RMA record.

Navigate to Return Material Authorization.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > RMA Processing

1. From the New menu, select New RMA.

2. In the Customer field, enter IMC and press Tab.

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3. From the New menu, select New Line.

4. In the RMA Details grid, in the Order field, enter 5034 and press Tab.

5. In the Order Line field, enter 1 and press Tab.

6. In the Release field, enter 1 and press Tab.

7. In the Reason Code field, select Damaged in Shipment.

8. In the Quantity field, enter 500.

9. Click Save.

10. Record the RMA number _________.

11. Remain in Return Material Authorization for the next workshop task.

Receive Returned Material

The Return Material Authorization (RMA) is issued. Customer IMC returned the items and they are waiting in the
dock to be processed by the Shipping and Receiving department using the RMA Receipt functionality. In this
workshop task, receive the returned items.

1. Navigate to the Receipts > Detail sheet.

2. From the New menu, select New Receipt.

3. In the Warehouse field, select Inspection Area.

4. In the Bin field, search for and select INSI.

5. Click Save.

6. Exit Return Material Authorization.

RMA Inspection Processing

Once the material is received, the items are moved to the Quality Assurance department. The material is visible
online in Inspection Processing Entry.
The inspector determines how to disposition the parts: stock, job, or fail. The disposition selected depends on
the status of the job and part.
Move Items to Stock
The inspector signs off on the quantity received and where it was sent. The transaction code becomes INS-STK.
Move Items to a Job
If the part needs rework and the job is still open, the items can be returned to the job for rework. An operation
is added to perform the rework. In addition, the operator should select the Rework check box in Labor Entry so
the rework activity is viewable in reports. Once items are reworked, they can be received to stock (if it is a stocked
item) and re-shipped to the customer.
Fail Items.

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Line by line information is added with the quantity. An appropriate reason code is required, and, if applicable, a
corrective action can be created at the same time.
If the part must be scrapped, a new job must be opened to build replacement items. The sales order must be
re-opened with another line added to ship the items again. To avoid invoicing the customer again, enter the sales
order line at a zero price.
A non-conformance entry is not created if the item is dispositioned from inspection to stock or rework. A
non-conformance entry is created only if the item is scrapped. The non-conformance can also be created manually.
Note If the decision is made to credit the customer, a credit memo can be generated directly from the
Return Material Authorization (RMA). Each line detail is entered separately, and the amounts can be
overridden any time. Although this process creates a miscellaneous invoice with the job header information,
the invoice does not go through the Epicor application as a live credit memo at this point. Once a suggestion
is created, the request is sent to Accounts Receivable for processing.

Workshop - Inspect and Dispose Returned Materials

Once Return Material Authorization (RMA) items are received, the inspector determines the items' disposition.
One hundred out of five hundred items passed inspection and will move to stock. The remaining defective items
will be corrected.
Navigate to Inspection Processing.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

1. On the Standard toolbar, click the Binoculars (search) icon.

2. In the Tran Type pane, clear the All check box.

3. In the Tran Type pane, select the RMA's check box and click Search.

4. Select the RMA created in the Issue RMA for Material workshop task and click OK.

5. Navigate to the RMA's sheet.

6. From the Actions menu, select RMA Disposition.

The RMA Disposition Entry displays.

7. Click New.
The Disposition > Detail sheet displays.

8. In the Dispose To field, select Stock.

9. In the Quantity field, enter 100.

10. In the Inspected By field, select Inspector Clouseau.

11. In the Warehouse field, select Main.

12. In the Bin field, verify bin 01-01-01 displays.

13. Navigate to the Disposition > Comment sheet and enter 100 units accepted.

14. Click Save.

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15. Click New.

The Disposition > Detail sheet displays.

16. In the Dispose To field, select Fail.

17. In the Quantity field, enter 400.

18. In the Reason field, select Failed, Cosmetic.

19. In the Inspected By field, select Inspector Clouseau.

20. Select the Create Corrective Action check box.

21. Click Save.

Corrective Action displays.

22. In the Description field, enter IBM-200-D.

23. In the Assigned To field, search for and select John J. Lewis.

24. In the Due Date field, select the date one week from today.

25. In the Root Cause field, select Final Inspection.

26. Click Save.

27. Navigate to the Root Cause Investigation sheet.

28. In the Comments pane, enter Water damage to the top layer.

29. Click Save.

30. Exit Corrective Action.

31. Exit RMA Disposition Entry and Inspection Processing Entry.

RMA Credit Memo Request

A credit memo can be requested at any point during the Return Material Authorization (RMA) process. In some
organizations, a credit memo is requested immediately upon issuing an RMA. In other companies, the credit
memo request is held until after the inspection process.
After a request is processed, it is pulled into Accounts Receivable by a get RMA process similar to the get DMR

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > RMA Processing
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > RMA Processing

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Workshop - Request RMA Credit Memo

In this workshop, request an RMA credit memo for the 500 rejected parts of sales order 5034.
Navigate to RMA Processing.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > RMA Processing

1. Click RMA and search for the RMA record created in the Issue RMA for Material workshop.

2. Navigate to the Summary > Credits sheet.

3. Click the Add Credit Memo button.

AR Invoice Maintenance displays.
A new credit memo invoice has been created.

4. Record the invoice number___________.

5. In AR Invoice Maintenance, in the Site field, select Main.

6. Click Save.

7. Navigate to the Line > Detail sheet and review the following information:

Field Data
Part/Rev IBM-200-D
Quantity 500
Customer International Machine Company
Extended Price 1,280
Total 1,280

8. Exit AR Invoice Maintenance.

9. Click Save.

10. From the Actions menu, select Print RMA Form.

The RMA Processing - RMA Form window displays.

11. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

The RMA Form displays.

12. Review and close the RMA Form.

13. Close the RMA Processing - RMA Form window.

14. Exit Return Material Authorization.

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First Articles

Engineering enters a First Article Sample Quantity on the job operation that requires first article inspection.
This entry provides Engineering the ability to determine where first articles are necessary and of what sample size
per operation.
When a job with such an operation is released to the site floor, the Epicor application generates a site floor
warning. In addition, you can specify to alert Inspection through email. When a shop employee clocks into such
an operation through Data Collection, a new first article record is added to the First Article Inspection queue.
You also can establish a shop warning that notifies Inspection electronically through e-mail.

A QA inspector selects First Article inspection records from the inspection queue. If data collection was not used,
the inspector can manually add an inspection record. Either way, the QA inspector processes the first article and
determines the status based on external documents that may be tied to the first article record through document
management. Status options include Approved, Provisional, Resubmit, and Waiting. The status is marked
by a Job/Assembly/Operation combination and by machine/resource.
• All quantity updates that are good, scrap, and non-conformance are done through labor processing and
tracked by an audit log. If the status is Resubmit, a new first article queue record is generated. Each time a
first article is processed, a new transaction is generated.
• If the first article status is Approved, shop employees can clock in to production for the Job/Assembly/Operation
and machine/resource. If the status is Resubmit or Waiting, this cannot be done.
• If the status is Provisional, shop employees can clock in to production for the Job/Assembly/Operation and
machine/resource; an option is that the employee can receive a shop warning to alert him or her of the status.
The responsibility lies with the shop employee and Quality Assurance personnel to document the provisional
status and ensure compliance.

Workshop - Inspect First Articles

An operation is coded when a first article inspection is necessary. To code an operation, complete a field with
the number of first articles that must be submitted. For this process to work correctly, the operation must also
have a setup time designated. When a site floor employee reports that setup has started, an entry is placed in
the inspection queue under the First Article sheet.
In this workshop, select a job in Job Entry and specify the number of first articles required. Clock in to setup in
the Manufacturing Execution System(MES), clock into Production on the job modified, and perform the inspection.
Navigate to Job Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry

Update Existing Job

1. In the Job field, enter 2094 and press Tab.

2. In the tree view, right-click the job number and select Tree > Expand Tree.

3. In the tree view, select Opr: 10 OP: SHEAR.

The Job Details > Operations > Detail sheet is displayed.

4. In the Scheduling Factors pane, in the First Article Quantity field, enter 5.00.

50 Epicor ERP | 10.2.300

Quality Assurance Course Daily Quality Assurance Processing

5. Click Save and exit Job Entry.

Report Labor in MES

1. On your desktop, double click the MES icon.

The Log On window displays.

2. In the User name field, enter manager.

3. In the Password field, enter manager.

4. Click OK.
The MES Menu displays.

5. In the Employee ID field, enter 106 and press Tab.

6. Click the Start Setup Activity button.

The Start Setup Activity window displays.

7. In the Job field, enter 2094 and press Tab.

8. In the Operation field, select 10.

9. Click OK.

10. Exit MES.

Inspection Pending Report

The Inspection Pending Report lists all items you have received to inspection through Receipt Entry or Return
Material Authorization.
This report includes the value of each item received to inspection, as well as the total value of all items awaiting
inspection. It also indicates if there is a variance in the costs. If there is an asterisk (*) next to a cost, there is a
variance between the purchase order cost and invoice cost for the receipt.
Important For more information on how to review the status of a report you print, preview, or generate,
refer to the System Monitor Overview topic in the Application Help.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Reports > Inspection Pending

Workshop - Review the Inspection Pending Report

In this workshop, review the Inspection Pending Report.

Navigate to the Inspection Pending Report.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Reports > Inspection Pending

Epicor ERP | 10.2.300 51

Daily Quality Assurance Processing Quality Assurance Course

1. In the Report Options pane, clear all the check boxes.

2. Select the First Articles check box.

3. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

The Inspection Pending Report displays.

4. Review and close the report.

5. Exit the Inspection Pending Report.

Workshop - Approve First Article Inspection

In this workshop, inspect and approve the first article for job 2094.
Navigate to Inspection Processing Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

1. On the Standard toolbar, click the Binoculars (search) icon.

2. In the Tran Type pane, clear the All checkbox.

3. In the Tran Type pane, select the First Articles check box and click Search.

4. Select the first article for job 2094 and click OK

The setup has started on operation 10 on job number 2094. An inspector must proceed to the Shear area
to make this inspection.

5. In the tree view, select First Articles (1) > First Articles: Job: a2094 Part: DCD-100-SP Qty:5.00.
The First Articles> Detail sheet displays.

6. In the Inspector ID field, select Inspector Clouseau.

7. In the Quantity field, enter 5.00.

8. Select the Approve radio button.

9. Click Save and exit Inspection Processing Entry.

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Quality Assurance Course Conclusion


Congratulations! You have completed the Managing Quality Assurance with Epicor ERP Extended Education

Epicor ERP | 10.2.300 53

Index Quality Assurance Course

issue material 31

54 Epicor ERP | 10.2.300

Additional information is available at the Education and
Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to http://support.epicor.com.

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