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Preliminary 1 name, surname, module:................................................................................

I Write the name below the phonetic transcription.

/iː//dʌbəl siː//dʒeɪ//aɪ//waɪ//dʒiː//juː//ɛks/

II Write the name from task I in the military alphabet.

___________________________________________________________________________ 0,5

III Write the timings below as you would actually say them (MILITARY WAY).

1001 hrs _________________________________________________________________

IV Fill in the missing prepositions where necessary.

They went ____ shopping, took a look ____ a few options, listened ____ my advice and finally got interested ____
one model. They will come back ____ a couple of days because you need to wait ____ your particular model once
you choose it...

V Choose the right word.

One of this / these rules is not to allow anybody / nobody who / which is not permanent staff in without leaving their /
theirs ID at the gate.
VI Write the full sentence.
A Bn is commanded by a LtCol.

VII Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. You can use each word only once. Change the
form if necessary. There are two extra words – do not use them.
pursue persuade transfer deploy subordinate superior
He was _____________ to the central branch and once he got set up as the boss, he _______________ some of his
_______________ to local branches and managed to _____________ the regional Chief Executive Officer to give
him more funding ...
VIII Underline the correct form.
1 She walked slow / slowly and she was confident / confidently enough.
2 I don’t know her good / well, but I’d say she’s a kind / kindly person. 2

IX Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

We ________________ (go) to the Military Technical Institute yesterday morning. We ________________ (tell) to
be there at 8 o’clock sharp, but ___________________ (must) park our cars off base and that’s why we
____________________ (run) a few minutes late. 4

X Make questions for the words in bold.

1 Susan and her husband visit me on Sundays._______________________________________________________
2 He has given them some extra money.______________________________________________________________
3 They talked about getting more resources for their project. __________________________________________
XI Read the text and and circle the correct answer. (0) is an example.

This was tested in an interesting virtual reality maze experiment done in Canada. Men and women activated
completely different areas of their brains to negotiate the space, and they used different strategies to find the
exit. Women used landmarks to guide them, while men used what was called "Euclidian information" to
place themselves within the structure and navigate through it. The researchers wondered whether the two
sexes could use either strategy equally well and simply chose one over the other for reasons that weren't
understood. They found that each performed less well when using the methods of the opposite sex, and they
concluded that there is a real sex-specific difference in the way spatial problems are solved. Men excel in
their ability to imagine, for example, how a figure would appear if rotated in a space of two or three
dimensions. Scientists from the University of Hamburg in Germany showed that higher testosterone levels
in men correlated with men's enhanced spatial ability. However, they also found that those levels
corresponded with their diminished ability for verbal expression — an area in which women excel. Does
this mean, as has so often been claimed, that boys and men are better at math? Maybe not. A study by
psychologist Janet Hyde, PhD, looked at math ability in adolescent girls and boys and found that while boys
did score better, the difference was in a mere few percentage points, not a significant majority. She did find,
however, that there were more males at both extremes of the spectrum — the very high end of competence
and at the lowest. Girls in single-sex educational environments tend to do better at math than those in coed
classes, perhaps because the implicit comparison with boys is removed. Cultural stereotyping and
discrimination are too subtle, but always present, even in supposedly gender-neutral, bias-free surroundings.
For instance, did you have a female math or science mentor when you were growing up?

(0) The experiment written about in the text was performed in: a) Canada b) England c) America
(1) The experiment was conducted in: a) a corn field b) an artificial labyrinth c) an urban infrastructure
(2) Men and women used: a) identical methods b) different tools c) the same landmarks
(3) Researchers realised people chose according to: a) their sex b) their interests c) strategic approach
(4) Scientists showed that hormone levels affect: a) skills b) senses c) intelligence
(5) When it comes to maths, men are, in comparison to women: a) better b) worse c) similar
(6) The author of the text thinks that the still existing phenomenon is: a) impartiality b) comparison c) prejudice

XII Read the text and fill in the gaps with ONE suitable phrase from the box. Each phrase must be used only
once. There are three more phrases in the box than you need-do not use them. (0) is an example.
A for two minutes
Li Xianfeng, 30, hovered above the ground (0) __A__ and then plowed
into fields on the outskirts of Beijing Monday, the Xinhua news agency B later real ones
said. Li, who taught himself about aviation by reading books, declared C adding he was
his flight "partly successful," (1) _____ , which said he would stay in D according to the report
the hospital for at least a month. The shattered aircraft, aluminum-
E added he is
framed and 21 feet long (2) _____ 30 feet, cost Li 30,000 yuan
($3,883). He had spent all his spare time and money on making airplane F with a wingspan of
models and (3) _____ . "I want a perfect landing in my own self-made G plane of
plane and I don’t care I lose a lot of money in the process," Li was H some others
quoted as saying, (4) _____ willing to risk his life to achieve his life-
long dream. Private pilots in China must apply to aviation authorities for permission to fly, but the report
said many amateurs like Li fly without permission in sparsely populated rural areas.

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