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Adjective /noun collocations

small achievement

prompt action

sound advice
well-intentioned advice

considerable amount
huge amount
large amount
small amount

brief answer
full answer

lengthy apologies
sincere apologies

firm arrangements: Acuerdos firmes

main attraction
principal attraction

sheltered background: fondo protegido

gripping book: libro que engancha

remarkable book

serious burns: quemaduras

serious case

little chance of sth

great change

extensive choice
huge choice
wide choice of

rare claim

excellent command of sth

fierce competition
stiff competition : dura competición
strong competition
unfair competition

attractive conditions
harsh conditions: duras condiciones

direct consequence of sth

disastrous consequences
enormous consequences for sth
inevitable consequences
serious consequences
tragic consequences

huge contrast
stark contrast: marcado contraste

high costs
low costs
unnecessary costs

busy day
hectic day: día agitado

clear daylight: clara luz del día

pristine daylight
good deal of
great deal of : gran cantidad de

detailed descriptions of
vivid descriptions of

a world of difference
big difference
crucial difference
dramatic difference
enormous difference
essential difference
fundamental difference
huge difference
important difference
little difference
major difference
marked difference
minor difference
no difference
significant difference
slight difference
small difference
subtle difference

dynamic discussion
interesting discussion

deep dissatisfaction

vast distance

profound effect
special effects
strong effect
subtle effect

big effort
concerted effort
conscious effort
considerable effort
deliberate effort
desperate effort
determined effort
great effort
joint effort
mental effort
physical effort
supreme effort
special effort
sustained effort
team effort
tremendous effort

scientific evidence

amazing experience
bad experience
considerable experience
extensive experience
first-hand experience
good experience
great experience
little experience
past experience
personal experience
practical experience
previous experience
tremendous experience
unforgettable experience
valuable experience
vast experience

tough explanation

increased exposure
major factor

annoying habit

bad headache
splitting headache

great help
invaluable help

long hours

monotonous household chores: tareas domésticas


simple idea

environmental impact on sth

huge impact
major impact
powerful impact
profound impact
significant impact

considerable importance
great importance
huge importance
tremendous importance

false impression

big improvement
marked improvement
noticeable improvement

big increase
considerable increase
huge increase

booming industry

profound influence
valuable influence on sth

creative instinct

genuine interaction

genuine interest
real interest
professional interest

brilliant interpretation
particular interpretation
wooden interpretation

background knowledge
detailed knowledge
expert knowledge
extensive knowledge
first-hand knowledge
great knowledge
in-depth knowledge
inside knowledge
technical knowledge
thorough knowledge
vast knowledge
working knowledge

infectious laughter: risa contagiosa

star-crossed lovers: flechazo

huge market
logical mind

awful misunderstanding
big misunderstanding

loud noise
terrible noise
tremendous noise

fair number of …
huge number of
large number of
limited number of
small number of

detailed observations

big opportunities
golden opportunity
good opportunities
great opportunities
ideal opportunity
perfect opportunity
rare opportunity
wasted opportunity
wonderful opportunities

negative outlook
positive outlook

dizzy blonde
at a dizzy pace

real passion for sth

endless patience
a high percentage of
a large percentage of
a significant percentage of
a small percentage of

brilliant performance
disappointing performance
impressive performance
live performance
magnificent performance
poor performance
riveting performance
superb performance

corrupt politicians

widespread popularity

considerable pressure
constant pressure
diplomatic pressure
high/low pressure
intense pressure
peer pressure
political pressure
public pressure
strong pressure

fierce pride
huge pride

a colourful private life

complex problems
practical problems
amazing progress
considerable progress
good progress
great progress
huge progress
noticeable progress
rapid progress
satisfactory progress
slow progress
tremendous progress

ambitious project

incisive questions
probing questions

amazing range
endless range
huge range
wide range

word-of-mouth recommendations

a full refund
a partial refund

long-lost relatives

excellent reputation
unrivalled reputation

enthusiastic response to sth

big responsibility
huge responsibility
overall responsibility
personal responsibility
sole responsibility
fierce rivalry: rivalidad feroz

huge role

a hopeless romantic

expert skills
practical skills
specialist skills

big smile
bright smile
broad smile
faint smile
friendly smile
huge smile
knowing smile
quick smile
slow smile
warm smile
wide smile

confined space

puzzled stare

great success
huge success

abundant supply
adequate supply: suministro
endless supply
essential supply
plentiful supply
vital supply

active support: apoyo

enthusiastic support
full support
popular support
public support
strong support
whole-hearted support

invaluable tool

heavy traffic
terrible traffic
tremendous traffic

excellent use

of great value
of tremendous value

amazing variety
considerable variety
endless variety
enormous variety
great variety
huge variety
tremendous variety
wide variety

strict vegetarian

distorted version of sth

mindless violence

clear voice
high-pitched voice gallos
low voice
powerful voice
shaky voice
fierce winds
strong winds

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