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I use 2 oils for this protocol – oregano oil + organic cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil (consumable).
You must use the oregano oil in the oil form and also use a small amount of coconut oil as the carrier oil
for it. Put about a teaspoonful of coconut oil onto a bigger spoon and add 5 drops of oregano oil, make
sure that it is well mixed and then drink it. Wait 10 minutes and then take 2 tablespoons of the coconut
oil. This is all there is to it. This needs to be done 3 times a day on an empty stomach and so before
breakfast, 1 hour before the midday meal and finally at about 21.00 hours.
After the first assessment day, you can chat with me on Messenger if you like as I have a good feel for
this now and know when to stop the oils and start phases 2 + 3 which are the chia seeds + ACV. If you
suspect that the overgrowth is a substantial one then you can take activated charcoal and molybdenum
glycinate chelate to transport away the acetaldehyde and the other toxins that accompanies the death
of candida yeast. These act to detox the release of the toxins once the cell walls are burst by the oils as
acetaldehyde is a known liver toxin and it is not good to overburden the liver with acetaldehyde
(molybdenum is specifically for the acetaldehyde removal) and activated charcoal deals with the other


This is an important addition that I should have included before – the kefir MUST be drunk at the full
quantity of 1 litre/quart throughout the protocol and thereafter as well as a few days before starting it.
The protocol will not work if you fail to do this, even missing a day or starting the oils without the kefir
for a single day can make this fail. At least 4 members have done this aspect incorrectly and ALL 4 have
had to repeat the oils again. Luckily, the symptoms experienced from the first time of doing this are not
repeated, but it is best to ensure that it is done correctly the first time.


There are a wide variety of die off symptoms but the most common ones are headaches (can be
crashing ones) and so be prepared for this, the second one also requires you to be prepared, but for
different reasons. You will always get watery diarrhea (probably FOLLOWED by blood). Others are green
stools with undigested food (if on an aggressive heavy dose treatment plan), fatigue, carb cravings which
MUST be resisted as that is a call for help from the demise of the candida, brain fog, feeling tipsy and
light headed and any number of minor ones. The diarrhea is usually extremely urgent, often in the
morning just after you have awoken and can be explosive and so as soon as you feel it coming get out of
bed and head ‘you know where’!!

This takes about 1 -2 days to do and it is possible that it can go too far in eliminating more candida than
you really want or need to do. Read the files on stool formation and regaining your digestion after you
have done the oils as these need to be implemented next to continue the recovery from the protocol.

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