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Vocabulary /5

Writing Exercise No. 2 Content /5

Organization /4
Mechanic /2
I heard that amazing story. Structure /4
Write 200 words. SCORE

1 When I was a child, I always went to visit my grandparents where they use to lived. They


3 lived on a farm in Palestina near Colimes, this place it is full of vegetation and wild animals there is
even a river. I remember that my grandmother



5  was the one who loved to tell stories and anecdotes that she had lived in this town. Many of these



7  stories were actually terrifying. But as a child I used to love to listen them even though I was



9  so scared and couldn't sleep at night. Once, she told me that a man with a big hat always appeared


11  outside her house on a white horse but it was never possible to see his face. All the dwellers



13 in the town said it was the devil who appeared to take the souls of people who had committed bad


15 things, They believed this because it really happened a lot, drunk people who were on their way



17  home suddenly disappeared and were never seen again. She also told me that on another


19  occasion she saw a man dressed in white but had a tail, as if this person was an animal. But when


21  she saw this, she froze and couldn’t do anything, even scream or run.

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