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Name: _____________________________________

Read the following text carefully. Class: _____ Number: ____ Date: ____/_____/_____

A. Change only the underlined word of each

sentence to make TRUE statements.

It’s lunch break. Lillian and Matt are in the playground 1. Lillian spent her weekend alone.
talking about their weekend. _________________________________________
Lillian: Last Saturday I invited some friends to visit me and 2. She hated her weekend.
we just stayed at home. You know, we usually meet at the _________________________________________
shopping centre or we go jogging in the park but this time I 3. Matt prefers to spend his free time outside.
was so tired that I preferred not to go out. We watched a B. Answer these questions on the text.
good film and ate popcorn. It was fun.
Matt: But why were you so tired? 1. Where does Lillian usually hang out with her friends?
Lillian: Well, during the week I am always very busy after __________________________________________
school. I have guitar lessons and basketball practice three __________________________________________
times a week. After that I get home and I usually study. Last __________________________________________
week I had a Math and a Science test, so I had to study a lot. 2. Why did she stay at home last weekend?
Matt: I’ve got to admit that I am very lazy, so the best thing __________________________________________
for me is to spend my free time at home sitting in front of __________________________________________
the TV. I also like to have my laptop with me and I am __________________________________________
always surfing the net or checking my Facebook page. 3. How often does Lillian do sports?
Lillian: But this way you don’t hang out with your friends __________________________________________
and you don’t exercise.
Matt: You’re right about exercising but I often meet my
C. Read and match the parts.
friends. For example, last Sunday I was on Facebook
4. How does Matt usually spend his free time?
1. Lillianin touchsome
invited with friends
my friends.
to herI house...
am always with them a) because he is so lazy.
online. Come on, don’t look at me like that. I know it’s not __________________________________________
2. She doesn’t have much time after school… b) to invite his friends to go out.
the same thing ashad
being face-to-face with them but that’s __________________________________________
3. Last week she to prepare herself… c) because she has other free time activities.
how I like it.
4. Matt loves being at home… __________________________________________
d) because he spends so much time at home.
Lillian: Well, I have
5. His favourite to say that’s too dull for me. You would
pastime… e) when he wants to meet his friends.
6. He doesn’t do muchmore
healthier and have fun if you went out with your
exercise… f) for a couple of tests.
friends. You can
7. He usually goesalways
online…experience something new. Why g) because she didn’t want to go out last weekend.
don’t 1. go cycling with
you 2. them next3.week? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
8. In the end Lillian convinces Matt… h) is watching TV.
Matt: You’re so right. I will ask them.
Lillian: That’s the spirit.

D. Imagine you are a friend of Matt’s. Invite him to go to the cinema next week.

Hi, Matt

E. LEISURE ACTIVITIES: Label the pictures using GO / PLAY / DO / HAVE.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
F. EXPRESSING LIKES: Complete each sentence using a preposition.
1. Linda is really ____________ jogging. She jogs every afternoon.
2. Mike is mad ____________ pop music. He is always listening to Lady Gaga.
3. She’s so fond ____________ the Harry Potter books. She has read all of them.
4. Sam is very interested ____________ collecting coins. He just loves knowing about their history.
5. I’m so keen ____________ snowboarding. I do it every winter.
G. PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. He usually _______________________ (not go) out in the evening.

2. Where ______________________ (you/spend) your summer holidays this year? - We ____________________
(go) to Italy.
3. Linda isn’t at home right now. She ________________________ (ride) her horse.
4. I often _____________________ (watch) TV after dinner.
5. She always _______________________ (do) what she wants in her free time.
6. I _________________________ (learn) how to swim.
7. We _____________________ (not be) really crazy about going camping next week.
8. _______________________________ (they/enjoy) running?
9. Your mobile phone __________________________ (ring). Answer it!

H. WRITING: This is part of an email you have received from a friend. Write a reply in about 80 words.

Hi there  ! The summer holidays are almost here and I don’t know what to do. Are you starting a new hobby? I love
sports; we could do something together. What do you think?





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