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Education system

The Spanish school starts when the children are three, it is called “Infantil”. Before
that, children must go to kindergarten from zero to three years, that is not compulsory, and it
is private. When children are three years old, they start the compulsory school called primary
and secondary school until they are sixteen. Primary school is divided in two levels, the first
between 3 to 5 years (Infantil) and the second level from 6 to 12 (Primary). Teachers made
students do a lot of homework and private lessons are often needed to pass their exams
especially in Math and English.

Furthermore, there are also boarding and private schools, especially in the big cities in
which children have to wear a uniform.

In my opinion, discipline in school is not very strict because sometimes students are
punished, but while punishment is not very strong, students are rarely expelled for misbehave.

After finishing primary school, students go to High school till they are 16. Then it starts
no compulsory education called “Bachillerato” which takes two years. Next, if you want to go
to university you have to pass an exam called EBAU and if you get high marks you could choose
any degree. University is state but despite this you must pay increasingly expensive fees.

Nowadays, the biggest challenge to government is improve education national system

and avoiding high dropout rates of teenagers.

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