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Chuvash-English Dictionary

The dictionary is based mainly on the vocabulary by J.

Krueger in his Chuvaš Manual.

aca child, boy

agrotehnika (Russ.) agricultural technology
ak, akă lo! here (as in ‘see here)
ak- to sow akakansower
aka plow; plowed field, arable land
akăš swan
akka elder sister
ala to sift
ală hand
alăk door
allă fifty
alsa mitten
altuj walking stick, pole, rod, fišing pole
ama wife, mother;amăšĕ his/her mother
amin (Russ.) amen
an indeclinable negative particle placed before verb in imperative
an to descend, go down (both in general, and of the sun)
anatri low, lower (specifically, the lower dialect of Chuvaš)
ancah but, only, however
ankarti threšing yard; vegetable garden
anne mother;
apat (Russ.) dinner, main meal of the day, whether at noon or evening
apla such, how, thus, so
appa elder sister
aprel (Russ.) April
ar male, man, husband
aran somehow
arăm female, woman, wife
arestle to arrest
arşuri woodgoblin
as mind, understanding, memory; as tu- to pay heed, watch out, remember
asăn to remember, pray, implore, ask
asap pain, torment
asatte grandfather
asărha to guess, deduce, conclude, notice
aslă old, big, great, respected;
asli the old one (a senior member);aslălăx greatness, glory, grandeur
astu to pay heed (from as + tu- ‘to do, make‘)
aš meat
aššĕ his father (derived from atte)
aššĕ-amăšĕhis/her father and mother, his/her parents, the parents
Atăl Volga river;anlă Atăl Great Volga
Atte father
Atte-anne father and mother, parents
at‘a come on! let‘s go! well!; at‘ărplural to preceding
av house, dwelling
aval formerly, in olden times
avan good, well;avantarah better
av there (as in see there!‘)
avăn a flail to threš grain; avăn şap to threš
avgust (Russ.) August
avlan to marry (found one‘s house‘)
avtobus (Russ.) trolley bus
avtomat-rucka(Russ.) fountain pen
ah interjection of satisfaction, or of discontent
-ah enclitic particle of emphasis.
ahal in vain, to no avail; free, gratis
ahăltat to laugh uproariouslj, guffaw
ahăr I certainly, of course
ahăr II create an uproar, go heavy (wind, strom), lough out loudly
aj interjection of dissatisfaction
aj postposition: the underside, underneath, lower surface of something.
ajalalladownwards, towards the underside
ajak side
aj-haj interjection of ironical nature, sarcastic
azot (Russ.) nitrogen

ăn reason, understanding, memorj; ănla(n)to understand, perceive;ănlanmalladistinctly, clearly

ănlantar to make understand, to explain
ănsa pyr to succed
ăs to draw, tap (water, etc.)
ăsat to accompany
ăşta where; ăştanwhence, from where
ăš postpositlon: the interior, inner, inside
ăšă warm; ăšăn- to heat, to warm; ăšăt- to heat, to warm
ăšăk šallow, šallowness
ăvăs aspen, aspen tree
ăjăr stallion
ăjăh(yjăh) sleep

barzha (Russ.) barge

basn‘a (Russ.) fable syn. juptaru
brigada (Russ.) team, work brigade
bjuro (Russ.) office, bureau

can bell; barrel, vat

cap news, fame;capa tuh become famous
caplă famed, famous; fašionable
car to hold back, stop, prohibit, forbid;
carăn intr to restrain oneself, hold oneself back, stop
carănu noun stop, halt, terminationTepĕr carănu Naci BibliotekiThe next stop is National Library
caršav veil, scarf, curtain
caru nounrestraint, constraint, prohibition, obsticle
cas quick; soon;casah quick, quickly; soon
cašăk (Russ.) cup
cašlattar to go ‘š-h-h!‘; of sled runners, to make a noise in the snow, to hiss
cav to dig
cavsa elbow
căm to dive under
căn true, truth; cănah trulj, indeed
căt to endure, hold out, last
căvaš Chuvaš, pertaining to Chuvaš or Chuvašia;
căvašla Chuvaš (adjective), in the Chuvaš language
cecek flower; ceceklĕ colorful
cert‘ozhnik(Russ.) draftsman
cej tea; cejnĕk(Russ.) teapot
cĕkeş the swallow (bird)
cĕlĕh cord, band; the vocal cords
cĕlhe tongue, language
cĕn to invite, call;cĕnter to have invited
cĕntĕrle to adorn with carving (especiallj wood)
cĕr I knee;cĕrkuşlen to fall on one‘s knees
cĕr II draw, scratc
cĕre heart
cĕrĕ live, alive; cĕrĕl- to come alive
cĕriklet to squeak, creak
cĕtre to šake, šiver, tremble, vibrate
cĕvĕ noise, sound (of anj sort)
ci very, most; ci lajăh very good, excellent
cik to stick, to stick in
cikĕ border, edge; inside, interior, insides (especially of a living person);
ciper good, respectable
cirkü curc
cirlĕ sick, ill
cital‘nja (Russ.) reading room syn.vulavăš
cylaj muc, great, a lot
clen (Russ.) member, part
cukun (Russ.) iron, cast iron; cukun şul ‘iron road‘, railway, railroad
cul stone
cun spirit, soul
cup to run
cup tu to kiss (lit. ‘to make a kiss‘)
custa dough
cuh time, once, suddenly, for a time; “at the time when,“ as an accusative without suffix; cuhne ‘at
its time‘ = when, at the time when…
cuhĕ so much, so many
cürece window
cühen to pour over oneself; to waš

dekabr" (Russ.) Decembersyn.raštav

delegat (Russ.) delegate
direktor (Rugs.) director
drama (Russ.) drama, dramatic

e-e interjection of reproac

ekskursi (Russ. ) excursion, trip
elektrotehnikaelectrotechnical, electrically operated
emel medicine
epĕ I
epir we
ereh liquor, wine., vodka
erne week
ernekun Friday
esĕ you (singular)
esir you (plural)
etem man
eh interjection of dissatisfaction or satisfaction
-eh enclitic particle of emphasis cf. –ah
ej interjection of greeting

ĕlĕk formerly, once upon a time; ĕlĕkhithe former one, the one that was formerly
ĕlkĕr to get to, have time for; succeed
ĕmĕr life, age; century ĕmĕrehforever
ĕmĕtlen to dream
ĕne cow
ĕnen to believe
ĕnenü faith, belief
ĕner yesterday
ĕntĕ already, now
ĕş I work, business, matter, affair
ĕşcen adj.industrious, diligent
ĕşcen n.industrious person, labourer, worker
ĕşle to work
ĕşleken n. worker
ĕşletter to make work
ĕş şynni worker, working man
ĕş II to drink;
ĕşkĕ beverage (alcoholic), drink; party
ĕşkĕ-şikĕ party
ĕşke often -şkeindeed, verily

fabrika (Russ.) factory

fašist Fascist
ferma (Russ.) farm
fevral‘ (Russ.) February syn.narăs
flot (Russ. ) fleet

galstuk (Russ.) necktie

gektar (Russ.) hectare
Germani Germany
gidroelektrostanci(Russ.) hjdroelectric power plant
gorn (Russ.) horn
gosudarstvo(Russ.) state (political entity)syn.patšalăh
granica (Russ.) border syn. cikĕ

-ha particle lightly expressed command, request

hal strength, energy, puš
hal şiter to have enough strength
hal", halĕ now
halăh nation, people, folk
haliccen (fromhalĕ) up to now, up to this time
ham I myself
hamăr we ourselves; own, very own
hapăl reception, accepting; conversion (religious)
hapăl tu to accept well, be acceting
hapha gate
harlattar,hărlattar to snore, buzz
harpăr hăj eac himself
harpăr hăjĕnone"s proper
haška- to wheeze, pant
haşat newspaper, gazette
hatĕrle to prepare, make ready
havas joy, pleasure
havaslan to be joyful, rejoice
havassăn readilj, with pleasure
haj that
hajar bad, evil
hajhi that (distant)
hăjpăt peel, cut off, skin, to take away, free, tear loose
hălaş a measure: fathom, two jards, 1.9 meters
hălaşla to stretc, extend
hălha ear
hăma board, stave
hămăš reed, ruš, cane
hăna guest
hăpar to rise, ascend, go up
hăpart to raise, to bring up; construct, build up
hăr to dry dry out
hăra to be afraid, to fear
hăravşă fearful, frightened
hărăk dry, dried up
hăşan when
hăšĕ whic, certain
hăšpĕr some, certain ones
hăt lo! woe! alas!
hătar to save
hătăl to be saved, to find refuge
hătlan to try, attempt, concern oneself with
hăv see hu
hăva willow
hăvala to drive; case
hăvar to leave (transitive)
hăvat power, strength, might
hăvatlă valiant, strong
hăvah you jourself;
hăvăr you jourselves
hăvăl hole, opening, cavity
hăvărt quicklj
hăj he himself
hăjsem they themselves;
hăjar cucumber
hăjăr sand
hăju noun dare
hăjullăcourageous, brave, daring
hĕl, hĕlle winter
hĕn pain, trouble, misfortune
hĕpĕrte to delight, hearten
hĕr girl, daughter, woman
hĕraca girl cild, girl
hĕr to glow, become glowing; hĕrt- to glow
hĕrĕ šore, edge (of road, water); hĕrripostposition: ‘its edge,‘ at one side, beside
hĕrĕh forty
hĕrlĕ red
hĕsĕrle to press, be urgent, compelling
hĕvel sun
hĕveltuhăşOrient, Far East
hir plain, field, desolate place
hirĕş postposition: against
hirĕşü quarrel, confrontation
hisep I number;
hisep II respect, courtesy, appreciation
hiseple to respect, to reckon, to heed, to treasure, to hallow
hitre nice, beautiful
hitrelen to become beautiful
hor (Russ.) coir, coral
hu you yourself
hu (hăv) to drive, pursue, dispatc, send
hul, hulă arm
hulpuşşi šoulder
hula town, city
hum wave
hun I father-in-lawsyn. hun‘aššĕ
hun II Khan
hun‘ama(hunem) mother-in-law
hup to close up, close in; hupănniclosing, close;huplato close, cover
hup-hura black, jet black
hupă sasă consonant
hur I goose;
hur II šame, distress
hur III to place, set, lay; vut hur to lay a fire, make a fire
hura black
hural I sentryhural tăr to stand watc
hural II to blacken
huran kettle
hurăn birc tree
hurşă steel
huşa master, host
huşalăh economy
Husan Kazan
huš to command, order; add
hušamat family name
hušă interval, distance;postpositionbetween
hušăk space, interval, interstice
hut I paper
hut II storey, level, floor ikkĕmĕš hutsecond floor; timevişĕ hutcen three times
hut III to heat
huta postpositionduring
hutor (Russ.) farm
hutran-sitren at times
hutšăn- to mix, mingle, cooperate
hujhă care, sorrow, grief
hujhăr to bemoan
hüme fence of rails, or stone
hüre tail, stern of šip
hühĕm beautiful, fine, glorious, superior
hütĕ secure, protected
hütĕle to defend, protect
hütlĕh security, secure place, defence
hypar report, message; title of a newspaper establišed in 1906
hyparşă herald
hyr I pine tree
hyr II to scrape, šave, clean
hyrăm belly, stomac
hyş I noun rear part postpositionbehind; hyşaltanfrom behind;hyşşăn after
hyş II scratc, rub, scrape
hytă I hard, stiff, firm
hytă II stingy, ungenerous
hytkukar an ungenerous person

-i interrogative particle
Iisus (Russ.) Jesus
ik, ikĕ, ikkĕ two;ikšerĕn two at a time
ikken it seems, as it were
ikercĕ a kind of waffle or pancake
il- to take, to buy
ilem beauty
ilemlĕ beautiful, having beauty;
ilemlĕ literaturabelles-lettres, literature in the artistic sense
ilt see itl-
im, i-mĕn Reallj! you don‘t say!
imĕš as it were
institut (Russ.) institute
inşe far, distant;inşetri far, distant, in the distance
intereslen (Russ.) to be interested (takes instrumental case) syn.kăsăklan
irĕk will, freedom, volition; irĕkkĕnvoluntarily, freely, at will
irĕl to melt, thaw
irt to occur, take place, pass, happen
irtĕncĕh playful cild
irhi morning; irhine in the morning
itle to listen, hear, obey

jal village
jalan always, continually;jalanah always, regularly, promptly
jalav banner, flag
janăravla, janrato sound, make noise
janvar‘ (Russ. ) January syn.kărlac
japala thing, object
japala jacĕ noun
jar to send; to leave, let, release, let go name
jat name
jahăn postpositionapproximately
jăl-jăl smiling
jălăm meadow bank of the Volga
jălăn to ask, beg, request
jălkăš to burn, blaze brightly
jămra willow
jăpšan to lurk, hide
jăt to lift, carrj; hyrăm jăt- to be pregnant
jăvalan to roll
je or; je ... je either ... or
jem-ješĕl verj green
jen side, direction;jenĕpe on its side‘ = on behalf of, on the part of
jeple what sort of, how jepleskerwhat sort of a
jert to lead
jertüşĕ leader; host, announcer (on TV, radio)
ješĕl green
ješer to become green
jevĕr like, similar
jevĕrle immitate
jĕkel acorn
jĕm pants
jĕnercĕk saddle
jĕp needle
jĕp-jĕpe soaking wet
jĕpe wet
jĕpen to become wet
jĕpet to wet
jĕr I line, strip, trace, track
jĕr II to weep, cry
jĕrke order, row, regulation
jĕrkele to line up, bring to order; organize
jĕrkellĕ normal, regular, orderly
jĕven rein
jyšăn to appropriate, take over, occupy, accept
jytă dog
jyvăr heavy, difficult
jyvăş tree
jul to remain
julaški last, final; remaining
jultaš comrade, fellow
jultašlăhcomradešip, fellowšip
jul" (Russ.) Julysyn. Ută
juman oak
jumanlăh oak grove
jumah tale, fairy tale, parable, riddle
jumăş sorcerer, fortune-teller, soothsayer, faith healer, šaman
jun blood
jun" (Russ.) Junesyn. şĕrtme
jupa pole, column
jur snow
jurat to love, like
juratu love
jură song
jurla to sing
jut strange, foreign
juh to flow (of liquids, rivers)
juhanšyv river
jünĕ ceap, inexpensive
jünel to ceapen

-ka particle lightly expressed command, request

kabina (Russ.) cabin, fuselage, cockpit
kaccă bridegroom, husband
kala to speak, tell, say; play (an instrument)
kalaş to converse
kalaşuconversation, speec
kalarăšpe in accordance with what one said
kalca kernel, grain
kallah kalleh again, still, back
kam who
kam ta pulinanyone, whoever it may be;
kamănlăh(padezhĕ) genitive (case)
kan to rest
kanlĕ carefree; cosy, comfortable
kandidatura(Russ.) candidacy
kanfet (Russ.) confections, candy
kantăk window; glass
kantur (Russ.) office
kapan haystack
kapla suc, suc a, so
kar to stretc out
karăn to stretc oneself, to swell up
karas a kind of carp
karcăk old woman
karlankă throat, larynx
karmaš to reac out for
kart notc; card
karta \karda\ fence, ; herd of livestock
karta \kart:ă\ (Russ. ) map, card
kas to cut
kasăl to cut oneself up
kaska copping block
kassa (Russ.) savings bank, bank; pay-window, cašier‘s stand
kaş I eveningkaşhine in the evening
kaş II to go over, cross over
kaşar to lead over; forgive, excuse
kašăk spoon
kašla to murmur (of a forest)
kašni eac, every
kahal lazybones, person who is lazy
kavle to cew (as to cew the cud)
kaj I behind, after portion, rear;kajran then, after;kajalla back to; once more
kaj II to go, travel;particle expressing of negative surprise
kajni the going, departure
kajăk wild animal, wild bird, bird, game
kazah Kazakh
kăkăr breast, bosom, cest
kălar issue; subtract
kămaka oven, stove
kămălla like, prefer
kămăllă good, kind
kămrăk coal
kămpa mušrooms
kăna rather, only, merely
kăntăr south, noon; kantărla by day
kărantaš pencil
kărcankă scabs, mange
kăşal adv. this year kăşalhipresent-day, of this year
kăškăr to cry out, šout kăškăraškalato cry out repeatedly
kăšt a bit, a little
kătart to šow, to cause to see
kătra curl, lock (of hair)
kăvak blue
kăvakal duck (fowl)
kenguru (Russ.) kangaroo
kĕmĕl silver
kĕneke book
kĕpe širt
kĕper bridge
kĕr I fall (season);kĕrkunne in the fall
kĕr II to go in, enter
kĕrt I to let in, admit kĕnientrance, going in
kĕrt II snowdrift
kĕrt jytti wild dog
kĕrle to murmur, rustle, roar (of airplanes)
kĕreple (Russ.) rake
kĕreš fight
kĕrĕš to hire oneself out
kĕrü son-in-lawkĕrüšĕhis/her/their son-in-law
kĕske šort
kĕsket to šorten, abbreviate
kĕşen to neigh, whicker, whinny
kĕşĕn young, small
kĕt to wait kĕtesleon installments, on credit
kĕtes angle
kĕtü herd
kĕvĕ melody
kil I house; kilellehomewards;kilseren at eac and every house
kil II to come, arrive
kilĕš to agree Văl mana pulăšma kilĕšrĕ He agreed to help me; to be liked Ku kĕneke mana kilĕšet I
like this book; to matc Ku kĕpe sana kilĕšet This dress matces you.
kilĕšü agreement, treaty; peace
kilogramm(Russ.) kilogram
kimĕ boat, šip
kin daughter-in-law
kino (Russ.) movie, cinema, motion picture
kirek: kirek kamwhoever; kirek mĕn whatever;kirek mĕnlehowever; kirek ăşta wherever, anywhere
kirlĕ necessary; deserving, suitable
kirpĕc brick
kivĕ old (of things, not people)
klass (Russ.) class
kofe (Russ.) coffee
kollektiv (Russ. ) collective
kombajn (Russ.) combine
komissi (Russ.) commission
konferenci(Russ.) conference
kruzhok (Russ.) circle, club
ku this
kukăl‘ pie, pastry
kukăr bend, corner, turn
kul to laugh;kulkala to laugh repeatedly
kun day; kunĕpeall day
kunşul life
kunta hither, to here, here
kunti at here, local;kuntan from here, hence
kupa stack, pile
kupala to stack, pile up
kur to see
kura postpositionthanks to, in regard to, concerning
kurăk plant, grass
kurăn to be seen, seem, be visible, look like
kurka cup, scoop
kuršanak burdock seed
kus to turn, return, go back
kusem these
kuş I eye
kuş II to move
kuşar to translate; to move (transitive)
kuşlăh eyeglasses
kuşşul‘ tear, teardrop
kušak cat
kut rear, backside, derrière, ass
kut šătăkĕ aššole, anus
külĕ lake
kür to bring, produce, yield
kürt to bring in, let in, lead into
küršĕ neighbor

lager‘ (Russ.) camp

lapka area, flatness, surface; flat
lar to sit, seat oneself
lart to set, place
laša horse
lav cart, bad (from ălav)
lavkka (Russ.) šop, store
lăpah still, quiet, peaceful
lăpkă peaceful, Pacific
lăstărkka lazy, indolent; ragged
leple thus, so, as, consequently
leš, lešĕ that (distant), other
lëtcik (Russ.) pilot
linejka (Russ.) a line, rank
litr (Russ.) liter, quart
lupaška gorge, ravine

macca ceiling; roof (of mouth)

makăr- to cry, weep, bewail
mal front, fore
malta forward
malalla forwards
maltan previously, before, at first
mamăk cotton
manăn mine, my (genitive of "I")
mar negative article occurring before verbs: no, not
mart (Russ.) Marcsyn. Puš
matematika(Russ.) mathematics
matka (Russ.) old woman
maj (Russ.) Majsyn. şu
majĕpen slow
majlaš to be constructed, formed, organized; go back to normal, become orderly
majsăr quite, fiercely,
măkăn‘ poppj
mărlat to purr
mărje smokestack
măšăr pair, twain
măšărlan to marry
măšărrăn in pairs
măj neck
metall (Russ.) metal, metallic
mĕn what?; mĕnlehaving what?, what sort; that waj, so, like that; mĕn te pulin something,
anything; mĕnle te pulin however it may be, somehow
mĕnpur total, assembled, whole, entire
mĕnšĕn why, for what?
mĕnšĕn tesenbecause
mĕsker what sort of person or thing?
ministerstvo(Russ.) ministry (government)
mişe how muc?
mul property, goods, belongings
Muskav Moscow
Muşşa Mussja (proper name)
muhta to praise, glorifj;
muhtavlăglorious, reknowned
muzyka (Russ.) music

nacar bad
nagradăla (Russ.) to award, decorate
nakidka (Russ.) cloak
namăs šame
namăssăršameless, dišonorable
namăslan to be ašamed
Narspi Narspi, proper name; name of a beautiful Cuvaš maiden in the famous poem Narspi by
Konstantin Ivanov
nauka (Russ.) science
najan lazy
ni negative particle, no, not; nikam tano one; nimĕn tenothing; nimĕn cuhlĕ te seldom;nimĕnle
te no way;nimĕsker tenothing of the sort;nişta nowhere, to nowhere; nihăšĕno one; nijeple te
nim, nimĕnnothing, no sort of;nimĕn ĕş te no sort of work, no work at all
nikĕs basis, fundamental
nojabr‘ (Russ. ) November syn. Cük
nu (Russ.) now, weil, then
numaj manj, muc; nummajccen for a long time, muc, a great deal
nürĕ damp, moist

oborudovani(Russ.) equipment, outfittings

oktjabr‘ (Russ.) October
orden (Russ.) order, decoration
otecestvennăj(Russ.) adj.fatherland, patrioticsyn.attelĕh
otr‘ad (Russ.) detacment, squad, unit

-pa with, at, in the company of, together with, etc.;palabeing in company with and, along; -
palanpostpositionfor (plus instrumental case)
pallă sign, caracteristic, mark; famous, reknown, known;pallă jacĕadjective
padezh (Russ.) case (grammatical)
pakša squirrel
palla to know, recognize; pallaš- to know one another, to be acquainted
paha dear, valuable; good, fine
pahca garden
paj part, unit
pajla divide
pajlan to be parted; divided
pajan today; now
pajărka bundle, šeaf; rays
pajtah enough, rather, quite; pajtacen for a long time
pancen šortened colloq. ofpatĕncen from sb"s place, from the location of something
panulmi apple
par to give, present
parankă potatoessyn. şĕr ulmi
parappan (Russ.) drum
parămtransgressions, debts; obligation
parta \`part:ă\ (Russ.) student‘s desk
parti \`part:i\ (Russ.) party (political)
paru dative case; tax
pasar bazaar, fair, market
paşărtanpa for a long time, since long
pat postpositionside, towards;patne to its side, to, towards, e. g. ‚un patne towards him, to
him;patĕncenfrom the side, from beside;pirĕn patra(pirĕn patămărta) at our place, at the side of us
patša ruler, king, paša, padišah, tsar;patšalăhstate, kingdom
pattăr brave, courageous; hero, epic hero,pattărrănheroically, bravely;
pattărla heroically
pavuska (Russ.) cart, wagon
păca only in the phrase aca-păca“cildren“
păr I ice
păr II to turn, wind, bend, bore;părăn to turn oneself
părah to throw
părahut (Russ.) steamšip
părăş pepper;sară părăş "yellow pepper" = mustard
părkăcă šaft-poles of a cart or wagon
părtak a little, some, a bit
păs steam; păslanto steam, rise up in mist
păh to watc, observe; wait, await; take care of
pedagogika(Russ.) pedagogy, teacing methods, education
pek suc, suc a, like;şavăn pek like this, suc a; şakăn peklike this, suc a
-pele same as -pala
pepke baby, infant
per to šoot, throw
pereketabundance, excess, savings
pĕccen alone
pĕcĕk small;pĕcĕkşĕ small;pĕcĕkkĕn little by little, gradually
pĕl to know, experience; pĕlterinform, to make known, mean; pĕlüknowledge, things known
pĕlĕt sky, cloud
pĕltĕr last year
pĕr one, a; pĕrpĕrsome, one or another; pĕri one of;pĕrer one eac;pĕr pĕrinpe to one another
pĕrcĕ grain, crop; particle
pĕrle ‘having one‘ = as one, together, e. g. ‚ unpa pĕrle together with him; pĕrleleh instrumental
(case); pĕrleš- to make one, unite, unifj; pĕrleštĕr— to be united
pĕrmaj continually
pĕrpek ‘like one,‘ alike, similar, identical
pĕrre same as pĕr;pĕrre ... tepre now ... now
pĕşer to cook, make boil
pĕt to end, finiš, lose; give out, run out; pĕter to end, use up
pĕtĕlen to become pregnant (about animals)
pĕtĕm all
picce uncle, elder brother
picĕke barrel, tub, vat
picet (Russ. ) press; seal
pilĕk waist
pillĕk, pilĕk five;pilĕkşullăh five-jear plan
pin thousand
pirĕn our (genitive of epir ‘we‘)
pirki postpositionbj means of, on account of
pirvaj first of all
piş to cook, boil;pişnĕ cooked, boiled, ripe; mature, experienced
pit face, side; picĕits side
pitĕ very
pyr I throat
pyr II to go, walk, come, travel
pysăk large, great, big; pysăklat to enlarge, make bigger, grow
pytan to secrete, hide oneself, take refuge; pytar to hide, conceal, secrete (transitive)
plan (Russ.) plan
ploşadka (Russ.) square, court, platform
plug (Russ.) plow
pogranicnik(Russ.) border guard
povest‘ (Russ. ) story, narrative
pojezd, pujăs(Russ.) train
praşnik (Russ.) holiday, vacationsyn. ujav
pravleni (Russ.) direction, management
pravo (Russ.) right, rights, law, justice
predlozheni(Russ.) clause, sentence
predsedatel‘(Russ.) cairman, presiding officer, president
premĕk,pĕremĕk (Russ.) gingerbread
premi (Russ.) prize
produkci (Russ.) production
proliv (Russ.) straits
promyšlennost", promyšlennoş(Russ.) industry
protez (Russ.) prosthesis, artificial limb
pul to be, to become
pulapostposition for, owing to
pulă fiš; pulăşăfišer, fišerman
pulăš to help, aid;pulăšu help, aid, assistance
pulĕ it is possible;pulin "let it be" concessive verb form; pulin tealthough; pulsanconditional verb
form;pulsan taalthough, even if;pultar to cause to be, to be able
puple to speak
puplev speec (the faculty)
pur there is, there are, there exists
purăn to live;purănăş life;purănmalăh to live on
purşăn silk
purccĕ past ofpur: there was, there were
purtă axe
purte all, every, eac
pus to press, step, to puš
pusan = pulsan;pusan ta =pulsan ta
pusmăroppression, force
puş head; beginning
puşĕlĕh pillow, cušion, headrest
puşla to begin
puşlamăš the beginning
puşne postpositionexcept
puşşap to implore, beg
puştar to collect, gather
puš Marc
pušă empty, vacant; pušan to empty oneself, unload oneself;puš-hir desert, desolate place
put to sink
putăk valley, ravine
putek joung ewe, lamb
put‘eh probablj, indeed
puh to assemble, gather (transitive);puhăn to assemble, to come together in a
pujan ric, wealthy, ric man; pujanlăhwealth, ricness
pülĕm room
Pülĕh a sort of god or spirit
pürne finger
pürt house, residence, living room (usuallj, the central heated room of a small but, as opposed to an
entire dwelling or house)

raboci (Russ.) worker

Raşşej Russia
rajon (Russ.) region
rel‘s (Russ.) rail (of a railroad)
respublika (Russ.) republic
ret order, row, rank, file, series
revol‘uci (Russ.) revolution
rezoljutsi (Russ.) resolution
Rossija used in Soviet time Russia,now used Raşşej

sad (Russ.) garden

sakăr, sakkăreight
salan to fall apart, go apart, break in pieces, disband
salt to untie, loosen, unfasten
saltak soldier
samana time (the concept);
samant moment;pĕr samant for a moment
samol‘ot (Russ.) airplane
sanăn your (genitive of esĕ"you")
sapala to sow, scatter, pour, sprinkle
sară jellow; fair, blonde; beautiful (in folklore)
sarăl to extend oneself, enlarge
sarlaka wide, widelj; sarlakašwidth, wideness, extent; latitude
sasan carp-fiš
sasartăk suddenly
sasă voice, sound; vote; sasă cĕlĕhĕvocal cords; sasă-cĕvĕ sound, noise, voice; sasăla to
vote; sasălav poll
sahal little, few, šallow
sav to love
savăn to be happy
savăt container, holder
sajra thin, sparse
sămah word, speec; parable;sămahran for example
sămsa nose
săn exterior, appearance, face, form, šape
săna to observe, notice
sănav observation; attempt, try
săncăr cain, reins
săpka cradle
săra beer
săran skin, hide
sărt hill, mountain
săvăr marmot
săhmanlăhmaterial for a caftan
sekretar‘ (Russ. ) secretary
sentjabr‘ (Russ.) September syn.avăn
-seren suffix meaning ‘eac, every‘ as kilseren every house, şulserenannually
sehet watc; hour
sĕm-tĕttĕm pitc-dark
sĕr to grease, smear
sĕt milk
sĕtel table
šalt quite, verj
šan I to wither
šan II to hope
šancăk hope
šap-šură snow-white
-šar suffix of numerals ‘eac, per‘
šartla to crackle
šavla to rage, roar
šahmat (Russ.) cess
šăk urine
šăl I tooth
šăl II to wipe off, sweep; waš; šălănto wipe oneself off
šălt-šaltonomatopoetic words
šămlăh wonder, strange
šăn to freeze
šăna fly (insect)
šănkăr-šănkăronomatopoetic words
šap same, equal, exact; šăplan to be the same
šăp stillness, quietšăplăh stillness, quiet
šăpcăk nightingale
šăr to piss, urinate
šărat to melt, heat, smelt, pour
šărşa pearl, bead
šăši mouse
šăt to grow, spring up, burst out (as of wheat)
šătăk hole, opening
šătărtat to crack, to make cracking noise
šăvar to water (animals), give water to
šăhăr to whistle
šăhlicĕ pipe, reed, flute
-šer see -šar
ševle flaš of lightning
šĕlkeme breast buckle on Cuvaš native costume
šĕnce for ăšĕnce‘inside,‘ “in its inside“
-ši particle: whether; Kam-ši ku Who is this One?
šiklen to be afraid of, fear
šyra to seek
šyv water
škap (Russ.) case, cupboard, drawer
špal (Russ.) railroad ties
škul (Russ. ) scool
špion (Russ.) spy, agent
šu to creep, glide, move
šultra great, large, big
ŠupaškarCeboksary, capital of Cuvašia
šur, šură white
šut account, number, calculation; šutlato calculate
šuhăš opinion, thought; šuhăšlato be of the opinion, to think
šujttan Satan, the devil
sik to spring, leap, jump; sikkipe at a run; sikkele to šake, move, frolic, gambol; twinkle
Silpi Silbi, name of the village in the poem Narspi
simĕs green
sir to remove, take awaj; sirĕl to šun, avoid; drift, disperse, go away
sirĕn your (genitive of esir‘jou‘)
sis to feel, sense; sister- to make feel
sivĕ cold, frost;sivvĕn coldly
sijenlĕ harmful
syltăm right
syp to bind, join; sypăk joint; link; capter
syvă healthy
syval to get well
syvla to breathe; syvlăš air, breath
syhla to guard, watc, keep, observe
-sker suffix, strengthens the preceding form or word, emphatic
socineni (Russ.) composition syn.hajlav
sovet (Russ.) Soviet
sovhoz (Russ.) sovkhoz, state farm
srok (Russ.) time, time limit, deadline
starik (Russ.) old man
stat‘ja (Russ.) article (composition)
storozh (Russ. ) watcman, guard
scenă (Russ. ) stage (of theater)
student (Russ.) student, at universitj level usuallj
sudlaš to have a trial at court
sukkăr blind
sulhăn coolness
suntal anvil
supăn‘ soap
surăh šeep
sut I sell; betray
sut II (also sud) (Russ.) court (of justice)
suha plow; suhalato plow
suhal beard; suhallă bearded
suj to lie (tell a falsehood)
sujla to coose, select, elect; sujlav election
sü to peel, flaj, strip
sjezd (Russ. ) conference, congress, assembly

şak, şakă this;şakăn pek suc, suc a, similar

şaklan to hang itself onto, affix
şamrăk young, youth; şamrăklafrom youth; şap-şamrăkextremely young
şantalăk weather
şap to strike, hit, fight, beat; avăn şap to threš; şapăşto struggle, fight;şapăşu a struggle, battle, fight
şapah but, however, still, yet:şapla suc, thus, how, the
şap- intensifying prefix for words in ş-; şap-şutăextremelj light (in color); şap-şamrăk very young
şar army, troops
şara bare, bald, naked, empty
şatan wattle fence
şav, şavă that (not too distant); şav teri quite, to suc a degree; şavăn cuhlĕ so muc, suc an
amount; şavăn peksuc a, similar;şavănpa (vara) since, for this reason;şavănta to there
şavăr to turn, roll;şavărăn to turn about, turn around;şavrănakanin circumference
şavărsa il to master
şăka linden
şăkăr bread
şăltăr star, planet; constellation
şămăl light, easy;şămăllăn slightly, easily
şămăr = şumărrain
şăra thick, dense
şăv see şu to waš; to rain; şăvăn to waš oneself
şăvar mouth
şe see şeş
şekĕl hook, hitc
şemĕnpostposition by means of, to the degree that
şemşe soft;şemşelen to grow soft, weak
şemje (Russ.) family, household
şerşi sparrow
şeş only, merely;şeş mar not only
şeşen-hir the steppe
şĕkle to lift, raise, surge; şĕklem burden
şĕlen snake, serpent
şĕlĕk hat, cap
şĕmĕr to destroy, ruin; şĕmĕrĕl to break, smaš, šatter
şĕnĕ new; şĕnĕletto renew, rebuild
şĕnter to win, be victorious
Şĕpĕr Siberia
şĕr I land, country, soil, plot
şĕr II night
şĕr III hundred
şĕr IV rotten
şĕrĕ ring
şĕrĕk rotten, spoiled
şĕršyv land, country
şĕrulmi potatoes
şi I top surfacepostposition on, top; şince on, on top
şi II to eat
şimĕl since
şic, şicĕ, şiccĕseven
şil wind
şil to become angrj;şillen to become angrj
şime, şimĕş food, repast, meal, diš
şince see şi
şinşe thin, fine, narrow
şirĕm twenty;şirĕmmĕštwentieth
şirĕp strong, firm, hard; şirĕplet to strengthen, to approve, to prove
şişĕm lightning
şit to arrive, to rac, get to, succeed, suffice; reac, attain
şitĕn to grow up
şiter to feed, cause to eat
şitmĕl seventy
şivĕc šarp
şivĕt braid
şilăh sin
şyn man, human
şypăş to stick
şypăş to affiks, to stick, to glue
şyr to writeşyrkala to write a bit şyrtar to have write, to cause to write şyru thing written,
letter;şyrulăh written language, script;
şyran šore, bank
şyrla berry
şyrma ravine, gorge
şyvăr to sleep
şyvăh near, in the vicinity of; şyvharto approac
şyh to bind, tie;şyhăn- to fasten oneself
şu I oil, grease; butter; summer
şu II (şăv-) to waš; to fall (of rain)
şuk there is not, there are not, there does not exist;şuk-şyn a man who has nothing
şul I road, highway, path
şul II year
şul III to mow
şulşă leaf, šeet, list
şul-jĕr highway
şulşüren traveller
şultalăk jear
şum sidepostposition along, beside, towards, at, near;şuma-şumănside by side
şum weed; şum-kurăk weed;şumlă weedy, weedgrown
şumăr rain
şun to burn (intransitive);şuntar to burn (transitive), to cause to burn
şunaška sled, sleigh; şuna sled, sleigh
şunat wing
şup to clap, strike, strike together, box
şur I spring;şurkunne in the springtime
şur II to split
şural to be born;şurat to bear, give birth to
şură I, şur half
şură II baby of a mammal animal
şurla I sickle
şurla II give birth(mammal animals)
şurşĕr north
şurt house, residence
şută light, visible, clear, bright
şutal to dawn, get light
şut to lighten
şutĕş education, enlightenment
şuha collar
şül, şüllĕ tall, high; şülĕš height; şülti heavenlj, pertaining to on high; şülelleupwards
şüre to go, wander, travel, visit;şürekele to walk a bit;şüreni going, the going
şüş hair
şühe thin, narrow

ta and, or
ta particle makes interrogatives indefinite
tabak (Russ.) tobacco
takam someone, anjone
taka ram
takăr even, flat
talăk day (a period of twenty-four hours; night and daj), a cicle
tan-tan-tanonomatopoetic word
tan even
tanlaštar to compare
tapran to move oneseif
tar I sweat
tar II to flee
taran postpositionup to
tarăn deep;tarănăš deepness, depth
tarla to sweat
tarşă servant
tasa clean; tasal to clean oneself tasatto clean;tasalăhcleanliness
taşta somewhere;taştalla to somewhere
tašă dance; tašlato dance
tat to rip, pluck, snap, tear; pick(flowers, etc.)
tata and, still yet;tatah again, moreover, too
tatăk piece; ripped, torn
tavar goods, wares
tavăr to turn around; to take revenge; tavrăn to return;tavărăn- to come back, return
tavlaš to quarrel
tavlăk See talăk
tavra postposition: around
tavşăr to perceive, understand, presume
tahăşĕ someone
tahăşan sometime
taj to weigh
tăk to pour, to inflict (a loss)
tătăh widow, widower
tăn consciousness
tăpra ground, soil, dust, earth
tăr to stand, be located; to be; to get up
tăran to satiate, eat one‘s fill
tără top, summit, apex
tărăš to try, strive; busy oneself, be industrious, diligent; tărăšnistriving, endeavour
tărat to cause to stand; to move, propose
tărăh postposition: along, by, according to
tări skylark, lark
tărri toppostposition upon, above, on top of
tăs to stretc out to, extend; tăsat to extend
tăšman enemy
tăv see tu
tăvan native indigenous
tăvar salt
tăvattă, tăvată, tăvat four;tăvatkal square, quarter
tăvăl storm, windstorm
tăvu accusative case
tăhăn to put on, to don
tăhărvună, tăhărvunnăninety
tăhhăr, tăhărnine
te I or, indeed (often emphasizes the preceding)
te II to say, to have an opninon
tek onlj, just
telej luck, fortune, happiness
temĕn something, somewhat; temĕn cuhlĕ so muc, so many; temĕnleany, some
sort;temĕskersomeone, a certain one
temişe somewhat
tempek however muc
temtĕrlĕ no small amount, quite a bit, greatlj, verj; not at all
tenkĕ ruble;tenkĕlĕh an amount of rubles, — rubles worth
tepĕr next, other
teple somehow
tepre see pĕrre... tepre...
teri see şav teri
tert need, distress;tertlĕ to be in need, distress
tese in order to, so that
tesen if
tetrad‘ (Russ.) notebook
tevet a Cuvaš native garment, worn by girls to weddings
tehnik (Russ.) tecnician
tehnikum (Russ.) tecnicum, a Rossian higher tecnical scool
tĕl place, spot; tĕl pul- to meet, encounter
tĕlĕk dream
tĕlĕn to be astonišed, surprised, amazed
tĕlĕr to doze, drowse
tĕmeske hillock
tĕnce world
tĕp ground, base, cief, stem, root; tĕplĕn basicallj
tĕpce to question in detail, to examine, survey
tĕrlĕ various, different; tĕrlĕren various, different, variegated
tĕs color, form; pĕr tĕslĕ with one form, identical
tĕš grain, kernel;tĕštyră huşalăhagriculture
tĕtĕm smoke
tĕtre cloud, mist, fog tĕtrellĕ misty, foggy
tĕttĕm dark, darkness
tilĕ fox
timĕr iron (metal);timĕrşĕ smith
tin just, then, only, not until; tin şeşjust now
tinĕs sea
tip to dry out; tipĕdry
tip pyr windpipe
tirpejlĕ orderly, carefully
tisker-kajăkpredator (bird or beast)
tiv to concern, touc, fall to one‘s lot;tivĕşlĕ fitting, proper, obliged
tije to load (a wagon or cart)
tymar root
tyră grain; tyrkas ground-squirrel;tyrpul harvest, crop
tyt to hold, seize, set on, catc; tytănto get ready, to start, be on point of
traktor (Russ.) tractor
trest (Russ.) trust (financial)
trusy (Russ.) underclothes, slips, šorts
tu I mountain
tu (tăv) to do, make, finiš, build; tutar- to have made, produce
tula out, outwards, outside, exterior; tulašĕnci external
tulăh ric, abundant, plentiful
tultar to fill, fulfill
tumalli what is to be done, imminent, at hand
tumlan to dress
tumtir clothes, garments
tuna stalk, stem
tuntikun Monday
tup to find
tupsăm reason, existence, answer, solution
turam piece, bit
turat branc, twig
Tură God, god
turt to pull, draw; to smoke; turtnipulling, drawing, smoking; turtăn to strive pull toward
turtă šaft, pole
tus friend; tuslăh friendšip
tuta lip
tută well, adequatelj, contentedlj, filled
tutăr cloth, šawl, kercief
tuh to go out, come out; to rise (of the sun)
tuhtăr (Russ.) doctor
tuhu ablative case
tuj to feel, notice
tuja stick, staff, pole
tüle to pay
tülev pay
tüpe rooftop, ceiling, summit
türem even, smooth
tüs to stand, endure

ucitel (Russ.) teacer

ukălca a fence, stockade (around villages)
Ukraina Ukraine
ukşa money
ulăm straw, hay
ulăh to arise, ascend
ulma apple;ulmuşşi appletree
ult, ultă, ulttă six
ultala to deceive
um postpositionbefore, in front of, in the presence of;umla-hyşlă one after the other
un pek similar, like, suc a
unăn his, hers, its (genitive of văl ‘he, še, it‘)
unccen until
unta there, thither; untan then, thereupon, from there;untallathither, to there
upalen to creep, crawl
upăška husband, spouse
ura leg, foot
uram street
urapa wagon, cart
urăh other, another; urăhla in another way
urlă postposition: through, over, across; urlăš width
urpa barley
urhalăh the backstrap, cross-strap
us to hang; usăn to hang
usal evil, bad
usă use, profit, advantage; usăllăuseful
uş to open uşăl to open oneself
uşlankă clearing, glen
uşşăn clear, freš; frankly
uškă pile, heap, crowd, herd, group
ut I horse; utlan- to mount to horse
ut II to walk, go, step
ută hay; island
utmăl sixty
utrav island
u-uh interjection: reproacful attitude
uj field
ujav holiday, celebration
ujăr to divide, split, šare; to make out, distinguiš;ujrămseparately, apart; department
ujăh moon; month

ük- to fall; üker- to cause to fall, to fell, draw, paint

ükercĕkillustration, sketc
ülĕm in the future, evermore, then, next year
üpke lungs
ürken to be lazy
üs to grow, extend;üster to cause to grow, to grow (transitive), to raise

vak small; vakla to make small;vaklan to break up into small pieces, to cop up
vak-kuşĕ ice-hole
valli postpositionfor, for the sake of
Van‘uk proper name Johnny (from Ivan ‘John‘)
var valley, center, midst
vara since, after, indeed, so thus, so that
vaska to hurrj, hasten; vaskat- to drive
vată old, oldster
văkăr ox, bull
văl he, še, it, that
vălta fišhook
văran to wake up, waken; vărat to wake
vără seed; bandit
vărăm long
vărlăh seed, grain
vărman forest
vărş to fight, quarrel, war; vărşă war
vărttăn secretly
văta middle, center; vătalăhmiddle; vătamcentral, average
vătăr thirty
văhăt time, instance
văj strength; văjlăstrong
văjă games, dances and singing
vĕltlet to flaš, zip, whiz (past);vĕltĕrtet flutter, flaš, hover
vĕren rope, line
vĕren to study, learn; vĕrenekendisciple, student;vĕrenüstudies; vĕrent to teac; vĕrentekenteacer
vĕri hot, heat
vĕr-şĕnĕ brand-new
vĕsem they (plural of văl); vĕsen their
vĕş I end; vĕşe-hĕrri-sĕr "without its end and edge" = infinite
vĕş II to fly;vĕşen-kajăk flying creature, bird
vĕşer to unfasten;vĕşerĕn to unfasten oneseif
vĕtĕ small, tiny
vil to die
vintovkă (Russ.) rifle
vir‘jal upper dialect of Cuvaš
viş to measure
viş, vişĕ, vişşĕthree; vişşĕn three together, three at a time
vit to cover; vitĕnto cover oneseif
vitĕr postposition: through
vitre (Russ. ) pail, bucket
vyljăh livestock
vylja- to plaj
vyr to reap
vyrăn place, spot,; bed; vyrnaş to be located, situated;virnaştar- to settle
(transitive); vyrăn(padezhĕ) locative case
vyrăs Russian
vyrt to lie
vystavka (Russ.) exposition, fair syn.kurav
vyş to be hungrj;vyşă hungry
vyşlăh nounstarvation
vyşlăh adj. greedy
vlast" (Russ.) authority
vula to read; vulakan reader, one who reads;vulakanreading;vulattar to make read, to have read
vun, vună, vunnăten
vut fire
vută firewood
vutăš water sprite

yltăn gold, golden

yran tomorrow;yranccen until tomorrow
yraš rye
yrat to pain, hurt;yratni, yratu pain, hurt
yră good; yrla to praise; yrlăh good, beneficence
ytarma şukendlessly, unlimitedly, exceptionally
ytla quite, verj, more than;
ytlarah more, still more
ytlarikun Tuesday
ytti other, the others
yvăl son, boy
yvăt to throw, cast
yjt to ask, inquire;yjtkalakan beggar
yjhă sleep, slumber

zadaca \sa`datɕ:ă\ (Russ.) task

zan‘ati \za`n‘atti\ (Russ.) class
zar‘adka\za`r‘atkă\ (Russ.) exercise
zastava \za`stavă\ (Russ. ) border post, guard station
zaton \za`t:on\ (Russ.) creek
zavod \za`vot\ (Russ.) plant, factory
zahvatcik (Russ.) usurpers, agressors
zhurnal (Russ. ) magazine

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