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Parent and child guide to using

Google Classroom
Getting started
You will need your child’s login details:

1. Username
2. Password
3. Email address
You should receive these details from your child’s class teacher. If you have not received the details
and are unable to speak to the class teacher, please email for assistance.

Google classroom can be accessed from PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone.

Logging in:
You need to go to ‘Google Classroom’. You can find this by putting Google Classroom into your
search engine, or by going straight to the following address:
This will take you to Google classroom. Please follow the link to the classroom
When you login for the first time, or on a new device, you will be asked to enter
your email. This must be your child’s email address

Your child’s email address is their MyUso

username, with at the end.

e.g if their username is anonp1.315

Then their email address will be:
You will then see the MyUso login page. Enter your child’s username and
Joining a class
Once you have reached your classroom page, you should see the class you have
been invited to

Select ‘join’ and you’re ready to

start your classwork!
Other ways of logging in
Via MyUSO.

You can go into classroom by going to

and logging in to myuso

When you login you will need to open up a google tab (either drive or mail)

If you then go back to the Google classroom icon, it

should open up into your homepage.

If you go to Google classroom without opening a

google tab, you might be required to enter your email
address first.
If your class does not appear, it is quite likely that you are logged into Google
classroom with an email address that is not your child’s.

Check the icon at the

top, right hand corner of
the screen.

On a phone it might also

give you this information
at the bottom of the
Switching email accounts
If you are not signed in with your child’s account, you can add an account or
switch accounts by going to ‘manage accounts’

Click on the circular icon in the top

RH corner.

This will bring up a dialogue box

where you will see any other email
accounts associated with the device

If your child’s account is there, click

on it to use that email address.
If you cannot see
their account you
can add it

You will then be taken through the process of logging in again with their username and password
If you have any problems accessing the classroom. Please email:

If you have questions about the work set, please speak to your child’s
class teacher.
Problems if you have a gmail account of your own
If you are using the device for your own gmail account, you may find that when
you try to log back into your account the MyUso box keeps popping up

To avoid this, it is a good

idea to use a different
search engine when you are
accessing your child’s
Navigating the Classroom
Your classroom will open onto your ‘stream’. Here you will see any assignments
you have been set. There is also a space where you can ask your teacher
questions. Be careful how you use this - your teacher can ‘mute’ you if they think you are posting
inappropriate comments!
Navigating the classroom
Your classwork page allows you to access all assignments

Simply click on the

assignment and it will give
you further details
Submitting work
Sometimes teachers might ask you to submit work. Simply open the assignment
document and work on it as you would any other google file. Once you are happy
with it, you can ‘hand in’. If you wish to change it then you will need to ‘unsubmit’
before you can edit.
Submitting work (select below for video instructions)
Adding photos Adding video files
Logging out
And finally… when you have finished working (if you are using a shared device)
make sure you

● close all google tabs

● sign out of myuso
● sign out of Google classroom

Have fun and keep safe!

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