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1. I haven’t unpack the luggage because I didn’t have time yet.

Nu am despachetat bagajele pentru ca nu am avut timp inca.

2. Didn’t you call him back? He is waiting for you call for more than 3 hours.
Nu l-ai sunat inapoi? El asteapta apelul tau de mai bine de 3 ore.

3. I already told him for four times to close the computer but he hadn’t done it yet.
I-am spus deja de 4 ori sa inchida computerul dar inca nu a facut acest lucru.

4. What happened? Did you broke the flowerpot?

Ce s-a intamplat? Ai spart vaza cu flori?

5. He never talked to me again since I told him the true about his wife.
El nu mi-a mai vorbit niciodata de cand i-am spus adevarul despre sotia lui.

6. Why doesn’t you going at the party too? Because I wasn’t invite.
De ce nu mergi sit u la petrecere? Pentru ca n-am fost invitata.

7. They are together for 20 years, they never argued and they are still loving as much as in
the weeding day.
Sunt impreuna de 20 de ani, nu s-au certat niciodata si inca se iubesc la fel de mult ca in ziua in
care s-au casatorit.

8. Last night when I left home he told me he will send me the book but I didn’t received it
not even now.
Aseara cand am plecat acasa mi-a zis ca-mi trimite cartea, insa n-am primit-o nici pana acum.

9. Now that he graduated the college can be employed as engineer.

Acum ca a absolvit facultatea poate fi angajat ca inginer.

10. When the mother comes into the house she know immediate if the children did something
Cand mama intra in casa stie imediar daca copii au facut ceva rau.

11. I haven’t washed the dishes because I haven’t finished eating yet.
Nu am spalat vasele pentru ca inca n-am terminat de mancat.

12. A pupil broke a window at school last week, but his parents didn’t replaced it yet,
although the director repetitive prayed them to do that.
Un elev a spart un geam la scoala saptamana trecuta, dar parintii lui nu l-au inlocuit nici pana
in ziua de azi, desi directorul i-a rugat in mod repetat sa faca acest lucru.

13. Tom went to the hospital already for 3 times with the same problem, but the doctors have
not yet reached a conclusion about his headaches.
Tom a mers la spital deja de 3 ori cu acceasi problema, dar medicii inca nu au ajuns la o
concluzie privind durerile lui de cap.
14. I never imagined that she could be such an annoying person.
Nu mi-am imaginat niciodata ca ea poate fi o persoana atat de enervanta.

15. The boss came at the office at 7 o’clock, but he not spoke any word with anyone yet.
Seful a venit la 7 la birou, daca inca n-a vorbit niciun cuvant cu nimeni.

16. I heard that you want to talk to me.

Am auzit ca vrei sa vorbesti cu mine.

17. Not jump to rush conclusions until you have heard the whole story.
Nu trage concluzii pripite pana n-ai auzit intreaga poveste.

18. Jonathan broke his leg last year when he felt from the bike and since then he has keen
Jonathan si-a rupt piciorul anul trecut cand a cazut de pe bicicleta si de atunci are dureri la

19. I found about this problem 2 weeks ago, but I still haven’t found a solution.
Am aflat de aceasta problema acum doua saptamani, dar tot n-am gasit o solutie.

20. I am surprised that you told her my secret although I prayed you not talk about it with
Sunt surprinsa ca i-ai spui secretul meu desi te-am rugat sa nu vorbesti cu nimeni despre asta

21. Buy you o new purse, you have it since you were in high school.
Cumpara-ti o poseta noua, o ai pe aceasta de cand erai la liceu.

22. Maria is a teacher since 1990 and she still likes what she doing.
Maria este profesoara din 1990 si inca ii place ceea ce face.

23. He is happy that he is on holiday, he didn’t have any one free day since last year.
El este fericit ca este in concediu, n-a mai avut o zi libera de anul trecut.

24. I am calling you to announce you that I arrived well at New York, we have just
accommodate us at the hotel.
Te sun ca sa te anunt ca am ajuns cu bine la New York, ticmai ne-am cazat la hotel.

25. How many times should I say you that I didn’t read your mail?
De cate ori trebuie sa iti spun ca nu am citit mailul tau?

26. You did not even read the book. What are you talking about?
Nici macar nu ai citit cartea. Despre ce vorbesti?

27. Have the guests already arrived?

N-au sosit inca musafitii?

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