5E Lesson Plan Template: Teacher

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5E Lesson Plan Template


Date November 30, 2020

Subject Science, 5th grade, Pollution

de level

Materials  Pollution Nearpod presentation

 Pollution Brain Pop videos
 Pollution Quizizz
 Pollution Reduction Video https://youtu.be/gUhxcdzRgLQ
 Paper
 Pencils
 Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
 Pollution Prevention Project rubric
 ISTE Standards checklist
 Computer

 State Science Standard: 16. Collect and organize scientific ideas that
(State and ISTE
individuals and communities can use to protect Earth’s natural
Standards for
resources and its environment (e.g., terracing land to prevent soil
erosion, utilizing no-till farming to improve soil fertility, regulating
emissions from factories and automobiles to reduce air pollution,
recycling to reduce overuse of landfill areas).
 ISTE Standard: 2.c. demonstrate an understanding of and respect for
the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
 ISTE Standard: 2.b. engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior
when using technology, including social interactions online or when
using networked devices.

Objectives I can identify different strategies to prevent pollution in my community.

Differentiation  EL and SPED students will be given vocabulary cards with pictures to use
Strategies (How during the activities.
will the lesson
address the  SPED and EL students will be strategically paired with students to assist

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them when needed.
various learning
styles of the
 Powerpoint will have pictures for SPED and EL students.
students and
the needs of
 EL and SPED students will be retaught material in small group if needed.
those with
special needs?)

The 5 Es

E Description

Engagement 1. The teacher will begin the lesson by asking students what they think of
when they hear the word “pollution”.
2. The teacher will call on various students to share their thoughts with the
3. Once the teacher has called on various students to answer, she will tell
students that they will be discussing pollution and pollution prevention
4. The teacher will then tell students that they will be watching two brain
pop videos on two different types of pollution: air pollution and water
5. The teacher will pull up the air pollution video first and then will let
students watch it.
6. Once the air pollution video is over, she will play the water pollution
video for students to watch.
7. When both videos are finished, the teacher will tell students that they will
be playing a quizizz on pollution to see what students know about
8. The teacher will pull up the pollution quizizz and will have students log
on to the quizizz.
9. The teacher will begin a live game of the quizizz.
10. When they game is over, the teacher will assess the students’ results
and discuss with them what questions they missed the most.\

 Brain pop video links:


Engagement The teacher will formatively assess the students results from the quizizz game.
Quizizz game link: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5de046b2b0394d001bf9861f

Exploration 11. When the students and the teacher are finished discussing the results
from the game, the teacher will tell students that there are different types
of pollution other than the ones from the brain pop video.
12. The teacher will also tell students that there are ways to prevent
pollution in our community.
13. The teacher will tell students that they will be watching a video about

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E Description

ways to prevent pollution. Students need to pay attention to the different

ways the video discusses how to prevent pollution.
14. The teacher will play the pollution prevention video.
15. When the video is finished, the teacher will tell students to pick one way
to prevent pollution as the video discussed and draw that strategy.
16. Students will be given 20 minutes to complete their picture.
17. When students are finished, the teacher will call on various students to
share their work and explain their strategy that they picked.

Exploration The teacher will formatively assess the students’ explanations of their strategies
Assessment as they present it to the class.

Explanation 18. When students are finished with their presentations, the teacher will
explain to students that they will be looking at the vocabulary words that
they have seen today.
19. The teacher will pull up the pollution nearpod presentation.
20. The teacher will go through the presentation discussing the vocabulary
words as she goes.
21. The presentation will discuss the different types of pollution and ways to
prevent it that were discussed previously.
22. At the end of the presentation, the teacher will give students a quiz to
assess their knowledge of the vocabulary words.

Nearpod presentation:

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E Description

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E Description

Students had to match the definition to the word.

Explanation The teacher will formatively assess students’ responses about the vocabulary
Assessment words from the nearpod presentation.

Elaboration 23. When the nearpod presentation is finished, the teacher will split students
up into groups of three.
24. The teacher will explain that each group will be working on a research
project together.

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E Description

25. The teacher will continue explaining to students that they are to create a
google slides presentation on pollution, different types of pollution, and
then devise 3 strategies to help prevent pollution in their community.
26. The teacher will tell students that there must be a resource page at the
end of their presentation as to give credit to the sources that they got
their information from.
27. The students will begin working with their groups on the presentation.

Student Technology Sample:

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E Description

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E Description

Evaluation 28. The teacher will use the following rubric and checklist to evaluate the

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E Description

students’ projects and technology proficiency in a summative form.

ISTE Checklist

Name:__________________ Homeroom:______________

Student demonstrated an understanding of and respect

for the rights and obligations of using and sharing
intellectual property. ______

Student engaged in positive, safe, legal and

ethical behavior when using technology,
including social interactions online or when
using networked devices. ______

Pollution Prevention Project Rubric

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Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.

Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices.

Oxford: Heinemann.

National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.

Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through

guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Note: Content of form approved January 2013.

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