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Colegio Cristiano Bethel Nombre y apellido: ____________________________

Rupanco Nº 401 Fecha: _______/_______/2019 Puntaje: ________

La Florida Objetivo: ____________________________________

Class 3: I have superpowers!

1. Vocabulary: superpowers
A Write the name of the different superpowers. Then, listen and repeat.
Super-strength – Animal control – Super speed – Super sight – Super hearing – Super smell – Flight – Fire control

B Make a ranking of the super-powers shown above. Write “1” next to the one you find the most appealing, “2”
next to your second choice, and so on.
C What other super-powers can you think about? Write them down.

2. Describing heroes
A Write some strengths, powers or abilities next to the names.
Superman Spiderman
The Flash Captain America
Indiana Jones Ironman

B Guess the following weaknesses by their definition.

Blind / deaf / mute / paralyzed / arrogant / emotional / reckless
1. He/she is ________________: he/she can’t see. 4. He/she is _______________: he/she has a high
2. He/she is ________________: he/she is emotionally concept of his/her abilities.
unstable. 5. He/she is _________________: he/she can’t hear.
3. He/she is ________________: he/she can’t speak. 6. He/she is ______________: doesn’t consider the
consequences or danger of his/her actions.

C Write “PHI” next to the weakness if it is physical, or “PSI” if it is psychological.

D Read the following description.
Name: Superman
Strengths: he can fly, he has super strength, super speed
and laser sight.
Weakness: he loses his powers when close to Kryptonite
Likes: Lois Lane
Dislikes: Kryptonite and super villians
Age: He is about 40 years old
Description: He is tall and athletic and very intelligent. He
has blue eyes and short brown hair. He comes from the
planet Krypton.
E Complete the following description.
Name: Spiderman
Strengths: _____________________________________
Weakness: _____________________________________
Likes: _________________________________________
Dislikes: _______________________________________
Age: __________________________________________
Description: ____________________________________
Brown eyes / A particular pesticide / Mary Jane / Super strength and agility / wall crawling / shoots spider web /
injustice / 16 years old / short brown hair /

3. Super-hero talk
A Now you will choose a superhero, or any other fictional character you like. In groups of 4, your classmates will
ask you questions in order to discover who you are. You can answer only using short answers. Consider the
following questions and characters.
Questions you can ask: Some Super heroes you can choose:
• Wolverine
• Are you a man? (Yes, I am/No, I’m not) • Storm
• Spiderman
• Do you have green/blue/brown eyes? (Yes, I do/ No, I don’t).
• Superman
• Do you have super strength (or any other superpower)? (Yes, I • Superwoman
do/ No, I don’t). • Indiana Jones
• Hulk
• Are you a millionaire (archaeologist/reporter)? (Yes, I am/No, I’m • The Flash
not) • Captain America
• Iron Man
• Do you use a special suit? (Yes, I do/No, I don’t) • Lara Croft

4. Mini writing task: use of “so” and “because”

Rewrite the sentences below using “so”.
1. Superman doesn’t like Kryptonite because it makes him weak.
Kryptonite makes Superman weak so ___________________________.
2. Iron Man needs his armor because he doesn’t have superpowers.
Ironman doesn’t have superpowers so __________________________.
3. Wolverine is reckless because he has regenerative abilities.
4. Hulk is dangerous because he doesn’t control his strength.

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